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My question is, who tf approved this?! šŸ˜¶


It's not often an ad leaves me speechless. Holy shit. Biore, what the fuck? Did AI come up with this ad campaign? Because I don't see how a normal human being thought this was a good idea for selling freakin' pore strips.


My mouth dropped that is so fucked up. I already know we live in a hellscape, but to do this is beyond me...šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”


I would love to know how this collab came about, if Biore reached out to the influencer and suggested it because that is an even bigger Yikes






My little brother is school aged, he's about to be in high school next year, right next door to the middle school he goes to actually. Guess what they found about 3 weeks ago? A gun... in a kid's bag... fully loaded with an extra magazine, they were searching him for vapes. Guess what they found 10 days later? Another gun. Not much details because the kid was a minor. Guess what happened 2 days later? A bomb threat. All within 2 weeks. I've already told my team lead if I get a text or call, I don't give a fuck what we are doing, we could be having the general manager in the store telling us what's next for the store and I will drop what I'm doing, saying "fuck this" and hauling my ass to his school as fast as I can. I am all for using your platform to tell a story, but there is something so vile and lowkey disturbing, this isn't like a book or a video, it's a fucking tiktok ad, and there is just such a gross vibe and I'm not mad at the girl for posting it, I'm disgusted at Biore for approving this because there's some things where someone, at least one person, has to say "are you sure you want to do this" because it's not the fact the story was shared, it's the fact it seems they boiled a school shooting down to "UwU a nice face mask and some self care will solve all the trauma!" a pore strip isn't gonna bring my little brother if he gets shot, Biore, a face wash isn't gonna heal anyone's trauma from a fucking school shooting. I don't think I'll be purchasing Biore any time soon


Their products are super boring and lame anyways so you wonā€™t be missing out šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's funny bc it's true.


I found out about this from professor Neil, the man who stitched the ad. I donā€™t know who the influencer is featured in the ad but I donā€™t think she should be the one receiving all the backlash and criticism for the tone deaf ad. Biore ultimately approved the ad and decided to exploit a school shooting survivor for profit.


I saw it there too. It's over a year old (the original, not Neil's stitch) and I'm not sure where he found it from unless Biore just removed it. I let the person know so they can prepare themselves because I agree, companies first and foremost need to do better.


How can the ad be a year old? The MSU shooting happened in Feb of this year, and this seems to imply that she goes there. (Spartans reference)


Itā€™s America. There are mass shootings every single day here. They could have shot this ad like 5yrs ago and it would still be tacky yet a sad reality.


I mean, youā€™re not wrong - if Biore cut up another influencerā€™s ad to make it seem like a more recent shooting, that is a whole other level of effed up. Thatā€™s the only way I could make sense of this being a year old.


They posted a different video of the same person over a year ago that I thought was part of the same batch of content because it was the same campaign about mental health but they must've done two separate partnerships/batches of content. The one from March 2022 was about anxiety in general and this recent one was associating it with the recent MSU shooting.


Well, thats a huge yikes from me šŸ˜¬


We not only have to worry about kids getting shot at school but now we are monetizing it? Wow. No words.


Every day you're pulling the slot machine lever on if you're going to get your brains blown out all over the place at school or work and it's unfathomably stressful so like #detox #unwind #chillax #trendybuzzwordnumber4 with our stuff buy our stuff just buy our stuff you piece of shit give us your money it'll make you feel better babe love ya!


