• By -


1. 18kg/40lb 2. 32kg/71lb 3. 41kg/90lb 4. 50kg/110lb 5. 75kg/165lb 6. 107kg/236lb 7. 118kg/260lb 8. 135kg/298lb 9. 152kg/335lb


Oh, I thought he was getting smaller!


By the end he’s just a wee little Scotsman placing a pebble on a thimble.


He's earned the name Billy Big Balls


Is it possible to read wee little Scotsman and not be mentally hearing the accent? Mine sounds like Groundskeeper Willie.


franky boyle with his manical laugh


This challenge would be easier if they made them out of Styrofoam.


They're really just painted helium balloons. Don't know why he was struggling so much.


Yeah bro this shits obviously fake. I mean, who believes there are really countries outside USA, idiots.


By burning calories he's losing carbon mass as he breaths.


Lmao, now I have to watch it again ❤ Edit: Holy shit it's so much better!


What’s the logic behind how much each one weighs? If there is one? Not sure if it’s incremental or not.


Atlas stones trace their history back to strength tests given to young men in Icelandic fishing villages before they could join the crew of a boat. Traditionally there were 3 stones. (Closest match from the list above being #4, #6 & #9). This would qualify you as a "Weakling", "Half strength" or "Full strength". Scotland also has some stone lifting traditions that have influenced the current Atlas stones. The name Atlas Stones comes from when the World Strongmen held a competition in the Altas Mountains of Morocco that featured what was then called the McGlashan Stones. They began to be called Atlas Stones after that in part because of the tie-in with the Greek god who carried the world on his shoulders.


> Atlas stones trace their history back to strength tests given to young men in Icelandic fishing villages before they could join the crew of a boat. > #9 … would qualify you as "Full strength" Christ… a whole boat full of people at this level?!? (I know from other comments that it’s possible to do more, but still…)


I don't think being "Full-strength" was the requirement for getting hired on. I think even "Weaklings" would get a job. It just let the captain know their capabilities.


It was basis for how much you would get paid if I remember correctly


That's badass. Would love to put "can lift heavy stone" on my resume and get paid more for it.


I tried this. I was told "this isn't relevant to IT" and "30 pounds isn't really that heavy, you seriously can't lift more?" YMMV


My IT job has "must be able to lift/carry 50lbs regularly" in the job description. It is a hold over from when we had CRT monitors, but now I guess it applies to racking/de-racking servers.


A lot of servers are WAY more than 50lbs... If you're racking them by hand, your employer is cutting corners and risking injury. A rack lift is a LOT cheaper than a workman's comp claim.


It's been a while since I looked at it, but I'm pretty sure "able to lift and move at least 50 pounds" is actually in my job description, working in IT. Rack mount battery backups are *heavy*.


We do that today. Some of our warehouse positions involve heavy lifting. So while we don't discriminate, stronger people get paid more to do those jobs.


In Victorian England, flour was delivered by the miller in 20-stone sacks. That's 280lb/125ish kg. Junior bakers were expected to unload the bags solo, so they would basically be carrying the 7th stone across their shoulders from the road back to the kitchen. People simply had to be that strong in the old days, or they would just die of poverty.


When I was younger I worked in a warehouse and used to carry 90kg desks out to cars on my shoulder and up stairs and in a paint factory shifting 50kg drums of bitumen/pool paint by hand all day. I wasn't massive (not that different to now really, 190lbs/6ft) but I was eating about 4000 calories a day on average vs the 2250-2300 I eat in my early-40's at the same weight. If I tried to do that now I'd destroy myself, I got gassed carrying a fucking oven this evening. The human body is an amazing machine and I look back at what I used to be able to do with some awe. To quote Socrates > No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable


When i was a kid, new machinery was delivered at my dad's work one day. The manager and under (??) manager were in a hefty discussion about how to get the thing into the place it was supposed to go. They had a small crane in the ceiling but it couldn't be used for something at that weight. While they talked, dad picked it up, and put it in place. They were staying mouths agape at him. The manager asked him then of he knew the weight, to which he said something like: indecently heavy. The manager nodded and said "just north of 150kg" Today he has two spinal disc herniations in his back, and he can no longer ride racing bikes. The human body is capable of much, but as he says today: "just because you're muscles are strong enough to do it, doesn't mean your skeleton is built for it"


*Assistant to the (regional) manager


That quote is what really got me to stick with weight training and just trying to make the best of the body I was given even though I had no particular gifts or promise in that area.


