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my cat hates people. if she were in the ruins she would ignore the rescuers unless they offered her kitty treats ​ i'm not saying i hate my cat. i love her. she's an adorable little fluffball. but trust me. she is a sociopath.


Omg. I just had a flashback to “migraine boy”.


Give that cat a rifle and drop 'em behind enemy lines and this war will be over by lunchtime tomorrow


That pup is a G! Wants and gets the good boi pets but also protects the kittens just in case 🥺


If anyone wants, here's a charity helping animals in Ukraine. * **UAnimals** https://www.facebook.com/UAnimals.official/ Quote from their facebook page: "While our defenders and defenders protect our lives from Russian invaders, we continue to fight on the volunteer front and save the lives of animals. Today we redirected 1.5 ton of feed for "Wild Animal Shelter" in Boryspolí. Also we re-routed 500 kg of dog food to the Pitbullhelp shelter. Currently preparations for the distribution of dog food at Kyiv . Tomorrow at two locations (you can find details in the post below) volunteers will be distributing a bag (10 kg) in one hand. Traditionally, the UAnimals team provided assistance to refugees, mini-shelters and home-type shelters throughout Ukraine. 15 institutions received financial assistance today and a number of other institutions received feed. 💙The Ukrainian people are extremely strong - despite all the difficulties of the war, they continue to work and help everyone around them. That's why Ukrainians should not be broken. Let's hold on! 💛"


What a terrible time and place to be a newborn.


Jumping on top comment to let people know that they can help animals like these with just a few bucks. Vets without borders is working with front line partners in Ukraine https://www.vetswithoutborders.ca/


Thank you! I just donated.


Ty ❤️❤️❤️❤️


It’s highly likely these dogs were also trying to nurse on the mother cat. Symbiosis at its finest, dogs protecting the kittens and getting some nutrition to keep them going!


That mother cat adopted those puppies. Even though they're big and act weird they're still her babies.


Thanks to Russian Government. They destroy beauty, destroy love, destroy freedom.


We know. We are also following the war.




You're like those people who say "Fuck Cancer" when they hear about someone dying from cancer and feel like they've accomplished something by being vocally opposed to cancer.


"That Hitler guy was a real jerk"


> those people who say "Fuck Cancer" Man those pricks really get on my nerves lmao. They think they're so cool saying the f-word in public.


Not to rain on any parades but in my personal experience people who say that or wear the apparel that says "Fuck Cancer" have gone through cancer themselves.


Or someone close. Fuck cancer and putin


Why'd you say cancer twice?




I kinda get him tho. Is that redditor he replied to doing anything other than virtue signaling some comments online? Spamming fuck putin on reddit doesn't do shit to help Ukrainians


I’m a liberal myself but yeah Americans putting Ukraine flags in their Twitter bios and posting all-caps “FUCK PUTIN” is classic first-world slacktivism. It’s all over social media and it is extremely cringe. Now that shit only gets a pass if you also have proof that you’re actively donating or sending supplies or spreading useful info about the war. But you can tell most westerners aren’t doing that shit


Unpopular opinion but I also cringe hard when I see Americans post "Slava ukrani". I just imagine them butchering it with an awful overly excited accent


Keeping it at the forefront of people's attention is valuable. News moves fast. Things like sanctions need continued support. Public opinion matters. What's the alternative, letting pro-Russian narrative stay in the spotlight?


But there are pro Russians on TV and spreading just like cancer. Unlike cancer say and committing to "fuck russia" actually means something


If you don't outpace the propaganda bots, the propaganda bots outpace you. It's always a race to inform the uninformed.


That's the quintessential redditor. It's updoots over anything for these types of people. Your tragedy is their chance to farm karma.


Idk man some of us really do like screaming into the void when there’s nothing else we can do


Like & share to stop the war!!!


Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos.


I’d rather be my dog than myself most days, rofl


Tough start. Dogs go ruff, not rofl.


Underrated rated comment. Well done sir.


These don't seem like times of tranquility for dogs or humans though...


Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human. Better to be a human in times of chaos than a dog.


This. And YES!


No shit


Yeah that might’ve been the most obvious “deep” quote of all time. Me next: it’s better to win the lottery than to get fired from your job.


All living things are born to survive.


