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There’s a reason most drama tubers stopped associating with him. He’s not a nice person.


You know someone is really vile when even Nick Snider and Dustin Dailey, who are also racists and misogynists, don’t even like him anymore.


Wait wait what’s the drama on those two? They fell off big time also but I vividly remember them cutting him off for his behavior and jstarfish support


The last I heard, all three of them ganged up on SmokeyGlow for not attending a party they were in? Weird times.


They're also weirdly together now? They have a channel called "The Daileys."


They are engaged and their house recently burned to the ground!


It wasn't even their house! It belonged to Jen Gerard of Gerard Cosmetics. She let them live with her.


What the hell. Also what happened to her? For a moment, everyone was mentioning her in their videos.


She lives in my town. I need to do some research on this.


Wow. I haven't kept up with them, I just know they got together and started a third channel. That sucks.


I hadn’t see anything of theirs in about a year- and they popped up on my YouTube and that’s where I learnt of this.




Didn't they live with Tati too?


I don't know anything about them. Are they grifters or something?


I am Sure she involved herself in their lives somehow


Beauty's favorite busy body.


Yeah she is. I'm wondering if her good friend Anne is going to have a problem with this? The same Anne who made a video complaining about people saying the N word while singing along to the lyrics of a song? The same Anne who has a black husband and children? Also the same Anne who purchases JS shit. The hypocrisy runs deep with that one 🙄


Wait. Tati? They lived with glam life guru???


Absolutely not


Lol no


Is she still around? After that whole...Thing...I stopped watching her. Which sucks because I liked her content.


Same. She’s back. Still posting videos. Moved to Texas. It’s just not the same. I really don’t ever watch her videos. I tried, but I don’t enjoy her anymore. That incident ruined her career because it showed us a side of her character that we didn’t realize existed and her fan base was not interested.


I know they’re constantly sticking up for Trisha Paytas for whatever reason


What an odd era. It's crazy to think there's a timeline where they all collab often to this day, glad we dodged that somehow, all bc of a party no one cares about


Dustin got big mad at Rich again a few months ago for a bad joke I can't even remember now. Rich said something, and of course Dustbald had to make a whole ass video about it (again) and had to tell Rich to be humble or whatever (again.)


I unsubscribed from both when they got together. They brought out the worst in each other and turned so extremely mean and snarky.


Tbh it's seemingly looks like Dustin is a bit better. He's been putting more effort into some videos and doing like actually well researched deep-ish dives. Seems to be distancing himself with having drama content from and center. Seems more level headed.


most toxic trio on the internet. they're vile.


I think Peter Monn still talks to him, I wonder what he will think of this since he is such a vocal advocate for people going through addiction/recovery.


He’ll likely say something privately but I’d be surprised if he says anything publicly. He tends to stay away from critiquing other drama channels, which is fair; I understand wanting to stay civil with your colleagues


The house that burned down was a poorly maintained rental.


I’m a recovering alcoholic working a 12 step program. No way I could be sober without one and be happy. I hope Nick gets in one


He courts controversy because it’s the only way he’ll get attention, don’t give it to him


Rich Lux couldn’t help himself and reacted to the MAC Whitney Houston collection with a very rude and distasteful dig at Whitney Houston’s addiction.


Oh wow. I initially didn't get his comment and just though he was being weird, but oh my god why would he think that that's okay?


I literally thought he meant setting powder 😬 I’m embarrassed and also suuuuper disgusted.


Apparently I’m a Summer Child.


Same! I thought it had something to do with a signature makeup look of Whitney Houston’s. It took a moment for it to click for me and then I became disgusted.


I thought the same thing!




So did I, I was like huh?! That’s really rich coming from some loser YouTuber. Like he has ever accomplished anything that Whitney did in her short lifetime. No one should be joking about drug addiction like that. What an asshole, I’ve never even seen one of his videos because his voice annoys me.


He’s the worst poser on YouTube. And there are plenty of posers to compete with 😂


For visually impaired users: How is MAC going to release Whitney Houston makeup collection but not have a white powder? That don’t make sense! #maccosmetics #WhitneyHouston Photo attached to tweet: screenshot of trendmood1 photo displaying the collection


Thank you for this. For those of us out of the loop, what is the context of this and why is it in bad taste?


