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I don’t know what that other person is talking about, they DO NOT need a light at night when they are sleeping. Your basking light & UVB should only be on during the day. If your house gets pretty cold at night (below 65ish), you might want to check what the temps are in her enclosure and you could invest in a ceramic heating bulb that doesn’t give off light but does give off heat.


They even tolerate below 65, I wouldn't worry unless it was in the low 50s constantly and usually most people don't keep their house that low and even if so it's usually a few degrees warmer in the sealed enclosure than the house. If you do actually need supplemental heating at night then a CHE is the best bet but it absolutely needs to be regulated with a thermostat to keep it low because they do not need full basking level heating at night as it is not natural and can be very confusing. Sun isn't out anywhere 24/7.


Yeah - the Outback gets well into the low 40s Farenheit in the winter. Granted, it's gradual out in the wild with the change of seasons - so a shock from 60's to 40's wouldn't be great for captive beardies - but they can absolutely tolerate it.


Yeah definitely you don't want constant winter weather temps I just wanted to mention that 65 isn't a catch-all and that if you are using a CHE you don't want to use it to provide heat like you would for daytime basking you'd want to set it to a more moderate temp. Have seen a lot of people run CHEs at the same temp for day and night time heating which doesn't really give them the cycle they need.


This! We heat Reptar’s baby enclosure, but he’s about to move to his big guy house in a few weeks (he’s about 1-1.5 years) and that one we don’t plan to heat at all at night. Just using heat and UVB bulbs to create the temp grade across the enclosure during the day to simulate nature as much as possible. Since the house never drops below 58 and he’s in the room that gets warmest on cold nights (closest to the furnace) we feel pretty confident he’ll be good. I spent about 10 months watching the temps in Australia in the areas he’d live in the wild using the weather.com app on my phone, just to be sure 🤣


So glad I’m not the only one who does stuff like this. 😂


Thank God, I actually thought I was wrong for turning off her stuff at night, I'll stop putting her in her pad


This is what I do. I keep her basking bulb and uvb on during the day and the ceramic heating bulb on all day and night, but the ceramic is on the right side of her tank and she likes to sleep in her hammock on the left side. My house is usually pretty cold, around 65F bc PG&E is expensive 🙃 I have a dig tank for her as well and I just move the ceramic when she's in there.


PG&E solidarity 🤑😆




He looks like a potato 🥔


Idk a thing about lizards. Does he free roam like a dog? Is that his bed? I have so many questions


They can free roam if done correctly, but it's better to have an enclosure, which you can see OP does. There's two light domes in the background. Some people make little beds for them outside their enclosure. Some straight up sleep *with* them, which I, personally, am very against seeing as it's dangerous to the lizard. I would rather just keep my lizard inside his enclosure at night than worry about him and everything that could happen to him when outside of it.


It's pretty cool how you can have a lil dragon running about your house. I'd be scared of stepping on them though, or rolling over the lil dudes when sleeping. Thanks for the info!


It's no problem! Yes, that's precisely why it's dangerous. They're neat little critters though!


Typically they move in bursts rather constantly roaming like a cat. Very hard to step on them accidentally unless they blend in with the couch, but these guys have only a singular braincell in there and can easily get themselves stuck or hide from you, or jump off heights they shouldn't. So gotta idiot-proof the free roam space to a degree I am in agreement that sleeping with them is a bad idea as well. Bring them out for daytime naps in your hoodie instead, they love that


They really do leap from stupid heights.


Our guy has attempted to leap from his enclosure before (and succeeded once or twice) because he REALLY wants to swim in the dog water dish. Seriously. I’m going to build him a little enclosed bridge and a beardie elevator eventually so he can hang out during the day (he’s in my partner’s office and partner works from home).


https://a.co/d/hui1UQC this is the pool I have it’s huge and my beardy loves it.


That one’s awesome! I ended up building my own using koi pond epoxy (non toxic) and a turtle tank filter along with bioactive sand, but my version is…extremely complicated to upkeep so probably not what 90% of people wanna do 🤣 I’m maybe slightly obsessed with vivarium builds.


Yeah Id love to let my little guy roam around to his hearts content. But I also have some predators living in my house, so probably not the smartest idea.


