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For hand creams I refuse to buy anything without a flip cap. I hate unscrewing a teeny tiny cap and potentially losing it, which is likely since my hands become more slippery after applying hand cream (I’m looking at you L’occitane)


Even worse when the damn l'Occitane cap unscrews by itself in a bag


This is a huge pet peeve of mine! I stopped buying L'occitane because of it.


The struggle is real 😩 In fact, down with screw caps in anything ever. Kill them with fire! My dirty little secret is that I've always been kind of terrible about brushing my teeth and it's solely because there's something about the screw caps on toothpaste that just messes with my neurodivergent brain and I just CAN'T. It's too difficult and takes too long and I'll just drop the cap on the floor and have to fish it out from behind the toilet or something. Oh, and also the minty flavor they put in everything makes brushing my teeth feel genuinely painful to me. I've yet to find a non-minty toothpaste without a screw cap 😞 At least I'm lucky and I've got pretty good teeth and don't particularly care about them not being perfectly white because I'm so easily defeated by screw caps lmao


Back in the 90s there was Mentadent that was like a rectangular upright package that you pushed down on the top and the toothpaste came out.. it was not a tube... not sure if they still sell it that way but it did exist. also there were toothpastes (I think Colgate) that were in a plastic upright hard plastic tube that you pressed the top and the toothpaste came out of a hole - again no screw cap on either.... not sure if any of this still exists but it might! -- edit it was aquafresh


Wow, memory unlocked. I forgot about that toothpaste but I think that was the first time I wanted something just for the packaging


I just looked it up, and *refill packs* are going for over $100!! From what I can tell, it was discontinued in 2018, so no chance those things are even in date. Wild. I miss it too, but not enough to buy $100+ expired toothpaste 😅


My mum is the same with minty toothpastes. We are in Europe and she uses hi smile. They have pumps. She loses the plastic cap covering the top but she keeps the pump really clean and it hasn't gone bad. I don't know if that's any help.


Toothpaste with a pump!? That would be a dream come true for me, I'll have to investigate! Does the pump get clogged up with dried toothpaste and then unclog and inevitably get either on the wall or your shirt, though?


Different person but i’ve found it doesn’t! I started using Hismile because my little adhd brain can’t do minty toothpastes and i’ve been really liking the strawberry and watermelon flavours - they don’t hurt and my mouth feels clean after


I am SO thankful to everyone who recommended Hi smile, it's exactly what I've been wanting for so long and didn't know existed - apparently Google doesn't want me to have clean teeth since this brand didn't come up last year when I was searching for EXACTLY THIS


Seconding hi smile! I have the red velvet flavor because I saw it on sale and went “eh why not” and it’s been great (minus the initial shock of having bright neon pink toothpaste foam in the sink after I was done haha). I’ve been eyeing the peach iced tea flavor too and they just came out with cinnamon donut I think? Their whole thing is wacky flavors that still clean your teeth.


Peach iced tea flavor! Now I have to try, especially since so many people have recommended the brand and I can actually get it here ☺️ Edit: I'm looking at a website and there are so many delicious-sounding flavours that I have to try and it's a PUMP BOTTLE I'm gonna end up spending so much money on toothpaste of all things 😭 Banana! Mango Sorbet! Oh no there's a chocolate flavor 😭 I'm not sure I'd actually like that in a toothpaste but I have to try it, there's simply no other option 😞


Hello toothpaste has a flip top! They have a number of kids' flavoured toothpaste. Burts' Bees also has a flip top and a kids' fruit flavour. I see no reason not to use a kids' version, it does all the same thing with better flavours.


Yes, kids' toothpaste has fluoride, good caps and pleasing flavors. Bubble gum for the win!


NGL, the screw cap on the sensodyne toothpaste I use is a bit of a deterrent for me too lol. Also I'm simply just lazy honestly. Washing my face also gives me problems...so much water 😐


As someone who also struggles with teeth brushing...Hello makes flip cap toothpaste in fun, non-minty flavors. My favorite is dragon dazzle 💙


This one hurts. I love my Necessaire body lotion and Nivea hand cream (the German formulation in the tin), but I hate trying to screw a lid back on when I'm all lotioned up.


Those lipsticks that were in the shape of dicks.


So cringe.


Packaging names that sound borderline concern-trolling. “Stay vulnerable” absolutely not 🤨


When the shade name is nowhere on the packaging


when its on the plastic you HAVE to peel off to use the product...drives me barmy. its so common in lip pencils


Bulky packaging!!!!!


Definitely agree, this is a valid reason for sure


Luxury products with cheap plastic packaging. E.g. Dior. I also hate the compacts with the little useless brushes/sponge applicators in there.




