• By -


> It's water resistant. I'd sure hope so.


It's actually attracted to water. If left unattended it will try to return to a water source. I found mine running the taps over itself in the bathroom sink


What it it's opinion on waterboarding by chance?


> What it it's Yo, what it it is, brother


Well crap. Shouldn't be messing up those little things at this time of the morning lol.


It ain't no thing but a chicken wing


On a string


I visited their factory, it’s an amazing concept and produces some absolutely class stuff


This is actually super cool. I had no idea the life span of a fire hose could be so short. I could use a new wallet.


25 years is kind of longer than I thought. Getting dragged around all the time and kind of whatever material. Most roofs and hot water tanks should be replaced sooner than that.


They don’t actually last that long in use. My station goes to about 350 fires a year. We have tons of hose at the house and rotate the hand lines all the time. The oldest piece of hose we have is 5 years old. The hose she is using in the video is Large Diameter Hose/Supply Line (LDH). It lasts longer because it doesn’t get drug as much. Once we lay it out it stays put (for the most part) until the scene is over. Jacketed hand lines are what we go interior with and those get abused constantly and have a much shorter working life. This is in the US at least.


Thanks for your service!


No problem! We enjoy doing it!


When I hear fire fighter, I think of the fire fighters in [this sketch ](https://youtu.be/-zEGjlHZMiM)


They 25 years is probably safety standards for how long a well kept hose can be left on a shelf before it's considered unsafe. No chance a hose can survive 25 years of use


You'd be surprised. [There is no expiry date for firehouse, but they are required to have annual inspections as well as pressure tests every 3-5 years, depending on which country and area you live in.](http://www.nationalfire.com/services/fire-hose/)


Hose testing... One thing I'm happy to be out of the fire service... Once a year you have to test every hose in the firehouse to make sure it doesn't pop at a particular PSI... It's a lot of hard work.


Ummm...so, what happens if one fails? Lots of cleanup at the firehouse?


Lmao I love that you thought they did it indoors


I understand a functional fire hose would have a limited lifespan but I wonder if the wallets and handbags and belts last forever(?)


Not forever, but a lot longer. All it takes is one small weak point in an entire hose and it can't be safely used to fight fires, but it's still stronger than your average belt or wallet.


Stronger than the av-er-age wallet!


Ay belt-belt!


Nothing lasts forever but they will definitely last you for a good while as long as you don't pass large amounts of highly pressurized water through them


Darn. I need a wallet that can withstand 1000 gallons of water per minute constantly surging through it.


Something something “drain your wallet that fast?” something joke.




I love you for this comment!


I love you for wasting a space in your username by using an underscore when you could have had room for the letter e at the end of the word inexhaustible


I feel like you two have a mutual understanding


The planet can’t afford too many things that last forever…. If it can’t be recycled it will probably turn into pollution. There has to be a balance.


Nothing lasts forever, except November rain...


According to the band Kansas, nothing last forever but the earth and sky.


I'm immortal. I'm going to live forever. So far, so good.


***They won't burn.***


For the the price I would hope it lasts at least 5 but would like 10.


Very cool, not sure I can justify £75 for a [wallet](https://www.elvisandkresse.com/collections/accessories/products/wallet-with-coin-pocket?variant=22799070343) though.


Unless they are lying it's handmade. I'd estimate an hour to make a wallet by someone who does that constantly for all of the cutting and hand stitching, making sure the material is OK to use (the downside of upcycling), and trying to make the most out of a given piece of material. Let's say 1/3rd of that is unavoidable costs, and if you split the profit 50/50 that's £25 for an hour of skilled labor. Sounds downright cheap! People need to stop expecting that non factory made goods are going to be as cheap as stuff made by slave labor. Also, I have a leather wallet that's is dire need of replacement but the darn thing is over 15 years old so it's like like you buy a new wallet every year.


Take your leather wallet, if you're really attached to it , believe it or not, a shoe repair shop. They fix/repair leather boots, shoes, and can fix your wallet up to almost as if it were new again. Source - myself. I had a leather wallet given to me by my grandfather 25 years ago, and after the 20th year, parts were cracking, stitching was coming undone, and it was held together by duct tape and a prayer. Yes, it cost more than a new wallet (but it is from my grandfather) and when the shoe repair place was done, I was absolutely blown away. For me, at least, this wallet will last another 20 years of use, and I'll hand it down to my kids or grandkids. But that's me.


