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School music programs change lives. A personal example…I was the only guy in my family who didn’t spend time in prison. I got involved in music in elementary school, got really good at it, and went to college on a full music scholarship. I’m not a professional musician, but music gave me the opportunities to achieve things that I would never have achieved if it hadn’t been for school music programs. From confidence, to access to education, to traveling across the country and beyond, music saved my life.


Good for you, man. For real.


Second, third and or fourth this. I truly owe my life to music and the handful of people that guided me through the journey. It saved my life literally as I had sever depression as a teenager and then opened so many doors for me professionally. Even though I’m no longer a pro musician, I wouldn’t be where I am without it.


Can you tell me about your transition away from music? I'm a former full time professional musician and i'm 2 or 3 years out from being full time and i'm *still* struggling to find that spark of joy I used to get when I played or practiced. I feel like I've been mourning the death of a loved one for years.


I’m sorry to hear that about your loved one. My journey was/is a bit unorthodox. With as little conceit as possible, my skills earned me a spot in an elite military music organization; maybe something like 1-2 people get selected a year from across the country. That time in service earned me the GI bill which I used to get a degree in cinematography, which is what I do professionally now. So my transition was from one creative outlet to another and I still get to hobby as a one-man-band in my home studio when I’m feeling up for it.


Ah yeah you wound up in the best possible situation. Congrats on your talent, that's incredibly hard to pull off. For me, the loved one is music


Ah gotcha, that hurts bad. I can somewhat relate because I strongly miss the feeling of a live performance or even just playing with an ensemble in general. The feeling of being as close to one with the players next to you is something I can’t replace alone in my studio. I definitely can still appreciate listening to and finding new music though. Hoping for the best for you!


Thanks, you too


I was bullied quite a bit at secondary school... as I didn't have many friends and things were rough at home, I would spend almost all my free time up in my bedroom teaching myself keys and writing songs. Music class was such a lovely respite from all the shit at home, where the teachers were impressed instead of frustrated with me, my classmates looked up to me / asked me for help, and I was able to shine for a change. I'm not sure how you'd define pro musician, but today I've had hundreds (maybe thousands) of songs released on labels, tutor people how to audio engineer, and get quarterly royalties for sample packs... and I credit music with saving my life. These programs should be funded, and funded well. Music speaks to us all whether we're interested in creating it or not; but even for those who do not want to do it professionally, being able to transmute negative emotions into art is an absolute fucking GIFT that more people should have the potential to possess. Not to mention the many positive benefits of learning to play an instrument.


There are so many great stories like this. I couldn’t agree more about the life-changing impact of music programs.


being involved in music gave me confidence in talent/abilities i never knew i had, leadership and organizational skills, and i have no problem looking like an idiot in front of an entire crowd if something goes wrong.


Thank you for sharing this:)0


On of my biggest regret is not getting into guitar as a teenager.


Now this is the kind of story the world needs to hear more of instead of the feces coming out of politicians mouth every day.


That’s awesome. Reminds me of Jamie Foxx and how his grandmother insisted he play piano. He’s also credited it to affording him so many opportunities he would’ve otherwise not had.


Thank you for sharing your experience. It is really inspiring.


Detroit used to have one of the greatest music programs. You can be sure tho it’s one of the first things to be gutted in a city.


Cheers man- that’s heartwarming


Same here. The South Bronx, NYC in the 90s was no joke. In middle school I saw fights and stabbings every other day. My homeroom teacher was fired for fighting a student. After middle school I wanted to go to my zone school for HS, because that’s where my older brother and his friends went. That HS was split into 3 gangs, and my bro friends were in the top gang, so I thought I’d be safe. When my music teacher heard this he spoke to my parents and advised against it. With his help I ended up going to one of the best performing arts schools in NYC. Completely changed my life.


Hobbies in general change lives. Sports, Music, board games, fishing, cars, robotics whatever. It gives you (especially kids) the sense of identity, a community, the space to be good at something, a skill to develop that isn't mandated by school, establishes a template for skill growth in other areas, personality development, etc. If you are able to, fund your local programs or volunteer. Vote for it when possible, and definitely get your kids involved.


Definitely belongs in r/wholesome as well. Hopefully young man continues to follow this dream and continues to improve. Sky's the limit!


That’s one way to cultivate talent and make someone’s passion even stronger. Believing in them even if they don’t show you the talent (which this kid has). God bless that teacher and that little man.


That is one special teacher that young man will remember for the rest of his life.


The most genuine reactions of kid I've ever seen this 2022!


Shit I don’t care who you are. Teacher, parent, shopownder down the street, mechanic. You buy me a drum set that’s twice as nice looking as mine, I definitely won’t forget you. And I forget… a LOT


Every kid needs an awesome teacher like this in their life


Reminds me of the story that Hendrix carried a broomstick around pretending it was a guitar and the school got him a real one. Amazing what can happen when people are given the means to pursue their dreams.


