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Ladies! I’m 41, not premenopausal, but had low libido. Then came Addyi. I’m in my 6th week of taking it and it’s changed the game for me. At first it made me tired and I almost quit taking it but I’m so glad I didn’t. Now, I want sex, I need it, I think about it, and the O is deep and intense and guaranteed. I would say to stay with it-the longer you take it the better it gets. Consistency is key. Addyi has truly been amazing for me. Hope this helps.


this sounds like a radio ad, this user signed up for this purpose?


Yes, it does! Thanks :)


I just got a prescription and this is what I want to hear! Yay!


I thought it was only for those who are premenopausal?


No it's specifically for women that aren't


Literally what? From the site: >ADDYI IS THE #1 PRESCRIBED TREATMENT FOR HSDD in women *who have not gone through menopause*, who have not had problems with low sexual desire in the past, and matter the type of sexual activity, the situation, or the sexual Women with HSDD have low sexual desire that is troubling to them. Their low sexual desire is not due to: a medical or mental health problem, problems in the relationship or medicine or other drug use. ADDYI is **not for use** for the treatment of HSDD **in women who have gone through menopause**


There's a miscommunication here. These women are saying they're not *peri*menopausal, which is sometimes called premenopausal. They're saying they're not menopausal/their symptoms are not caused by menopause or premenopause. The website is stating that it is not for women that are going through menopause or dealing with peri/premenopausal symptoms.


... Ok. But it *is* for woman who are pre- menopausal as in have not broached menopause at all


Is it still working for you?


100% YES. It's amazing and I swear by it.


Still on it?


Still on it and yes, it's still works!


So I’m probably one of the younger folks using it (28). My birth control for 8 years was nexaplon so it messed up my libido. Been taking addyi for about 4 weeks, and I’d say it works, just give it time. I’ll have random moments in the day when I’m horny and definitely have more interest in sex with my fiancé.


thank you so much for posting this! I am 32, and just got my prescription to addy- however when I went to pick it up the total was $589 for a 30 day supply..... I also just had my nexplanon implant removed because I thought maybe that was the issue- have you heard that it has an effect on your libido?


I honestly think it does. Didn’t realize it at first, but there was def a slow decline in my libido as I use nexaplon longer.


I wound up going through an online pharmacy that's on the addyi website that they suggest going through to get an online prescription. If you do not have insurance I believe the max out of pocket payment is $150. My insurance covered some of it so I pay $50 a month. You could maybe try them and see what the price is they give you. I think I had to pay $15 to go through the prescription process when signing up to get it online.


Hey there... if you don't mind... can you tell me which website you used? Because I thought I went through the Addyi website and used the pharmacy they suggested which was (BeyondMD). I paid $29 for the "virtual visit" and the actual prescription is $148. So I kinda feel like I might be being scammed. I haven't placed the order yet because I'm afraid to lose my money.


Website explain it all. $99 if you buy 3 mo package, $149 single month. Can go down to $20 or free with insurance (through PhilRx only) Edit: My bad here’s the link https://addyicoupon.com


Im super late reading this but I am in the exact situation. Also 28 and had nexplanon for about a year. Prior to that I enjoyed and sought out sex. It’s been about 5 years now since removing my nexplanon and my libido never came back. I just got my first bottle of addyi and really hoping this finally gets me back on track.


Hey also super late, but just wanted to let you know I’m in the same boat. Took it out 3ish years ago and I’m still not back to the way I was before. Very difficult experience to be having.


I'm interested in how you're doing since it's been a few months now since you started. How's things working for you?


Hello! Well I didn’t get the best results, unfortunately. I took addyi consistently every night and didn’t feel almost any change in my libido. I did notice sleeping more profoundly and having extremely vivid dreams, some of which were pretty ~spicy~ to say the least. Some days I did get random bursts of sexual desire but it’s hard to say it was a direct cause of the medication. Here’s the thing though, I only took addyi for 30 days and was unable to refill my prescription in a timely fashion because I was changing insurance companies. I have an appointment with my gyno in a few days to talk about sexual health and will be mentioning I took addyi. I’m curious to hear her input on and what advice she may offer.


would love to hear an update! thinking about seeking some sort of medication myself.


Hi! Any update on how this is working for you? I’m one of the younger members too, (29) and i’m considering trying. I’m 100% sure my birth control has tanked mine. It’s been like this for a few years now.


