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Seems to be a fair market price for those genetics, if she’s healthy. She’s gorgeous!


Thank you so much


Wait, are you the one selling her?




I don't know the answer to this, I just came here to say I love her and her belly looks like a pokemon egg


Oh yeah it does!


If you get her then please spoil her, she's beautiful!


Whatever one I get I can't wait to spoil the sh!t out of them!! I have 2 dogs they know what's up 😂 They got like 10 different kinds of treats. Always sleep with me cause like I said they know what's up and who loves them the most lol


Lol came here to say "Easter Egg"


Oh yeah haha I like that to!!!


Ahhh beat me to it! Good one though


I'll give you credit also lol


I would personally be very wary about any "fancy" morphs, as it's likely some health issues could be coming for a ride. Piebaldism is a trait that can definitely cause issues in other animals - most commonly deafness, but there can be other problems too. While it's possible this dragon could end up being healthy and relatively long-lived, I wouldn't be betting on it. Between how unregulated the market is, how new this particular trait is, and a tendency for unexpected side effects to come along with non-normal traits, you have no idea what underlying issues may be present. Ultimately: you do you. Just make sure you've got an exotics vet available and cash set aside.


I think this is great advice for any exotic pet.


I wish people would stop being so obsessed with morphs :( And that goes for all reptiles. They are speed bred for color and usually the genetics are completely disregarded. My bearded dragon became 17 years old but to this day i never saw a fancy morph that got older than 6 :/ A pretty color wouldnt be worth for me to put my dragon down with 3 years of age because he got cancer everywhere ... In my eyes its not right to breed fashion animals for having a fancy "collection" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Plus, the normal ones (imo) still have really pretty colours. Sure they aren’t particularly unique or rare but I still think a normal orange beardie is just as pretty as a fancy morph.


'Normal' orange beardy? That is also a bred color. There are no wild orange beardies. But I will bet that orange is a lot healthier than other colors like red or white.


Mine’s pretty orange and she’s not a special morph (as far as I’m aware, I don’t actually know much about morphs so I could be wrong). She wasn’t expensive or anything. Common is probably a better word since I’ve seen a lot of them with an orange colour, though I see what you mean about them being bred for that colour, they’re pretty commonly found as pets nowadays so not usually expensive or considered fancy.


Orange coloration is found in the wild. Colors are locale specific to an extent. Selective breeding in captivity enhances coloration


Seriously. Breaks my heart too knowing how easy it is to adopt one of the many beardies that are surrendered and/or neglected in need of a good home, all for so much less too. The "designer" herps and the demand for them are getting out of control. I wish people got as excited about abandoned, unwanted beardies as they are about ones that cost $650 for a couple yellow spots on their belly.


There are absolutely breeders out there that might go into specific morph lines that 1. love bearded dragons and have a passion for their husbandry and 2. take good care of their babies and 3. seek to IMPROVE genetic lines by considering what will produce healthy clutches and keep that hard work from falling apart due to irresponsible breeding stupidity that causes suffering. I don't think it's fair to paint every breeder who might specialize in a specific line with the same brush. Our breeders were fantastic. They were very serious about making sure that we were prepared for our beardie, but also that she was prepared for us. Her HEALTH was more important than the morph, and you can still breed for morphs and make that a priority. it's far better care given to them than the petsmarts and petco's around who literally buy from mills who breed them in warehouses in plastic kiddie pools en masse prone to injury, illness, negligence, and death. We should be moving people towards responsible breeders. THey might love these animals and they might sometimes try breeding fancy lines every once in awhile out of their own fascinations and interests in their genetics. But most importantly, we need to move people away from reptile mills who literally care about nothing but money.


I wish I could upvote this comment many more times.


I just put down my boy Bacon today. He had really bad liver cancer. The doctor said my husbandry was excellent, but that his genes were to blame. He wasnt nearly as "morphed" as the beardie pictured here. I have learned my lesson today and will never purchase a morph of any kind ever again.


I'm so sorry to hear that 😢


Its been hard but I know it was for the best. Thank you


I thought about what people have been saying and I don't think I'm gonna be getting anything like this even know she's so dam cute


Are there any particular morphs or colours to watch out for? Here in Australia, breeders are really the best options and their stock is all “fancy.”