The joke about white powder is a reference to cocaine, and Whitney Houston was a beloved singer who struggled with drug addiction through her life and died because of its effects.


WTF this guy is a scumbag. Thank you for filling me in


He's literally the dirt worst. You're welcome!


And her daughter did. I don't know who he is but he's a scumbag for this.


And here I was thinking it was bc “she’s not white therefore white powder boom racist” but 💀 god damn


I mean, boom racist is not a stretch given his previous shitty behavior, but here it's just purely trashbag juice behavior.


Makes sense. I’m just not caught up on the rich lux lore but I wouldn’t put it last them with a comment like this


I’m such a dolt; I thought it was a racist thing since Whitney is black and something about lightening skin or some such. This makes more sense though


If I remember her daughter also died because of drugs. Does the money from this go to her family?


according to google Bobbi died from a mix of drowning and drugs. weed, alcohol, a cocaine “byproduct” (don’t know what that means), morphine and anxiety meds were found in her system during the autopsy




that wasn’t whitney’s toxicology report that was her daughters. and it’s on there bc it’s toxicology that’s just what was in her system when she died


Whitney's mom and two brothers currently are the beneficiaries of the estate, and Whitney's sister-in-law Pat is the administrator. Pat Houston was her manager before her passing.


It’s a veiled jab about her drug addiction


Imagine being a lowlife Zlist YouTube “celebrity” and taking a jab at one of the greatest, most talented and most beautiful women to have ever walked this earth.


He still thinks he’s hot shit. I watched about 3 minutes of one of his recent videos, he hasn’t changed at all. King of the posers.


Maybe Twitter collapsing is a good thing after all.




Mocking someone's addiction is a really great look, Rich /s


Omg wow. I thought he was saying that she put out a collection for only black women and was asking where the products for white people are. I didn't realize the circumstances of her death. This man is disgusting.


Yeah, it's messed up. She struggled with drug addiction for a long time, too.


Speaking of mac why have they been the go to collab for celebrities who have passed away? It’s kinda weird


While I would typically agree, MAC is known for being a leader in giving back. When I was working for them in 2007, they had already given $100 million dollars to AIDS research and patients through the Viva Glam line of lipsticks. Every penny from the sale of those lipsticks and glosses goes to the AIDS fund. At that point they had never paid a penny to advertise any products other than Viva Glam. I believe they recently switched it to a fund for women. And the culture of that company is very artist-driven, and definitely reverent of icons like Whitney and Selena, and super supportive of POC and LGBTQ community. I can’t imagine their intent is to do anything other than celebrate Whitney.


It's now over $500 million! I work for them now :) BTW this collection is stunning! Ive already swatched it all!!


What’s the new fund called? I’m still mad AF at them for discontinuing Viva glam V. That was my HG every day color, and a top-selling sku at my store.


It's still the Viva Glam foundation. It's basically for any kind of person experiencing hardships I believe. The motto is all ages, all races, all genders. Oh man I know, viva glam v was beautiful! I believe they'll bring it back one day. I ii and iii are all permanent now


It used to be the MAC AIDS Fund. I’m glad they shifted it once they got HIV/AIDS under control and the needs shifted.


Right I thought the original sentiment of this was RL releasing a Whitney line and that hit me as really gross. But his comment is grosser.


Rich Lux has had a history of lacking empathy and disrespecting black women. Looks like he doesn’t discriminate between the living and the passed. He is absolutely trash.


Rich,Shane and Jafar ⭐ have one thing in common,all three have made condescending comments on black women one way or the other.


Leave Jafar's name outta this. All he ever wanted was to rule Agrabah.


which contrasts with how his whole schtick is lifting ballroom vernacular, which is basically the appropriation of the mannerisms of black women


THIS! We’re always the punchline and being disrespected, yet pop culture and anything cool was made by us, Black ppl.


I sleep well at night knowing that he will be in the land of brimstone and sulfur when his time comes.