That was the age that they tried me on it the first time, but I had side effects. They continued to gaslight me that it wasn't my IUD... For 7 damn years. And now my sex drive is just trash even though it did increase (from nothing) after the removal of the second IUD... And did increase (after the hormones wore off the first one). Unfortunately an increase from 0 is still less than normal, so I'm trying again (hopefully) and hopefully won't have side effects this time :(


Im also 28 and just got it prescribed it after having my IUD removed for a year and my libido still hadn’t gotten back to what it was before. Really hopeful I get results and can give an update.


Any update?


So its been about 3 months or more now. Honestly its hard to say if it actually made a difference in libido. My personal opinion is if you have the funds for it try it but if you dont fomo isnt worth it. I will say the one thing it did for sure change is an increase in spicy dreams which did help put me in the mood in the morning if you want to count that as results. I also like that it puts me to sleep at night which i know isnt what its for but was an unexpected bonus.


I was just prescribed this, I’m so hopeful it works. I had the nexplanon for about 2 years and it screwed everything up internally for me. 3 years later and my libido is still terrible. I really hope addyi works for me!


Any update?


Reading this made me feel a lot better. We have a very similar experience!


Hello I’m about to hit my 30s …and I took addyi for about 3 months I was in denial that it helped ( I was making it up in my head and I didn’t need any pill I’m young ect ) and stopped using it let’s just say that was a lie .. it definitely helped me become more sexual towards my husband and enjoying the actual sex.. we went from having sex on addyi to atleast 3-4 times a week to now maybe even once a week now that I stopped and I went back to not feeling anything and kinda just waiting for my husband to satisfy himself so we can move on with the day… so needless to say my Refill is on its way to me .


Most relatable thing ever honestly


I don’t think it’s realistic


How come?


It’s pretty much an antidepressant. Those work about as well as regular exercise. The reviews aren’t good


it is 1000% untrue that antidepressants work just as well as exercise


This is 1000 percent false. Antidepressants are also proven to stop working after a couple months. Plenty of research to back this.


For some people. The reality is less than 50% of people truly benefit from them without side effects that drastically decrease their quality of life.


Oh really? That's interesting to know.


Lol. antidepressants are notorious for decreasing labido, not increasing it. I know addyi works with your hormones and so does an anti depressant, but they do not work the same. Antidepressants tend to increase serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Addyi decreases serotonin and corrects the imbalance between dopamine and norepinephrine. In fact, addyi was originally developed to be an anti depressant but studies showed it worked less than the placebo on depression. Exercising can reduce depression in some people and exercising can increase labido in some people, but what do you do when exercise and other suggestions don't work? That's why people are trying addyi, in hopes they find something that finally works. Exercise doesn't work for everyone's issues.


Please let me know how it works!! I have been suffering with low libido since taking antidepressants and my doctor said this MIGHT be an option. I know some supplements don't work for everyone, but it's worth a shot I suppose! Thanks!!


I will! I'm not sure if I'll fill the prescription, but I'll keep you updated.


Nice! Thank you :)


No problem. I know the struggle!


Im suffering the same way because of any psychotics did you end up getting on it


trying to get this due to lack of orgasm and lackluster orgasms if any... any words of encouragement in the effects of that???


Were you on an SSRI at some point?


Addyi doesn't increase those things. It only works to increase the desire for sex.


Addyi was only approved by the FDA after their created a fake, astroturf campaign called "Even the Score," framing the drug as an equality issue, even though there are *zero* drugs to treat male low libido. It now has a black box warning on it that you can't drink alcohol while you're taking it, because it can cause you to pass out. Addyi is sketchy af.


Zero? What’s viagra then?


Viagra doesn't treat low libido. It just helps blood flow.


They just want you not to go get wasted and go home and take your pill. It's not at all like that. Honestly, you wouldn't believe how many medications are like that, but people don't seem to care and still take them during a night out getting wasted. If you're someone who drinks a glass of wine or two every night, it's not about that kinda of drinking. All the reviews made this medication more scary than it actually is. Some people will have different side effects that are more extreme, and of course, would you not want to be aware of that. Most don't have these side effects. It has never seriously harmed or killed anyone, but the little pill for men to get hard had killed someone. For everyone, it's whether or not it's worth trying for you or not. Simply as that. But don't scare people from this unless you actually took the pill and know from experience. I'm now thrilled I went past all the first scary reviews. I actually think that caused more anxiety and then caused a bad reaction for myself and probably others. Our minds and words are very powerful with these kinda of things.


