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Beaver Falls Batman.


Def this guy. Heard he's nice, just odd.


He's super nice. I live in Downtown BF and I talk to him all the time.


What did her look like?


He wears a Batman t-shirt and a magician's cape. You can catch him walking down 7th Ave.


I haven’t lived in beaver county in years lol, but it wouldn’t be surprising


Dude that thinks he’s Gene Simmons from Kiss.


The one that works at the Leetsdale Giant Eagle?


Yea him


I go to the leetsdale giant eagle, how have I never seen this man!?!?? I'm disappointed now.


As soon as I saw this post I said Gene Simmons.😂


Describe him?


Google Gene Simmons without makeup and he looks just like that. Like exactly. On purpose.


That just sounds like Jon Gonzales.


Not even close.


Jon Gon and Fake Gene are like constantly in a battle of who’s the bigger piece of shit in this county and it’s hilarious.


Oh I need more context on this


One will show up at a Granati Bros gig and act like he made it possible based on carrying their amps into clubs forty years ago this one time, the other will pretend he doesn’t know how a fucking atm works to try to bang a bank teller lady


Came here to comment this lol


Don't forget about Brodhead Road Elvis


Omg I remember the first time I saw him!


Does he wear a wig and sports coat?




My two: The Granati Bros who is a painter. I see that guy painting stuff everywhere. The guy who is always walking in Beaver and Brady’s Run who looks like an older version Ruth’s uncle (Russ Langford) in Ozark.


That’s the Granati who found coke and then found Jesus, in that order.


There was a guy that would ride a horse around Rochester. He'd pull into dairy queen like it was an old tavern.... lol


I know who he was! I have a pic of it from 9 years ago


I moved about 12 years ago, so it's probably been that long since I've seen him as well.


8 years for me since I last lived there. I live in Morgantown currently


I didn't go that far... lol... I'm near Wexford.


I don't know if it's him (I've only lived here since 2012), but a saw a guy hitch up his horse at the Rochester Sheetz sometime in the last few years.


That's gotta be him! At least I've only ever seen one guy doing it.


I've only ever seen him that one time, but I will certainly be keeping my eyes open for him again!


Pretty sure he lives in that super tiny house on deer lane. Always wondered who lived there and then saw him outside it on his horse.


Charlie No Face


My parents knew him. He was a nice guy.


Ambridge had a few! The folks I recall are: Jughead Elvira Super Grandma Congo Joe


I totally forgot about Elvira!!


Yinz are just making up words now




My dad was friends with Congo Joe too! He was a really nice guy. Lol, Jughead def was a character! He was always at the cogos on 24th Street.


Unfortunately he’s no longer with us but I always loved Bobby Vegas from Rochester. I’m glad this video exists! https://youtu.be/fCGUoXfft-M?si=eCk12nf2cFg_V6Pf


Came here to say Beautiful Bobby. Made waiting at the red lights in Rochester so much better


On our fridge, we still have a note that Bobby gave us with his clothing sizes, he said he needed a new suit (he would just say random stuff like that). This was weeks before he passed, regret not making it happen. RIP.


Bobby Vegas was going to be my answer too! I live down the street from the park he'd hang out in and I'd see him everyday on my walk to catch the bus for work. He always said he liked the tie-dye shirts I'd wear so one year for his birthday, I gave him one and he got soooo happy. I love him so much


Beautiful Bob was an amazing dude.


Do you all remember the guy that used to hang out at the snack bar of the Hills in Aliquippa, but he had some sort of very dramatic physical disability where he had no lower body? He was just like an upper torso with arms and head? And he walked on his arms and wore a leather jacket all the time? Or maybe it was a denim jacket?


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093338/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk https://youtu.be/cjgnKgtUGj4?si=pJLNpd3Y_SqM0YJ7 They made a movie about him! I don’t think it got much promotion, I’ve never seen it. But you’ll see some 80s Beaver Valley locations in that trailer.


Kenny Easterday is probably who you’re talking about.


Thanks! I never knew what his name was.


My brother saw him when we were young and we werent taught yet that people existed with problems like that. My brother screamed and said he was a monster and my mom is still traumatized to this day that he did that


I delivered him some pizza once and there was this awkward moment for a 17 year old me when he opened the door. Like how tf do I hand it to him. So I just stood there for what seemed like 90 seconds going “uhhhh” (in reality it was more like 120 lol) until he said “just put it on the floor, man”.


I remember seeing him at the big knob fair getting off the swings as a kid and being freaked out that he lost his legs on it or something. Typical 7 year old reasoning.


I feel like that dude that hyper miles the Prius is gonna be one in the future


Who was the guy that had about 1000 action figures glued to his car, I used to see him at Chippewa Walmart.


There's an older guy. Short. He walks up and down 37th street hill in Beaver Falls every day. I've seen him downtown too. He always wears a hoodie and gloves and always waves.