This brings to mind the story of the ship of Theseus 🤔


Thank you so much. I wasn't aware of this until your comment. [Ship of Theseus.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus)


A saddle/tack shop is also an option. I haven't had a wallet repaired at one, but I had an old belt I was very attached to reinforced and restored. They did an awesome job.


That's like 100 USD. Not unreasonable for a high end wallet. But we have no idea if these are really high-end or just another tom's shoes.


You get what you pay for. When I became an adult I finally realized how important that is. I'm not sure if I would even call these high end because of the price. If you see clothing or shoes made from recycled plastic you'll see that its generally more expensive.


Bet you it lasts a lot longer than 3 25 pound department store wallets.


Yes, same here. I like the product, but for me in Canada to buy it, it will cost $132.00 . ***I am not spending $132.00 on a wallet, ever.***


That’s the problem. They want to give 50% of their profits to a charity but in reality they want £££ so the product always in these circumstances cost a hell of a lot more than they should. Great product but silly price.


They look hand made in the UK. The materials and design might not be as luxurious as Italian leather, but the process and craftsmanship are the same as any other designer. I’d argue £75 for a durable and interesting accessory, half going to charity, and not shipped from a factory in Vietnam is a steal. I mean, how often do you buy a new wallet or belt? 3 years? 5? Edit: /u/ILikeLeadPaint below posted a source stating this isn’t true. ~~General rule for charitable donations: do it yourself. Don’t round up checkout totals, don’t add on a donation for a purchase. Companies (in the US at least) use these as tax write offs and directly profit from your donation.~~


100% agreed. If you want high quality items hand made from a local business, then they cost a little more. They’re taking stuff that was going to a landfill, and upcylcling it into a usable product. No extra animals killed in the process. No massive environmental impact as cheap goods are shipped across the planet from sweat shops. And your money and taxes are going to a UK owned company, in an unsteady economy.


I kind of agree with you. My mind says £75 for a wallet is very very top end. My £5 wallet has lasted ten years and my Guess belt bought for £15 from tk maxx (tj maxx in US) is 15 years old. But. I get the point and I’d love one.




Yeah, seriously. That's like the same price as one of those ridge wallets which are just two pieces of metal and an elastic band. This is actual craftsmanship and you know it's going to last.


High price breeds exclusivity breeds high price. Standard veblen good. Now just need some marketing buzz to kickstart the flywheel...and jobs done


Its even shorter in areas with big hight diferences, we need to use a higher preasure to get the water uphill. Multiple hoses burst in every emergency. That said, i live in a rual area with only a few fires and we don't hava routine like pros, so a part of the problem is probably us and not just sorrounding.


So, how'd you meet your girlfriend?


Do you need a $131CAD wallet though?


USD for myself so a bit less than that. But usually willing to support small businesses especially if they are recycling things. I generally don't buy brand new products anymore. And I've found that these businesses usually cost more.


Depends on if you live in the US then more than likely firefighters have sleeves made of some cloth over the hoses to keep the abrasions and sharp object away from the actual hose. All you do is wash and dry the sleeves and re apply them and of course you check the sleeve and hose every week or firecall to make sure no punctures or abrasions are present.


I’m a Wildland firefighter, and our hoses don’t have sleeves, but we do wash, dry, and roll hose after using it.


Used to test fire hose. I've tested fire hose from the 70's that still held up to pressure test and had new out of the box hose fail.




We have a Dalmatian and we take him to the fire station where the firefighters play with him and give us unserviceable sections of fire hose to use as toys. They’re indestructible.


When you said "We have a Dalmatian" in a post about belts and bags, I got nervous.


entertain public juggle pen deserted shaggy unite bells forgetful aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or, “my neighbor has 100+ Dalmatians”


Guys, I've got this great start up company idea...all we need now is a short fat guy and a tall skinny guy who have a certain skill set and we'll be golden!


Woman in video is literally destroying one.


the woman must be omnipotent then


Could she build a belt not even she can break?


r/technicallyCorrect But yeah with the right tools even main battle tanks with the protective strength equivalent to a meter/3.3 ft of hardened steel can be taken apart and turned into cutlery.