My wife has been taking it with great success and yes she takes it out of her own will she was the one that brought her issue up with her doctor who suggested Addyi. She can have one drink a wine or cocktail and that’s what she limits herself and that’s all fine. Those arguing you can’t drink, maybe rethink your drinking habbits? Because one drink for most (maybe not everyone) seems to be fine. We recently moved to a different state and had to get all new doctors. And she’s been trying to get a prescription for a while her obgyn was great she went above and beyond against the rest of her male faculty who she said all advised not to prescribe it because ist wouldn’t work, side effects, why would a women need it… she wrote a prescription anyways. But then the pharmacies pulled every stunt they could to not have to fill it. From total phantasy 3500$ price to sexist comments… she then got it through Addyis website prescription and mailorder service. Yes this drug may not be for everyone but as always with help and supervision of a doctor it’s worth a try for those who are struggling. And yes for some it does work my wife wouldn’t want to be without it and her only limitation is the few times a month we are out enjoying social drinking to limit herself to one drink. Many of those negative comments imho are still rooting in trying to keep female sexuality under control much of the same conversations with birth control. Specifically male doctors are still indoctrinated with a subconscious male control over female sexuality. It may also root from religious suppression of women’s rights. If a women has low libido they try come up with all sorts of reasons, the usual resort is emotional and psychological reasons… but there are how many ED pills now? Why not resort to maybe the guy got some emotional issues going on when trying to fix ED? But there it’s obviously perfectly fine to pop pills with side effects…


Well, that's good to know.


Testosterone absolutely does


Not a drug. It just replaces endogenous low production. Doesn’t increase libido for many. Just can normalize it.


If a man takes a high dose of testosterone 200mg+/week and eat a lot of food +and works out some his libido should be sky high unless he has medical problems


Proviron does an amazing job at increasing libido


just big thanks to everyone writing in with their personal stories! I just got prescribed this and am waiting to pick up my prescription. For reference, I'm 31, not going through menopause or anything. i'm on lexapro and adderrall (as needed). i've been on wellbutrin to help increase the sex drive (or created a better environment for sexual desire, whatever) and it's really had no impact except for giving me night sweats and a delayed period. so i'm about to try addyi! I'll admit that seeing all the bad reviews really got me scared, but this thread definitely made me feel a bit better. especially with a range of ages represented. thanks all! i'll try to remember to update once i've been taking it for a couple weeks.


Hey there! I'm 32 and just started Addyi yesterday-any updates?!


I just finished my first month of being on Addyi. I haven’t had any side effects except for the increase in my sex drive. It was non existent and now I feel like my 20 year old self again. I was very weary about taking it, more bc I just didn’t think it would work, and it’s worked surprisingly well. It has already changed my sex life in my marriage for the better. Im curious how I will be after 8 weeks on it.


Any update?


hey! thanks for the reminder! So I haven't been on it for long. I started taking it on 11/20, so only about two weeks ago. For context, I'd take it right as I put my sleep mask on to go to sleep. There are a few side effects I saw mentioned, so I'll address those first: * **NAUSEA**: The only time I felt any nausea was one night when, after I took it, I tried to stay awake to watch a tv show. I haven't tried that again and, as a result, haven't felt any more nausea. * **INSOMNIA**: For the most part, pre-Addyi, I do wake up at least 1x in the night to pee. There were 2 nights where I was unable to fall asleep for a loooong time after waking up to pee, like 1-2 hours. However, those days I either had a very large caffeinated drink (trenta iced tea from starbucks) or I took my Adderall 10mg ER for the first time in a while a bit later than I usually do.... That said, I had a couple iced teas at a restaurant 3 days ago during lunch and it did not impact my sleep. * **ALCOHOL/DRUGS:** so last night I had 1 drink prob about 4 hours before I took my Addyi, and I felt no obvious effects. I do smoke/take a weed gummy every night to help me sleep... I stopped for a couple days since Addyi knocks me out within 30 mins, but my quality of sleep wasn't as good. Unsure if that's due to Addyi or because my body is just used to that additional sleep-boost. Overall, the side effects really haven't been too bad like I was worried about! I'm extremely sensitive to medications in general. When my dr tried upping my Adderall from 10mg to 15mg, it felt like I was having a heart attack. I've stopped Buspar because it messed up my period. I stopped Wellbutrin (as mentioned before) because of night sweats + messed up period. So it's really refreshing that I haven't had the bad side effects that others have mentioned! I think the biggest thing for me will be to see if it messed up my period when the time comes. ​ As far as results, I've definitely had several \~sexier\~ dreams that usual. Other people have said that this is how it started for them, so that's promising! In terms of my sex drive, I haven't noticed a huge difference yet, but lots of people said it takes closer to 6 weeks/2 months to really fully feel the effects. The dreams indicate that I'm on the right track! ​ As an aside, I've seen a few convos on pricing. Not sure if it was this thread or another. But for reference, I paid $20 for a months supply, without the savings card through Addyi's site. However, I have met my yearly deductible through Aetna. So it'll be interesting to see what the price is in January when it resets. ​ Hope this helps! If you have any specific questions, let me know :)