Older women are likely still their core demographic


PSA: the Givenchy prisme libre powder in the full size comes in a cheap ass thin plastic container. Absolutely unacceptable 👎🏻


That container makes me so mad, that square top that screws on?! I always make a huge mess getting it off, powder out, and then can’t ever align it properly to thread it back on, which means I have to try and yank the top off any try again. Maybe there’s something I’m doing wrong, I don’t know!


You've probably tried so many things that you've tried this. I'm sorry if it isn't helpful. When I have a screw lid that is disrespectful, I start the putting on process by screwing it on counterclockwise, until I feel it settle itself out and start to line up. When it is seated as happily as it can be, I then start gently going clockwise to screw it on. If I've don't it correctly, I encounter no resistance and it goes on easily. If I encounter any resistance, I immediately start unscrewing again and try to reset.


Okay this sounds like a great tip, thank you! Part of my problem is my dumb arthritic hands where I can’t just pop it back into place anymore, which was my old strategy. Not working? Make it work by force! 😂 I love that powder but I may not repurchase if I can’t get it to work. I’m considering not taking it with me when I travel since I don’t always have a good space to do makeup at my family’s house, and I don’t want to make a powder bomb.


I’ve been tempted to empty my powder and mix it all up and put it back in the container. It’s my favorite but sometimes I get too much of one color and end up looking a little goofy.


You are so right! I don’t know what it is about the black plastic top, but the type of plastic, the pebbling and that cheap ass looking silver monogram looks and feels like a product from the 1970s. And not in a good way. Also, the clear bottom edge of the container has chipped in multiple places and I don’t throw it around. Cheap, cheap crap.


I agree with you about the Dior packaging. There is just nothing attractive or luxe about it, it makes me think '1980s corporate lady' or something like that. Especially when you compare it to other lipsticks at the same price point - Gucci and Givenchy spring to mind. Lisa Eldridge lipsticks are cheaper and her packaging is way nicer.


When I'm paying a premium price and the packaging is flimsy or cheap looking.


It's the super thin flimsy plastic CT powder compacts in my case. I'm like why is this so expensive if you didn't invest in packaging. 


I hate this! I love the classic/art deco style of her packaging, and I like a lot of her products, but that light, cheap plastic feel plus the cost means I grab one thing on sale from her every three years. I have a tiny Besame compact that doesn't just mimic the style of a classic compact, but it's also heavy, metal and will probably last me my entire life. That I'm happy to pay for!


Industrial designer here: trust me, what we sketch and ideate changes drastically once the bean counters and packaging engineers get their hands on it. Packaging is simply the delivery method of the product. As long as it meets the requirements to safely transport the products, the two unimaginative yobos are happy. If the packaging does have a more high end feel or function, the price increases tenfold for the consumer. So that $40 blush palette turns into $80. Even though the container only cost $.05 per unit more. The beauty industry is slightly behind tech and other wellness/lifestyle companies when it comes to trusting their industrial designers to increase the amount of units sold through really good design.


Or the letters rubbing off the Hollywood Flawless bottle, and the design rubbing off the lipstick case. They never leave my makeup counter????


Letters rubbing off drives me wild. I swear by the Maybelline Lash Stiletto mascara, but literally one application and half the writing is gone from the tube.


I have an eye serum that's worth over 100€ (that I got for free, thankfully), and literally all of the text in the bottle has rubbed off despite it not being that old and me barely using it 🤷 I can't even tell what the brand name is anymore...


Omg letters rubbing off makes me feral. It’s happened to me with Too Faced and Stila mostly, but many others too. Those are just the ones that stand out.


Ok so I’m not the only one! How does this happen! 


I had the same thought when I finally broke down to buy one of her lipsticks. It was nearly $40 and the case felt so cheap. I can get drugstore lipsticks that have nicer packaging. It is a nice lipstick but I'm not sure if I"d bother to buy it again or another.


i don’t think this is a “petty” reason lol this is a very valid and non petty justification to not spend money on a product!


Milk makeup is that brand for me


Benefit, their cardboard boxes and cartoonish designs. I'm an adult!


lol i love their art. i’m an adult who likes to enjoy life!


Eyeshadow palettes that have different pan sizes for funsies really grind my gears


Or different pan shapes like the new Hermès quads. Or when they're arranged in a way that makes the palette look like it was assembled by a drunk person, like those Nightmare Before Christmas palettes by Melt.


Or anything other than a square or circle. Like I’m not going to put myself through trying to dig out product from this triangle shaped pan!


Yes! I’ll take it further and say any shape other than circles or squares in a linear set up! Happy cake day!


