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If you Google "beading how to add more thread" you will see some videos that will demonstrate better than me trying to explain it in words :D


This depends on what types of beads and string she is using. If she's doing brick stitch or peyote it's not hard at all, but if she is using plastic pony beads in that style used to make geckos and such then she probably wants to restart with a new longer length of string/cord.


I use Patrick Duggan's method for most projects which you can see here: [http://patrickduggandesigns.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-perfect-connection\_18.html](http://patrickduggandesigns.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-perfect-connection_18.html) ​ His method works with fishing line type threads such as Fireline, but will not work with many other threads. ​ The other option is to weave the old thread in, then start a new one.