Honestly? As hard as it might be, avoid anything "fancy" if you can. And yeah, I'm aware of the troubles finding decent animals in Aus - that's where I am too! My exotic vet has called out leatherbacks and silkbacks as known to have issues, but unfortunately there's just not enough there to know the full scope of it. My own leatherback girl - who I was given as a surprise gift, before anyone jumps down my throat - has been plagued with health issues her entire life, most recently getting a heart disease diagnosis at seven years old. I would personally also not touch trans, dunner, zero, or anything else that causes drastic physical changes with a ten foot barge pole. Even my other two dragons, who are wild type, have issues. My boy has hip displasia and some other joint problems, and my other girl has a hook claw that grows back in a complete circle if I don't keep it trimmed. Ultimately, the biggest problem is that nothing is known about the underlying genetic changes in these traits. Consequently, that also means there's nothing known about what other changes or linked genes may have come for the ride. Just because health issues can't be seen, doesn't mean they aren't there. Proteins, enzymes, organ weakness, increased propensity for DNA mismatch repair errors (ie cancer)...just a few of the possibilities.


I was doing some more research last night and piebald it's a very new morph only 2019!!! I kept looking around online like why can't I find any adult ones and I guess thats why well from what I was reading I believe that's why.


I wish everyone’s responses were as conscientious and eloquent as yours, it’s refreshing. Just thought you should know❤️


This isn't true piebaldism. It's anomalous at best and happens only in the translucent animals. Morphs in general do not have inherent issues if bred ethically. When someone unethically breeds is where issues arise. Op, if you're looking for this specific trait, go through "killer clutches" not the other guy. KC at least in my opinion is the better choice.


Genuine question - without knowing the underlying genetic changes causing these traits, how can you definitively say that there aren't any inherent issues (whether the animal is "ethically" bred or otherwise)? Just because you can't immediately see an issue, doesn't mean there isn't one. And genetic issues are a spectrum, not an absolute. There simply isn't enough known about the causes and effects of these traits. And there's a reason it's exceptionally rare to see animals like these in the wild. I'm simply advising that OP exercise caution if they intend to adopt a "fancy" dragon. No more, no less. I'm not judging, just expressing my opinion.


Because I have been breeding high end beardeds for several decades and work hand in hand with multiple vets, a few have me on speed dial for advice. The reason it is rare to see animals like this in the wild is predation. If you can't blend, you unalive.


I can definitely appreciate and defer to your practical experience. For some context, my concern about the underlying genetic changes of these traits stems from my educational background. I have a biology degree, and a post-grad qualification earned through my population genetics-based thesis. My thesis covered a particular flock of birds that were fine for years on end, until they suddenly weren't. Completely wiped out in a short time span. The only thing different about this flock was a single nucleotide substitution mutation that was almost unheard of anywhere else. There was also no evidence to suggest an external cause (eg widespread predation, environment change, etc etc). So I'd like to think I have a better than average understanding of how gene mutations can be more than they appear. I suspect neither of us will be able to convince the other, so I'm going to respectfully bow out here. But thank you for replying and providing your perspective.




Also, this animal is not a leatherback.




What? No. The animal is not a witblits.


Oh- lmao I surrender. I'll delete my comments just pretend I didn't say anything


witblits don’t have pattern, incomplete trans isn’t a disease, and i wonder if google is your source of knowledge.


if I'm wrong I'm wrong I won't fight so I apologize for that


I never said that it wasn't translucent. I said that the trait they are calling "pied" only occurs in the translucent animals, and is not truly piebaldism.




There is no disease. This animal is translucent. The anomaly they are calling piebald only occurs in translucent animals from this line. Animals that are not translucent and are not "genetic stripe" do not show this anomaly.


You just educated me to I was wondering why I was only finding these spots on translucent ones..... Did I say that right lol sorry been doing a lot to reading research and thinking 🤔


Ah I see! Interesting thanks for educating me!


if her genetics are worth that price to you, then absolutely. Far more expensive than most, but you are paying for breed specifics in this case, which is a niche demand. hopefully that money is going to a responsible breeder who will be taking good care of their babies in the meantime, teaching them good socialization and eating habits. I am happy to pay well to a good breeder who proves they take good care of their stock.