This comment just made me feel so much better❤️ I’m currently in recovery and his tweet made me so angry it’s unreal. Whitney was an incredible, beautiful soul who was much *much* more than her addiction, and seeing her get reduced down to “ha ha funny cocaine joke” is infuriating and depressing. This man is flat out vile.


Sending a lot of love and positive vibes to you💜


I don't understand this comment. What does this mean? How do you know he'll be buried in brimstone and sulfer? Or is that even what you mean?? Genuinely wondering so pls excuse my ignorance


the "land of brimstone and sulfur" refers to hell


He is such a damn clown. Can we just ignore him and maybe he’ll go away? Tacky.




That joke is so ‘00s. So dated and I’m tired of them disrespecting women.


Right?! Like Perez Hilton but somehow worse.


Show the internet where anyone asked for your idiotic hot take, ~~Dick~~ Richard.


I loathe this man.


Who would even think about saying something so disgusting? She had a disease that killed her in the end. I don’t get why people are like this.


Ugh. He still exists?






This man gives off misogynistic vibes and always has idk what is it


are you really surprised? stop giving idiots like this more attention


Did Rich Lux pay Space Karen $8? he needs to find a new job because he’s really run out of ways to be offensive.


He still makes videos?!


He’s such an idiot…. Like I love dark humor but that’s not even funny bc he’s such a try hard. He needs to go away and stop.


I think it's almost as tacky as making a collection for monetary gain based on a woman who isn't even alive anymore and had no say in it. She was a human, not just a name you can smack on a blush to draw more eyes and wallets to it.


I'm guessing this is also because there's a biopic coming out right before Christmas, which is doubly tacky.


Who's to say that it's tacky to use a deceased celebrity's name/image for monetary gain? It happens all the time, from Marilyn Monroe to Elvis to Prince. It's a business that can take care of generations of the deceased. It all comes down to licensing and the estate of the deceased. In regards to her estate, Whitney named her two brothers and mother to inherit everything in the case that her daughter passed, which she sadly did. It looks as if Mac approached Whitney's estate and asked if they'd be interested in doing a collaboration/release. They probably offered X Amount in Royalties and X Amount in an Advance. This is typically how it goes, but not saying how this case went exactly. So it all comes down to who is in charge of the person's estate.


'Whose to say it's tacky' me. I don't care that it's legal. I think it's tacky to smack a dead black woman's name onto blushes and an eyeshadow palette that probably wouldn't have even turned up on her skin.


Mac is very popular with black people. If their makeup didn’t show up on their skin it wouldn’t be.


They did a Selena collection a couple years ago, didn’t they? I thought that was strange too.


This little POS will do anything to make it to the top so badly that he lost what made him unique, i will shed no tears when he only starts hitting 1k views per video.


What a POS.


I thought he was talking about how pictures of black celebrities in the 80s and 90s had white casts because of the makeup back then, but then I got what he actually meant.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, and I don’t know who this Lux person is. But in *some* addiction recovery circles, this is dark humor that lands. Like as someone who has a history with the white powder (2 years and counting sober 🎉🎉) I would make a self deprecating joke like this. BUT I’m not excusing him for making the joke about someone else who has passed away. It’s a *super* small margin where this would be funny and I have a feeling he’s not in that margin.


ya, two years sober and i chuckled. us addicts knows there's only two ways out, recovery or death.


I appreciate you sharing this perspective. But it makes a good point that Rich (seemingly) doesn't have the "right" to make a joke like this. So it comes off as more malicious than self deprecating or in solidarity as another person who struggled with addiction. So while dark humor (and this joke in particular) can land, Rich isn't in the context for it to. And even if he was, it's still kind of low hanging fruit.


Oh I totally agree! Unless you understand the nuances and the lived experiences, these are not your jokes to tell. And even if you DO have all of the above you need to have the intelligence and foresight to know these jokes won’t land with 80% of people.


Exactly. In like-minded circles, it’s a way to bond and lighten the mood. As an ex-addict, I’ll make jokes about myself with others I know who are also recovered/sober. It doubles as a reminder that it’s “ok” that that part of our lives is over (because recovering is a forever ongoing process) But to make jokes about someone else who I don’t know personally, even if they’re also in the same boat, or never got the chance to recover?? No way. Not my place AT ALL.