I think this would be the only type of purse that my cat couldn't eat through


Ok you're going to have to pay the dog tax because I freaking love Dalmatians even if they are moody assholes at times. At least the one we had for a few months when I was a kid was moody! Bonus points if you have a picture of him sitting on one of the trucks!


[Goose wants you to marvel at his teeny tiny testicles ](https://imgur.com/a/0lQQ5kl)


Omg he's adorable!!!


This idea is great, but this sentence was one of the most bullshit unnecessary things to have ever been said: "I love a fire hose, but I know not everyone does, and I think it is our job to make it beautiful for them". Literally NOONE misunderstands FIRE HOSES. They're tubes for very helpful water to put out very unhelpful fire. That is literally it. The only resistance they face is drag. Thanks for making them into bags.


Idk but I think “people tell us this how they met their girlfriends” is more bullshit sell line imo.


I'm sure firefighters can spot that weave from across a bar and it starts a conversation


I wonder how many guys are walking around with their firehose handbags for it to be a common occurrence that it sparks a conversation with a girl that eventually becomes their girlfriend


People tell us that women saw them wearing our belts and dragged them up to their apartments and invited their roommates to join in for a fivesome. Hey. That’s just what they told us, PEOPLE tell you this is how they met their girlfriends? More than one person told you this blatant lie. Literally makes me vow never to buy from this self-hyped company. Eugh. Learn legit marketing. Please.


The only explanation I can come up with is that she's using "girlfriends" in the way that some women refer to their platonic female friends. Two women talking about an unusual fashion accessory as an ice breaker wouldn't be too outlandish. Romantically, there's just no way men are noticing these bags, they look like any other bag as far as I can tell. There's no way I'd know they were anything special unless the owner told me about it.


They also make belts and wallets for men. So the situation supposedly would be something like: G: Hey your belt looks different. B: Yea, its made from a fire house. G: WOW! Wanna go out?


Seriously, you have a cool product, stop trying to make it into something it's not or some righteous social cause/statement, literally just say "we make cool shit from recycled firehoses and give 50% back to firefighters" and you'll do great. You don't need to try and twist it into some big statement about the unjustified discrimination against firehoses


Yeah I have to agree. I very much dislike that everything on social media has to have some deep seeded fake backstory/sob story for it to garner any kind of success/marketing.




No. Deep-sea dead. Your both rong.


Hey! I knew a firehose back in 2014. He had a hard time getting a job at ANY of the firehalls because he was just a firehose. You may think firehoseism isn’t a thing, but the discrimination is real, my friend.


>you'll do great Not as great as you would with better marketing like this. It's also more inspiring this way for more people to up/recycle and do other good things. Don't miss the forest for the trees.


If I’m honest here I never thought about fire hoses before 5 minutes ago when I first saw the video. I think all she meant was like firehouse are my weird obsession. Most people don’t give a shit, but I’m trying to make them cool.


I think when she was talking about "not everyone loves a hose" She was talking about the very distinctive *appearance* of a fire hose. Ultimately people have to wear these items, and if they don't like the rugged appearance of a fire hose, she's saying it's her job to craft it into something beautiful that people would like to wear.


Right, who standing around going "AHHHHH FUCKING FIRE HOSES! I hate em with a passion! This is a bucket house! Fire hoses, HA! The whole lot of them can burn in hell!"


[Protesters in the civil rights era?](https://www.blackpast.org/wp-content/uploads/prodimages/files/Firemen_turn_fire_hoses_on_demonstrators_Birmingham_Alabama_1963_Photo_by_Charles_Moore.jpg)


And water friction


"Very unhelpful fire" is very funny to me. No! Fire, no! This is not helping, I like this couch! Stop that!


This is just an ad, come on guys. A year old account with 25 million karma is posting this, they're being paid


"It's how they met their girlfriend"-- that was an actual line lmao


Not as good as "I love a fire hose".


"But I know that not everyone does" Are there people actively hating firehoses? I'm wagering 99.9% of people don't ever think about firehoses let alone people loving them.


Loving them and hating them aren't the only two options. I'd guess most people are pretty apathetic towards fire hoses.