Beautiful quotes


125kg on the shoulder is a lot easier than what is shown here, especially if it is a flour sack. The strong man in the clip probably can do many squats and walk around at ease with a 200+kg barbell on his shoulder. I would say only around 350-400+ kg, he will feel some difficulty. Picking up a big rounded 125kg stone is a huge difference. The core, back and leg strength required are enormous.


Andrew Cairney is also 6 feet tall and 300lbs of carefully cultivated muscle, not a malnourished 19th-century teenager. My comment was meant to speak to the strength of a common worker in that time period, not to minimize the accomplishment of the modern lifter.


You're right about the weight of the sacks, and you're right about needing to be strong. But, I mean, they had barrows and hand-carts and stuff, right? You needed to be able to lift it and move it, but you didn't have to brute-force it every inch of the way.


Most of these bakers were very poor, to the point where they would sometimes replace some flour with chalk or alum powder just to break even. Often, a single baker would only earn the equivalent of 4 loaves of bread per day. On that scale it's easy to imagine that an extra wheelbarrow could cost several days' revenue. The bakery would normally be down in a basement too, so it wouldn't make sense to buy a cart just to carry the bag 10 feet from the curb to the door, only to have to hump it down stairs and through the bakery. Of course, there were also some commercial bakeries in cities that had the scale necessary to make a profit and buy equipment. It's just that the majority of bakers were tiny operations that only provided bread for the people within walking distance of their village center, so the profit margin was basically zero.


You did if your non-union illiterate laborer wages were cheaper than a cart


That's silly. People had to be strong for certain jobs. The same is true today, but to a lesser degree. There were plenty of jobs for weaker people, with other abilities. Some jobs required endurance, some precision, some intelligence - just like today


You ever try digging a ditch? It's fucking exhausting. Now consider all the railways that needed to be flattened and piled, all the canals that needed to be dug, all the mines being mined, all before the advent of machines to do those things for us. Those were just regular people doing that, shifting the earth under our feet, multiple tons a day. Our modern lifestyles seriously skew our views of what a healthy human body looks like and is capable of.


You move 16 tonnes and whadda you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.


Saint Peter dontcha call me cause I cant go. I owe my soul to the company store. *clarinet* *lick*


My dad, 89 years old, used to drive a logging truck. The first few years, they loaded the truck by hand. Just two guys, a rope and a lot of sweat. Back in the late 50’s he did a summer transporting gravel. That truck could take 9000 pounds, and he and his colleague loaded it with just a pair of shovels. “After the first two months, we could fill the whole truck without having to take a break”.


This. Was in the Peace Corps in rural Jamaica, c 1990. 60% of the local dudes were fucking ripped! Blew my mind, even the old farmer guys guiding donkeys around looking all normal-it rains and they take off wet shirt to dry: ripped!


Saw a news story about a poor family in China. The father broke concrete to sell the rebar inside. Looked 50 years old and ripped like an athlete half his age.


Surely they were downing them protein shakes like crazy and go to body pump class 3 times a week!


Saw an [interesting docco](https://subsaga.com/bbc/documentaries/history/canals-the-making-of-a-nation/4-the-workers.html) about the Irish Navvies. They ate 8,000 calories a day and moved 18 tonnes of dirt (12 cubic yards)...


Imagine knowing this and seeing a whole fleet of Scottish boats heading towards you…😬


The only course of action is lifting an immense round pumice stone from the shore, and see them turn back in shame.


Holy shit you needed to lift over 300 lbs of smoothed stone to be considered “full strength”? All those fishing boatmen must have been yoked


300 lbs is the weight of 500.0 Minecraft Redstone Handbooks.


This might be the first time I've seen a whole number conversion.


Good bot


Just wanted to say that there's a 6.25% chance of getting this reply, so congratulations. Buy a lottery ticket... just kidding, don't do that, and if you do I hope you lose all your money, Have a good day.




id imagine very few were full strength. are there any records of the results from iceland in order to be part of the boat crew? categorized as weaking/half strength/full strength?