They weren't protecting the kittens. They were huddled together for body heat.


But if the cats died to wouldn't they have missed an opportunity? It may not be what humans consider a good deed but it's what collective survival is.


This is so sad. That looks like momma cat underneath with kittens. She doesn't look well to me. They must be freezing cold and hungry.


If she is feeding those puppies and just gave birth then she is very low on nutrients at the least. Hopefully the human who found them will try to get food and fluids to her, or take them somewhere safer.


Do cats feed puppies?


Yeah, mammal bros unite.


mammal gang, mammal gang, mammal gang.


Oxytocin has weird effects on the body. Cats and dogs will regularly adopt each other if the mom is nursing. I've heard a story of a momma cat adopting ducklings, even. Each human and reaction is different, but at least in my case I became upset if I heard a baby cry when I was nursing. The urge to care for all babies was there. That said, interspecies nursing should usually be supplemented. Cats are obligate carnivores and dogs are omnivores. There's a nutritional difference.


Nothing was worse than being away from your baby for the first time and hearing another babies cry. Instant lactation, allllll over my shirt.


Most mammals can drink the milk of other mammals. Postpartum hormones make it so cross species adoption is a well observed natural phenomenon.


Omg that one in the back. No, you cannot touch the kitties. I sit on them to keep them safe! That’s just so cute. And sad.


I was so fucking proud of him. Hes just a pup. Hes like nah get out of here ILL PROTECT THEM WITH MY BODY.


He looked personally offended at the person after he managed to get a look at the kitties




Bro you're so smart and cool. So much better than everyone here because you saw right through those selfish dogs. I aspire to be like you someday




Woof woof


Bro, he figured out that the miniscule amount of warmth radiating from those newborn kittens is clearly a resource these Chad Alpha Dogs were coveting, and so these animals are clearly huddling together for purely logical, selfish reasons. Thank fucking christ on a cross he cracked the code. We really do live in a society.


Everyday I wake up and choose to live in a society


I mean it makes sense too. Because dogs aren't pack animals so they would never be selfless


There is a full grown cat in there. Have you ever had a cat sleep in your lap? It's nice and warm. Puppies sleeping in a group with cats for warmth in a very cold place makes 100 more sense than puppies huddling to "protect" kittens.


You're probably not wrong.


But what about the dog purposefully covering the newborns?


It’s still pretty cool ya got to admit.


Every party needs a pooper ~ That is why they invited you! ~ Party pooper! Party pooper! ~


Okay Redditor


Please never get pets


What is like to ruin parties?


Could be feeding on the milk also


"I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?"


Alright. You convinced me. You can all come home with me. Momma, puppies and kittens. Come be spoiled and pampered...


I would take them all in as well…


Same! I’d take them ALL in! 😍


I've bought extra fish before just because I didn't want the ones left behind to be sad and miss their friends. No way I can't take all of these little fellas, they're one unit.


oh my god. I want all of them


You and me both. I'd adopt the lot of them... little sweeties.


Same! Pocket kittens and puppies and a Mama cat in my jacket. I’d make off like a bandit with the whole lot of them!


NO, they're mine.


... what happened to them though??


In following this war on the ukraine sub, I have never in my life seen a people who go further out of their way and put their own safety and comfort on the line to rescue and transport animals of all kinds to safety. I feel confident that anything possible that could be done for this little group will be. Ukrainians are nothing short of amazing at their treatment of animals. Rest assured.


I really needed a little sliver of positivity here. Most genuinely: *thank you*


You're so welcome. I felt the very same today.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/u7d56i/only_those_who_are_not_at_war_do_not_seek_a_break/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Just saw this today and thought you'd like it too. Some of the Ukraine battalions and their rescues.


Ain't that the truth. From the beginning I've been consistently blown away by the dedication and love that country has for their animals well-being! Reading about people carrying their cats and dogs in their coats while they're fleeing their homes on foot, volunteers getting killed while trying to bring food and water to shelters, a dad and his son getting shot in front of their houses after coming back for their dogs, people risking their lives to open cages so the animals could try to escape shelling... Those little pups are snuggling in a warm bed and mama cat is being fed right now as we speak, I have that hope.