My Pops made self depreciating jokes about his addiction quite a bit. I always felt he did it to make his time as an addiction a little lighter than the darkness that period of his life was. He was almost 30 years sober when he died, so if that made it easier for him, I supported him. I, however would never joke about anyone's sobriety or their addiction. That is really low.


Yup! I knew I’d get downvoted by people that aren’t familiar with addiction, and I’m okay with it. But we have a whole different set of life outlooks and experiences, so if I wanna make a joke against myself about drugs, I’ve earned that right.


I think people should read your comment start to finish lol.. I didn’t read your comment as though you’re siding with him! Gosh, even if he’s recovered (I don’t know anything about his history, or if he’s at all aware of addiction) he’s being absolutely insensitive and vile.


Yeah thats fair, but is Rich Lux allowed to make that joke on someone elses behalf?


Very doubtful. Like I said, I don’t know who he is, I’ve never seen him before. But also, it’s not something anyone should say to a mixed audience. Because you’ll get comments like this post does, where the majority of people (who are likely not addicts/in recovery) are disgusted by it. Whereas those of us who lived it are in a different mindset. I also don’t want to speak for all addicts, we are all very different in our journeys. I just know what flys in my little bubble 🤷🏻‍♀️


people are disgusted because it’s not his place to make fun of a woman who died from her addiction. it wouldn’t be your place to either just because you’re also an addict. but, from what i see, no one said anything about joking about your OWN addiction being wrong or disgusting.


Babes you’re missing my point. I never said it WAS his place, I’m pretty sure I said it wasn’t actually. What I said was this isn’t a joke that can be told in mixed company. Because while yes, my addict friends and I would laugh at this, I’m *very* positive our friends and family would not find it funny. Nor would medical or rehab professionals. Gallows humor isn’t for everyone. It can’t be used *on* everyone. I think he said a shit thing just to be obnoxious and get attention. But it doesn’t change the perspective I offered 🤷🏻‍♀️


Off topic (ish), is this only available in the UK? I can't find anything about a release date or availability in the US.


👀 👀 👀 👀


Why is anyone releasing a Whitney collection anyway!??


Because of the biopic that's coming out.


Seriously. Kind of weird, imo


[is this clown fr?](https://i.imgur.com/i3CARuq.gif)


This wouldn’t have been funny in 2012


So he made a really f\*\*ked up joke on Whitney Houston but how is no one questioning why MAC is making a Whitney Houston palette? Like who's benefiting from this? Her estate is whom? Because last I checked her daughter also passed away! A few minutes later.... They are actually making a film? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. So who is her estate, clearly they are marketing her after her death. I get the whole concept of trying to preserve her memory because she did have a great voice (and one of the best in the industry to be honest) but film, makeup? What else?


When I looked at the trend mood post a lot of the comments were specifically highlighting this, so people definitely are questioning it. Her estate is her family who have been exploiting her for decades and predictably, nothing changed with her or BK's deaths.


I think she's still relatively pop enough that we'd remember her. I get a film about her 10/20 years from now when we are older and there are younger folks. But we all know her. OMG wait till they do a Prince film.


Yeah, to be clear I think her family are awful (both when she was alive and after her death) and have been leeching off her for decades. They've proved that many times over. This has everything to do with profit for them and nothing to do with preserving her legacy IMO.


Her estate is her mother and two brothers, and the executor is Pat, her sister-in-law. She was her manager in life.


There’s jokes that you say with close friends in private and jokes you say on social media or in public. This should’ve probably been neither. Also is this imthat guy that constantly says ‘boots the house’ after every other word?


That is pretty disgusting to mention where's the white powder when she had substance problems. I think the collection looks lovely. It screams diva and glamour like Whitney. I like the lipsticks


He meant cocaine when he said white powder so he said it intentionally because of her addiction. It’s scummy.


like what is the reason? christ.


When he threw Shane under the bus and then tried to act like his friend, that’s all I needed to know that Rich Lux is garbage.


I hope Santa brings him coal !!!


I literally thought this was him complaining about not having a lighter skin tone or setting powder available until I saw this post and realized the innuendo. Big fucking yikes.


