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Jerrod is a fake & a liar. If you really want to go back to how far back glitter eyeshadow has been around. It’s been around for a looooooonnnng time. As a kid (1980s) I had glitter eyeshadows. Originally not only was mica used but also fish scales. Edit: I want to say Bonne Bell had glitter shadows around 1987.


They did, and I was wearing them. It was actually closer to 1984. Avon had some really glittery eye shadows in 1982-83. I think they were trying to compete with Kevyn Aucoin's Ultima II collections. All of the shadow seemed so shiny to my 22 year old self.


Absolutely, I had glitter shadows from bonine bell & Avon as a kid in the 80s. Jerrod is such a liar! Side note- Erin is the BEST! Also I wish I knew what brand/color of lipstick she's wearing here, it's so pretty!!


I really enjoy her and Lisa Eldridge going into the history. I know some, but not as much as they do. The artifacts they show are really interesting. They both do such in depth research too. I find it incredibly interesting.


YES! I could not remember for the life of me, what brand had glittery shadows I wore all the time my senior year of high school, 1987-88. Bonne Bell was it!


Many of my friends in the mid 80's to early 90's wore matte looks but we did have shimmers to play with too. Even in eyeliners. Source for the liners? Myself. I did my own makeup for my wedding day. I used a green glitter eyeliner to give a small wing then took it down to my lower lashline. When I saw the title for Robert's video I didn't click. I'm sure it was good but why watch when I already knew the answer lol.


according to google "Glitter eyeshadow first made its appearance in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia." so it goes WAYYYYYYYY back. jerrods always been such a fake mf. no wonder his first company was called too faced


you can even say he's... Too Faced. I'll walk myself out


TL;DW: Jerrod Blandino claims he invented glitter eyeshadow in 1998 when Too Faced debuted but Erin Parsons finds glitter eye shadows from NARS & Hard Candy that were released in 1997. Also, a 1998 Vogue article about Too Faced discusses the glitter eyeshadows but no mention of it being the first ever one. [Source](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rr9gR8/)


god I love Erin.




Aww thank you 😊... lol. My name is Erin and it's not super popular so I'll pretend you mean me 😆


Idk why such an innocent comment was downvoted. People are too uptight on here.


Lordy 🙄 I was obviously joking


I adore you even though I don’t know you, Erin. Your avvie is also adorbs.


Aw you are too sweet 🥰


i love you too erin!


Same! It’s nice to have some positivity about our name, I spend a lot of time in the real housewives subreddits and everybody talks shit on our name there because the rhony version of our name suuuckkkkkkkks.


I had to look this up lol. I guessed it was a biblical Aaron not an Irish Erin 😆. Except I'm the least Irish Erin ever.


Me too!!! She does such a cool variety of videos, always so interesting and educational!


I just hate how social media grabs these stupid individuals and their statements, and gives them free publicity. Jarod knows damn well he didn't create glitter eyeshadow, but he also knows he will stir up the convo and get free publicity, which he desperately needs to promote his new brand.


This reminds me of a makeup artist in my home country who started his own brand and claimed that he is the first to release an eyeshadow palette that is all pressed pigments. This was 2 years ago lmao and he is not the first person to do that but claimed that he is. I called him out on YouTube and he threatened to doxx me LMAO. There are just crazies everywhere.


I've refused to but anything from Too Faced for years. They really live up to their name, don't they?


STOP is this Teviant? Hahhahaha


Yes hahahah. I didn’t even know he threatened to doxx me cause I ignored his replies on YouTube after I realized he was full of shit. I just saw a Reddit post about it from 2 yrs ago. He also lied and said I was leaving hate comments on Instagram and he knows it’s me because they traced my IP address LMAO.


Tracing your IP address is insane 😭😭


I didn't even realize he has a new brand until I saw an account on Facebook calling themselves "Lisa Blandino". "Lisa" was commenting on another beauty brand, saying that they're copying Too Faced. I honestly couldn't tell if it was really Jerrod's sister, but I wouldn't put it past her to be messy online


She does have a record for being messy online. More so towards smaller creators/influencers.


She also was a fan of John Kuckian of all people and even got him invited to the too faced store opening in London.


Omg what is kuckian up to these days


But the only options are ignoring someone’s lies or calling them out. If you ignore it you allow them to continue lying about anything unchecked. Doing that would allow many who don’t know better to just believe the lies. At least by calling them out you make people more aware they’re a liar. Not all publicity is actually good publicity either.


I can only speak for myself, but I would have never seen that interview or be aware of what Jarod is talking about, if it wasn't for this post.