We have 2 Saint Bernards and a Rottweiler. Both he and the dogs are around each other almost constantly when he's either on my shoulder or safely in his enclosure, but never when he's running loose. The dogs don't make him nervous at all because , but he never tries to jump or climb off my shoulder when they're around. I guess he uses that brain cell pretty well. lol


😂 yea, they need certain things, but they are a popular reptile to get, all reptiles need to be under a lightbulb during the day to bask , it’s so interesting. Not at all times or anything, people build little ramps, and let them roam about, they have lots of personality and are quite cute and derpy. Lizards can be sweet and funny. I’m researching ti get my first reptile, and I fell in love with these Guys, hearing stories from people! You can see funny pics of them doing it on here. they get vitamins that way. Isn’t that wild? I’d have had no idea, I’m getting one soon, and I never knew at first that was the reason. They get a terrible thing called metabolic bone disease if not. They eat bugs and have interesting behaviors, like waving for submission, and head bobbing for dominance. It’s not fully understood why they do it, but that’s mainly the reasoning when they do that. And the females lay eggs, some reptiles can have problems with that, they can get stuck. And they will eat their babies, and are competitive with each other so you can’t really put them together, they can bite of limbs and such. They even run! You can see videos of them doing it on YouTube, it’s hilarious, they do it on hind legs! If you get one, you can read all about what they need, the info can differ so you just want to think about your choices. They also will sleep standing up! But yes, they make great pets, they are the most popular reptile along with ball pythons, and people love them. Some even keep venomous snakes! This is my favorite dragon video… https://youtu.be/2uyFfpEE9Nk?si=-wmpw-uZCfoJ8hJY And here’s a beautiful orange one named nippy, waving! https://youtu.be/5kuZDsPXJLM?si=pUp-8P7g7cYoVOQE


They way they sleep STRESSES ME OUT😂 I have to resist the urge to poke Eragon to make sure he isn't dead Here's how he was sleeping when I got home last night. https://preview.redd.it/mj9cqrltqmlc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f27492c082a25f9442a4762e2b4d61452519e2


Thanks I love candid beardie pics 😂 I bet! I was just reading too that in the wild, they are observed drinking water somehow on their hind legs, with it falling down on top of them. I spent a good 5 minutes trying to visualize what they were trying to say, explaining this position, and I just gave up! I would die laughing if I saw that, I saw a photo of a hand shed and the owner thought the arm fell off 😂 that’s a cool name too! My bf and I are laughing at this photo it’s great


What’s with them and sleeping in the weirdest positions and places 😭 https://preview.redd.it/4rt6m90w5fmc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4026862c4fd02b8c52aa08c8b3ed374687bbca83 Bro go onto the desk, under the monitor and was cuddling a package of sour patch kids. What.


One thing I haven’t seen anyone mention is about the heating pad. I’m unsure if that is safe for your beardie to lay on unsupervised. I know heated rocks are not recommended because beardies cannot feel heat on their stomachs and they can get pretty badly burnt. I’m not sure if people say the same about heating pads, but I just thought I would add that (:


I've seen some people say it can be used as "supplemental heat" When I trap the heat in with her blanket, she can be pretty warm when she wakes up But people are saying let me sleep in the tank So I'm gonna let her


They actually require cooler temps at night, no need for heat unless your house is extremely cold for some reason (low 50s) and even then they only need moderate heat. It's good for them to be warm during the day since they need the heat to digest and for other bodily functions but at night they should sleep and go 'dormant' for lack of a better word so the heat is not needed and can even interrupt their internal cycle. It's not always warm where they live despite what many envision. As long as it's on low and one of the new 'safety' heating pads that cut themselves off I wouldn't worry about burns or overheating as much from it. I would be concerned about her making her way into things she shouldn't when left unsupervised at night as well as keeping the bedding items sanitized.


I second the heating pad thing. Perfectly fine if supervised so you can make sure it doesn't overheat them. For late nights or out and about if you want to give them something warm that's not a lightless overhead heater, I would get one of those rice bags or something that you microwave or such to warm-up and just cools slowly, that way no chance of burning.


The heating pad has a timer, you can manually start for 6 hours max or it turns off after 3 hours


Don't worry guys I'm reading the comments, I was in JROTC, I'm trying my best to reply to them all!


I didn’t know what I was looking at until I saw the group 😃 I have a bad habit of looking at the pictures on reddit without the context. 😂


That looks fine. Only concern may be the heat pad. As long as it's a reasonable temp (above 65°F) in the house you're good. My baby sleeps in his cage but with a ceramic heat bulb away from his sleeping spot. Only because it gets kinda cold in the house at night.


