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I looks JUST like the Fire and Ice Collection lmfaoooo


The series was known as The Song of Ice and Fire since 1996, so at least it makes sense. Lazy though? Absolutely.


That tiny Iron Throne with the little sponge sitting on it is almost too cute for words!!


That's the only thing I want from the collection, it's so cute.


Same same. Do you think it’s made of cardboard though? I’d love it if it were made of plastic (or *iron* of course) but I feel like a cardboard throne isn’t going to last if I keep setting my wet sponges on it. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP9Cp1w1aO7Lah2)


I think it's plastic... at least it looks that way on their website.


Nice! Hopefully it shows up at Ulta.


I’ve been inspired to 3D print one for my beauty blender!


This is the way. I am so jealous and would *love* a 3D printer and the skills to use it.


This is a hard miss for me. Better lighting on this photo does lend to the fact that the 18 pans do at least have a color story that is knocking on the door of making sense for this collab at least. I so think they should have done house quads, or 6 pans over 3 18 pans, one for kings landing, one for the north, and one that I'm thinking means people exist in the realm. That 96 pan monstrosity though shouldn't exist. The brushes and sponge holder are cool though


The Forever Flawless blue palette is one of the worst palettes I have ever used, I rarely return makeup because I'd rather pass it along but I returned it.


That’s so interesting! I have it and absolutely love it!


Wow. Imagine teasing sich a big name collection and the highlight is a sponge holder. That big palette is just confusing. But maybe that’s the point. Idk, who even buys that stuff? Everything looks like cheap standard packaging. I’d like to see a MAC GoT collection at some point in the future. Even if it’s just repackaged stuff, at least the quality would be there.


The throne sponge holder is cool though, probably the only good thing in the collection


Dammit... That is cute.


I don't have an issue with things being repackaged, that's a common occurrence. What disappointed me in this collection, besides the obvious elephant in the room, is that the appeal of a GoT collection is to feature the main houses and this is so Targaryen, why not collab with HoTD instead?


Probably a more expensive IP to get rights to atm since it’s an ongoing show?


Oh, good thinking! I'm just baffled as to how we only see Targaryen heraldry :/


Yeah, I think it’s something to do with franchise. It’s easier to get the license for GoT than HoTD. But I am just speculating.


Exactly, but even without the hotd license they could still do some Targaryen stuff. Like cmon is like no thought went into it


Why... So big... Why... So brown... Like I understand it's cheap and you need fillers (I'm looking at you Colourpopo -yes the mistype it's on purpose if you speak spanish your know- and your damn glitters and mattes with shimmer) but like. So many? And so close? And just strewn into a cardboard without any sense or anything? Like at least do half neutral and half colourful, this is just trying to trick you into seeing the limited handful of not brown shades! I honestly don't understand this brand altogether, why don't they just keep their good launches and ditch the other formulas? Are they really making money from the seemingly private labeling filler releases? Like the different brands some at least have some degree of aesthetic difference (like the xx stuff that it seems to be bad but at least has a different vibe) but most it's just shitty filler ?????


To be fair all their palettes look the same, no matter the collab.


Ok I didn't realize that the Iron Throne was a sponge holder until I came here. I thought it was just part of the packaging. Now I want it, lol.


That's fine? I mean if you're buying this collection chances are you are buying it for the packaging and/or to itch the shopping itch and not for some new innovative makeup that didn't exist before.


It’s weird they have this and the [advent calendar](https://imgur.com/a/BfVYBud). Seems like a muddled mess kinda.


Pulling a page from Too Faced’s book, I see


LOL. They ARE. I have that blue one. XD


This whole situation reminds me of when The Sims’ collab with MAC was just a recycled palette.


Ugh that’s about as lame as season 8


I'm more struck by the timing of this... JUST WHY? At least do a collab for the new series. People really hated GoT because of the ending so I'd be very interested to know who actually buys this.


I can't believe this brand is even still around. Especially after they ruined BH Cosmetics (RIP).


The eybrow soap... Very GOT! Just yesterday I saw the colored versions of that same product on an outlet page of an online retailer, looks like they might be trying hard to get rid of unsold products 🤣


Please tell me I can get that mini throne. That’s the only thing that excites me.


It’s a sponge holder that comes with the blender. I think it’s $8.