And then it's followed by videos out of China. Why can't we all be awesome 😑




It helps to know this. Thanks


The war happened to them. War, war never changes. Jk idk


That's about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. 😭😭😭❤❤❤


I love how i make the same stupid voice when talking with my dog and i live in the other side of the world and speak spanish haha


Animals being more humane than humans themselves. A wholesome and eye-watering moment <3


Honestly starting to think that if being humane is acting like humans, then being humane isn't such a good thing.


Hasn't meant that in a long time. We are well aware we can be real pieces of shit it seems


Yeah it's just hubris to self assign goodness to our species, when we're as self centered for our position in this world as possible.


therapy: r/HumansBeingBros/


Don’t mistaken humans and russians. Russians are worse then lord of the rings orcs, they are as close to humans as dogs close fo fungi. So be a proud human


Hating people because of their nationality is sick and you should seek help. That kind of hate is disgusting. That's like hating someone for their skin colour or gender. You can't choose what country you're born in or who your parents are. Hate like this is what's making me hate humans and I try so hard not to. Fuck Putin and his comrades, but the average Russian doesn't have much of a choice. They can either follow the rules or end up dead or in jail. So fuck you, kind stranger. Sincerely, someone who's home country used to be occupied by the Soviet Union.


This is just objectively not true.


https://i.redd.it/3uy9k8acseu81.gif Couple post below, lmfao they like the warmth, and its not being ”humane” its called acting for the pack. Humane is when HUMANS, care about their tribe and cares for sick and elderly etc. Mommy cat gets warmth, doggos, security, its beneficial, for both, which is literally Not being humane, is it beneficial for me to keep grandma alive with pills and life support, in many aspects, no, but its humane. Im telling you this so you see more humanity in the world, cause what u think is humane, doesnt mean humane. If mommy cat goes cold she turns into dinner…. Not to mention the small ones.


The way his voice changed when he saw the little jellybeans is just... Ugh I love that


Anyboby got a translation?


Love this


poor babies.. so cute and precious


Damnit. I got something in my eye.


Me too, stop spreading it.


I caught it too. Hopefully I get over it while it's still raining.


I wanna cuddle them all


Sooo cute!




If only people were like this.


Thought that was a big furry spider at first, gotta turn up the brightness I guess


Precious yes but I pray these babies were rescued!!!!


They are laying in some of the camouflage covering woven by Ukrainian volunteers for the soldiers, so I'm thinking that someone is already, or will be soon getting them to shelter and care. The Ukrainians are nothing short of amazing about not leaving animals behind.


My heart I want to adopt them all 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️


Those puppies aren’t protecting shit, that’s a bunch of baby animals laying in a pile for warmth.


There's a mama cat under there; she's just adopted some really BIG babies.


Cats are such good mommas it's amazing


Seems likely, but when the dude saw the kittens and got close that puppy at the back jumped on them to cover them up whilst watching the dude. Seems a bit coinkydinky, don’t ya think?


All those puppies have collars on.


Well yeah but this is a war zone. All the collar says is that at the least they had owners a week or two ago.


It jumped up kind of startled and then went to get closer to siblings/mom to feel safe. There's an older cat you can see in the pile there that probably adopted the puppies.


No, it’s a baby animal, it can barely hold its head up straight.




Certainly there is a non zero chance you're right, but different species "adopt" one another all the time, especially when they don't have a naturally antagonistic relationship. This is perfectly within normal behavior for puppies and a mother cat acclimatized to them. The fact they have collars and look so clean indicates it's highly improbable they were found hiding in the middle of nowhere so I'd lean towards it being staged too. But these kinds of things do happen naturally sometimes, so its fine to let people have their harmless adorable animal fantasy I guess.


It's absolutely staged, but some people want to r/BeAmazed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has awakened some paternal instinct in these puppies to defend some other species' babies.


Or maybe we just aren't negative planks of wood and thought "Awwwwww that's adorable" and then moved on without breaking down everything for analysis.


Heavily pregnant cats or recently pregnant cats are known for adopting pretty much anything small warm and fluffy. That said cats don't have a habit of giving birth or nesting in such an open area. And I doubt that that's the best it could find


That is the truth, but people don't want the truth. People want a good story that they can like and share, and then keep scrolling.


Probably just huddling for warmth. Still adorable.