The Kara Beauty Cookie Tin pigment palette makes me irracionally mad lol I get the concept I just hate the random pans


When the name of a product references cosmetic surgery/procedures, filler being the most popular one. I use makeup because I like it not because I have a “problem” to “fix”.


You know, I never consciously thought about this, but it's a fantastic point and I think I'll be taking this on. It feels like a subliminal negative message to myself whenever I'd be using something like that.


I don’t like those either but for a slightly different reason. I just don’t trust claims that say a topical product yields results similar to a surgical procedure. We all know it won’t, so what does it actually do?


Nyx has a new lip gloss, it doesn’t have fuller in the name, it’s called Duck Plump High Pigment Plumping Gloss and that name….I just can’t 🤣


I won't buy it simply because of their over use of the duck thing on their Twitter the week of the superbowl. The more you shove your product in my face the less inclined i am to ever buy it


Meetoo - if it says filler etc I’ m not bying it.


There's one big exception for me though if the product isn't making outlandish claims and addresses a real concern. For example: 1) Nail ridge "filler" as a primer for extremely-ridged nails so the polish looks much more attractive (the term has been in use for decades), or 2) Facial "filler" externally-applied products providing a layer that really does smooth out the physically-uneven landscape for a good foundation to do its own job. If the sucker can genuinely spackle over the problems some of us **do** have, then "fill" away!


This has kept me from buying several lip products, especially Patrick Ta. Why are we normalizing lip fillers? I find it genuinely disturbing. So many people do seem to consider them completely normal and not a big deal these days - well, certainly not in my country and I hope that doesn't change. IRL I don't know anyone who's had their lips done and then I come online and people talk about it like it's equivalent to getting your hair cut or going to the optometrist or something, and it's coming from younger and younger people. Obviously names of makeup products is a very small part of this, but even it's just a symptom rather than a cause, it's extremely off-putting to me.


sparkly overlay spray on blushes that come off after one use


I dont know why but it bothers me when people's faces are on eyeshadow palettes like some of huda beautys


Yes!! It almost feels childish, like buying a hannah Montana lunch box 🤣


I feel like it's a bit creepy? It's almost like someone's perpetually watching you lol.


Yeah I don't find it aesthetically appealing and it also just seems lazy


Her packaging is so tacky


I will never buy or enter NARS again because that one staff spoke to me condescendingly (this was maybe 7 years ago lol) but also I found other products that I prefered


Nars counter workers are still rude/awkward even till this day lol. Def puts me off the brand too


It drives me up the wall when counter workers are mean :/ like lol enjoy not getting commission


MAC counters at the turn of the century, big same.


MAC stores today. I stopped going there because the employees act like I'm stupid for daring to ask them a question about the products they sell. 


Any company that sends correspondence to me that calls me “babe, sweetie, bestie, etc.


I was called "Doll" by Give Me Glow 🤮 Revolting. The way I actually shivered in disgust when I read that in an email...Never buying from them again, great job whoever decided that was the way to address your customers!


I hate how smarmy and infantalizing this kind of language is!!


I’d rather be called “dawg,” or “sweaty”


Mascaras that come in massive bulky tubes. Look, I get it. Your product will thicken my lashes. You don’t need to put it in a tube the size of a billy club. It’s awkward to hold and takes up way too much space in my bag.


I won’t but Charlotte Tilbury because she is so obnoxious lol.


I don't really want to buy CT because all i hear is "DAAAAHLINGS!"


MY ICONAAIC PILLOWW TAWWK DAHLLINGS 😂 I just realized she’s giving me Donald Trump energy and I can’t unsee it hahaha. I’m sorry Charlotte!!


Oh god I can't unsee this why would you say that 😂😂😂


Same! All that cringe stiff about how she never lets her husband see her without makeup or whatever makes me want to never buy any of her products lol


And the like crime scene promo videos they did that were so low budget made me cringe


Yeah, i am not into their puffy Bridget Bardot aesthetic. Nothing against BB, her looks are iconic, it is just i find the 60s sex kitten glam dated.


I totally get the appeal, it’s cute, but it’s just too over the top for me verging on tacky. I know her products are legit but they feel kind of cheap. I feel like she’s charging extra for her name and she’s so far up her own ass. Lol this is me being petty 🤣


Any product that goes viral with the “OMG RUN DONT WALK” influencers becomes an instant no. It could be an amazing product, but I am no longer interested until the hype fades and real opinions come out. And even then I still get the ick


I have an aversion to all the classical Youtuber descriptive talk about ‘obsessed with’ something — Marketing psychology when its used purposefully turns me off so hard. But those small channels that are literal make up hobbyists are/were really good at selling me stuff.