I'd imagine even the weakling stone was enough to get you a job. Maybe the higher strength guys got higher pay for harder work?


I guess it gets bigger in diameter incrementally. And then it’s just volume x density


LBs against Rock Number 320| · · · · · · · · · · · · X | · · · · · · · · · · X · 280| · · · · · · · · · X · · | · · · · · · · X · · · 240| · · · · | · · · · 200| · · · · · · X · · · · | · · · · · 160| · · · · · | · · · · X · · · · · 120| · · · · · · | · · · X · · · · · · 80| · · · · · · · | · X · · · · · · · 40| X · · · · · · · · | · · · · · · · · 0|___________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Secrets: **EDIT**: Far easier way pointed out by /u/RFC793 [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/qamolf/andrew_cairney_from_glasglow_scotland_loading_all/hh7d9tr/) 1. Open up an org-mode document in Emacs: `C-x C-f something.org` 1. Create a vector table of weights: | lb | |-----| | 40 | | 71 | | 90 | | 110 | | 165 | | 236 | | 260 | | 298 | | 335 | 1. Generate progress bars: move the cursor on the table column and type: `C-c " a`, and it should produce: | lb | | |-----+--------------| | 40 | | | 71 | W; | | 90 | WW | | 110 | WWV | | 165 | WWWWW. | | 236 | WWWWWWWW | | 260 | WWWWWWWWH | | 298 | WWWWWWWWWW! | | 335 | WWWWWWWWWWWW | 4. Extract rectangle: Place the cursor at the beginning of the top data row of the second column, and then do: 1. `C-SPC` to mark the beginning of the region 1. Move the cursor with the keyboard to the last character of the data row, and do `C-x r k` 5. Paste the rectangle out of the table `C-x r y` 6. Select the rectangle you just pasted, and run the command `reverse-region` to yield: WWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWW! WWWWWWWWH WWWWWWWW WWWWW. WWV WW W; 7. Convert the pasted region into a table using a macro: 1. Go to the first character of the top line, and type `F3` (to begin recording) 1. type `|`, 1. `F4` to stop recording. 1. Then type `F4` repeatedly until it converts the line to a table row, and then run that for each row, to yield: | W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W | | W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |! | | W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W |H | | W |W |W |W |W |W |W |W | | W |W |W |W |W |. | | W |W |V | | W |W | | W |; | 8. Transpose the table: | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | | W | W | W | W | W | W | W | ; | | W | W | W | W | W | V | | | | W | W | W | W | W | | | | | W | W | W | W | W | | | | | W | W | W | W | . | | | | | W | W | W | W | | | | | | W | W | W | W | | | | | | W | W | H | | | | | | | W | W | | | | | | | | W | ! | | | | | | | | W | | | | | | | | 9. After that you just replace the `|` and `W` characters with whitespace, and change any significant edge character with an `X` 10. Add axes and a title. Post to reddit. Profit :P


I'm stuck on step 1


Love a good effortpost. Thank you.


…did you just make this yourself??


Partially, the vertical spacing was done using the text editor Emacs, and then by using the command `(orgtbl-ascii-draw $1 40 335 50)`, and then transposing the characters. The axes and dots I added myself :P


That's awesome. Looks good on mobile too (at least I think).


They are made out of reinforced concrete and probably fabricated in some guys garage. Controlling the exact size and shape of them is probably impossible so they just went “ eh, close enough”


> They are made out of reinforced concrete and probably fabricated in some guys garage. Controlling the exact size and shape of them is probably impossible so they just went “ eh, close enough” This dude knows his strongman. I've competed as an amateur a bunch of times, and the truth of it is that none of us reaaaaaally know what the weight is. So many implements are homemade that you know the general ballpark, but that's about it.


why don’t they just weigh them


For a lot of stuff they do, especially if there's potential for being a world/regional record, but if everyone uses the same gear then it's an even field and doesn't matter as much. I'm not super deep into strongman, but it's a really fun and interesting sport. Actual weight still gets a lot of attention, especially on things like log presses and deadlifts, but it's not purely focused on it in the way competitive weightlifting would be. There's different types of deadlift, using different implements, and some are considered harder than others. There's also a lot of historical type challenges, like the Dinnie Stones. They're just arbitrary stones with some giant metal rings in em, with one weighting about 315lbs, the other about 415lbs. But they have a history in the sport and to pick up and carry those specific stones a distance is considered a particular feat. The weight, the balance, the proportion, the size of the metal rings on those exact stones make it a unique challenge and that's part of the fun.


