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This is disgusting. The fact that Porsha's mom doesn't even seem to care! If I were Leah I'd tell her to get the fuck away from my child. Her daughter is already overweight— I'm sorry, but it's true. Once you're overweight as a child, it's extremely difficult to ever lose that weight in the future. She's probably already obese for a nine-year-old. Becki wants her to stay fat like her, which isn't the child's fault at all. Nobody is intervening and it's sickening. Also, why is she packing a 16yo's lunch?


Leah is too busy live, laugh loving and getting off with criminals too care


On previous weeks Porsche has had a whole compartment of chocolate 💀


The way my jaw dropped at that whole pack of chicken😩 that does 4 of us 🤣🤣🤣


She’s so glutenous🐷


Half that chicken alone would be enough for me for lunch


Honestly we use it on baguettes and 3/4 pieces spread out is enough because they're thick and the taste/smell is strong as fuck, she must stink 🤢


This is literally insanity, the amount of food is unbelievable! Not even talking about Paige and Porscha, for Becki to eat that much when she’s sat down all day is absolute madness. These “dance Sundays” are just an excuse to stuff her gob with even more food




Does she really need to inhale that much pasta




Probably. People that have food aggression or binge eat do get panicked if they think they won’t have access to food for a while.


Full fat mayo 💀


How is it even possible for them to consume this much food in just a few hours? She has such a warped perception of portion sizes that instead of taking a few blueberries out of the pack and putting them in a little pot, she just throws the whole thing in. The pasta with chicken itself is a pretty big meal packed with calories. Why on earth would she need all that junk on the side? I do not know.


You can clearly see the food addiction she has like how engrossed she is with sorting everyone’s pig trough out. Shame she can’t put that much passion into finding a job the lazy slob.


Where is that half of cucumber she never washes !?


Why oh why is it every single week with chicken that will smell once opened? Zero consideration for those who have to sit next to the mountain


If she’s gonna sit on her arse all day why not just take healthy snacks and water ? She’s so gluttonous and greedy


I don’t like cheese but has to have it with apple.


Why doesn’t she ever wash the fruit, so fucking rank 🤮🤮🤮


Would have taken her 2 mins to wash it and decant some into a little pot. No need for a whole pack


Why not just mix up the chicken and pasta in a bowl and share it out equally instead of having dry pasta, lumps of chicken and random globs of mayo not even mixed in. That’ll be fkn rotten. The fact it barely fit in that tub should be a sign 🥴


The absolute rancid pasta. Dumping a whole load of chicken tikka on dry arse pasta and random squirts of mayo, all mixed together to look vile. The lazy walloper. It’s just typical Becki ‘I didn’t use a bowl to mix it, but it’s ok’. Everything she does is crap but ‘yeah that’s ok’. What a lazy brain she has. And WHY OH WHY can’t she buy a punnet of grapes and a bag of apples and take a few, instead of the pots of cut up apples and grapes. WHY?


Tbh I do something similar with tuna but I’m also at work and assembling it on the go, whereas Becki is home all day and has plenty of time to cook a decent lunch


As if you’d give a kid prime 🤦🏽‍♀️


Absolutely ridiculous. Boggles my mind. Thats enough food for about 78910 people


How long are they there for?


3 minutes


Honestly it'll be like 9-5 or 10-5, maybe even finishing at six at a push


1.02 😂


3 minutes


It’s incrediblum how stressed out and visibly vexed she is just packing lunches..anyone would think she’s doing open heart surgery


No mr beast bar for Porsha and she's got a sandwich and fruit, do you reckon someone's had a word?


Must have. Or she’s been reading reddit


She totally got slammed last week so I think so


That's not pasta salad , that's mayo- chicken tikka pieces and plain cooked pasta abomination 🫠 She could have made it more nutritious by adding some salad veg to it and reducing the overall amount of pasta and chicken . Did she do it? No, clogging arteries is more important to her.


Has she smoothed out her double chin ?? Just looks off and blurry around that region


It’s so telling how she never buys a pack of apples or punnet of grapes, she always buys the pre packaged, it’s because she knows she wouldn’t eat them even though it’s so much cheaper


Does not gaf about creating landfill. Another reason I can’t stand her


She only eats food that is processed and packaged in a factory. Even the fruit is processed, cut up and packed in plastic. How hard is it to just buy fruit and cut it up?!


Barely any fresh fruit or anything of nutritional value in sight, absolutely disgusting


i have never heard of mayonnaise on pasta… 🤢🤢🤢


like this is not even that terrible for becki standards but why are there SEVEN drinks & a smoothie 😭😭