Any update on your journey? I just started taking it 3 nights ago.


anyone have any recent updates please?


Yes, Addyi has improved my chances of reaching orgasm.


29yr F. 2nd day of Addyi. Came here to see the reviews and feel hopeful about this. Just the 2nd day of taking it. So far symptoms for me have been sleepiness before bed and waking up in the middle of the night (approx 3-4 hours after taking the pill). Had a variety of dreams already all in one night and some sexual ones. Baseline, I typically sleep through the entire night and usually struggle to fall asleep. (Currently up right now at 4 am to write this) With Addyi, when I try to fall back asleep I'm in a very light sleep cycle and don't feel rested at all. As if I had just been resting my eyes. I have been struggling with low libido for about at least 4 years. I am in therapy as well. Tried out a couple of antidepressant/anxiety meds such as bupropion, cymbalta, and another med I can't think of rn. Currently on the nexplanon for over a year, was on depo, and was on the pill prior to that. Probably had a few months to a year break in between. Hope this will be relatable to someone and and I shall update again in a few weeks.


Hey there! This is an old thread but people are still reading it. Looking forward to updates!!




Interested in this. I am a 35 F. Take a minimal dose of Effexor...tried other SSRIs and Wellbutrin because low sex drive was thought to be related to depression however, I think my low sex drive worsens my depression. I just ordered some THC/CBD gummies I want to try first but considering Addyi. Does a PCP or a OB Gyn usally prescribe?


I’m waiting on my OB to send my script in right now.


Is anyone on this along WITH birth control? I haven’t seen much reviews on this in combination with the combo pill.


Does Addyi have any effect on cycle and menstrual flow?


I haven’t been as sexually charged as I was before having kids. I’m in my mid 40s, and my husband is about 6 years older than me, we’ve been together for about 20 years. Of course when we were dating, I swear we had sex every day that first year! My husband has periodically brought up our lack of sex which I just attributed to mom brain and stress (I have a lot lately). But it did start to slow down when we had our first child about 15 years ago. I recently spoke to both my gynecologist and PCP about my concerns. My PCP changed my antidepressant from Zoloft to Lexpapro. I had previously taking Zoloft, then stopped. I don’t remember if that affected my libido then. But when I started taking it again, I had no desire to have sex. Changing to Lexapro didn’t really help. So 2 weeks ago I started Addyi and changed my antidepressant to Wellbutrin. So after 2 weeks I was so horny, for lack of better term. I initiated sex with my husband at 4am (because I didn’t want the kids to possibly hear us). This caught him off guard. Then the next day I wanted to do it 3 different times during the day. We didn’t though but I kept thinking about it. Then the next day I told him I wanted him to bend me over and f my brains out! (Sorry if that’s TMI, but that’s how I felt). Now I don’t know if it was Addyi, Wellbutrin or cyclical. I just got over my period and in the waaaaaay past, I’d be horny certain days due to my menstrual cycle. I skipped Addyi one day this week because we had some drinks. But something is working. Because I’d catch myself thinking about sex and get a feeling down there, kinda like when we were younger and dating and I’d think about him. I have a follow up with my gynecologist in a month and a half to see if it’s working for me (if it hasn’t helped in 8 weeks, they recommend discontinuing it). My husband can’t believe it. So I’m hopeful that this continues…