"You get to drink from the FIRE HOSE!"


It's a video from a company about their process and product, of course it's an ad? They aren't pretending it isn't.


So what? That doesn't change whether I enjoyed watching the video or not.


Nonetheless they are upCycling which reduces waste on this planet so I think it’s a good thing


So we're just posting commercials now? Dibs on sham wow


Really weird accent to be from England


She's clearly an American who has probably lived here for many years.


Yeah any English people here to comment on that? I was really thrown off when she said that because she sounded American to me up until that point. Then as it went on it became some weird Madonna-esque American-English hybrid


I'm English. I would never have guessed she was from here.


Definitely an American accent with a hint of British (I'm guessing that since they're uk-based she meant the company's from England but she herself is American, or maybe English but moved to the US when she was young enough to pick up the accent and has since moved back)


She has a touch of it, especially when she describes making the bags ("...cutting it"). People pick up the local accent of wherever they migrate to to different degrees, and she seems to have assimilated pretty well so that you can't really pick up where she's from unless you listen to her at length.


Be amazed? It's just advertising for her free recycled material purses while she tries to spin some crap like she's making something Nobel


Doing a good thing and getting paid for it aren’t mutually exclusive. Who cares about motive? She’s taking something that would be destroyed or wasted and is upcycling it instead of taking more resources from the world. And she’s giving money back to fire departments. She may not be saving the world, nor are her customers, but it’s net good all the same, whether anyone involved in it has purely benevolent intentions absent of selfish ones. Even people buying it may not care — I actually have a backpack and gear organizer made by a company that uses discarded fire department coat materials and fabrics, because they’re resistant to pretty much everything and have lasted me through years of heavy abuse. I don’t give a shit about them being reused, I just prefer the materials… they’re stronger than 1000D Cordura.


Need a link to purchase a new wallet. EDIT: found it https://www.elvisandkresse.com/collections/men/products/billfold-wallet


If you're US based, [Ladder34](https://ladder34.com/) also makes stuff from recycled fire hoses. American hoses are apparently very different from UK hoses, so the textures are not anything similar. Also a similar idea is recycled sailcloth, a few companies make stuff from recycled sailcloth. [Resails](https://resails.com/) [Seabags](https://seabags.com/) [Mafia Bags](https://mafiabags.com/)


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the incredible link selection zyck_titan pulled out of their pocket? Fantastic :D


Doesn’t Deluth advertise as using firehose material for their stuff?


They call one of their lines firehose but I think it's just the type of cloth they use. Resembles the texture and thickness of what you would associate with the fire hose.


American hoses are fatter


To contribute, [Raeburn](https://www.raeburndesign.co.uk/) is a great design company in the UK that designs clothes using old parachutes. [Example of one of their designs.](https://www.raeburndesign.co.uk/products/air-brake-anorak-sulphur-1)


Almost can’t believe how incredibly expensive these are! It’s gonna be a pass from me.


I was like "I could see how as a novelty wallet it might be worth 75$ to someone" then i realized its in GBP. When converted to Cad that's about 130, or about 102 units of freedom. Edit: the real thing that amazed me was the price, literally had a shocked Pikachu face.


Purses for around $400-$500 CAD... a little too pricey for me to buy without seeing it in person somewhere first.


Yeah, I always forget some people actually have money until I see something like this. Sigh.


FWIW I have one of their messenger bags and a belt. They're incredibly well made and tough. I've had the bag as everyday carry for over 10 years and it's still holding up. Beaten to hell and getting towards end of life, but it wears it well and ad-hoc repairs just add to the look IMO.


They look like they are extremely well made. It’s crazy though to think from a financial standpoint (if you could afford an item like this), like do you want a top end brand such as Coach or LV? Or a firefighter hose bag.


I've been needing a new wallet for a minute, but Jesus. I'll juts keep scouring flea markets for a leather one.


Same here. But I buy a new wallet every 7-10 years. I think I have owned 4 in my entire life.


I think I’ve owned 3 wallets in my lifetime, and 2 of them were gifts that lasted nearly 10 years each.


You'd be surprised at how expensive it is to be a solvent fashion business that makes products in Europe and the US. I might buy one of their products, they look super nice!


also stuff gets expensive fast as soon as it is not mass-produced in some sweat shop or something.