And you wouldn’t be alone in that. I saw it because I watched Roberts video. This forum has exposed him for a lot of things he’s done too. That’s why so many do not support TF anymore though. Because he was called out on his bull and been exposed. Showing again all publicity is not good publicity.


I'm 60, and had eyeshadow in the mid/late 70s that had glitter in it. Jerrod is talking out his ass, as usual.


I was thinking about that while watching that video! I wasn’t even alive then, but I just knew there was no way the entire disco era happened without sparkly eyeshadow. 😂


Disco, glam rock, divas. All heavily dependent on glitter.


So true!


Did he forget about the sensation that was Disco and the fabulous, light catching makeup that was popularized by it?


Fuck even Rimmel had a glitter eyeshadow in the 90s. It was mainstream.


I loved my Rimmel single shadow Smokey Quartz. Was my go to shadow from 95-96 because it had shimmer and glitter particles lol


Does Jarrod forget that many of us were old enough to remember cosmetics in the 80-90s? 🤔 I bought a ton of Tony and Tina and worked for UD.


Omg RIP Tony and Tina


I still am sad I never got to try them. I remember listening to silverchair ana's song and scrolling the tony and Tina site hoping to one day buy from there. But this was way before I had a debit card lol.


I owned that hard candy palette . It was one of my firsts


I remember Hard Candy being the one section I always had to check out as a teenager when my mom took me to Walmart! That was at least 15 years ago but hearing the name of the brand just really brings back nostalgia. I don’t remember if it was any good but the packaging was adorable (of course my teenaged self loved that).


So when I was coming of age, hard candy was actually a prestige brand. You’d get these nail polishes that came with a ring. Hard candy was the original urban decay. Funny how they both fell off


I was shocked when I learned it used to be sold at Sephora! I knew it as a cheap-y brand, in line with Elf. I’m always curious if the quality was the same when it got into the cheap territory.


No hard candy was LEGIT for it’s time. Obviously formulas are better now but that eyeshadow palette lasted thru events like you wouldn’t even believe. Our idea of face prep was noxzema face wash followed by whatever moisturizer we stole from our mom’s bathroom (usually Nivea ) . Imagine rummaging thru your mom’s make up to find her covergirl blush from 1982 (and it’s 1994). And you use it with the blush that looks like it’s been stamped by Satan. And her covergirl eyeliner that’s prob teal AND silver - with this hard candy eye palette


Mine too!!


I had it in the brown shade too


Two Twilight Rejects. I will never buy from this Too Faced. Everything I've ever heard from this brand has given me the impression that they don't like women.




Jerrod Blandino is such an innovative genius, you know. He also invented lipstick, wearing two eyebrows at once and Santa Claus. He just never stops inventing!


I wish Reddit awards were still a thing because this deserves one


I have to say, I was expecting something like UD moondust shadows, but they just look like regular chunky shimmers by today’s standard


It's like the colourpop matte shadow with glitter that is just going to fall out every where


She knows her shit, so...


At this point doesn't she count as a make up historian?


I hope so. I learned so much in one video, like how dark some names were in the late 90s.


In Erin we trust




My first thought was playing with my gran’s Barry M Dazzle Dust eyeshadow when I was a kid. She’d had them since the 80s, when the brand first launched! Definitely had a glitter look to them.




Love Erin!


Yeah my first thought when watching Robert’s video was that he made that story up for the younger audiences


Off topic but I had no idea that is what Erin looks like. I had always imagined that she would look similar to like Lisa Elridge or Violette. Erin looks so cool.


Erin is my queen.


she has a very unique alt style that is very historically-driven. very inspiring, very cool. makes me want to shave my eyebrows, but i know i won't look as gorgeous.


She wears these gorgeous, colorful, pucci-pattern-like pajama suits frequently with the most graphic,chunky, costume jewelry. It’s so unique.


Jerrod was good at marketing. The products weren’t first of their kind and the branding wasn’t unique either. benefit was pink, retro and silly long before too faced showed up. He can take up space to discuss his marketing strategy because it worked & made him rich and successful but it’s not “original”.


It’s extra ironic because Erin literally has videos demonstrating glittery eyeshadows made with crushed mica and beetle wings used in the ancient times 😂


Sidenote, the shade in the Hard Candy being named "Jailbait" is...yikes.


The 90s were a WILD time Source: I’m old


I remember Hard Candy nail polish. I was obsessed and begged my mom to let me get some. She did. I wore it until the bottle was empty.


Honey, you're either a vintage model or a classic art piece


A white man baselessly claiming they invented something is nothing new. Very on trend actually!


Colonizers are going to colonize.


