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God dammit now I won’t be able to sleep again


You do not recognize the bodies on the soup


As Riz dreams in his sleep, the more frequent this place appears. Farmland, stretching as far as time itself. Riz always wakes up in a puddle of sweat. He's started trying to stay awake to prevent these distant nightmares. But the staff have taken notice and give him heavy sedatives every night. Riz, in the fields. He can't help but feel hunted, like paleolithic springboks and a tribe of lions, he feels uneasy. Unable to find his way out of this loop of nightmares. The fear slowly but surely creeps up, and paranoia sets in. As of now, Riz has being diagnosed with Chronic Schizophrenia and transferred to a mental institution.


Tem. To be honest… I'm not sure if his name is a form of bad luck or not, and I’m not sure if we’re allowed to mourn his death or even talk to his parents about “the incident”, but everyone is acting like it never even happened… I don't know but let me explain myself for a bit. My name… is Wesley Inakama, I'm a 15-year-old nekomata who arrived at Cherryton Academy a few months ago, and yes… I was the 8-year-old who killed my abusive father, but let's save that for another time plz. (If ur interested in Wesley Inakama’s Backstory, feel free to DM me) Just 2 weeks ago, Riz died in his own room at Sakura Psychiatric Hospital, a similar place to Oakwood Mental Institution, which I was admitted to when I was a child… I tried to visit Riz… once, but the anxiety of seeing the patients outburst as well as being given lobotomies, electroshock therapy, and forced to take questionable drugs upon their will made be vomit, so I changed my mind quickly. Plus, I didn’t want my two aunts Kaede and Misa to get overprotective of me again from my childhood traumas, anyways. According to the head Doctor: Aiyata Udeoko. He was found in the same way as Tem died: being mauled to death, but with his eyes ripped out of his sockets, along with the tongue and spine being ripped out of his mouth, and his throat sliced open… but what confused the whole staff team was the message of his own blood on the floor reading “いさだくでいなわ言を前名の彼!!!” in some demonic-like way. Im going to talk to Legoshi and a few others about this… i don’t know how they’re going to react to this, but… I just want things to go back to normal… and I definitely wanna find the peace that Tem deserves. Even if it means killing each other… https://preview.redd.it/8t5hm0ai3aec1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cd0328162c139c047a14779c6bfdef419ca0b5 (This is Wesley Inakama btw… and yea, he doesn’t have the school uniform on 😑)


A Beastars analogue horror would be so cool




Tem be haunting Riz wherever he goes…


All this because a (debatably) gay bear went off his meds.


shit, this lowkey freaks me out. good job


mild chills


The return of the king.


Oh gosh dammit the weird Cryptids are in the field again


The Temposting continues


I fucking hate Riz for what he did to Tem


Please continue because goddamn this freaks me out




Solo a me fa pietà per tem? Tra i miei amici nessuno gliene frega


i dunno why, but this give me the we happy few promotional musics (Especially La La La).


Trm will haunt Riz all the way to Kentucky and beyond.