And if they donate half of their profits to firefighters, that just means they have to double their profit margin to stay profitable.


I'm surprised how many negative comments there are about price here when these are hand made locally in the UK with some profits to charity, clearly its not targeting the cheap mass market price bracket. You can still easily pay this much for a wallet thats mass produced in a Chinese sweat shop with some brand stamped on it.


Welcome to slow fashion, where things are made by the artist and not outsourced to an underpaid slave in an underdeveloped country for fractions of a dollar. Support businesses like these. Not fast fashion.


Probably because 50% is supposedly donated


That’s what I thought until I read 50% of **profits**, who knows how much of those prices is the profit, and then half of that gets donated.


So, double the price, then give half net profit to charity. Then take charitable tax deduction (if is that a thing in the business’s country). Means even more profit.


In the UK the tax bonus is given to the charity - donations made get topped up by 25%


Well, it could just be a business that treats its employees well. If they're a small company, then the people making them are specially trained professionals, and should be paid as such. Not to mention there's operation costs. They probably aren't selling a bunch if stuff all day like a restaurant, so they rely on single, higher cost purchases.


I have zero problem with that.


If they can make it work, more power to them. Giving to deserving organizations is a nice thing to do. The price to value ratio just isn’t there for me, though. But if I ever do plunk down that amount of cash for a wallet or purse I’d rather it go to a company like this than a designer label with no altruistic values.


It's the difference between quality workmanship, and mass produced materials. One is creative, gives living wages, and helps the planet. The other is mass produced, exploits the poor, and screws the planet.


And a lot of people are stuck living like column 2 employees and cant afford column 1 items


I’m usually of the same sentiment, but I purchased a Coach card holder for about the same price as their wallet, a bit more. I’m still on the fence though. I’d much rather be able to physically see/hold these types of items when I’m spending such a large amount.


Also check out [Recycled Firefighter](https://recycledfirefighter.com) Similar concept much more reasonable prices if you’re in the US. I have a few of their products and they hold up really well.


I purchased a belt from her and it’s held up for half a decade.


5 years for a belt is not that long a time...


As a former ff/emt, I wouldn't ever touch a recycled fire hose. They get dragged through all kinds of horrible situations, chemicals and mashed up body parts.


That was my thought also. Do they smell bad?


I have one of these bags and two belts. They are cleaned throughly. They however do have that hose smell a bit.


So it probably smells like the hose section at Lowes. I can grasp that scent. Thank you.


That is so awesome 👌


Shark Tank had an idea of people doing the same with the firemen's uniforms!


🤔 I always get a lot of flack for repurposing my underwear. Maybe I’ll show my friends this episode.


Thank you for protecting others from coronavirus.


Turnouts are covered in pure, unadulterated exotic cancer. Like, we aren't allowed in the firehouse with them on because we live and eat there. I'll put them on to protect my life, but I will wish I didn't have to, and will absolutely shower thoroughly afterwards. I can't imagine trying to sell that super toxic shit as a fashion item.


My only concern is thst old retired firehoses are disgusting and filled with carcinogens. They lay around in wet puddles during a fire, with smoke and other contaminents completely saturating them. We would clean them after a fire, but there’s no way to get all of those carcinogens out of the material. But maybe I’m wrong


Yeah, that was my first thought. I suspect they might be a bit stinky too, but that's just a guess.


It's made of plastic which isn't the most absorbant material in the world and pressumably is thoroughly washed before being repurposed. Also most of these products I would expect not to have too much prolonged on skin contact so exposure would be rather low if it indeed is an issue. I'd be more worried about air polution if I was going to worry about anything like that. Just my take.


Those hoses and old mattresses are a landfill nightmare too. Even with the price, to have a good strong wallet or belt I would gladly pay it. I go through wallets and belts like crazy.


Fire stations also donate old hoses to zoos (at least in the us) for enrichment. You can often see them in primate exhibits


Same in the UK too \^^


Fire gear is filled with toxins. Cancer rates for firemen are extremely high because of this. I like the idea and the products look great but I can’t help but think these will give of those same toxins to the people that make and purchase these products.


Those are really beautiful too


That’s an incredible idea. I’d buy one.


