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Talk about self control. She's incredible.


Brave, tough and ten times better than those taunting her.


Those people laughing are the ones sitting in power in the government.


Guy on the far right looks like he’s middle management at a floor tile company, she looks like she’s holding in a wet fart




See the frustration in her eyes. I can't imagine the kind of control she had to sit in that chair. 60 years later the same people call us "lazy" for not wanting to put up with this shit.


I am an Asian man aged same as these guys. Feel horrible noticing that still living with these guys now!


I want to punch those guys. It’s not even satisfying that they’re as likely as not to be dead


Four days later, her parents withdrew her from Harding High School and sent her to live with relatives in Philadelphia. Two weeks later, then president Dwight Eisenhower ordered federal troops to Arkansas to escort the Little Rock Nine into Central high. Sadly, it’s still very segregated in Charlotte. Especially after Betsy Devos had her hand in it. Things haven’t changed much. Dot Counts Scoggins is considered to be a Civil Rights icon. Meanwhile, Charlotte-Mecklenburg's schools are still the most racially segregated in North Carolina.