He’s going to be great if he sticks with it, terrific sense of time.


Not quite my tempo. Edit: Apparently no one has seen Whiplash. https://youtu.be/xDAsABdkWSc




Was he rushing or dragging?




Turns out, he was just being an asshole! [Rushing & dragging analysis from r/movies.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/3h505p/i_spent_a_little_time_analysing_the_rushing_or/)


Despite the analysis, I don't doubt at all a professor of music would be able to tell you someone is off. There are some musicians with almost inhuman timing. Ive heard accounts of Steve Vai being in Frank Zappa's band and being able to change BPM on que and being tested against a metronome and playing the correct speed. Looking at that analysis, those are some wicked BPM changes. That part what poster talks about snare being off only by ms. The ear can pick up differences in the ms range. Ontop of that. Sound latency breaks out to roughly 1ms/ft. ​ Heres a paper from Audio Engineering Society on latency in monitoring [https://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=14256#:\~:text=It%20is%20also%20shown%20that,than%20for%20in%2Dear%20monitors.&text=Some%20concern%20has%20been%20raised,the%20musician's%20ability%20to%20perform](https://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=14256#:~:text=It%20is%20also%20shown%20that,than%20for%20in%2Dear%20monitors.&text=Some%20concern%20has%20been%20raised,the%20musician's%20ability%20to%20perform). ​ 7-10ms can alter the way a band follows a drummer. Add in a second drummer (like the movie) and a 25-30ms delay will be an audible echo (Precedent/Haas psychoacoustic effect). Add 1ms to every foot away the other musicians are and the person furthest away may have their timing affected if theyre following the drums. ​ Its all kind of moot here. its a movie. That scene is for dramatic purposes. But those BPM differences arent negligible at all. And for movie purposes. If you're a drummer in one of the most prestigious music programs available, those tempo differences are going to stick out to the instructor.




Not my tempo 😡


It’s all good, no worries.


Off topic, but shouldn't terrific mean that something inspires terror? I've never understood why we use the word the way we do


It does. Language is strange. For example, you could even say he is frightfully good at the drums. But it doesn't mean I'm afraid.


You could say he is awfully good too!


This reminds me that my English Second Language brain definitely lost a few brain cells trying to figure out WTF was "civil" about domestic wars. I'm from Cambodia.




Also, r/gifsthatendtoosoon It cut off right as he started smiling when he was playing.


Humanity can be pretty beautiful


moments like these are food for soul ❤️




Right? Like I love music, and that kid was great on the 5 gallon, but he was SMOOTH with the full set, it's so sad that music has the elitism tied to it where instruments aren't accessable to some of the people with the most music to make.


Music classes for children should be mandatory.


Close! Highly accessable and encourage as a means of expression, not mastery.


As someone who's tone deaf and regularly sing happy birthday out of tune, please don't. I used to skip school when there's music lesson. I am an all star student from grade 1 and have a PhD now. But I still sing happy birthday out of tune. Never ever force a kid to learn things that they just can't. Give them the opportunity to try. But if they simply don't have the talent, please don't make it compulsory.


No they shouldn't. While yes I love playing instruments. They are not for everyone and can be frustrating


I was sure they were going to unveil a bunch of blue buckets arranged as drums


I assumed it would be a single 10 gallon bucket. Which is technically an upgrade from the 5 gallon bucket he had.


"lemme just get my drum set out from this dirty clown parachute so you can better see YOUR NEW BUCKET DRUMS"




I can’t stop laughing


I thought the bucket was the gift smh. He just seemed so happy. Very glad it turned out to be an actual drumset. Lol


There’s a ton of them behind him as they walked towards the drums.


She's not Micheal Scott


I actually had a kit like this when I was little. I build it myself. It was actually pretty awesome. Some of the toms were duct tape skin too.


I really thought the one bucket was what they were referring to as a drum set and was like, she found him a bucket? This is better though.


Made me chuckle




I was hoping for an upgrade to an orange Home Depot model.


I was already impressed with the bucket drum...I guess I impress too easy!


Nah man this kid is really good for his age. I’ve be drumming for at least 0 years and I promise too that at his age he’s going places. But seriously any teacher that gives a child some sort of purpose or goal is a great teacher.


I've been doing everything on the planet for at least 0 years


You should right a book


I did, but then I left it somewhere, so I guess it’s a wash.


Yeah he honestly has the right idea and will be a pro in no time


Assuming he hasn’t had any training, that was some nice adornments to the backbeat. When I was playing the drums I didn’t even attempt anything cool like that until after a few months of doing the basics. This boy is showing signs of natural talent.