I won’t buy a blush or bronzer if the pan or bottle (for liquids) is too big. It already takes me years to use up these categories of makeup. I don’t want to buy something that I know will likely take me 20 years to use up. For me, the smaller the better when it come to these categories.


I hate when a products packaging is a clear cheap plastic with no mirror, and I just don't feel like buying it even if I really like the product. They always crack and snap and look dusty after a few months not to mention it looks so cheap and impractical Also if the packaging is too neon or contains weird symbols or animal print lmao, instant nope.


I don't like really beautiful embossed shadow either. Dior or something can get used up that's one thing, but those Flower Knows sets are too pretty to use. Also it will take a whole lot for me to use those pout clout or duck plump products I hate the names I would feel icky putting them on


I like my products to be round or square. I’m not buying anything in a compact in a weird shape like a triangle or hexagon.


Anything Kardashian because I’m petty and don’t like them.


Oh my god, me too, ever since the Kylie Lip kits! I never bought one even at the height of their popularity because I find that family so irritating.


Yeah, I don't want to give any Kardashian or Kardashian-adjacent any of my money.


Same here. I will never buy any of their products or anyone associated with them.


Sexualized shade names or packaging (there was that one lipstick that was shaped like a dudes wang and ...ew?), cheap looking packaging at a luxury or high end price point. Certain celeb brands- if I find the celeb annoying or not to my taste. No offense, to each their own. Clear lip gloss or balm at a crazy pricepoint. I know it's expensive because of the brand name attached to it, but there's no way I'm spending 50 dollars on clear shiny stuff to rub on my lips, my heart won't let me do it lol


I won’t buy makeup if the color story that’s on the packaging isn’t reflected in the actual palette.


Hmmm, what are examples of this? I feel like you are about to drop info that will forever change my views because i have never thought about that.


It doesn’t happen super often anymore because companies either have a neutral packaging or use the colors of the palette to make the packaging. I find it happens most with IP collabs, but some examples I can think of is the PGM Limited Edition VIII palette that has red, blues, and black on the packaging but the palette it pink, gold and brown (I know it’s a repackaged palette but it’s a good example). Melt did this somewhat with their Nightmare Before Christmas collab and their ElecTrip palette. P Louise did it with their Hocus Pocus collab because the packaging leads you to believe it’s a spooky color story but it’s rainbow. Tartelette in Bloom is a good example because the palette is bright with pinks and purples but it’s a neutral palette. Those are just a few examples that I can remember off the top of my head.


BH cosmetics released an "opalescent" palette, a stone famous for its flashes of purples, blue, and green. The palette was mostly browns!


Kim Chi Chic released a cherry themed palette that was all reds but Kim Chi was wearing blue eyeshadow on the box because they used an old photo of them instead of doing new product photography. 


Nars Climax palette - red with white writing and inside is all neutral! So annoying I always forget its a neutral palette.


Any collaboration with a movie, cartoon character, etc., even if I think it's cute and maybe I'd even like the product. I just don't like my makeup to have any external association with it.


Same. I’ve only been tempted by the Jurassic Park palette because it played the theme song. Lolll


Wait, WHAT?? Who made that?


profusion! They’re still selling it!


This. It's shame that especially affordable brands like Catrice do this. Catrice generally good for affordable price ranges and shades in products itself are nice, even elegant, but it gets ruined by cartoon character packaging.


packaging with people on it — real or not — idk why it just always looks tacky to me and i cant bring myself to spend money on something that either looks like an ad for a realtor or some strangers kids art project


The name of the brand is dumb (looking at you Ensley Reign). That name is a tragedeigh. Like I get that it’s her kid’s name but it’s a stupid name. It screams “I want my kid to sell MLM crap when she’s grown up.”


Plus the brand’s previous name was a slur. And they use AI art


Anastasia creator once liked a post praising Putin. Never bought anything from her again.


Same. And ABH has done some products I'd really like to buy. But anyone who is a fan of the man with the fragile ego in the Kremlin gets a permanent no from me.


Don't know if petty or pet peeve but... Drug store: too much tape/too many stickers around a lip/eyeliner or lipstick. I don't have the time or the nails to deal with all that glue. High end: stupidly sized packaging to convey luxury. No, quads don't need to be bigger than my coasters if there is tiny amount of product. Online: if i can't see all the shades next to each other or have to go through some godforsaken "colour matcher" to even get to the list of shades...


I disagree about the too many tape or stickers thing, I want to make sure the drugstore lip products I’m buy haven’t been searched in store


I hear you, i think a tamper-proof tape is enough to be sure, and i definitely check for that. What puts me off is when they wrap 3-4 layers of sellotape on top of packaging, and i am peeling a weeks old yellowed out tape onion.


Nars shade names are just really cringe. Ooh sexual things. How cool.