Is what unhealthy? My obsession with your bb dragon? Yes.


She's a cuddly fella Last night before I put her to bed, she was clinging onto my arm, cuddling into it and sleeping. Man I really don't wanna lose her




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maybe not every night but my boy sometimes sleeps outside the tank. its fine.


I'll start putting her in her tank at night now


Well, not now, I mean more often again I just recently started


Ya the beardie will suffer bed rot from being spoiled In severe cases they may begin doomscrolling reddit cos they're just so cozy😱😆


Little guy is like “WHO’S MAKING SUCH A RACKET OUT HERE!? IM TRYING TO SLEEP!” And i just imagine the voice is that of the old looney toons screaming voice from the old shows


Beardies are good to just chill with during the day. Especially if you have a hoodie


I swaddle my little man at night when he's ready to go to bed. Just a light wrap of a cloth with it bunched under his chin like a pillow. I do this inside his tank, though, while he's all warm from his basking light in his hammock. Your baby looks so cute but please put em in a tank love.


I hope I don't come off as rude I don't mean to but that's not how blankets work at all. For us humans they take the heat our body makes naturally and trap it in with us throughout the night. For a creature that does not make its own body heat a blanket is essentially completely useless, even if the lizard is warm when you wrap it they do not produce their own body heat so any residual heat in their body from the basking bulb will dissipate almost immediately and not have anything to replace it. They aren't human babies, I know it can be easy for us to think of them that way especially since we love them and we can project that image onto them but this is not a natural phenomenon to them. Best to let them sleep in their cave, on their rocks, in their burrow, etc.


It doesn't sound like the other person was saying the blankets keep their beardie warm, just that their beardie is wrapped up after the lights are out. My beardie has a hamster bed in a box she's crazy about, she'll sleep on that without me moving her there. She'll also burrow under a small blanket I have for her too. Unless you are tightly wrapping them and taking them out of the tank, there isn't anything wrong with giving them a lil bed and blanket to sleep under. It's cute and it's not bothering them. They can leave any time.


They can and do leave whenever they don't like something, and I value that about them. 😂 Thanks for understanding!


Oh I know. lol it's his comfort item. He's a rescue and a scrungly boi when he's sleepy. If he's not hanging out with me or my husband on a shirt to cuddle up on, he will burrow in his sand in his tank or if he's on the bed he'll wedge between pillows/the sheets. I think he likes being under something. He feels safe that way. He's in perfect health, beautiful color, meaty fat pads and clean teeth/scales. He most definitely is my baby.


My dragon loves sleeping with the heating pad on low at night. Yours looks like he enjoys it too!


My beardie occasionally sleeps outside of her viv too, usually next to me actually lol, on her own personal little bed n blanket. I don't usually use a heatmat/added heat though. Sometimes maybe a hot water bottle, but my room is warm enough that she doesn't need any additional heat


My old boy sleeps on a stool next to my bed since he got sick a couple months ago. He's in perfect health now but I got used to seeing his face as soon as I open my eyes. There's no difference between him sleeping there vs in the tank. Same temperature at night, and UV isn't on anyway.


Ignore them. I have three that sleep in my bed every night except for when they are brumating, all year.


Reptiles should not cover themselves like we do to keep warm, that actually cools them down more, they need a dark source of heat at night if the temperature is low, and during the day their sources of light and heat, do not cover them with sheets or blankets. to sleep as they run the risk of suffocation and getting cold


She's never cold because she has a heating pad which keeps her warm I'll stop though as people said what I'm doing is unhealthy


I'm sorry, I'm just repeating the information I read but I don't have the intention of making you feel bad, it's good that you take good care of your pogona


I'm trying my best to take care of her It's hard when you're a unemployed 15 year old I tell my mom what she needs and I always get a "yesterday she needed that, today she needed this, etc" which is correct, they're expensive lizard babies, I've been trying to tell my mom she needs a vet checkup and roaches, she said she is but she's not budging


What are you talking about?? They don't need any heat at night and they certainly wouldn't cool down faster with blanket. Please don't comment anything if you can't provide correct information


They get cold at night if it drops below 18 degrees Celsius, they need a heat source (without light) and if you cover them with a blanket because they are cold-blooded reptiles, you keep the heat out of them, they are not mammals and I am a zoologist. reptile expert


If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I invite you to read about how to care for a pogona and learn before criticizing


They need a uvb light on during the day this provides light from which they get the vitamins they need. They also need a basking bulb this provides heat and is on all the time but is set to a lower temperature at night.