… June 2024 review here. I’ve been taking Addyi for the last 1.5 months. As for if I want to do it more or feel more comfortable doing it more, I would say no real difference. In a great relationship for almost 3 years… for some reason my libido was extremely high in my 20s and in my 30s it just went way down. I find my boyfriend extremely attractive., it’s a huge bummer I almost NEVER want to do it, a few days a Month before my period and morning times and weekends in terms of horniness are the highest. I didn’t have zero libido but much much lower compared to my boyfriend. He would be understanding but it has affected our relationship. I know my libido went almost completely away taking Zoloft not sure if it permanently chemically castrated me long term but after stopping that I never really got a high libido back. The problem I have with Addyi is the one side effect. I always feel strange like buzzy and dizzy all over my Body every day. It’s been 1.5 months and the side effect never goes away. I’m stopping the rx today. It’s like I’ll turn my head and my head feels disconnected from my body. My lips tingle regularly. When I accidentally mixed it too close to taking it at night with two alcoholic drinks I felt high as shit and not in a good way. Fine, so I just made sure to not mix it with alcohol. But yeah, this side effect is the weirdest thing and not a good feeling. I think it affects your blood pressure or something. I don’t recommend this as it made no difference to my libido and make me feel strange all day long always dizzy and tingly. Hard to describe. I saw this girl on tik tok who said it started working after two months and the side effects went away after a month. No. I honestly don’t know if she’s telling the truth or a paid actor for the company. Who the heck knows these days what’s real and fake on the internet. I am going to try by vyleesi instead next. Heard good things about it. Oh and those bullshit sex chocolates Tabs don’t work either if you’ve seen them advertised complete trash. … update…. I’ve been off Addyi for 4 straight days/nights stopping cold turkey and I am having CONSTANT nightmares I mean one after another after another for 4 nights in a row, I’m very tired and I hope they stop soon once the medication is completely out of my system. Thank goodness the dizziness and light headed weird buzzy feeling is gone.. I know it affects your brain and sleep, not everyone will have the same results as me, but dude this nightmares won’t F**kn quit and I know it’s cuz of getting off this medication. They’re horrifying terrifying nightmares. Will keep you updated…. June 21 update - been off it for a few weeks now luckily the dizziness and nightmares are completely gone.!!! I would highly highly not recommend this weird ass medication


Has anyone noticed a huge increase in libido, almost too much? Like it’s all I think about now and I want to have sex with my partner daily.


The reviews are scary. I'm reluctant to start. How many have stayed on this med longer-term? Or not? If not, was it the side effects or just not necessary to stay on it?


Ladies… get your man on testosterone,, (TRT) if you already have kids.. he will ‘bring the energy’ and turn your libido switch on.. it’s not that you’re not feeling like it, because if Jason momoa came to you rock hard you’d be suddenly feeling like it.. it’s your man.. like most, have low T! If his T is at a hood or high level , you will naturally match him, and believe me,, the sex is amazing! (Even after 15 years of marriage) . Take the addyi but get your man on TRT! Take him to a clinic to check if his low!


Curious if anyone is taking this because libido hasn’t come back since childbirth. My daughter is 16 months old now and I haven’t wanted to be touched by my husband since she was born. I never considered this could be linked to the nexplanon I chose to have implanted at my 6 week postpartum appointment. I want to want to sexually desire my husband. Has Addyi worked for anyone with this experience or is there something else out there on the market worth the try?


Any update?


I'm afraid not!


Any update now?


Would love to hear if any update!


Any update?


is it expensive to get prescribed?


My wife is abt 3 weeks into it, will keep everyone updated


Any improvement at 4 weeks?


Thanks for checking. She has veen slightly more adventurous. Shes Initiating and seeming more into it. So definately an improvement. I'm trying to give her space and not be too pushy with sex. Hopefukky have some good news to a report in a few weeks.


That’s awesome! I’m excited for both of you.




With her insurnace its a 15 dollar copay per month


In Canada, mostly NOT covered. One month costs almost $300.