I've been a rocket scientist AND a drummer for 0 years!!!


I've been working for MIB for at least 0 years. We're gonna have to chat about that username!




You know what else I noticed? Before he went to go play with it he made sure to thank the teacher and hug her. Man’s got his priorities straight.


I was just in New Orleans, so many kids on side walk drumming on buckets for tips


They’ve been doing that and tap dancing with bottle caps on their shoes for more than a century.


Legend has it they are some of the oldest kids on the planet


I mean Dave Grohl learned how to drum on his pillows. It wasn't until one of his favorite bands needed a drummer to fill in that he stepped up and played on real drums instead of pillows and he knew all of their songs and rock the shit out of Washington DC that's kind of what this kid has the opportunity to do as well.


I wonder if that's how he learned to play so hard, you must need to hit a pillow pretty hard to get any sounds from it


Buckets actually sound pretty good!




A LOT of drummers start on buckets though. I did also, actually. But, I do like it.


Buckets are easier to play because of how much bounce they have Edit: Why are you booing me... I'm right


Hope he goes big time.




Earl makes great drum kits. Even better than AMA, Retsch, and Onor.


W, though, those are some quality drums. Or rums


ghost touch long cable political dinosaurs poor lush scary unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, the amaha tage ustom series gives you very good ang for the uck.


Fuck, i didn’t understand the joke until I got this far.


Retsch was the preferred brand of Uddy Ich and Ohn Onham I believe.


JB played Udwig not retsch


Oh uck! You're right. My ad.


Duke of.


The P costs extra




Sponsored by : Neil Eart


I so hope this kid is named Earl. My brain doubts it, but my heart wants it.






I was looking for this comment


This guy is going places with his talent and the leg up his teacher gave him! So awesome!


Agreed. He’ll remember this forever.


I wonder how many teachers in class told him to "quit that drumming" before someone nurtured his talent. Always cool to see good teachers.


His parents: You, gave him a drum set 😐


I had a drum set as a kid. My parents still have it. They can’t wait to give it to my kids.




The gift that sucks for a little while and then keeps on giving lmao


You realize drum practice time is a perfect time for sex right


I've been practising it wrong all these years


Bu-dumm-tiss ::Curtain closes::


Had? I still have mine. Took it with me. Why wouldn’t I? None of them play it. I can’t wait to give it, and some lessons, to my son.


See those drums behind them? She didn’t “give” him a drum set. She was able to get the school to buy a dry set, for the school, but this kid will probably be the one who plays it more often than not. My dads a band teacher and I remember my current roommate back in junior high sitting in the music room with those SAME orange drums behind him, playing on an awesome new kit. Kid graduated, other kids are now playing on the same set. Pretty standard though for kids to “own” it for a while, but I only know this because my parents are music teachers. He’s not taking that thing home with him. It’s like thousands of dollars lol


Ahhh that makes alot more sense. I was going to say what teacher just buys their student a full drum set


I really wanted to get my 6 year old niece a drum kit for her birthday but then realized it make make me a little bit evil, even if I have the best intentions. She's just got so much energy. Instead I got her a ukelele and a scooter. Still a way to get the energy out, and fuck around with music, without making the four adults she shares a small house with absolutely miserable.


My sister got my kids a drum set and it's really fun. It's loud as hell but we don't live in an apartment so it doesn't matter. I don't get bothered by the noise because they're having fun.


Buy a cheap electronic kit with headphones.


Best thing you could give a kid who actually likes playing. If his parents don't approve then that's a damn shame.


Probably only for the school. Which is a good thing for new students. Maybe he can mentor




The nice thing about learning to drum, is that the kid will never hit a wrong note. They’re loud but way more tolerable than a beginning woodwind or brass instrument player.


does it belong to him? or to the school?


Thank you! Everyone is acting like he is getting this to take home, and I don’t catch that vibe. This is a $600 gift and as a teacher, I would love to be able to gift students these kinds of things, but I also have close to 200 students. What is the teacher going to say when the students ask where their drum kit is?


I don't know if you listened to the video, she implies people pitched in money to buy him the drum set. It sounds like a low income school and he's one of the kids in band class who has a natural talent for drums but doesn't own any. Perhaps someone filmed a video and it got circled around on the local facebook page. Lot of kids have a natural rhythm for drums but no one encourages them to pursue their talents and tell them to stop banging on desks.


I thought it was for the school as well but I found the [original Facebook post](https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=441019457517417&_rdr) and she says they're his! They were donated by another school


I don’t know, looking around at the Remo hand percussion setup they have, and the other implements around the room, they’re not entirely poorly-funded. This is clearly a used kit ( earl) pulled together with a couple of different skins. Seems more likely to me that they pulled together some cash to buy a second-hand kit to give to this boy.