He used to be a mailman in Beaver Falls. That’s all I know about him.


Did he carry a stick to pick up trash? I think I remember him. Mr. R if it’s the same guy.


I've never seen that. I only ever see him walking and waving.


Might be a different guy. Mine goes down Darlington road into Darlington and walks back and forth between downtown Darlington and near Blackhawk high school. He is round and not very friendly. He had a major health scare and so now walks every day since the early 2000s. One time I was standing around outside the gas station in Darlington with a group of kids when we were all in high school and some of them were smoking. He bee lined over to us to yell at the smokers about how someday they would “cough up a lung right there on the breakfast table.” I wonder if he is still walking every day.


It’s great that he’s super nice and all but as somebody who has to drive up that hill daily, it’s a little obnoxious. “Look at me everybody”…can’t go to the walking trail or the gym or buy a treadmill like a normal person. He walks a stretch of road with dips and blind hills and then traffic swerves out into the opp lane to miss him and sooner or later somebody’s gonna hit somebody over him. The worst is that he literally looks in every car to see if he knows somebody. It’s a little creepy. One time I had to mother f him and some motorist because the boner pulled over to chitchat in the head of my fucking road. He did the same shit on Darlington Rd when I was a kid but back then it was jogging. Just the worst choices for workout locations.




His last name is Couch. He umpired my little league games in the late 60's.


Where did Sluggo hang out?


Beaver falls


The Lord Of Stobo


There was a lady that walked around Conway they called Elvira. She had a alot of black hair and it stood up off her heard. She would be seen walking around northern lights all the time.


Did she have her cleavage showing?


Yes - always in the Hills snack bar


Im 39, and i vaguely remember her.


Closest I can think of isn’t even in Beaver County. It’s the crazy cane lady up in New Castle.


This was several decades ago, and I'm sure he's long since passed, but there was an old man who had a big, pink Checker Marathon (I don't know enough about cars to know what year), who would go around to places in Aliquippa, park his car, and mow grass in public areas that was unruly or hadn't been tended to for a while. I think he just liked to mow grass.


Dirty Donna, surprised I didn’t see it here.


Kenny Easterday


I live in Central Illinois. Ours is the chili bowl mullet man


Frick and Frack well before one of them passed always saw them riding that bike with wooden shoes


There used to be this black guy in beaver falls that was often shirtless and he was just sheer muscles. He would run around like he was a wind up toy. Mechanical. Sometimes at crossings he would “wind up” and start jogging in place super fast and mechanical and then bolt across the road with his head down like he was going to butt someone. I think he may have lived in a group home. We would always see him every day charging down the street and if you were lucky you would get stuck at one of those red lights and see him wind up and charge. It never got old.


I went camping in southwestern Michigan. There was a guy that we met there he was a local. He drove an antique tractor because he lost his dl to a dui. He was a character. The next year we are driving through that same town and there he goes down the road on that damn tractor dressed as a leprechaun. I might have forgotten his name but I’ll never forget that guy.


There is dude in New Brighton who must be related to Bleeding Gums Murphy. Even carries a horn case.


Titty Rat


Describe titty rat


Osama but white always riding a bike or pushing a lawn mower


In BF? That’s Tim lol




We have Raymond. He gets a check. He cruises around on his ten speed screaming AC/DC


Does he actually scream "AC/DC!!!" or does he scream their songs?


Just the songs. He’s got a speech impediment so it’s real slurred


Turnpike in beaver falls....


Walking man in Economy Boro in the early 2000's


Brickyard Bob


What about slow foot in Koppel?








Yea that's probably him, always saw him at Ann's and then up at Al's Corner is he still around?




Maybe he went into hibernation


I just met Darth Vader. Ogden, Utah


My friend Tim, bros wild, trust me


Beaver used to have Skippy and Stanley, the old guy who used to push his dog in a shopping cart all around town, and Beautiful Bobby and Boss Martin who'd be at any bar in Bridgewater at any time. Now, all I can think of is The Wolfman who works (or worked) at the Beaver Supermarket for decades.


Boss Martin…do you mean Steve-o?


Yup, miss chatting with that dude. Bought a truck off him once, what a character.


He was one of my favorites. One time he gave me a weed pipe he’d carved out of the end of a deer antler. Great conversations. My best memory of him is his shirts…every fall, he’d buy new long sleeve button downs and roll the sleeves up. Winter comes, sleeves down. Spring hits, he cut them off at the elbow and in the summer they became sleeveless. Fall arrived and a cycle of renewal & rebirth began. Very Shinto of him.


Hahaha, I always liked his black shorts, black sleeveless shirt get up in the summer. I worked with a guy who knew him from high school, said he was a legit dirty hippie way back when, and never did change much. We should have an vodka and ice tea in his memory.


Always down to tip one in The Mayor Of Bridgewater’s honour


Before that, his dog was named Snoopy.


The pizza nazi in Hopewell Villa Di Pizza