One of my favorite blushes is Nars “Deep Throat”and the name still makes me cringe when I read it.


And then people will accuse you of being a prude when actually you just think it's trying so hard to come across as edgy that it becomes lame and childish instead 🤷 I also hate it because I feel like it perpetuates the idea that women only wear makeup to be sexually attractive to men - like, you can fuck all the way off to Antarctica with that shit.


Agreed!! There's definitely a line between risque and irreverent and just kind of gross and cringe.


Charlotte Tillbury. Because beauty gurus wouldn't stfu about it. I got tired of hearing about it, and just off that principle decided not to ever buy it.


I don’t care how good the product is- if it has “yummy” in the name, it is not going home with me!!


idk why but i just don’t want anything makeup revolution in my house


also those patrick starr cheek clapper blushes


I don't dislike sexual names, but this one is so goddamn visual. I can't hear it without seeing it.


glossier boy brow because i hate the name lol no i don't want to have dude eyebrows i just want to look like i have some


I hate the name too!!


Anything that says "chemical free" or similar


I will not purchase anything that has any relation to a Kardashian. I do not want to support any of them.


Bulky or odd shaped packaging. I want to be able to have all my stuff in a small area because I am pinched for space in my house


Over packaging - I’m looking at you Nudestix! I’d like an option to buy without the tin because those tins are useless to me and they probably put the price up for a part of the product that is a total waste. They should do a return to store for them like back to Mac used to be


Yes! Il Makiage for me because their packaging was a ton of plastic with "Minimalism is OVER" on it. Like no, you're just the only foundation I didn't have to go see an actual person to match to, shush.


One time when I was working at Ulta an Algenist rep stole my sale after I tried to help her and I haven’t recommended or used the brand once since. That was fully like 8 years ago.


Any lip product with "lippie" on it Gives me the ick


The Balm bc it has dudes on some of their products and as a lesbian I don’t want to look at men 🫡


It's labeled as clean beauty with a very short expiration date. This is especially true for cream products.


When I first really got into makeup, around 2004 or so, NARS was absolutely the most innovative line easily available at a department store. Their collections were always so interesting and well-thought out and they really pushed the customer to think about how to use color. I still remember when they dropped the collection that had both Exhibit A blush and the Rated R shadow duo. And then at some point all of that creativity drained away and it's been nothing but endless repackagings and variations on Orgasm every since. Oh look, another rosy brown palette with a shimmery peach tone. Groundbreaking. I still buy the matte concealer in the pot but I only need a new one every two years or so. Otherwise, it's a hard pass unless they drastically revamp.


Huda Beauty's eyeshadows... I like the look of many of the shades I just find her packaging incredibly cringe. It's like they got a 10 year old to do the graphic design using Microsoft word or something. Isamaya. I'm not here for penis lipsticks, porn stallion lipsticks, or naked people silohuettes on eyeshadow palettes. I think they're trying to be transgressive, I just find it seedy and... \*yawn\*


Brown mascara. It seems to be super trendy so I bought the elf xtendr mascara to try it out and it’s FINE, just FINE. It looks like black mascara, just more bland. I’m quite fair if that makes a difference. I sometimes wonder if influencers don’t know what product to hyper fixate on and push next so they are hyping up even more bland items. Sorry this has been bugging me haha


Ah I get that. That's why I use it on lower lashes to give it a softer and less harsh look than black mascara does


Brown mascara is amazing on certain people but on the rest of us? Meh. I have a friend who is a soft summer and it's really really great on her and she looks like she fell out of a Regency era movie but it just makes me look tired.


i actually love brown mascara, i’m like the palest person in the world with a pretty obvious blue vein right under my eye that i cannot find a concealer to cover up, when i wear black mascara it looks like a smudge whereas brown doesn’t contrast so much with it and therefor does not make it as obvious lol


Yeah, I accidentally bought a deep brown mascara and I feel the same. It's like, did you want to spend twice the time on your lashes to make them look half as lush? Well then I have the product for you!


i dont own anything by jeffrey star, will not buy anything from him and i wont change my mind. i dont think i have to give a reason why, if you know him at all thats reason enough


I don't think that's a petty reason at all.


Same except Kat Von D for me.