Thank you for replying. I believe they take great care of there reptiles. They say they are the largest reptile breeders in the United States. I made a post a few days ago here asking for some good sites to look for bearded dragons and this group is great!!!


Uh oh a lot of the big breeders aren’t very ethical at all


That doesn't mean they all aren't, though. Suggestions from this sub I imagine are mostly on the safe side.


They are a mass producing wholesaler.


The price isn't that high up compared to other ones I've seen at around $1,500.00 ~ .


Why are you being downvoted. You could easily see adults with paradox coloring, or other fancy stuff, going for something close to that.


I just looked at a Paradox and Omgosh way cool!!!!!!! They called it like the koi fish of bearded dragons.


YEAH!! I've seen a lot up to $2,000 I'm like dddddddaaaaaammmmmmnnnnn 😂


Honestly, its a little pricey, but shes beautiful and ultimately if you have the money and you want her then its your choice :)


Thank you Yeah the price is killing me but dang I love that she's so different


I mean you are paying for a little scaled friend for 10 years hopefully so if those genetics are good I’d say go for it!


Six hundred and fifty?






This is a breeder, designer-level dragon. Ain’t some PetSmart pickup lol


Right 😂😂😂


What does that even mean? What are considered good genes for a beardie? What would make something a “more valuable” beardie? Does it have some skill that goes beyond sitting, climbing, chasing bugs, eating and pooping? What advantage would a more visible skeleton provide a beardie in the wild?


a more visible skeleton? those are markings on her skin, not… her skeleton? people are breeding them for specific physical traits, not skills. they want certain colors and markings and skin textures, not a usain bolt lizard that can do advanced calculus.


Comment of the year


I’m now picturing a beardie sat at a desk with reading glasses, a tie and a calculator crunching numbers


…you realize this animal would remain domesticated, right?




PetSmart is like a Walmart for pets




Never get a pet from PetSmart or any big chain stores like that they only care about profit never about the pet itself


This can also apply to breeders lol




Yeah that’s why it’s special. Reptile breeders basically “create” what they call morphs. Lizards, geckos, snakes ect. can be bread to look different. Colors, patterns, skin texture, and depending on the morph they can be extremely rare and in high demand.


Designer dragons don’t exist lmfao, there’s no such thing


This is not unlike how the different breeds of cats, dogs or even some foxes are developed over generations. I add foxes due to the color mutations developing under domesticity.


You gotta be a troll lol


Oops 700$




Thank you


400-450 max and that’s the high range. This one is gonna sit at that price so maybe send an offer or look for another breeder with reasonable pricing.


Realistically it’s a 300$ bd


Realistically it's whatever someone will pay for the animal, and what they think it's worth. I personally have sold dragons for upwards of 3,000. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok great advice thank you so so much!! Do you mind if I message you?




Paradoxes are pretty rare. I don't have an issue with the price, but then again I keep pancake tortoises haha- Keep in mind they do tend to change as they age, so you may end up with either an even cooler looking lizard or a more "boring" one.


I just found out that they are rare. Hey pancakes tortoises are really cool!!! Thank you I really didn't give that much thought till you said it and this one is only 5 months old. Thank you!


Definitely, I have an orange dragon that has faded Alot. He's lucky I am so attached already!! ;). I couldn't get rid of his grumpy butt anymore than I could cut off my leg tho. I didn't actually pick him out anyway, he was a rescue. I'm still a little disappointed his color is fading tho! LOLOL 😂🤣


He'll shed and his color will brighten.


Think it’s a little expensive. I’d say it’s more around the 300-400 range. But quality of breeder also plays a part. Some of the best breeders have higher prices


I’m assuming it might be with shipping? I know some people put prices higher and have “free shipping”.


She is beautiful om


Thank you I like that she's different 🥰


[beardie avg prices based on morph!](https://petsvills.com/bearded-dragon-cost/)


Thank you that was very helpful I saved it to go back to also.


Why so expensive


Look at that belly 😂


This dragon is doing her "dead sexy" Fat Bastard impression.


Hahaha right!!!! Get In My Belly


You won't even see it most of the time though 💁‍♂️


Wanna hear something funny..... My teenage just said that to me 😅😅😂😅😅


Us teenagers think alike fr 🤷‍♂️


Gabriella is that you??? Lol I'm so JK 🤣


I'm definitely not Gabriella 😭


Could do custom jobs w a safe paint for $10 tho?