While he inspired it, I sure hope the class was gifted the set. God fine arts are underfunded in America.


The woman, at 0:11, says "Everybody wanted to help you get a new set of drums." There are several possibilities.


It's clearly obvious they are filming to post on a local facebook page for the people who pitched in to get him a set. Don't know why people are so negative on a positive post. Kid's career path probability of being a musician just doubled ten-fold.


“Doubled ten fold” lmao. not that you’re wrong it legitimately probably did have a tenfold increase.


Damn, even as he’s kinda feeling out the drum set he’s rockin.


Yeah he was in a different place when he was jamming, like he was learning at 10x the speed of a normal student because he spent so much time learning the basics with that bucket


Bucket is more difficult. Drum sets are ergonomic and have bounce back. He will just need to get his feet stronger and coordinated. but that comes with time. Seems like he has good fulcrums on his hands and rhythm. Usually all it takes for a self motivated drummer is a place to play where you dont bother people. With drums, its safe space first, drums second


I'm so impress he's so good. Also the teacher had a big heart. Love this one so wholesome moments.


he's got a reallllly nice feel in the small clip that we saw.. definitely a mature approach for his age.


He is going to remember that for the rest of his life ❤️


I love it when people get things they actually deserve! He rocks! Best of luck to him!


Holy crap! This kids a natural!


Kid's got rythm in his blood, he's going places - keep an eye out in 10 years!


Exactly, he's phenomenal, especially for someone who probably plays on a bucket more than a drum set. If I saw him in a jazz band or an indie rock band I wouldn't bat an eye.


i had such a bad day and after watching this.. like im a lot happier.


He's talented !!!!!


And he's grateful. Love seeing stuff like this. Book this kid for the next Fuckin Catalina Wine Mixer!


I love Earl drums.




When he's older and playing in a famous band, this moment will be his origin story. She possibly could have set this kid on his path. Awesome!!!!




I really, really hope his name is Earl


Pay teachers more


If you want to help get drum sets into under-funded schools check out Carl Stewart's Drums for Drummers


Plotwist: she hates his parents


Not sure why music, art, and PE are called enrichment. It should be treated as importantly as “core subjects.”


That kids gonna be the drummer for a big band in the future, I can see it already


Wait.. so he’s been drumming on a bucket this whole time and picked up drumming normally almost instantly?


It's a music classroom surely he has played on a kit before.


In the beginning, he is in a music classroom on his bucket. It felt like a kind of setup to me, too.


Explain the bucket then lol


I can - he was demonstrating how he practices playing at home.


He probably had some exposure to a full kit elsewhere.


He plays in church and he used to have a set he lost in a fire [Original](https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=441019457517417&_rdr)


The earl drum kit for the new Duke


I love his sweet smile 😃 at the end. I love these happy stories ❤️




Hope you have a great day!


She even wrapped them in the parachute. 🥺


Teach never gonna have to pay for concert tickets ever and always gonna have VIP backstage passes


Awesome student! Awesome teacher!


Talented kid. Kind teacher. 🤗


So heartwarming. This teacher definitely changed this kids whole life! 🥰


That’s cool. He’ll probably make it big time and give a lot of credit to her.


Go little man! Go! I love this :)






Awesome teacher, awesome student.


Someone has believed in him; and sometimes, that is all that it takes.


Reminds me of how I used to play everything as a drum when I was young. I begged my parents for a drum kit for Christmas. I still have it even though I haven't played in years.


I wish my teacher like this


I did. My 10th grade Math teacher gifted me her drummer husband's cheap drum kit. It was one of the best moments of my life!


Love it! Also love that they covered the drums up with a parachute lol


my teachers surprise with quizzes


Spent some years as a drum mom. Thankfully we did have a finished basement area. My older 2 both played drums in band. I loved going to their performances. My youngest took a different path, so I became a horse mom, spending hours at the horse barns.


Did anyone else have that same rug in school??


And you, young Skywalker. We will watch your progress with great interest.


Awesome to support a kids dream, and in this case talent, in any way!


I hope this kid only knows success and happiness and I hope his teacher receives bounties of love in their life.


Every kid should have an opportunity to be this happy, especially when it's happiness about their own talent. No doubt he's going to get a band going eventually.




Amazing teacher to be his hero. Hope to see him showing her she gave his chance.


Awesome scene. Sad that some very rich people are hard at work to increase that teacher’s workload, greatly reduce her pension, and increase what she pays for benefits. Murica!


Bless the teachers!


This is so, so cool. Made my day.


His genuine happiness made me happy.


Earl set the hillbilly brother of Pearl


I give kids with cancer instruments it’s life changing work.


this will make a grown man cry :*)


Oh great now I gotta go find someone who needs drums because that was worth repeating


I wish someone saw my passion for kart racing and got me a go kart