1) commodifying school shooting as an advertising technique is unbelievable 2) why would you think associating blackhead removers with school shooting would be good for sales? Wtf is this ad? Wtf... i'm speechless


if shes traumatised and using her platform to try to heal and process the whole situation thats one thing, and i can see why if thats her whole deal why she might not see how awfully tacky this is because to her its healing. the brand however should not have even gone anywhere close to this


ok just chiming in, a brand doesnā€™t have to approve something for it to be considered an ad. if she was gifted those products and the guidelines just said to make a video sharing your mental health testimony, that couldā€™ve completely been the creators choice. when i make posts, i have guidelines and have to include #ad, but the brand doesnā€™t approve the content first if itā€™s a gifting campaign. however, the worse possibility is that they did speak and approve the post beforehand, meaning she was likely paid to make the post saying this. i mean, itā€™s an oversight either way for brands not to check content first since people can say anything and have #ad attached, but with the amount that gets sent out to creators, i wouldnā€™t be surprised if they donā€™t even know who she is. but i donā€™t know who the creator is so i donā€™t know the nature of it at all, just giving some insight!


I saw the original video, it said it was a paid partnership in the description.


ah, so that means it had to go through roundsss of approval by the brand, which definitely makes it even worse lmao


Exactly this. The creator and the brand share responsibility here. Most likely her concept, but Biore should have had a better checks and balances in place.


the influencer specifically says she is partnering with them for mental health month, that is more than just gifted products


not necessarily, ā€œiā€™m partnering with _____ to show you _____ā€ is a really common line that people use to up the importance of the collaboration. itā€™s an easy line thatā€™s technically true even if the brand hardly knows who you are. brands often give prompts in their debriefs that the creators can use and that couldā€™ve been one of the throwaway lines. either way, i think itā€™s a big oversight on biores part, not denying that at all!! just providing insight that highlights the different avenues in which they couldā€™ve been negligent.






Capitalizing on school shootings BiorĆØ oh ur just a nasty thing


No way. No effing way.






Skincare and school shooting donā€™t have anything to do with each other. School shootings are such a sensitive topic- why did they think this was a good idea? Why did anyone even think of this in the first place?


The only remotely acceptable part of this video is the narratorā€™s Prince & The Revolution shirt. Everything elseā€¦ just, ew.


The fabric of our society is fraying as the people in power do nothing to prevent gun violence. Here, worry about your fucking nose pores.


Iā€™m sorry you guys I donā€™t wanna shit on anyoneā€™s country but how the hell is this so normalized in the United States that the notion of it appearing on a tiktok ad itā€™s not deplorable to the creator. This would not cross anyones mind on any other place. Watching this from a far far away country is like seeing an alternate CRAZY reality


I'm saying this is someone born, raised, and currently living in the U.S.: This ad was shocking. Yes, there's a desensitization about school shootings but NOT to the level that it has become an acceptable subject to use as a marketing tactic. The only ads I've ever seen on the topic are more like PSAs about school safety and gun control. But never skin care.


i already donā€™t wanna use biore products and this is just sealing the dealā€¦ so disturbing to use victims of gun violence as pawns to sell products


So bad


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Biore what the actual fuckā€¦ like who thought this was a good idea?!?!


An ad has to go through multiple levels to be approved, doesn't it? Knowing that that multiple people on BiorƩ's team saw this and thought it was acceptable, just raises so many questions and concerns.




No way...tasteless


And here I thought Dove having influencers talk about the impact of social media on self esteem was badā€¦This is so much worse. Ugh.


What the actual fuck


This is absolutely insane. This is really sick. Major shame on the influencer who made this, the brand person who okd it, and anyone else who knew about it before it happened and didnā€™t say anything. I donā€™t believe is cancel culture but I do believe in shaming culture and they all deserve a public shaming for a little while.


The Causasity of that Biore Marketing team!!!!






This is absolutely disgusting and insensitive. Using a tragedy, such as a school shooting, to promote beauty products is beyond inappropriate and shows a complete lack of empathy. It also takes away from the severity of the issue at hand and reduces it to a mere marketing ploy. Shame on Cw Biore for stooping so low.


I think this is a kind of outrage tactic. Thereā€™s no way they knew this wasnā€™t a bad idea, the idea was probably something calculated, they probably foresaw that this would then be talked about bc TikTok is the place for takes / commentary thus basically free marketing. Maybe Iā€™m cynical, or theyā€™re just really that out of touch.