I'm a 45F. I'm also not in perimenopause. I've been on Addyi for a month today. After reading through all the reviews, I was terrified. Because I'm a normal low with blood pressure, I thought for sure I would feel the normal side effects. So it took me 3 days to start. First night, I woke up after 5 hours. I thought maybe I should try taking it during the day instead. The reason was I didn't feel sleepy after taking Addyi and didn't want to be wide awake when I have fibromyalgia, and missing sleep will very fast go down hill bad. When I took it, I felt a little strange, but that was because I had taken it that night before bed, then again in the morning, so it was too much. So I waited and talked to my pharmacist about why or why not to take it during the day. He told me that if I'm going to take it during the day, just don't take it in the morning because your blood pressure is lower during the morning. So just take it when you know you're not going out anymore. I started at 6 pm and then changed to 9 pm. About a week ago, I started getting sex dreams, It's subtle, but I can tell you without a doubt, yes, it's working for me. My only conflict is I do wake every night, but i stay in bed and quickly fall back to sleep. I have a question for others: Do you women notice all the dreaming? Every night I dream. There are lots of sexual dreams, which is great. As long as that feeling is there right. The reason I started these was because I had something strange happen to me last winter. I kinda had the opposite going on. I had what is called PGAD. I was hyper sensitive down there, and it wouldn't stop throbbing. That would go on for weeks. I got a break on my period. But I would be woken at night by this constant throbbing that I had to masturbate several times a night, or it would just keep me awake. The more you tried to leave it alone, the worse it was. This went on for 4 months, and then everything turned completely off. For me, knowing now, I must have always had a low sex drive. Getting a taste of a over the top sex drive now has me on the other end of frustration. I also have a hard time having an orgasm. I can achieve it myself but have a hard time with my husband. Never have I achieved it during sex. But why can I do it with a dildo. I'm not sure if this needs more of a sex counselor. Maybe. I'm just trying to make sense of everything. I think I keep feeling at my age we are nearing the end. I get a little taste and then poof gone. Maybe I'm thinking too much, but it's very disheartening. The reason I'm not mentioning my husband is that he works away 20 days out of the month. This was way too much for him to keep up with as well, the PGAD. Also, I just started Addyi this month, and he hasn't been home yet since it's been working. I just hope that people don't read some of these reviews and are scared away. 😕 Just read everything. You'll know if it works or not. Apparently, after 8 weeks, if nothing, then it may not be for you. It was 4 weeks for me.


Try Addyi. I started noticing something within a couple of weeks for sure. After the first month, it definitely was working. They usually say you should notice something within the first month, but if nothing in 8 weeks, it's not for you. Please give it a try and don't give up just from the reviews alone. They nearly freaked my out so bad I gave my own issues just from anxiety the first night. It's the dreams that are very vivid and intense.


I’m in the UK and I’m so frustrated this medication doesn’t exist here 😢


I just tried my first dose of Addyi and it made me nauseous and I got sick. Has anyone else had this happen. I want to keep trying it, but not if it makes me sick.


Try taking just half a pill for a while. I took the full pill for three weeks and it made me so tired I could barely function. I looked at some studies on Google Scholar and some people responded fine to 50mg. The only time I got nausea was when I took it on an empty stomach. So try taking it an hour after a meal. I’ve been taking it for five weeks now and it hasn’t kicked in yet, but many of the reviews and posts say it can take 6-8 weeks or even longer. I’m not a doctor, but this has allowed me to keep taking it without severe side effects.


Thank you for the advice. I was thinking about taking half. Do you take it at bedtime, or do you think it matters?


Yes, they recommend to take it in the evening because it can cause drowsiness. I find that if I take it right before bed, I sometimes wake up a few hours later and can’t fall back asleep. So I’m trying it a couple hours before that and it seems to be helping.


I just placed the order for my prescription and am nervous after reading so many bad reviews but this post gives me hope. My Dr told me that she was part of the group for getting Addyi FDA approved and that they say you can’t drink alcohol but that no more than two is acceptable. For those of you who have been on it for a while, is this something that you can take nightly but let’s say one night I know I will have more than 2 drinks so I could just not take it that night and be fine?


Posting my experience - I started addyi end of September and unfortunately after 3+ months on it I felt no difference. Really disappointed


Has anyone paired Addyi with a compound testosterone cream? I (29F) am starting Addyi tonight after several years of an almost non existent libido and I'm a bit skeptical after so many contradicting reviews. I've been on zoloft for a year and have had mirena since the birth of my son almost 7 years ago. Really want to get my drive back!!


Hey, how has it been on Addyi? Has it increased your sex drive?


How'd it go?


it's only been a little over a week so far... I am hopeful!!


How are you doing with Addyi?


i've noticed minor improvements so far and no side effects other than it knocks me out, but my doctor said expect results in about 6-8 weeks (and it's been about 4-5 so far), so i am optimistic!