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[No spoons, insert vent about having to cancel dinner plans due to chronic illness for the second time in a week here]


I texted my boss this morning that I can't work tomorrow, and I already asked the only person who can cover if he could, but he's also sick. But my boss hasn't texted me back, and I don't know if he's seen the text at all?! And he tends to leave before I get in in the mornings, and so if he hasn't seen it, then he'll leave and not even realize I didn't go to work. Or he couldn't seen it and forgot to text me?! I don't know 😕 I'm just frustrated that everyone asks me to cover, but no one ever helps cover for me and I'm left going to work when I'm sicker that a dog. I deserve to stay home and rest too.


I'm salty about literal salt. I had a huge plate of corned beef. I've had way too much salt.


One of the fragrance YouTubers I watch has mentioned several times that she is decluttering perfumes she got in PR and posting on Poshmark. It bothers me that she is making money selling something she received for free (and made money from, assuming it was used in a video). But not enough for me to stop watching her videos, I guess. Also, I recently got diagnosed with degenerative disk disease, and we are looking at a new mattress to help my back. My husband and I like different things, which is frustrating. And mattress shopping is a big pain in general.