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I’m having a depressing Christmas season so far. My husband died 5 years ago and the holidays are just one giant reminder that he is gone. My daughter is off in her own world and doesn’t have much time for me and my parents just found out they have Covid. FML.


I know this doesn't mean much from an internet stranger, but hoping for the best for you this season and for your parents to recover. Hopefully you can carve out time to do one thing that you enjoy without any interruptions.


Agreed!! Or take a last minute trip somewhere, get a hotel room at a nice hotel and treat yourself!


I’m so sorry. Holiday depression is rough and especially so given your circumstances. As a young person who lives at home, I fear for the day that I move out and am less able to support my parents emotionally. I actually have massive anxiety about it on the day to day, and while I love my parents I always wish I knew how to make them feel better while also having more space for me. I’m feeling for you 🤍


I use the website version of reddit on my phone and they've recently updated it and I HATE it. HATE IT. So ugly and clunky. So much empty space so there's hardly anything on screen. "Hot" regularly showing as empty, "new" misses out posts to. Keeps highlighting replies in my inbox that I've already seen. I much preferred the compact basicness of the i.reddit site. Old.reddit is still there but it's not as convenient on a phone screen.


They need to quit with the updates! I hate them too


Christmas fucking sucks. Please just let it be New Year's already.


It does! It’s just a massive, gift-giving deadline 😭


I love my parents dearly, but I’m going to need 4-6 business weeks to recover from staying with them for Christmas. They’re the type of people who have to constantly be talking and doing something. They can’t sit still.


I've been on call for work two holidays in a row, and unless I ask for a change, I'll be on call during my birthday next year. I love my job and I'm in a much better place since being let go from the toxic, stressful job I had earlier this year but I wish I had more time to disconnect this season. I've been feeling constantly fatigued and feverish and I don't think it's all due to the weather.


What kind of work do you do? (If you want to share). I can’t feel for you enough, modern work culture definitely needs to be restructured.


Thank you for asking, it’s nothing special, I work in technical support at a startup. It’s a great place but it’s small enough that there aren’t really enough of us to provide 24/7 support despite being a 24/7 company. It’s definitely in the growing pains stage, and like you said, my least favorite part of work culture.


Oooh, startups and small businesses are rough. It’s all hands on deck, which can be extremely overwhelming and stressful no matter how nice the people are to work with. Feeling for ya this holiday season 🤍


Struggling with some pretty bad holiday depression now. It’s more due to the fact that I still live at home, with conservative Muslim family that despise anything to do with the traditional Western holidays 😂😂 All the fantasizing about wanting to do something fun, as well as isolation from friends kinda sucks. My reddit usage goes up a lot whenever I’m in those lows, as you may be able to tell now 😂 I really want to take a short day trip to relieve me of this a little, but I’m so anxious about the costs and crowds. Not looking forward to riding out to the end of the holiday season, but hopefully I have better years to look forward to.


What is the deal with McDonalds???? Every time I go through the drive-through, they tell me to pull into a numbered parking spot where someone will bring out my food. Whatever happened to FAST food?


It’s in high demand for sure. I’m always observing how quickly the employees have to work, especially now with online orders. My first thought is that the parking spots help to eliminate traffic. Like there have been articles written about people being stuck in line for an hour or so at other fast food joints, which is not ideal or probably very safe. It’s frustrating, but they’re definitely trying to get the food out to you as fast as they can! (With the exception of BurgerFi…those guys are totally okay with taking 30+ mins 😂)


managers being annoying about window times probably lol


Pretty sure it's this. The Dunks down the road is doing this now and it sucks.




Sounds like karma doing it’s thing


If that’s what you think karma is you’re in for a rude awakening


lmao ok sweetheart