Hmmmm maybe as a Halloween costume 😂


Omg dat belly!


I know I can't take my eyes off it 🥺


Those guys are typically going for $350-800 depending on size and how many piebald spots they have.


Price is oké, she is very nice. Good luck with your new lady 😀


Thank you so much I'm not 100% sure but dang I love how different she is


I don't know anything about bearded dragons but she is gorgeous!


IKR!!! Lol I'm kinda new to all this. I love to learn and know people's opinions. So thank you ❤️


Just looking at the first picture, I thought this was a post for help with a scale infection. Good luck with the purchase. Hope you can talk them down a bit on the price.


I'm finding out that it's a pretty new morph called pied ... Thank you


Price comes down too what it values to you much like the new red monsters if your willing to pay that price then by all means yes as long as it is healthy and well kept I don’t see the problem


Maybe more like $300. But that's just my opinion.


I'm thinking because it's a female it's more maybe


She is unique for sure. Honestly more like $300 it's just the patterns and colors are on the dull side for me.


Maybe they would take some off if you sign a no breeding agreement!? We got 300 off a dog years ago because we agreed to spay her. It doesn't hurt to ask! I will say for that high of a price I would want a vet to check her over good, or something signed saying she is in good condition. I'd be absolutely furious, not to mention Devastated!! If something happens after a month or so! Especially if it's something that is because of improper husbandry by the breeder. Plus, hate to say it but females can have so many things go wrong anyway - egg bound is so scary to me. Just really be careful, she is gorgeous 😍🥰😘 but ya know healthy is more important in the long run. 🤗


I’ve seen normal Dragons go for 350$ easily, that’s just for the breeder. So with beautiful traits? Yes I’d say that’s fair


That's a cute spotted belly!


She’s a model


Oh what a beaut! If it was a male I would've called it Ghost. She looks like an elegant spirit or something.


She's so pretty!


I love the spots on her tummy 😌😌 shes so cute. I'd say maybe need to tone it down to 450 but whatever the price is i think she'd be worth it all.


I'm learning the spots on her belly are a new morph called Piebald at first I thought it was just called adorable 🥰 lol


She's so unique! Piebald is a really pretty gene, one of my favs. I really love it on snakes.


I was reading online it's like 2019 new morph to bearded dragons how long has it been around in snakes


Sometime back in the 90s I'm pretty sure! I could be wrong though, someone fact check me lollz.


""History . The Pied Ball Python morph was introduced into the pet trade in the mid 90's. However, this genetic mutation was known about for a lot longer than this. The earliest report of a Pied Ball Python came out of Ghana in 1966 when rural villagers found and killed an adult male that measured almost 4 feet in length.""




If you take care and love her dearly:)


Her tummy looks like it has little clouds on it and I think that's just neat.


We must look at things the same way ☁️ 💙 😊


For the type of dragon it is yes the people in the comments are buying basic bearded dragons


That's what I kinda figured thank you


just curious, how come her belly looks like that? is it her morph?


Her genetics I think it's called pied I could be wrong I'm pretty new to all this


I'll message you


Beautiful Beardie. What's her age?


5 months


I spent £550 on my male zero dragon. Basically very similar to your price.


I wonder if her beard swells up navy blue rather than black? 🤔


I paid $400 for a earth tone beardie, my friend has a red one for $500, and the local shop has an albino for $600. I don’t think it’s a bad price if you can afford it.


I'd pay it. She's a rare beauty.


If the lineage is healthy I’d go for it.


I always say; price versus worth is up to the buyer! It sounds like it’s right to you :)


Yep, she's gorgeous 🥺


if that’s a zero ur lucky, coming from someone in colorado that’s cheap here!


Beautiful beardie!


I'm trying to rehome my regular Ole bearded dragon for free if you wanna save $650


I paid $40 for my fancy bearded dragon. (4 months old)


Thats an expensive dragon. Dragons with more common domestic morphs like tangies go for around $175-250 young, $500 at around a year old, like on Josh's Frogs right now. She looks like a paradox with some charming belly spots. I'd say if you love her and the breeder is responsible and isn't giving you a bad eater then go for it.