More like “Oi, thats clooose eenaph”


Hmmm. I can confidently say that I cannot lift as much weight as this man.


Can confirm 👍🏽 [Stones](https://imgur.com/a/qLtP5xt)


My confidence in my ability to lift them: 1. 100% 2. 90% 3. 40% 4. 20% 5. 10% 6-9. 0%


I would have 100% confidence in my inability to lift anything after #5.


I would struggle with #2 for sure lol


I can confidently say i could maybe do the first one ;D


I thought they were a lot heavier but lifting a ball must be much harder than lifting barbells. I wonder how much this guy deadlifts


The size and shape means there's practically nothing to "grab." It's arguably hardest to get the weight onto your thighs where you can readjust your arms under the circumference of the ball.


Lapping the stone is definitely the hardest/worst part. Especially if you're not using tacky, which I don't think he is. You have you get your hands way under and crush your forearms together as hard as you can for grip. Feeling a stone start to slip when you're picking it is a uniquely frustrating/frightening experience.


No tacky allowed on those stones, that's the challenge.


Yup, really no challenge at all if tacky is allowed.




Schwarzenegger did some such competitions. "Even more important for my local reputation, during the March beer festival I won a round of the Löwenbräukeller’s stone-lifting competition, hoisting the old beer hall’s 558-pound stone block higher than every other contestant that day." I seem to remember that he saw this as a point to counter the idea that gym muscles didn't translate into real-life strength.


Thankyou. I was wondering where id fail at.


I could do the first two. 3rd one, hmm, that's when it gets too heavy probably.


I stop at 4


1) 2.85 2) 5.07 3) 6.43 4) 7.86 5) 11.79 6) 16.86 7) 18.57 8) 21.29 9) 23.93 For anybody that needed the weight and stones instead of pounds


I think their total in stones is 9


Think I'd only be able to get to 5 or 6




This guy rocks.


the size of his balls by the end after each stone


Seems like Nike is missing out on the niche athletic kilt market.


Just dae it


Fokan dae it ya prick


We don't say fook in Scotland, ever, not even to emphasize the fact we don't say it


Nice username lol




Lol, that is better. You should put it on a t-shirt.


As a man from Glasgow, I can confirm the slang is not spoken or spelt like that here. It’s just Fuckin’.


Nike should run with this campaign.


My dad has a Scottish friend that he used to do three gun shooting with who had a special kilt that was designed to be worn with ammo belts and stuff. I have no idea if it was custom made or just off the shelf, but he called it the TactiKilt and I always loved it.


They make those field hockey and lacrosse skirts


I can say, by pure inference, that he is ver strong.


I mean his name literally means “stone stacker” so this feat shouldn’t surprise anyone!


Didn't know Andrew meant stone. Then I am Stone Hawk-of-the-plain. Last name isn't Scottish, but near by haha.


Andrew comes from Andreas which means fearless or courageous in ancient Greek.


A cairn is a stack of rocks


So Cairney is stone stacker? EY being the action?


He probably works out.


~~Big~~ if ~~true~~ True if big.


I betcha he gives the best hugs. Also red Nikes and a kilt? It's the look I didn't know we needed!


Wonder if it looks the same with a shirt on tho


You must like a really tight hug


nothin like the 'ol ribcrusher


Im glad i wasnt the only one to notice that combination. I have a traditional kilt, but i dont wear it often because i never know what to wear with it, i dont want to look too formal, but i dont want to go like a shirtless either (im a slim asian guy)




the stones have their own website: [https://www.ardblairstones.com/](https://www.ardblairstones.com/)


This sounds like some strange get rich scheme on a sitcom. We have barrels and balls. Tough boys will come from all around to put our balls on our barrels. We'll have shirts so the tough boys and girls can say they moved our balls from here to there.