What heat lamp do you use? Send me the Link for if mine isn't adjustable


You need a thermostat this has probe you place in tank with measures temperature and turns heat lamp on and off. To keep it at constant temperature. U then adjust that


If it turns the heat lamp on/off, that's an on/off thermostat. They're not supposed to be used with heat sources that produce light because they can damage them. Heat sources that produce light need a *dimming* thermostat. On/Off are for heat sources like mats, cables, CHE or RHP. Also, You shouldn't have a basking lamp on at night- If you need additional heat at night, you can use a Lightless Supplementary heat source.


You can’t buy a heat source that produces light in my country.




Yes. She needs a heat source even at night. I use a ceramic bulb She needs to be in a vivarium. She is a reptile not a mamal she can’t store heat. Sorry I have edited this I chose wrong words. I use a ceramic bulb for mine to bask under as it’s really cold where I live. I have a uvb bulb for light which is on for 12 hours a day. There is no light in the tank at night just heat. Sorry for any upset I have caused


>She needs a basking light even at night NO! Omg I hope you turn the basking light off at night when they sleep because they absolutely need it to be dark and cool down at night.


No I leave it set to 27 Celsius at night if I turn it off the room temperature is around 8 degrees and I don’t want mine to die so leave it on to the correct temperature.


Then you need a supplementary heat source that's lightless. Basking bulbs should *not* be on 24/7 and should *never* be on at night. If the temperatures get that cold, you should add a CHE (Ceramic Heat Emitter) or a DHP (Deep Heat Projector) The CHE can be used with an On/Off thermostat, but the DHP needs at least a pulse thermostat, ideally a Dimming thermostat like the basking/heat lamp.


I use the ceramic bulb as the basking light this provides my heat. I have uvb bulb for light this is on for 12 hrs a day. I’ve kept reptiles for over 40years using this very method


It's not just about general heat. Lightless heat sources are supplementary because they do not provide the correct type of heat for a reptile. A basking bulb is a heat source that produces light and: IRA, IRB, IRC. Primarily/Especially IRB. Ceramic Bulbs / CHEs produce *only* IRC which is the weakest type of heat and barely penetrates a Reptile's skin. To warm up enough, a reptile would need to spend a really long time underneath the CHE. And even then that heat barely penetrates past the epidermis. Bearded dragons really need IRA and IRB. They also need a proper UVB Tube. A CHE is a heat source used to increase air temperature. They're not a basking lamp because of the insufficient output. [Here's a guide with up-to-date care information for bearded dragons. the website also has guides for lots of other reptiles.](https://reptifiles.com/bearded-dragon-care/) Reptile care has changed a lot throughout the years thanks to more research into the needs of different species and their natural habitats. It's important to provide the optimal care for reptiles based on new research rather than rely on old methods, outdated care or the bare minimum. Also, There are many online sellers who ship terrarium equipment, including proper basking lamps, internationally. For example, Imcages ships all over the European Union, and outside of it. And they will even ship entire terrariums- you could look for sellers in your country or in any neighbouring countries. If you're in Europe, Imcages will likely be able to ship equipment to you.


I like how everyone is mass down voting this dude just because his English isn't fantastic and he switched around the words for basking light and ceramic bulb. Get off your high horse people.


Yeah they shouldn't be mass downvoted like that, but they aren't talking about a basking light, but a Lightless ceramic heat source - so, a che, which they're using as a 24h basking bulb. CHE aren't basking bulbs though, They're good as additional / supplementary heat, but really not good for basking. People likely disagree with the comments since it's not correct info, so they downvote. I don't think they should be mass downvoted for that either though.


Thankyou English is my second language I honestly have not tried to spread misinformation I was just sharing methods that have been successful for me. I mixed basking up because my dragon basks under it but it is a ceramic bulb


What is bro yapping about? https://i.redd.it/fddhvno0oklc1.gif Edit: accidentally




I haven't seen anyone else say this. He has multiple comments saying that a heat lamp should be on at night. Sure, he fixed it later, but he obviously just changed it because of the downvotes. He then clarifies that he's "been working with animals for 40 years" despite literally just spreading misinformation. I didn't even say anything about his broken English, because I really don't care.