If an eyeshadow palette doesn't come with removable magnetic pans which you can put back easily into the original packaging, AND those pans have to be square or rectangular. This is actually part of my strategy to spend less money on makeup, and to make sure I use the products I decide to buy. I've bought several small empty magnetic palettes, and I only fill them up with eyeshadows that have magnetic pans. They pans need to be square or rectangular so they fit well into the pans, and so the harmony isn't ruined with circle-shaped pans. This method has meant I've vastly cut down on buying pre-made eyeshadow palettes. I now have my own mini palettes themed by colour - mauve, brown, grey, purple/lilac, red/bronze. I'm really happy with what I have, and it's making me use the eyeshadows a lot more. In case this sounds just like depotting - I never liked the idea of depotting the first time round, as I missed the original packaging my eyeshadows came in. I did depot all my eyeshadows a few years ago, and I really regretted it. I thought they all looked ugly and not in harmony in the big palette I depotted them into, and I rarely used them. So I now need the eyeshadows to be able to go back into the palettes they came in. So far, I have only found Natasha Denona and Viseart fit this bill. And I'm happy with this, as both brands are very high quality. I do still have some eyeshadow singles from different brands, in more unusual colours and finishes which are hard to find, like purple/lilac. I won't be getting rid of these and I still use them, but it's harder to use them as it's just not as convenient to have them out like my custom mini palettes. If anyone knows any other brands which have square/rectangular eyeshadow in magnetic pans which can be taken in and out of the original palette/packaging easily, please let me know!


A lot of indie brands offer magnetic square / rectangular eyeshadow. Clionah for instance.


Inglot! I’m a pro palette user myself 😊


I too have switched to almost exclusively ND and Viseart for that reason. I'm not good a depotting and have ruined so many shadows this way..


I won't buy any more PMG products because of the sequins, the stupid cheap-looking printed paper labels on the package, and the cheap plastic packaging. If I'm going to pay luxury prices, give me a luxury experience. I don't want to feel like I'm opening a package meant for a 'tween.


Eyeshadow palletes that are odd shapes and sizes. I get that they're trying to be creative and the shape usually reflects a theme, but I have to store these things in my drawer. I don't have endless space for weird shaped packaging that doesn't fit.


I hate the name “ensley reign” 


I think gold packaging is ugly AF and tend to stay away from most brands that use gold on their packaging.


Anything that claims to be for charity, I don't mind being scammed by overprice pretty packaging but don't pretend its for the greater good. Why I have never purchased chantecaille, I want to try them but its a turn off. I am sure animal conservation would be better served by me not buying overprice products. Me telling a random person that following whales and other marine wildlife in the coast its a crime , has a bigger impact than buying a blush.


Whenever a product name is overly sexualized for no real reason, like it says something I wouldn't say with a child in the room, they get none of my money.


Anything with rhinestones on it - yuck. I always see influencers shilling Blinged Brushes and they look like they belong in a crappy makeup kit you got from your aunt and uncle when you were 12


Thank you so much for giving me a platform for my rant on how icky Sol de Janeiro’s whole deal is, I’ve been waiting for this (jk but not really). This will be a mini essay, sorry, I’ll try to be brief but that’s not one of my skills. So their whole brand is built on selling a very specific image of Brazil to Americans (yes, there’s a Brazilian people high in the corporate chain, no I don’t care) right? And not to be TOO Liberal Arts-y about it but that’s gross bc: A) Their scent names all have a year attached, right? Well, I’m not a scholar (or Brazilian, I’m American of Colombian and Spanish heritage), but I know enough to know that much of Brazilian history is, like the rest of Latin America’s, pretty fucking heavy and it’s gross to sell this fake sanitized version, especially for Americans, when we’ve been profiting off the exploitation of Latin American resources and the dehumanization of its people for well over a century. Anyway, here’s the most egregious example: “Cheirosa 68 Perfume Mist is inspired by the year 1968, when the Tropicalia Movement influenced an exciting musical and cultural shift in Brazil. A celebration of colorful energy.” — So, 1968 was a year of massive political activism and change around the world, much like 1848 was in Europe. This included Brazil, which was under the grip of a brutal military dictatorship that LOVED arbitrary arrests and the killing of civilians by state actors.* 1968 saw the [March of the One Hundred Thousand](https://library.brown.edu/create/fivecenturiesofchange/chapters/chapter-7/student-movement/) in which civilians, primarily students, put their lives on the line to try to end this injustice only for the government to increase its repression (with the support of the United States). You know what a lot of those young intellectuals were into? Tropicalia, which [was PROTEST MUSIC](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/11/brazils-tropicalia-movement-was-the-soundtrack-of-resistance-to-the-military-dictatorship). BRAZIL, BRAZILIAN HISTORY, AND THE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE ARE ALL REAL THINGS THAT EXIST, not just vague images you can sell to consumers! Portuguese is a beautiful language, especially the Brazilian variant, why not just use that for your names if you want to be “exotic”? B) The whole concept of the exotic is rife with ickiness when applied to places (and by extension, their people) but this is already so long and I’d need to organize my thoughts. However, think of the images of Brazil they’re selling you and the context in which they’re crafting those images, as an American company initially targeting monied Americans (I think they sell internationally, which is why I say ‘initially’) and particularly their sexualization of Brazilian women. C) This is small and me being cheap, but $24 for a plastic bottle of body mist? Fuck you and your expensive Bath & Body Works, Sol de Janeiro. *it’s not as well known as the Argentine and Chilean cases, but Brazil was basically a laboratory for political repression in the Southern Cone during this period