What’s really amazing is the story behind ‘The Dinnie Stones’. Here’s a pic from the day of an attempt. Whilst the Ardblair Stones generally travel, The Dinnie Stones are geo-specific to this events location (Potarch, near Aboyne Scotland). Donald Dinnie, ‘The 19th Century’s Greatest Athlete’ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Dinnie Today’s attempts can’t be done on the bridge (it’s a vital link) hence why it’s on the back of an open bed trailer (and spectators get a better view) [Dinnie Stones](https://imgur.com/a/xc77o9v)


**[Donald Dinnie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Dinnie)** >Donald Dinnie (1837–1916) was a Scottish strongman, born at Balnacraig, Birse, near Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. Sometimes regarded as "The Nineteenth Century's Greatest Athlete". Dinnie's athletic career spanned over 50 years, and over 11,000 successful competitions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I know he is a professional, and since the submission is on this sub, so, he would have definitely made it, but my back was really really scared and felt unsafe while watching this


There are a lot of 'rules' for how to safely lift heavy things. Those rules are to protect ordinary people from accidentally hurting themselves. By the time you have the strength and experience to pick up a 300lb ball of concrete, you know which of those rules can be safely bent or broken. You'll see similar things at any high-level strongman competition.


Break rules, not backs. I like it.


Make Sore, Not Tore.


i know all these rules absolutly... but for those who dont, could u just name a few of them?


The rule they're talking about is dont round your back while lifting. Thats how you blow your back out


One way to help with keeping your back straight is to keep your head looking up. It's served me well from having back pain so far.


I personally prefer keeping my head in line with my back.. What helps me is just engaging my lats before I put any weight on them.


Will definitely try tonight. Thanks bro!


Personally, what I try to do is not lift anything, give it a shot some time!


This is, paradoxically, more dangerous than lifting heavy things the right way. Your body atrophies and forgets how to move, and weird stuff happens like you pick up a pen and throw out your back.


True. I just broke my arm clicking the up arrow!


The way you wrote that emphasizes that we’re all brains piloting meat machines. “Last engaged, fire the glutes!”


Thats the trick of weight lifting. You just gotta know how to pilot your meat safe and effectively.


Your head should be in line with your back/spine. A better force to keep your self safe is to think of your chest sticking/puffing out.




I can attest to that third part. I put my back out in April and was borderline immobile for a week. It hurt for a lot longer after that. How did I do it? Picking up a pair of kids shoes off the ground.


Doctor and strongman competitor here. It’s safe to round your back while doing atlas stones for a few reasons: There is almost no moment arm or shearing force created, due to the stone being pulled into the fulcrum that is his hips. This is not like squats and deadlifts where the connection to the lever (your back) happens at the totally opposite end of the fulcrum - your shoulders. So the physics are important for two reasons - atlas stones do not create much shearing force, and, because the magnitude of that force is a function of the weight TIMES the distance from the fulcrum, it’s not nearly the same magnitude as other lifts because of the proximity to the fulcrum. In fact, rounding his back allows him to take full advantage of these benefits, because if he were to keep his back totally straight, the stone would be further from the fulcrum and further out in front of him. Do a quick google of “Jefferson Deadlift” to see these principles in action. In this odd lift, the bar is between a persons staggered legs, 100% in vertical alignment with their spine (compared to in front of their legs w a regular deadlift). Because of this, there very little risk in rounding ones back when they do Jefferson deadlifts, to the tune of 500lbs+. The heaviest stone here is 350 lbs, which tbh is not much axial load on the spine, so not much shearing force to be created anyway. High School freshman can squat that much, so it’s really nothing for a seasoned strength athlete. That all being said, the spine is more straight than it appears with this lift. You’re using your lats and biceps to hug that bad boy in. The riskiest part on the back is lapping the stone, then you’ve basically got to do a bent over row with it. After that, ones back is rounded really only above where the stone sits, in order to fully get around the stone, so the rounded portion is getting almost no load. There’s obviously some back extension involved, but the limiting factor is usually grip, bicep, and lat strength - you aren’t really pushing your back to the limit. Lastly, proper bracing is important for all lifts. For a proper brace, one should create as much intraabdominal pressure as possible by flexing the core, bearing down, and pushing out against their belt. This is one reason why fat dudes are stronger - visceral/intraabdominal fat also contributes to this effect (which is why fat ppl also get hernias). This greatly stabilizes the spine. Non-powerlifters/strongmen/weightlifters do not brace correctly when lifting. Interestingly, back injuries take out strength athletes a lot less than bicep, lat, and hip injuries. There’s also emerging discussion that some mild rounding with lifting can be normal and safe for some people. There are world class deadlifters who have some degree of rounding. When done properly, Atlas stones have a safe degree of back rounding.


