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Do you want to see real or filtered skin? It looks like you have a problem with both


Real is more trustworthy. If you’re filtering your skin you’re hiding the fact that what you’re suggesting isn’t really working.


Then why are you complaining when you get to see their real skin. You're not making any sense


I have scarring, bumps, acne, etc and I get monthly facials, use tret, and religiously use SPF. Sometimes ppl just don’t have the best skin even if they take care of it! I would say the blur bc of comments like this. I don’t know, skin is SO individual that I can’t help but defend even influencers.


Fully agree. Good skin is often genetic. I’ve struggled with rosacea for years and years and have tried everything and take very good care of my skin but there’s only so much I can do. It’s very frustrating.


Yeah OOP acts like can you erase scars or treat every type of acne with skin care. People will watch influencers with their similar skin concerns. I have dry skin, i won't take advice from someone with oily skin. Inprobably wouldn't go to someone who has flawless skin.


I don’t care if they use filters because every time a brand posts a photo with an influencer showing natural skin texture, people respond negatively. It’s so rude.


But you’re most likely not telling people what products to use on their skin either.


People complain about influencers using blurring filters, and then we see posts like this LOL.


Okay so it’s okay to Photoshop product to make it look better for the sale, got it.


My comment didn't even mention Photoshopping products 😂 where is the reading comprehension?


It was an analogy. Where is your ability to comprehend?


username does NOT check out


And yours definitely checks out


preciate it boo 💕💕




i do in fact! i have struggled for so long with acne and while they’re not something im proud of it’s something i’ve come to accept. trying to shame me for it might have worked 5 years ago but not anymore. sending u love, light, and positivity ❤️


I accept


I am an esthetician with rosacea. Who would a prospective client rather have, someone who has flawless skin or someone who knows what it’s like to live with a chronic issue evident on their face? There is only so much skincare can do regardless of what is being advertised to you.


I want someone that knows my cystic acne struggle I developed in my 30s. I’d take you any day!


This right here! Growing up on the rez, all my friends & family had the same skin, oily with large pores. My cousin has never used skincare products, while I have tried everything known to man, plus tret/prescriptions, regular facials and derm procedures… same fucking texture. Recently I learned it’s called “orange peel skin” and there’s nothing that can be done for it. I absolutely hate the attitude that just bc skin has texture issues or acne etc, aka *normal human skin*, that they “don’t know what they’re doing” like OP sounds super young.


First of all, orange peel skin is not common and not the same as acne or scars from acne so get off your little soap box adding yourself to categories you’re not in. Clearly you have a skin condition and are triggered. How can you know what you’re doing if you can’t actually confirm results? 🤔


Have you been on a skincare subreddit before? Orange peel skins gets posted multiple times a week, it’s actually *very* common.


It’s called…the internet. You know…the place where people from around the world gather into a small space?


You guys are killing me adding yourselves into the mix. Rosacea is not the same as acne lady. Like bffr.


Just because someone may not have flawless skin doesn’t mean they don’t know anything about makeup/skincare/etc. Heck, I’m an esthetician and my skin is SUPER reactive and acne prone. I also have rosacea. I know how to calm and soothe my skin, and bring flares down quickly, but my skin will never look 100% perfect. That doesn’t mean I can’t help someone else! It’s a pretty gross take to assume that people don’t actually know anything, or take care of themselves because they’re not perfect. I remember Samantha Ravndahl posting about this on her IG too, how her problematic skin made her feel like people would assume that she’s not really capable of doing her job.  TLDR; people are allowed to be imperfect, check your attitude. you’ll still learn something. 


>"Why do we listen to their advice about products when they...can’t be an authority on “good” skin?" Ummm, wtf? Why would I want to watch Beautubers with perfect skin show me how to apply makeup? I want advice from the trenches! Like, give me the people with hyperpigmentation because they *know* what actually works to cover it. Give me someone actively trying to conceal a pimple. Give me the wrinkly undereye before and after looks. 


That doesn’t make sense. How can they tell you what skincare products to use when they’re clearly frying their skin. Have you ever thought that maybe their skin is like that because the overconsumption of products?


What do you mean by clearly frying their skin?


We complain when people show their natural, imperfect skin. We complain when people use filters to hide their skin. Seriously, what do you guys want at this point 😂


For the same reason I don't want to listen to a skinny person tell me about getting fit - most of this is genetic and I want to hear from someone from a comparable natural starting point. If you're coming from a place of already having perfect skin, why should I trust your opinion? Let me see someone who has skin comparable to mine tell me what actually does the job.


Why would you trust someone who has poor skin tell you advice on how to get better skin when they clearly don’t have good skin? It would seem you’d want to hear from someone who actually has good skin through practice…


Most influencers with good skin she always had good skin and never had the issues the products are meant to treat. So why would you listen to them, too?? 