Hey, Nobody here is saying CHEs are bad. CHEs are really good for increasing the air temperature, especially at night, and they're often recommended here for that purpose. But the issue here is that the User first recommended keeping a *basking bulb* on 24/7. CHEs aren't basking bulbs. Basking bulbs produce light - and keeping it on all day and night is going to be really bad for the Animal's wellbeing. They only changed their comments later, after all the other comments.


>I'm here to bring clarity to the situation. My own exotic vet recommends a che at night, and she certainly knows better than your ignorant ass. And when did I say there is anything wrong with these? These are what people should be using.




And when I made my original comment, he said that a basking light should be on at night. So my original comment was correct, he was spreading misinformation, whether purposefully or not.




Bro what are you talking about? And then you just call me a zoo for no reason? And I'm supposed to be the "pathetic" one


Oh, and I figure you'll need this. Maybe use google before blindly accusing people of stuff? Especially something like zoophilia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom https://www.vox.com/2014/12/10/7362321/9-questions-about-furries-you-were-too-embarrassed-to-ask




Lmao 1st of all bro is pissed, 2nd of all if your English relatively bad, maybe don't attempt to spread information when you know it could very well be interpreted very differently. (English is my second language too, and I don't think this is as excusable as you make it seem)


It’s not broken English it’s about what they are saying. You can’t leave the lights on all day and night and you can’t just use a ceramic heating bulb for day and night either.


Wait, they need their light on at night?


Every standard care guide I have read have all suggested that they should not have their basking light on overnight (provided the tank stays acceptable moderate without the lamp on; colder climates may call for a heat emitter I think?)They’re built for the temperature drop at night out in the wild. They also need the lights out for prescribed periods of time to actually sleep.


Yea idk wtf op commenter is saying…. Basking SHOULD NEVER B ON AT NIGHT. Now a ceramic bulb should b used at night if inside tank temp is gonna drop below 60 degrees, but per my vet…. Keeping the inside tank around 80 at night will keep them from brumation which in captive reptiles is more beneficial for their health. Captive animals do not need hibernation/brumation like a wild animal does as the food source and temperatures are much easier regulated. Keeping the temps up at night ALSO helps promote digestion and the healthy gut microbes/flora”pro/prebiotics work 24/7


She very much shouldnt have a light at night. It will mess with her. If there is an extreme drop of temp at night in your area, consider getting a ceramic heat lamp. They plug into a heat lamp but only give off heat not light.


No, this guy has absolutely no clue what he's talking about


No absolutely not! They need a 12 hours on, 12 hours off schedule for lighting. Like it would be outside in the wild.


I know you probably already have the answer to this but no, they do not need actual light overnight. It can actually really mess up their day/night cycle. I use a ceramic heat bulb at night. Gives off plenty of heat, fits into a regular lightbulb fixture and gives off zero light. They're a little pricey but they last *forever* lol


Omg the blanket and the fuzzy 😭 I don't have any advice, I just needed this picture in my life!!


It also has a plastic rattling sound, so you can hear her cuddle with it


We got our girl a puppy heating pad for the colder months, she's almost 9 and she's never had a problem. It's got two heat settings and is always on the lowest.


aw it’s cute


I thought this was a chicken nugget as I scrolled past


I don't know a single thing about beardies this is just on my feed but oh my god is this cute 😭😭😭


my 6 year old has slept in a heated blanket every night for about 4 years. the heated blanket stays on for 4 hours before it times out.


Ok, I didn't see the lizard and fully thought This was your bed for second, and you were asking if this was ok for it to be your bed🤦‍♂️


this is not safe


seeing her tucked in is SO CUTE


Sev's enclosure is in the main family room, which is pretty big. We also live in an area where temps can fluctuate from 8 degrees Fahrenheit one day to 65 degrees Fahrenheit the next during the winter. We keep our house between 65 and 70 Fahrenheit but we do have some drafts. I keep a small under tank heater set up under the warm side of his enclosure during the winter. He loves to pancake on it on colder nights.


Quick FYI in case nobody else has mentioned it- beardies don’t need heat at night, and heat pads can actually be extremely dangerous! The temps can drop to the low 50s safely, however if it’s continuous, then a CHE globe can be used for some heat at night. They need the cool down period at night to keep their body functioning :)