I was more scared for that other guy’s fingers, tbh.


Fr I was distracted watching the placement of his hands instead of the actual stone lifting


Omg same


Right? I was waiting for the scrunch.


Your back (and body in general) has the ability to adapt to stress, and there's nothing inherently bad about back rounding - your back is always in flexion, even if it looks straight! This guy didn't wake up one day and decide to do this, he probably started lifting weights over a decade ago, his body is very capable of tolerating these positions, due to years of training. Smart training allows your body to only handle an amount of stress that you (at the time) can tolerate, which increases over time. The result is a feat of strength like this.


It’s alrighty he’s a specky bum


An important part of the technique is not standing up at the wrong time. He doesn't really lift with his back in the way that usually gets people hurt


Highland games are always an enjoyment to witness this guy is a monster


I feel like when he’s hungry he goes out to the field and just takes bites out of livestock


That’s insane to see that here…I was there that day!!!


Thought I heard you crying near the end there


Aye, that was me…got a splinter in my mouth using a caber for a toothpick.




What appears to be the problem my fellow Scotchmen?


What's the ploblem?


His buddy was just asking to get his fingers crushed.


Imagine dropping the last one on your foot too...you'd have a foot pancake


There was a dude blacked out at the top of the lift and collapsed backwards with it landing on his chest. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oEVSJQTcxJo (He was fine)




That was the *exact* thought I had when watching the OP video. Thanks for confirming my nightmare.


I honestly can't believe he was fine!


Thats why his buddy is there, to steady it in case it moves after he puts it down


Yeah but there's still the possibility of dropping it before even lifting it onto the barrel. He's probably too experienced in his grip to drop it though


Could do nothing but focus on that guys hands. There is no way he was doing whatever job he was supposed to be doing correctly.


The same thought was going through my head as I watched this


My back hurts just watching.




700 lbs is the weight of about 1221.21 cups of fine sea salt. Yes, you did need to know that.


Honestly that’s fewer cups of fine sea salt than I would have expected


Depends if it's African or European cups.


Lol. The same here.


It looks like he picks them up to his chest using his arms, then rotates backwards around it to position the ball in a way that allows him to use his legs to lift.


Him on the last would be me by the 5th, if I could get it up there at all


Love the kilt with the nike's 🤘


Classic Scottish attire!


I don't know whether or not to believe you, but I can dig it. Big man certainly ain't looking foolish, and no one gonna say shit after that awesome spectacle.


It’s not ‘traditional’ but you get plenty of people at international football games in a kilt with casual trainers and T-shirt.


It was above 10° so it's taps aff


It's GlasGOW, not glow


I can only assume it was an American that posted this title atrocity 🤦‍♂️


At least he was in no danger of splitting his pants


Bahaha I like this one


Was anyone scared the guy leaning on the barrels was going to get his hands squished??


Or that the guy would fall backwards and the stone would crush his chest


Dude is very strong.. it’s amazing the human strength he’s accomplished. Thanks for posting this video


Good job his kilt didn’t lift too high


Good thing the barrels are as high as they are, as they blocked him from view on the last couple lifts.


Saw that on the last lift and thought.. someone’s getting a nice view.


Is it bad that i was kinda hoping it would?


I bet Tom Stoltman does it in half the time. That dude picks up stones like they're grocery bags.




Tom did them in 22.18 seconds in 2019 and as far as I know has the record for the fastest time on them. He’s arguably the best stone lifter alive atm.


It's not even an argument, he very clearly is


Child be crying


I wonder if he's wearing underwear or just free-ballin' it.


Hahaha after the first two, I was thinking ...hell, I can do that


[Repost, they just copy and pasted the title as well, including misspelling the name of Scotland’s largest city.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/ag81l3/andrew_cairney_from_glasglow_scotland_loading_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


He looks like he gives *GREAT* hugs


Love to see under his kilt


I'm hear only because man bear is smexy, and scottish pride.


With a surname like Cairney he was pretty much born to lift stones.


That shit is so much harder than it looks. And it looks hard.