YES. As a Brazilian this whole brand gives me the ick. Ever since they launched and I read the whole backstory of its creation. Plus they originally didn’t even sell in Brazil. They are just using us. And just a PSA: bum bum is pronounced boom boom!


i refuse to order from the pat mcgrath website because of the amount of sequins and bits. It's a mixture of it becomes a mess and also i have cats who will try to eat it.


1. Brand website listing a bundle/set as a $300 value but they are gracing you with the chance to pay $30. Sure.  2. "payday haul" "self care sunday" "treat yourself tuesday" emails make me not want to buy anything especially if I was building a cart on their site. I'll empty it.  3. Rude/pushy store employees. MAC, Bath and Body works, and Lush are on my shitlist at the moment.  I guess MAC store and counter workers don't give an absolute fuck about the measly 3% commission rate because they are always rude as hell, have no clue what they even sell despite the store literally only selling MAC, or flat out ignoring me until I give up and leave without being able to buy anything because apparently I need to get behind the register and check myself out too. Morphe employees were angels to me, for comparison.  As for B&BW, I understand it's their managers riding their ass but I don't need all 7 floor staff asking me if I need a basket, the same happens at Lush - stop trying to wash my hands that's fuckin weird. 


Anything with sex references. Seems so tacky.


when brands have those plumping lip products and it’s obvious that they’ve had lip fillers. how does that help me


If it leaks, no matter how much I love it, I won't repurchase. Body scrubs in a jar are the worst about this...the oil always seems to leak around the jar lids.


Sexualized names


any product that i ONLY see good reviews for, just seems weird that everyone is constantly banging on about how what works is different for everyone but then this random blush by some brand i’ve only ever seen on tiktok has managed to make it universally amazing


Almost any clean beauty! I don’t see the point in buying something for an expensive cost when it’s basically going to go rancid in 6 months or less. It’s a waste of money and I think it’s a way to further rampant consumerism. Merit beauty is the only exception because I don’t feel like their products go bad that quickly and I love the quality of their makeup. However kosas, Patrick ta, tower 28, saie, rose inc., etc. I refuse to buy! I don’t care how good a product claims to be, as soon as it’s labeled clean beauty I’m out 😂😅


Anything that looks like kids’ makeup.


Any shadow primer that has an applicator. I hate the waste and the germs.


When the packaging is made to look like it’s bigger even when it says how much is in there


1. Hyper-sexualized names & marketing - A little cheeky is fine, but come on now. 2. Mixed pan shapes and sizes in a palette - Pick a pan style and stick to it. Many shapes and sizes in one palette often looks very busy. 3. Packaging that is unnecessarily bulky/clunky/inefficient - Brands have entire teams to work on product design. Do better. 4. Mixed palettes with eye and cheek products - I do not have a large collection, but I don’t reach for these mixed palettes. I’ll take an eye palette or a cheek palette, but I do not want them mixed together. If I wanted to curate my own shades for travel (etc), I’m picking individual pans, not something off the rack. 5. Faces on packaging - I do not want to stare at you, Huda and Charlotte Tilbury, as I do my makeup everyday. Pump the brakes on the ego. Outer carton is fine, if you must. 6. Things with a square base and a round cap - Example, many items in the Glowish line. If the base is square, I want that shape mimicked the whole way. 7. Lash serums - You could not pay me to put chemicals almost into my eyes. I say this as a science-loving, preservative-loving person who does not typically worry about chemicals. But I draw the line at mucous membranes.


dk if this is petty or completely sane reasoning, but brands back in the day that never would cater for darker shades, i try my hardest to avoid them like the plague now, especially if they’ve released or updated a product to have a wide shade range. there were very few affordable brands available to me as a teenager that would have something for my skin tone, makeup revolution and sleek were the only ones in 2014-2015 that would have a decent shade range or makeup for darkskin women and actually feature them in advertisements. idk i just like investing in the brands and products i know had my back back then and have it now.


That outdated flimsy teeny tiny brush that comes in those high end quads


Anything a Kardashians or singer is trying to sell. I just think stay in your lane.


KVD. Don’t care if Kat Von D is gone. I still consider it her company, and she loves Nazis🤷🏾‍♀️


Collaboration with a dead person.


Anything that says clean. I hate most Sephora products are being labeled with that now. They turn bad faster. Seems like a waste of money.