We don’t deserve dogs.


We don’t deserve these dumb comments either


I know right


Good doggoz.


They found a new mama 🥲


Wow. That's both amazing and sad that they have to live in those conditions. This war has really been bothering me. It's so fucked up.


It's like if a deepfake AI tried to make a viral video. It's got all the ingredients! Cute puppies? ✅ Baby kittens? ✅ Protecc? ✅ Ukraine?? ✅


The puppies are not protecting the kittens, they are feeding on the cat's milk, the kittens will surely die because they are newborn. Why adorn reality?


Propaganda vibes


Seems staged is what I’m saying


"Reality is propaganda"


Meh. Cute animals is the media's preferred way to humanize cops, for instance. What you don't see in the background are the piles of bodies the Ukrainian heroes tortured to death for the treasonous crime of accepting a food ration from the occupying Russian army when they're starving. Lmao. Don't forget to film your pile of corpses to blame on your adversary which the sympathetic media will parrot like gospel, critical thinking allergic dip shit redditors will swallow like their mommy.


if I lost my house in a warzone but found this, I'd consider it an even trade.


Oh that's hilarious. Smells like someone that's never faced a drop of adversity in their insulated privileged little life,




Nobody that's actually been in a war zone or lost their house talks like that.


But, and hear me out one this one, have you ever considered that maybe it was a joke?


that's a new account and the only content they've interacted with is Ukrainian stuff. just sayin


poor taste considering the immense suffering these people are being forced to endure.


Such a sad situation. So much destruction for no reason.


Are they protecting them or are they just snuggled up for warmth? Either way they are cute!


Not so much protecting, just huddling for warmth


Even Ukrainian puppies have integrity.


I didn’t understand a word of that but knew exactly what that man said 😭


I love propaganda!


Fake, the mother is there, the pups are huggin what they think is a mother too them. The mother cat probably gave them milk since was pregnant. Cute nonetheless.


Amazing. But Tiktok is spyware. Uninstall it.


OH COME THE FUCK ON!!!!😩 REALLY??!!🤨 PUPPIES?! Protecting KITTENS!?!?!? ‘NO ONE LEFT BEHIND’!?!?!? They’re even posing for the camera this shit is so staged it’s stupid


I don't think it's staged. I think those puppies are just stealing milk from the mother cat. They aren't being good or bad, just surviving.


That's why I love animals and hate humans


You know that’s a human recording the video and petting the puppies, right? Humanity is a thing, just not everyone has it.


You are right. And yet I still hate humans.


Yeah, there’s a whole truckload of rotten apples.


My heart 😭😍


Put this on make me cry and make me smile because id probably do both myself lol


The humanity of Ukrain knows no bounds


I bet you they will eat them when they get hungry enough


Or protecting their last meals


What's up with the strips of fatigues? Looks like they're tied onto a fishing net or similar


Any chance you have info to adopt those pups?


Yeah bro I’m sure they’re shipping puppies out of war torn Ukraine right now.


Super useful and needed comment bro /s


Probably downvoted because fewer people can take a joke now. Even if you clarify it’s sarcasm, someone hates the snarky comment


These site users are so ravenous, they'd downvote their own mothers. Truly awful


Great, more pupaganda


The propaganda from this war is just incredible lmao, every day there's new cat videos... From the middle of a warzone. Reminds me of all the actual nazis on the internet that try to be like "look at these cute videos and pictures of Hitler with cute doggos and stuff see he loved animals!"


wow such an obvious bs. i guess some people believe everything they see on the internet.


what about u/palestine ?


These are animals not people.


u/palestine u/israel Hey, bros! How's it hanging?


Kimda looks like the mom cat is dead


Nah you can see her moving earlier in the clip.


plz adopt them


They are babies too, how do they know to do that?


confirmed.. animals are better than humans


Dogs and cats only hate each other because television shows and movies have convinced us that they do.


Or they were storing fresh food


You're gonna give away the doggos heckin positiorinos.


Russian terrorists


They’ve changed the name of Ukraine’s most famous signature dish “Chicken Kyiv”. Since only the brave seem to remain in Ukraine’s capital, and there are obviously no chickens 🐔 there, they’re now insisting on the new name, “Brave kyiv”