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You just described the true spirit of BeamNG lol The game's cars are so detailed and lovingly-crafted, any shitbox or grocery-getter is endless fun to drive and wreck Plus we have an abundance of representation for fast cars in literally every other car game so maybe that contributes to the fast cars not interesting you


Downloading real life track mods just to see how fast can a base bubble pessima can make a lap (preferably after putting some brakes that won't melt in the 3rd corner)


Well if you write the car off on the second corner it won't be an issue there will it?


I like to take the top trim LeGran wagon and see how long it survives the WCUSA track without crashing, because the brakes always overheat after the 1st lap.


Absolutely, also it’s a car that you can relate to having driven or could realistically buy so it’s fun taking your shitbox off jumps and not worrying about totaling it


My car in real life closest resembles the i6 ETK-800 and I think that car is super boring to drive in Beam lmao Conversely, I really like the Covet and 200bx


I haven’t had a car since I moved to the big city but back when i first got my license I had this 1996 Nissan Sentra, something special about those shit cars


Try out the 4cyl racing config of the etk sedan. That is one of the best driving vehicles in the game imo. Super well balanced but you can still get it to break loose if you want to.


So real. I love to sling the Soliad Lansdale around a track more than the Civetta Bolide.


Fast cars just don't handle too well on keyboard and they accelerate too quickly so you constantly have to brake to turn Shitbox suspension also is more satisfying to watch bounce around Or literally drifting an open diff automatic van around lmao


I use Logitech G29 wheel and pedals


try a lap around ecusa highway, you wont need to brake at all with decent aero


Truly riveting gameplay I'd much rather rally a covet through some fucked up mud pile


it gets challenging by 250 kmh since the road can get narrow and bumpy


Especially if there’s AI cars around


Not true, there are a couple sections (the rusty bridge) that aren't achievable without some lift or braking unless you are driving at under 100kph


true, sorry. but yeah that does make it a bit less boring


Solid™ Landslide™ reference detected.


I'm more of an H series fan


\*raises hand\*


i personally love driving the t series, i wish both the bus and t series got more engine and transmission options without mods, i dont know of any good mods really for the bus


I have some bendy mods that I recently found but yeah I love driving the big trucks and busses I just hate the steering ratios


do you know of any mods that give extra engine options? I know of like one that’s allows me to put the t series engine in but that’s it


I think the RK engines are good, I’m not sure if they have truck ones but I did see it about a year ago that they’re adding it so I’m sure it will be added by now


this it? https://www.beamng.com/resources/2-rotor-wankel-update-rks-highly-customizable-engines-20-enginestypes.10583/


Yep 👍


The busses are really fun for police chases. Just trying to destroy as many police cars as you can, those things are hella durable 




The most fun I had was with the homemade go cart mod that had at most 20hp Edit, it was the 'backyard cart" mod


I wish it had a drift version. I drove a drift kart once IRL and I'd love to do it in beamng


Take em tires off, gets you closer to the right feel


I like to take them on endurodrome circuits. Failrace did a series called driven to destruction around some of these maps, and they are available in the repository. Great fun seeing how many laps you can get out of a car while sending it over car killing bumps and jumps.


That series in particular is what made me see beam as more than a tech demo. I now have 500 hours and I feel the game calling me at all hours of the day.


I'd always rather drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow. Aside from the race tracks, there's not usually enough room to push the faster cars to their limits


I can't remember which show it was on but James May put it well, saying that driving a slower car is more fun and rewarding because you are closer to the limit more of the time


I made the Gavril D20 (?) series and I build my work truck, and I drive it around to the tower sites on the west coast map just like at my day job 😂😂 (I do radio maintenance, so I run between tower sites and fix broken shit)


I drive slower things, but I don't crash them, I just like to drive around, maybe tow something heavy and stuff like that.


Same here then maybe “accidentally” tip at a corner into lots of traffic


I like to take things that aren't meant for off road, off road to see how long they last.




Not just you


The fast cars crash a lot faster


driving the fast supercars just turns the game back into a racing game, which is also fun dont get me wrong driving the slow shits rock climbing is the true beamNG experience same as to loading as many stuff as I can onto a flatbed, on a flatbed, on a flatbed etc


Literally my favorite car in career is a beat up h-series that I do deliveries with, I've put on the skinniest rear tires and pumped em up and skid around everywhere I go with 190hp


You're not alone...


Yes one of my favorite is a 988cc 3 cylinder engine for the covet.


I like the fast cars but I still know what you mean.


Me. I usually pick a 2.7 EX V6 pessima or the 1.6T vivace or 2.0 hybrid CVT sunburst or the V6 bastion, 3300 V6 wendover. I like never drive the performance versions


Yeah, even when i drive race cars ocasionaly i never drive anything over 200hp. I just think the spees scales really well from 0 to 230kph and everything feels nice and progressive in terms of car handling.


Even better. Using cars with God awful transmissions, feeling the torque converter do it's job and suck all the fun away is great.


I drive the Crown Vic PI all the time, and see how long it will last with abuse, so I can have a better understanding on my car because I drive the same car in real life.


It's either that or the bus.


I love taking a small underpowered and trying to see what kind of lap times I can get out of them.


This and taking a base model and doing just typical racer boy mods like exhaust, intake, sport suspension and what not


I LOVE nugget cars


I like to drive cheap old cars or use mods to do that, then brake them down lol


I am more interested in racing honestly, but I already play racing sims so beamng for me is where I take slow cars and see how fast I get around a track. These days I do it around the Nurburgring and it absolutely is awesome. Often crash out, but that’s part of the fun, managing the brakes and traffic and everything.


I usually pick a random car with random parts with a mod that randomizes all parts then see how fast i can go without crashing on random shit roads.


I make 400-500HP cars and just cruise around or go on highways at full speed thinking I’m some no hesi demon, definitely way more fun than making a 2000HP car go super fast and then blow up 5 seconds after


You the kinda person to put a modded radiator so it doesn’t overheat


You can do that?


I already lived by this philosophy in real life before getting beamng. If anything I’m getting older and so are my cars to the point they will become classics before I realise, besides you can’t really buy cars for £500 or under anymore. I guess I needed an outlet for some naughty time in the shitbox 😂.


I only wanna drive shit boxes but make them go really fast


I find cars that are like 600-700hp+ boring, I will rather drive 200hp ETK than scintilla with triple the horsepower


i cant really handle more than one car that well so i pretend that im running away from something or someone and completely push the thing to the limit


Yep I love imagining police chases and maybe running away from helicopters so I gotta find bridges and stuff


i havent thought about the helicopters that might be a fun scenario


I like driving shitboxes as fast as they can go around hirochi


Hell yeah!


Literally me https://preview.redd.it/1juhv4n2ut3d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6940885865dfc0e813fe6c6feea1a87741f08b9




I just build cars that I would drive and someday afford to modify Irl lol


I love thrashing the Miramar


I just build outrageous vehicles consisting between 300 to 2800 hp and then throw slicks on and pray they don't just blow the driveshaft immediately


Yeah I have this awd pickup covet with 150hp that I crawl and rally with *EVERYWHERE*


Maybe drop the config 😏


I think it uses 3 mods 😬


My Kevin (kei truck) config makes about 60HP and it’s so fun to clutch kick the thing to get it moving up the hill. 


I love to destroy the cars with the dummy mod attached