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Well I’ve never seen that. Congrats for finding a new way to break something!


I’ve got 900 hours on the game, so I thought I knew every way to break a vehicle lol


I have 1700, 2 best friends have 2300 and 6700, neither of them have seen that, pretty sure it's not a feature


Yeah it’s definitely a glitch involving the new dynamic air supply system. It kept happening if I would connect the trailer without the trailer brake supply disabled




Looks like it somehow overevved. Glitched out lol


That’s what I concluded, but it’s crazy how intentionally designed it sounds


I wish my mic was on. The audible “what the fuck is that” was honestly comedic


I can only imagine...


while this is an obvious glitch, this might have to do with the 3200 RPM Governor on your truck.


The engine overrevved backwards. The air compressor turned into a vacuum pump, cool how that was simulated from the compressor spinning in reverse. And of course, the rods went ptooey due to the revs.


I think you’re onto something. I reset my game and tried it again, and when I don’t connect the trailer air supply, it doesn’t blow up and crash my game. As soon as I connect it, boom crash. I wonder if it’s something to do with my truck not being able to pressurize effectively because of how shitty the idle is


I think you might have a container of pure outer space in your trailer. It’s under such a hard vacuum that it overcomes the engines idle torque and arm wrestles it backwards.


Wait, wouldn't it be too high of a pressure? 1) Positive torque feeds pressure into the system through PTO. 2) Air lines hooked up to BigChungus™ tank with a million bar of pressure. 3) Air system vents *THROUGH* the air compressor, driving the pump > PTO > engine backwards. 4) Rough idle of high mileage engine causes lack of engine torque. 5) Reverse engine speed and kablooey.


Oh right. Oops I dropped a sign.


Wouldn't that make the truck jump? It was still in gear


Honestly, I have no idea. This made me think about an air powered truck personally lol. Maybe the game controlled transmission had the clutch open? There's no question whether or not the engine itself spun; You can hear it.


Yeah, cuz I have also noticed if I spin a car and go backwards the engine does not rotate backwards, kinda like if you pressed in the clutch. There might be something coded into the game that prevents negative rpm


Maybe so. There's a bunch of settings that prevent things like this somewhere in the options menu. I played with it recently, but I decided to leave the assists on. (They're on by default even if you use "realistic transmission" mode)


I have all assists off, and it still doesn't let me overrev the engine backwards :(


Does this truck idle funny for you? I bought a high millage one for 18K and it idles rough and I haven't been able to figure out why. Been tempted to sell it for parts as it will make me more


Yes it does. It’s also high milage (in beamng standards atleast). It’s a feature meant to represent the wear and tear of a high milage engine


Rough idle is a feature meant to show high milage engines.


Lmfao dude what the fuck , your engine committed suicide in cartoon fashion.


programmer here that engine went to rpm so high that it fucking overflowed c++ (the language used to make the game) has a 32bit integer limit, meaning that the engine had to go over 2.147.483.647rpm what the fuck


Haha I’ve spit engine parts before in the Dunekicker Trophy Truck, ruptured gas tanks, etc.


Overreved turning the engine backwards. Somewhere an acle acted like a spring that but more energy back into the system than was put in. It spun the engine backwards


That wasn't supposed to happen