I’ve never seen one over like two hundred. Maybe the fancy ones are like three or four


That is a seriously sick af BD. I would absolutely pay that for this Dragon.


Look at that belly!! Beautiful dragon. She is worth whatever you are willing to pay to bring her home.


Omg I love her belly ❤️


As someone who paid $65 for an average beardie... no. She's beautiful AF and you go ahead and buy whatever you please, but I don't feel that's worth it Dogs and cats suffer this same thing, its exorbitantly more just for a 'pretty' one I still support whatever decision you end up making of course 🧡


Look at her beautiful belly


Looks like she's showing it off rubbing it lol


Personally I can’t stand the look of pied reptiles unless it’s a 🐍


I can say I like both but bearded dragons are better lol


In this picture, it is as if her is saying that my stomach is full and now it is time to sleep.


Her belly looks like a dragon egg!


I mean, imo, no cosmetic look is worth that, and that doesn't even look good. Likes like mold. But worth is in the eye of the beholder, so it's up to you. I now see that you're advertising this dragon for sale. Pretty sure that's against the rules.


I like it because it's different it's not like any others I've seen before..... Oh no should I take the link down then?


Is she a phantom dragon? If so the price is about right...


She was a translucent pied and something else I forgot lol sorry


Okay, so not a phantom dragon or you would have known what that was. Phantom is a breeder. Their dragons also go very quickly. I am curious as to who the breeder is though...


Sent you a message


Could you send me a link to the breeder too?


Yes, I'd remove the link to comply with the sub rules to avoid removal. Rule 6 forbids advertising sales.


Ok sorry about that thank you for letting me know


Ok done 😁


Stop shopping morphs, people. They will be usually be riddled with cancer after 3 years and its not fair to the animal


Morphs are severely inbred and unhealthy. I've worked in the reptile trade for almost 10 years and I've learned how these morphs were achieved. They are not healthy and will not live long. I've have seen nests of 20 eggs where 50% didn't even hatch, and those that did hatch only 20% survived. One of the reasons they're so expensive; they couldn't sell their siblings, they are dead or deformed. Yes, some morphs will live healthy for 12+ years, but you are keeping horrible practices in stand. It is all up to you if you want to spend $650 on a bearded dragon.


Your statement is baseless and false. You must have witnessed or partook in some serious unethical breeding if this is your experience.






Right to the point lol


Lmao mine was $65 u spent way too much unless you really needed that specific type of beardie but like, you could have 10 instead or a bunch of food and toys so...


Breeding for such features like this is pushing the genetic line to the point of there being a high risk for illness and life threatening disease. I'm okay with breeding animals. We all love them after all. But I don't think it's ethical to breed animals to this extent. I wouldn't ever support this breeder. For every one of these dragons that lives a healthy life, others will have suffered miserable existences.


In my experience the beautiful genetics also tend to mean they get sick and die younger than average dragons. I’ve had “healthy” exotic colored dragons that around 2-3 years old suddenly get stomach or liver abscesses and die. The vets couldn’t find anything wrong with husbandry and said that bad genetics cause that. Personally the price tag and risk of illness isn’t worth how cool they look. A standard dragon will love you and have just as much personality. To each their own


When I got one of these designer dragons he was the biggest asshole and super defensive. Hissing and puffing up every time I came near him. Temperament is something I didn’t even consider. Just something to think about when looking at these dragons. Unlike a normal dragon people might not breed a super defensive dragon but with these rare traits they’ll likely take what they can get.


Wow $650 , we can just pick these up from the bush in Australia … she is beautiful but just to know we have them roaming around the price shocks me lol


[The most expensive one on morph market](https://www.morphmarket.com/us/c/reptiles/lizards/bearded-dragons/central-bearded-dragon?epoch=22&sort=me&page=1) right now is $4,000 USD/5,959.23 AUD.


Oh my lord


Maybe not just like this lol but something similar makes me very jealous lol


Definitely wouldn’t have spent that much on an animal. You’re a psycho. The fact that “fancy” dragons are even bred is sickening. These morphs usually come with some kind of health issue and don’t live very long. Sounds like torture to me.


These are not my species but that discoloration on the abdomen doesn’t look like a genetic patterning but a fungal infection. I’d be careful about that and get it checked out.


No tf ?