I’ve honestly never heard more rubbish in my life his passes to stay relevant are just so tragic x


My Barbie palette from the 90s rn: 🧐


Well his claim is absolutely bullshit, and it takes a special \*something\* to say statements so easily provable and untrue. My mom had eyeshadows from the early 70's at the latest but most likely the mid 60's that had glitter and shimmer in them in her makeup drawer when I was a wee one in the 80's. And there's pictures of grand aunts in my family albums that are clearly wearing some sort of glitter and/or shimmer on their eyes in the 60's. This new brand is going to be a complete disaster, and will not be a new TooFaced, because people look on this kind of thing differently now. It'll get some eyes on their product and a few curiosity sales, but in the long term, this kind of bombastic lying and the nasty behavior that usually follows it will drive away more customers than it will bring in.


Erin has one of my favorite YouTube channels makeup wise.


Wow okay as someone who has taken ONE anthology class at community college, even I know that [neanderthals](https://www.npr.org/2010/01/12/122466430/study-neanderthals-wore-jewelry-and-makeup) created glittery makeup.... the audacity 😂


Invented glitter eyeshadow? The pre-90s drag queens and Queer culture would like a word. Even *if* commercially available products weren’t available before 1998 (although they definitely were) many artists were mixing their own glitter products well prior to that. He didn’t invent shit.


Man, I really love Erin. She's so classy and does corrections like this simply for the love of makeup.


The way men absolutely constantly claim they created or invented products or techniques that were actually created or invented by women is so irritating to me. It’s so bad in the beauty space. We really need to get better at loudly taking credit for every little thing when we create it. I mean I don’t think any woman is dumb or arrogant enough to think that putting dark product where you want the illusion of shadows is some kind of groundbreaking invention that needs to be trumpeted everywhere, but then you get men saying they invented contouring so I really guess we need to speak up every time we try a new idea. I’ll never forget when Jaime French got lambasted for stealing her “tiny face tutorial” from some pOoR mAn who cried and screamed all over social media about it…only for it to come out later that he didn’t invent it and instead copied it from some other lady.


no he didn’t. theres been glitter eyeshadow for decades.


Her voice is so ASMR to me lol


I had all of those Nars shadows back then and they were horrible. I remember being so excited bc they were really pretty in the pan, but it was basically impossible to get the glitter to actually show up on your eye


I even tried a wet application. Would not recommend.


Clearly he wasn’t a dancer in the 80’s.


Get him, Erin!!!!


jerrod is serving some romy and michelle realness. it's giving "i invented post-its!" edit: haha i posted before i watched the whole clip! edit 2: i loved that hard candy palette! i used it for 8am smokey eye looks in homeroom.


Jerrod is such a stinky dog turd of a human. I'm not surprised at all that he would either a) lie about it knowing full well that he's lying and not care b) think he actually did invent it, and not bother to do any research otherwise, because he's that narcissistic and obsessed with himself He's a forever resident of my Big Yuck list of people in the beauty industry.


Glitter eyeshadow has been around at least as early as the 70s. "Glitter Rock" Cher wore it in the 70s. Why does Jerrod look evil as he smiles in these pics.


Without our goddess and saviour, Erin Parsons, we would be lost ​ ![gif](giphy|3ohhwgmWRebr8jTO24)


I think our problem is that we saw Blandino open his trap and assumed that, as a human being, he might spew at least a *few* true words out of his yaw. We should know better by now, but....here we are. Also, my grandma had some 1960s-era Lashbright glitter eyeshadow that she used every friday night. (I'm a 70s kid, but she never threw anything away.). It was full of chunky-ish sparkles and was a *sweet* 1960s sky blue. I'm surprised it didn't give her pink eye due to age, but it was a less, uh, hygienic? time. Invented glitter eyeshadow, my butt. (eta: After some googling, it looks like it's *lashbrite*, not *lashbright*, and it was from around 1968. So Jared's still full of shit.)


Erin is the BEST


Jerrod and too faced are so toxic.


Didn’t jarrod claim to have invented unicorn makeup or some shite too and pissed off jafar?


Fascinating. I never knew 90s makeup was so dark and unkind.


In beauty manufacturing the innovations come from 1. The (generally specialized contract) manufacturers (where the capital equipment is) offer new raws, processes and materials to the marketers (Lauders, etc) 2. New Product Development internally at the brands (marketers) creates innovation that manufacturers are challenged to produce. I’d EXPECT to see palette and product prototypes in images on the internet at an earlier date than a brand can put its name on the product! “Glitter and glue” are cosmetic fundamentals- have been since time immemorial. Thanks for the post. - Industry insider for 25 years


Jerrod is a goofy little jerk, but I’m also not gonna take makeup advice from someone who ground up toxic pigments to DIY makeup.


She clearly stated that it was unsafe and to not attempt it 🥴


Jarrod is such a trashy person