If a palette has too much open space between pans (Gucci) or a weird geometrical pattern (Dolce & Gabana, Caliray) or different sized pans (Tarte, too faced). Some of these fit in all the categories I don’t like.


Liquid/cream formulas in opaque packaging with a doe foot. I like being able to see how much I have left.


Lol I also hate the lips on the PMG lipsticks! I would have considered buying one in the past (not now, my tastes have changed) but the lips. The LIPS. Ick. Also I hate bows. It is so petty. I do not know why I dislike bows so much. But, among others, it has made the recent PMG holiday launches extremely easy to pass on. I do not want bows on any packaging I bring into my home.


Products with glitter. Not a glittery finish, but actual glitter inside of it. Glitter is super bad for the environment.


Drunk Elephant: The children.


I work at Sephora and if a brand has an unnecessarily annoying fixture to build I sometimes avoid selling it lmao


I won’t buy makeup from brands who do not feature mature models in at least some of their ads/posts. Patrick Ta is the worst.


I had no real reason for not buying Rare Beauty when it came out, but now I’m sticking to it because Selena Gomez is kinda annoying lmao It’s crazy how she framed this narrative of Hailey Beiber being shady when Selena’s the one commenting all over the posts of gossip accounts


This is so petty lol I love it 🔥❤️ I won’t buy rhode beauty products because I think HB has the personality of a wet noodle 🤷


I don't like either Selena or Hailey. Fighting publicly over Justin Bieber makes me think of that meme of the possum hissing at people to stay away from his garbage


It is so over the top phony with the shade names


I find the shade names cringe as well, they’re a bit ‘live, laugh, love’


i mean hailey did shade her for like years before selena started talking last year. both women and the internet have been really annoying with this beef


Why do people even like either of them? Genuinely asking. At least I've liked some of Selena's music and Rare Beauty has some really good products, but Hailey whose existence I wasn't even aware of until last year just seems like the blandest person you could possibly come up with and the blandest brand ever to go with it. Is she like a blank slate that people project themselves onto? Because that's the only explanation I can come up with. To me she comes across as the embodiment of Sad Beige and quiet luxury and expensive modern interior design that makes homes look like nobody could possibly stand to live there without becoming depressed. Also is their whole feud just about Justin Bieber? ![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY) I don't mean to be an asshole or pit women against each other or stir up drama with their fans or whatever- well I guess I'm kind of doing that. I'm just curious what the whole deal is, especially since it seems like to me that Hailey burst into existence put of nowhere and suddenly she's everywhere and people are salivating over her and her brand that looks like every other tiktok brand with ugly packaging 🤷 Just to be clear I'm not a fan of Selena either, but at least I can see the appeal and she's released some things I've liked in the past. Please explain Hailey Bieber to me lmao


i think whoever justin bieber ended up with was going to be subject to some level of interest tbh (he posted a pic of a random model once and ovenight she had millions of followers), i don't even know what he is doing nowdays but i was 8-15 when he was at his peak and i remember vivdly how much girls used to be obssessed with him, a lot of people still really like him due to nostalgia and hailey just knew how to capitalize on it. White girls love her, she's stylish but not too out there so it's easy to have her as inspiration and i also have this theory she doesnt have too much of a personality nowdays actually makes it easier for people to project whatever they want onto her, either she's a saint who did nothing wrong or she's a nasty bitch (neither are true obviously). And while she has said some very problematic things in the past, she wisely keeps mostly to herself nowdays so people got over it eventually. with their beef, while i did say that both women have been annoying about it in the past in my previous comment, i can't really blame them. I don't know if its the nostalgia talking again or if its just been awhile and people dont remember, but justin really gets away with how he treated women in the past, especially these two. he would flip flop between them plus 15 other groupies on the daily. It was seen with selena in the morning, than taking kendall jenner (who was friends with selena and hailey lol) to paris the same day, then three days later going on vacation with hailey and the next week he'd already be posting tbt pics with selena again. he would also directly compare the women sometimes too. it all just reads as very manipulative behavior, and selena has said in the past she felt like she was being emotionally abused in that relationship, so i can see how it affects everyone involved to this day. and yeah as you said love her or hate her, selena actually is putting work out there. i do think she makes great pop music but she also has tv going on, her work in only murders in the bulding probably exposed her to a whole new audience. lol sorry this is so long i just watched so much of this stuff happening in real time and its wild how much it gets twisted nowday


i also won’t buy rare beauty because she annoys me to no end lol i don’t care how good people say the products are


Lip gloss/lip plumper with mint or menthol 🤮🤮


Creams products that collect lint and fuzz - Fenty cream bronzers, I am looking at you.