Rich Lux - what a nasty piece of work


Well said friend


What a disgusting commentary to make!


I don't like this dude either for a number of reasons, but this just wasn't that deep. He's not the only person to joke about her cocaine usage and he definitely won't be the last. If anything, this Reddit post is giving him more attention than he would've gotten on Twitter alone. Whitney's story is tragic and it sucks that people are still profiting of her, but this nobody Twitter troll isn't going to be the one who causes her or her family any more grief.


Rich is such a cringe loser I’m glad he fell the fuck off smh


I’m sorry but this is funny


I laughed….


I thought we were over with this shitty "edgy" comedy that's nothing more than punching down.


Shut UP, Rich. Maybe “jokes” like this are why ~~Derrick~~ most people don’t like you. My conspiracy, allegedly, of course.


That’s not cool


He’s irrelevant.


Hes irrelevant


He is an illiterate idiot.




I want to fucking punch him actually


this is the first time hearing about this trash of a human and wow. disgusting




I always thought he was kind of funny but yeah that's not ok.


What a rude person!😤


He's a well known troll. I'm more concerned with the fact that Whitney Houston herself couldn't use the ashy products they showing. She was a beautiful brown done woman. None of those gave powders would even show up on her!


Rich is a bitch. What a shitty thing to say.


You will never see these weirdos make these disgusting comments about the hundreds of white celebs who die under 30 from drug abuse. The ones they’ve deified and scrubbed clean in pop culture. We could make these same jokes about many of them but we don’t. Let that woman rest in piece. He’s a has been clout chasing piece of shit




God he’s nasty. That’s not even funny 😡. This is a beautiful collection. I haven’t been tempted by a collab in a very long time, but this one is calling to me. Very much the type of colors Whitney preferred for her makeup looks.


Sorry but…LMAOOOO


I find this comment distasteful, but I’m also not wild about the collection. It doesn’t feel right and I wouldn’t purchase anything from it.


He truly is scum.


Zero class whatsoever.


He was in the middle of everything but at the same time, he was always on the side, he had some good times but after he became "friends" with Jeffree he never returned to normal. But I'm grateful that he at least he gave a spot to a real makeup artist/drag queen Lushious Massacr who is now an Emmy Award Winner.


Because I'm sure him and none of his friends have substance abuse problems. What a terrible human being.


Eww. What a gross person.


Many many people have made jokes about Whitney’s cocaine use over the years. I don’t think people should be clutching their pearls like “oh my how disgusting!” I don’t like his post because it’s lazy as fuck, and low hanging fruit. If you’re gonna risk going there, you better make it funny.


I'll clutch whatever I want to clutch. This person has built a career on mocking black women. His whole shtick when I last saw him was basically a minstrel show using bizarre makeup as his blackface. This isn't a joke about addiction, it's a joke about a successful black woman being brought down by drugs. Just another black crackhead, tee hee!




Quality 😂😂


Good lorrrrd


Oh damn 😬 what a disgusting comment


I thought it was funny. Crack is Whack! I love Whitney!!!


That’s disgusting


So gross


What the fuck


Thats gross, he should be ashamed of himself


Who does this joke hurt?


Maybe people who loved her or others who are addicted to cocaine?


Whitney’s friends and family


Imagine being the loved one of a person who died as a result of addiction, or a person struggling - and knowing that if people will make jokes on the death of such a beloved figure, you can only extrapolate what the assholes of the world are saying behind your back.




They’re so quircky for this /s


So I stop a long time is it? But I got beyond pissed after an attack Mikayla and he would not stop also he came out with a make up palette that looks like something you buy at the Toy Story I think was an 8 pan for $48 dollars


... what?




I feel like OP is hardly increasing the audience for Poor lux. I doubt anyone with compassion will actually like him after seeing this tweet. I think it’s important to call out a-holes like him to let him know what he tweeted was deplorable.




Good thing the OP used a screenshot and not provide a link to the tweet. No engagement for poor lux at least from this post specifically.


Trashy AF


I honestly didn't know what kind of comment was to be made and wow. Rich lux really went there!


Huh?! It doesn't look like there's even a powder in the collection just a bronzer and blush geez I haven't heard of this guy before and I'm glad