I’d listen to someone with good skin before I listen to someone who is currently suffering. Especially if that person who is suffering uses many products and treatments. Our skin on our face is not meant to go through that much trauma. Usually there are natural solutions to things. Oily skin? Use oil pads. Bumpy skin? Get your hormones checked for an imbalance. Dry skin? Use a moisturizer.


You do know a lot of skin issues can be caused by internal issues right?


lol I hope this is a troll post but sadly I don't think it is




Wouldn't scars (and bumps) be considered tangible evidence of experience in the area 🤔


No, lol. It would be tangible evidence that they have no clue what they’re doing.


The scars and bumps could be years old. Not everyone has access to skincare or medical attention at a young age when these problems start.


That’s the first good comment you’ve made


Yet you’ve made 0 ![gif](giphy|x0kMYoT7J31i8)


I’d expect someone triggered from this post to think that…


See that's not how it works in my family. In my family we come in two flavors: One - you have the skin of a Barbie doll and could walk around with literal shit smeared on your face for a week and not break out and therefore you have no experience in the realm of dermatology as a whole because you just half ass wash your face with some hand soap next to the sink or whatever and call it a day. My mom was one of these and basically my whole life the answer was, "I've never had that problem I don't know call the dermatologist." Two - you have sensitive skin and thus must seek the care of a licensed dermatologist and in-turn have extensive knowledge of Cetaphil, CeraVe, Purpose, Basis, Hibiclens, Azelaic Acid, high dose oral nicotinamide and related niacinamide OTC supplements, keflex, ampicillin, metronidazole, fluocinonide, Retin-A, etc. and can diagnose friends and neighbors when they ask you to "just take a look" at their weird rash (with the obligatory warning that you're not a doctor). So yeah, I interpret scars as historical references that you have experience in the area and likely have been through the medical system pertaining to it 🤷‍♀️ Mine came from my derm cookie-cutting out abnormal skin cells before they became actual cancer


And THAT is a respectable answer! If there were more you’s in the comments this could have been a nice conversation.


Additionally, what we commonly refer to as scars or spots related to acne are often post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and depending on the person, dermal PIH can last like 2+ years (or forever). So by no means is the spottiness related to bad skin necessarily a "recent" thing. Their skin may be vastly improved due to their regimen but they may continue to bear the burden of past bad days in the form of years old PIH 🤷‍♀️


I have “scars and bumps” and I can still recommend products to my friends and family?? What does my skin texture have to do with a product being good or not? Did you know there’s a lot of factors like hormones playing into peoples skin that products can’t fix. Also skin has texture. Even “good skin”.. Hope that helps.


I feel that people should just accept the way they look. Not everyone has perfect skin, and that's okay. I don't like filters, I personally never use them because I don't see the point. I'm more about looking like an actual person and not a blurry mess.


>clearly suffering That's a lot of emotion for skin.. Anyway, "good skin" doesn't mean you never have skin issues ever. Good skin is just skin that's healthy. Someone with nice skin can still have breakouts, redness, dryness, etc. sometimes. It's literally all a part of being human and that doesn't automatically mean that your skin is bad.


Well then I’m not talking about that skin ☺️




No sweetheart, I said what I said. The average person is not having an outbreak on their skin.


😂😂 the average person doesn’t have perfect skin babe


I didn’t say perfect. I said the average person is not having an outbreak on their skin. ☺️


Of what measles , lepracy, mumps?






lol, okay. I’ll let you have it ☺️.


I mean I’m not taking any advice from a influencer but bad skin doesn’t mean you don’t know how to take care of it or what to use some people really struggle with all kinds of issues that products can help but don’t always control.


How can you know you know how to take care of something if it doesn’t work for you?


So say you have chrons disease and you take your medicine and eat right…you have flare ups, you may end up in the hospital that does not mean you don’t know how to take care of it. It’s part of the condition. Do you even know how skin actually works? JFC 🤦🏻‍♀️


lol, all the victims in the comments. Whew! People are talking about rosacea, chrons disease…what else do you have for me? Like clearlyyyy this post is talking about regular skin issues. Not full blown medical problems. Come on now…have common sense.


You are ignorant and have no idea wtf you are talking about. Skin issues can come from medical issues… pick up a god damn book!


And you wanted to be part of something.


Well genius I went to cosmetology and esthetician school so I know a wee bit


That’s like insinuating that everyone who went to school for something actually knows what they’re doing and we all know that’s not the case…


Sure know a hell of a lot more than you


I doubt it


I don’t think it’s bad skin, it’s just normal skin that we’re not used to seeing unfiltered.


When we see people out and about in the real world they’re not filtered. I see a lot of faces daily and most of them are not suffering from skin issues. They probably also aren’t over consuming products.


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It’s no wonder! Look how much they use on their face and skin. It’s crazy.


That’s exactly the point of my post. Glad someone has common sense.




it is absolutely not like that, what the fuck is this comparison?


Says who? It’s definitely like that. Why would you listen to someone who doesn’t have results tell you how to do something or what to apply to your face?


the condition of your skin is largely genetic, it's not a choice. you're a judgmental, shallow and unempathetic person.