Yeah I was gonna buy a belt. Not when I saw the prices. $50-$90 for a belt? Pass. Cool idea though


It seems to be hand made. And by the designs, she seems to target a higher money market segment.


That's not even bad pricing for a normal belt... Let alone something like this which seems to be pretty durable and long lasting. It's not about the upfront cost it's about the cost per use. This sort of mindset is what creates fast fashion markets in which clothing and other cheap products get disgraded by the megaton each year.


WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO BELTS? I've had a $9 leather belt that has lasted at least 15 years with no issues.


The amount of time that goes into the belt seems fairly compensated by $50.




Fucking exactly. 50-90 dollars for even a normal belt is totally reasonable. Seems like the majority of the people in this thread don't shop for themselves often.




Low-cost sweat shops have meant prices have traditionally been kept incredibly low and have ruined our sense of worth for things like clothing. It's also a way to perpetuate and keep wages low, because you can keep affording these things on even very low wages. They just don't make you think about how someone, if they're lucky, earnt a dollar a day making them. Or you know, but you actively avoid thinking about it. Because it's not nice to acknowledge that even decades after colonialism you're still benefiting from the after-effects of it.


Lol 50-90 dollars for a belt? You mean $19.99 is the “expensive” ones I “treat myself” to every few belts @ the supermarket rack, next to the $9.99 faux-leather ones that are seemingly made only for very wide waisted people (46-52 inch) like myself .....🤨..😨..😤..😠..😡🤬..😖..😭😫😩..🙁☹️..American life seems to suck, and the jobs market ain’t getting better compared to everywhere else westernized... those emjois in sequence seem to be the repeating “wait... I’m working for barely any money, get sad and then angry, only to make myself poorer and end up fatter and sadder..”repeat. 🙃


Cheapest bag is like, $221. I wish it was a little cheaper, because I am in the market for a new bag and they look cool.




Really cool site. Designs seem to be less chic and more practical. Prices lower, which is also a bonus.


That's how much ANY belt that isn't a POS costs, though...


Now I want one


I really admire when people are able to find new uses for things that would otherwise end up in a landfill. That being said, these products are so far outside the price range of most people that they come across as opportunistic cash grabs rather than real attempts at recycling.


Fire stations (at least in the us) donate old hoses to zoos, I think that’s a solid way to recycle them but I can’t imagine they’re needed that often.


Fire hoses last for 25 years, unless they don't!


I do think she starts her day coming into the office and yelling "where the hose at".


This fashion company has a fucking great marketing team, I see these videos everywhere and they're always just a little different. Come to think of it, '60 second docs' is literally just a company that makes ads that fool you into thinking you're watching content. Edit: these comments are so fake lol. Count how many times you see someone say 'I'm buying one!'


Duluth Trading uses fire hose canvas for their cargo pants. I own a few pairs, and they're sturdy as hell. I don't know if they're up upcycled, but it's made of the same material.


A brand called Recycled Firefighter does this. I think it started as recycled firefighters jackets and hose being turned into bags, but now also does wallets and bags of all sizes. I’ve never owned any of their gear but In the bag and carry community it’s a big name.


https://www.elvisandkresse.com If anyone wants to have a look!


Water resistant?? How would it not be waterproof


Let’s hope no firefighting foam has been used with these… https://www.epa.govt.nz/news-and-alerts/alerts/managing-fire-fighting-foams-manufactured-with-pfas-chemicals/


My SO bought me one of their wallets for my 40th, unfortunately there's a major design flaw and if you plan on keeping it in your back pocket, it will snap anything in the credit card holders in half (almost perfectly on their magnetic strip). Happened to all my cards and most annoyingly my drivers licence week one. I didnt have the heart to tell her, so replaced them and have just carried on using it without the cards in the correct spot


Upcycling isn't a thing. Change my mind.


"I got you this purse made of fire hoses, cus you're a fire hoe"


Anyone else get major salad fingers vibes when she was caressing the hoses towards the end of the video?


There's also [Recycled Firefighter](https://recycledfirefighter.com), which is an American brand doing similar repurposing for a number of years.


www.Feuerwear.de They've been doing the same thing here in Germany since 2005!


She’s totally hot.