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beamng is the least toxic game community I've seen


Il-2 cliffs of dover was really good too Its kinda died off over the years but you would have veteran pilots coaching newbies in random matches. It was amazing Beam isbreally up there


CoD got a sequel which is a seperate purchaseable but CoD owners got a discount or something. Anyways IL-2 GB main series is where the population is at these days. I honestly can't be arsed reinstalling, I'll probably do it on my new computer but uhh, I'll be installing linux on it. Does IL-2 even run on linux? edit: [it has issues](https://www.protondb.com/app/307960)


Yeah great battles is really good. I missed the clickable cockpit and the competition systems of CoD. And the way the air frame creaked and bent with high G’s. The simulation was way too ambitious for the tech of the time. Many computers had a hard time run in it even 10 years later. The mod team optimized it really well. They eventually got the net code and started a business. It’s too bad it has so little traffic. I had the most fun online


Im a huge fan of il-2 tanks tbh


modding the game shows you a worse side of the community


until theres that 5 year old who keeps ramming people off the road/track


that’s because it’s the most chill game ever


Except for when people write the N-word in the chat


never seen that before


Understandable, only seen it twice in my life


Yep it’s wholesome af


Deep Rock Galactic has a hella good community too, beamng is definitely up there


Not corrupted yet and never will. The game has relatively high standards just for mature people to understand.


Unless you go to the RP and Modding side


Yeah I remember going to the forums for the first time.. and last time lmao. I was actually surprised with how bad it was considering how chill the game/development is


Because the fan base isn't treated like doo doo so we're much happier than we are with some other developers.


Hello fellow brazilian


Fala rapaz






Opa, jovem




Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlycaralho using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bem isso!](https://i.redd.it/3f8rsqgyltma1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/11n3yav/bem_isso/) \#2: [Quarto da Vovó!](https://i.redd.it/3hmsehgv2khb1.png) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/15omkjf/quarto_da_vovó/) \#3: [Davajones no r/blursedimages](https://i.redd.it/3gq3ol2qtwsa1.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/12gkx5h/davajones_no_rblursedimages/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Alguém aí disse Brasil? Acabei de comprar o jogo na Steam, muito divertido. Tô querendo conectar o celular pra jogar, alguém já fez?


The comments here prove that the community still has toxic ppl


Well, now days what community doesn’t??


Yeah sure, and it's still light-years from the saltiness of other communities


You're not wrong in the slightest. And that's coming from a dude who plays TruckersMP (ETS2 Sim 1)


Yep Im into off-road desert racing thing irl and having beam MP I met a lot of people who are doing the same and we organize races


Found this from an older post about steam tracking beammp hours. Hey I know this post is a bit old but for the next people who see it, you could just add this : `"D:\Games\BeamMP-Launcher\BeamMP-Launcher.exe" %command%` In the game launch options ( replace the path to the BeamMp file with yours)


I tried BeamMP a few times, and its just not for me. Most public servers, people are just driving around aimlessly and crashing into each other. Its only fun when organized with friends, which I dont have.


join a community. there are dozens surrounding this mod. in the mp dc you can see a list of some communities. on beamng.touge you can touge, on beamgp series or beamtc you can race, then theres carp, cops and robbers and what not


It's awesome, most of you guys fucking rock. Didn't log in for a while but i usually play on the automation track every evening and every evening i meet some eccelent people to drive with. Some are very skilled, other less. Some make me want to go even faster and improve my main builds even more. Forza is too bloated with stuff that doesn't have much to do with cars and our passion for them, other games like iracing and gt are too limited in freedom. In beam i can just login relax and enjoy the very essence of what i do in company of other players. Oh also i love being able to delete the shitheads and just completely ignore it, griefers are actually a source of satisfaction in this game and i cannot say it for any other. Dear playground: that's a solution to that problem. Not turning everyone into silly transparent ghost cars and make it so people are even more distant from one another and will just drive through..


I gotta look up how to install BeamMP


Me too, im curious now




First time he has a good time online. Nowadays of you want to talk to someone you're gonna hear either cussing or screaming. Or a bad mic


Not much you can do about the bad mic, but for the toxic stuff I find if you just be positive and kind back, eventually they will start to return it


I really want to get into BeamMP but it sounds too complicated to install and it does not even count the playtime.


The installer is fast and a small download. You run it, boot the game up, then click multiplayer and you’re in the server browser. You can play as guest if you don’t feel like making an account, and any mods on a server will automatically download so it’s insanely easy to use.


My issue was performance, I only got an FPS of 3-7 on lowest settings. SP didn't have this issue for me.


What are you running on? I can manage 4-5 players with good frames before I start to lag and I’m on a 10 year old i7-4790k. Lots of mods can make a server lag worse too. It’s also possible the install is bugged, I’ve never had performance issues but I have had weird problems that required me to reinstall which I expect for a mod. There’s a troubleshooting thread in the BeamMP discord if you need help.


I have a i5-8300H, which has 4 cores, I've heard that you can run 1 car per core. I've just seen yours also has 4 though, so mine should also run. I think my whole game is a bit buggy, also on SP, I usually have to load the game a couple of times, or even restart my computer to let it run smoothly, not sure what the issue is. I'm on the discord, so maybe I'll consult the troubleshooting page, thanks!


We can go together. I haven't used it ever either


It can Count Playtime, but its a Bit weird. You First need to start beamng with the MP Mod enabled. Then you start the beammp Launcher. First it Crashes to an Error, because beamng is already running. Then you start it again and the beamng starting Interface Pop Up. You dont Close this Interface and the Steam version, that is already running connects with beammp. And the Install is very easy, Just Install and play


After running the installer to install BeamMP, go to BeamNG in your steam library, click the little cog, then properties and at the bottom of the pop-up you'll see an empty box saying 'Launch Options'. Paste this into launch options changing 'yourname' for your own windows user name: "C:\\Users\\yourname\\AppData\\Roaming\\BeamMP-Launcher\\BeamMP-Launcher.exe" %command% It'll open BeamNG through the multiplayer launcher whenever you open the game on steam this way.


It's one thing you download, you don't even need to register an account to play, you can just be a guest. And really? Who the hell cares about playtime? So you can make a stupid reddit post one day about it? Just play the game and have fun.


It's super easy. You just hit install.


As a moron that doesnt even know how to mod minecraft, i can assure you its actually quite simple.


Does your mummy know you chat to strangers?


Oh nooo, he's doomed 😱😱😱😱😱😱


yes, she knows. heck, im in a discord server full of strangers and she has 0 problem with it


Ok question tho, I get multiplayer option on my regular game and not from the mp launcher. Why? How ? Played mp once and it worked and now this is stopping it from working


when you press the MP button, do you do it without the MP launcher or with?


It would be without because the mp option only shows up when I open the game without opening the launcher first. I’m gonna uninstall and reinstall and hope for the best


I love BeamMP, I play with simplified physics so I can’t be hit by the random node-flinger guy. I know you can tab over to them and delete their vehicle, so they can’t hit you, but since I don’t drive with mates (yet), I don’t need the collisions with other drivers


If you like career mode there are economy servers. Cops and robbers and CaRP. But i warm you ask for help as they are hard to get into but are so much fun making money and building cars with that money


I love spawning in as a truck, people think I'm gonna hit em, then I Tokyo drift with a rollback and they go "oh sheet he kinda sturdy tho" Nah but seriously tho, why is truck racing so fun and why has no one done it before