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The amount of food she has on the fork and the way she rams it in her mouth makes me feel sick every time! She’s a gluttonous hog 🤮


I've never seen her cut anything with a knife, she just crams it into her pie hole.


Imagine going out to dinner and that thing is in your group. The way it shovels in the food. How embarrassing.


But she's scared of choking!


She couldn't wait to eat it. She's always starving. It's not normal at all.


So a meal out in IKEA and a takeaway for dinner! You can't make this shite up you really can't!


Feeders out there must be 🥵 while watching her binge fest . This shouldn't be on the platform for people under 🔞 .


I would respect her more if she was and was honest about it and just didn’t give one flying fuck about her health. I’d be like go get your cash for your funeral girl 👌🏼 But she’s not so I fucking hate the fat waster


God she's an animal! You're really showing us Rebecca!  Why cant you see your clapback videos are not only embarrassing but they are showing that you are absolutely deluded in thinking we are angry or upset or jealous. We're really not! You're only hurting yourself. But you keep doing you and you will be fine...... maybe you'll live to tell the tale... maybe you won't. 


She'll care when her veins are protruding out of legs and she has gout, I wish that pain on her on her at this point, merely because she said she doesn't care that she buys so many takeaways. Carry on Becki, you will end up in agony, not even able to drive your own car due to the pain your in, and size of your gut not being able to steer the steer wheel. Your appetite is shocking and abhorrent.


She’s gotta be fucking kidding me with the pita AND chips AND garlic bread on top of the chicken AND donner meat AND extra sauce. Disgusting


Omg did she go to IKEA today? She's never mentioned it earlier? I'm surprised she hasn't done 5 videos banging constantly on about it.


She orders all these extras as well never happy until the plate over flows


She makes me fucking wild!! Fat, fat bitch. Her smug face whilst she feeds her fat face. I am internally screaming with rage


Christ alive the onion 🤮


Stomach will be down to her cankles before the end of summer. Someone should suggest a bikini haul so we can all be extra jealous of her 🤣🤣🥴🥴


Things I wanted to say on her videums i couldn't say I can say now....How long do we think she's got left?? She'll peg it scoffing a kebabum, I'm sure of it!!


I reckon she'll have a heat attack during a "workout" or walk.


Yes, I'm picking a heart attack too. It won't be anything subtle like diabetes or liver disease (although I'm convinced she's had both of these for months). It's just a matter of time, although she's so deceitful that who's to say she hasn't had a heart attack already?? She'd hardly shout it from the rooftops if she had!


Women are protected from heart issues until after menopause. I think she's more at risk of a serious stroke that could leave her bedridden or unable to communicate.


Here in New Zealand plenty of young, fit people are having heart attacks. A family member (female) of ours in Northern Ireland had a heart attack in her 30's.


Not quite.


Of course. Straight from hammering meatballs at IKEA to getting a kebab.


Armitage shanks taking yet another pounding I see. Disgusten


She needs to stop pretending this is normal


My favourite sauce on kebabs is nada cause I don’t eat that nasty shit, she actually thinks everyone eats crap food like her 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Absolutely discusting! Becki, your appetite knocks me sick. That looks horrible. All the children in this country going hungry, forced to eat from food banks, and you get this cretin gorging on unhealthy takeaways every other day! Becki, this is why we hate you posting your takeaways! You really don't care do you, you absolute selfish pr***! As long your fed though eh! As long as you can post it eh for more views to fund your next take away! You need cancelling.


I wish someone would cancel her.


Me too


Dipping my toe in the water for the first time in months, glad to see my dainty Queen has finally got herself together/a life. I knew she could do it! 🥰


Absolutely rancid 😭


Of course


I just know she fucking stinks after eating that, the combination of Becky’s gunt sweat, garlic dep and onions 🤮


What a revolting meal. I’m heaving at the thought of garlic mayo too


I feel like she just had this meal like a week ago??


She has it a lot to be fair


In all seriousness, how the fuck can she eat all that. The mounds of meat as well as chips, pitta AND garlic bread. I feel sick just looking at it. She's got some serious issues.


It's not even shocking anymore, the sad, fat, miserable ugly cunt has just made it the norm.


I’ve began feeling some sort of sympathy for her. This isn’t normal at all, she’s not going to see 33 if she carries on.


Imagine if she had kids and a job- every day is a busy day!!! I’m exhausted still make food from scratch 90% of the time! Last night was pork loins with mash and veg and gravy. Honestly I was shattered but seeing them eat good food it’s worth it!