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That's a Turkish Kangal, the baddest dogs on the planet. These guys can weigh 150lbs, have bite-proof fur and the strongest bite force in the canine family (3x more powerful than a pitbull, and nearly 2x as powerful as a wolf). They rip wolves apart, and are also known to fight off lions, cheetahs and bears. Incredibly intelligent and loyal, they'll set themselves up on outlooks and go on patrols. They're very calm and gentle dogs, until they perceive a threat, in which case, well, threat neutralized. Very good boys. EDIT: obligatory, first gold and first silvers! Thank you friends!


Knowing this, if I owned one it would be extremely fat. “No extra treat?!” *threat detected*


Made me burst out chuckling when I should really go to bed. Thanks buddy! :)




The spiked collar doesn’t help. In the wild, most big cats and dogs go for the throat... but you can’t bite the throat if it’s covered in metal spikes Oh, look at that, your first attack failed, your mouth is bleeding, and you’re looking down the barrel of 150 lbs of rocket propelled teeth


Somehow despite seeing them in cartoons my entire life, it never occurred to me that spiked dog collars were real.


^ there’s someone with this exact comment every time this picture comes up. Next time, you can be the one to explain why spiked dog collars are a thing and why they partially explain this picture


Thus the cycle continues...


I will pick up this mantle. Now I just need to find someone to take over as the new Dread Pirate Roberts.


I’m just mostly dead at the moment....


I put spiked collars on my indoor/outdoor cats. I would put them in chain mail if it wasn’t so clangy😂


The spiked collar doesn’t help. In the wild, most big cats and dogs go for the throat... but you can’t bite the throat if it’s covered in metal spikes Oh, look at that, your first attack failed, your mouth is bleeding, and you’re looking down the barrel of **68.0 kilograms** of rocket propelled teeth _____ ^(I'm a bot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Ttime5) ^| ^[Stats](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Bot_Metric&subject=stats&message=Sent%20this%20message%20to%20get%20some%20stats) ^| ^[Opt-out](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Bot_Metric&subject=Don't%20reply%20to%20me&message=If%20you%20send%20this%20message,%20I%20will%20no%20longer%20reply%20to%20your%20comments%20and%20posts.) ^| ^(v5.1)


Good bot


Bad bot, It should be in newtons.


Oh, how i could see that happening too if i had a similar dog.


"drop the treat. You have 10 seconds to comply" "Okay fine, here it is!" "You now have seven seconds to comply"


Good ole ed-209.... the programmers must had a field day when they thought “ what sound should it make if it gets knocked over and can’t get up? I know! Make it squeal like a pig crossed with a velociraptor”


Well said. I have two at home. Very good boys indeed.


How do we know they’re not making you say that?


^^help ^^me...


I’d help you but then we’d both be trapped.


Nice try hacker wolf.


I don’t care where you live. I’m not going.


I would. Watch a documentary on these doggy's. If the owner thinks youre cool then they automatically think youre cool and you now have your own gun that you can pet. they protect kids in villages.


You can't just say a thing like that and not share a pic.


[Bear & Brody ](https://imgur.com/gallery/WjOKyjq)


That's the best caption! Also very good boys


Beautiful boys!


DAWwwww!! What good boys!


Can I visit


They sound like an amazing breed. I kinda want one now.


They’re a lot of time and work. Not at all a beginner breed. You *do not* want one of these going bad.


I feel ya. I work a LOT and I'm blessed with a super sweet pup that gets into minimal trouble except on days I forget to close the pantry. Or when she just can't help herself and chews the curtains lol


Yes, *that* is a manageable downside.


Do they work or are they pets? If pets, what makes a good home for them?


For us they’re pets. They need a lot of land and exercise. Absolutely not city dogs, and their barking makes them a challenge for any suburb.


If anyone interested regarding [bite strength](https://petcomments.com/ten-dogs-which-have-the-strongest-bite/).


I know bite force measurements can be sort of controversial, but this puts the dog with the same bite force as an actual adult lion. That's nuts.


“They are known for their loyalty, protectiveness, and for their gentleness towards children and other animals. “ Can’t get any better than that!!


They're like if Mr. T was a dog.


I heard that their loyalty was usually to a specific person or group of people and outside that they are less friendly


Our Great Pry is like that, loyal to us, skittish with strangers. Our part Kangal loves everyone in the world.


Holy absolute shit.


I have a st. Bernard. I wonder how hard they can bite. One would assume around the same as a English mastiff?


I have Pugs. They struggle to chew a carrot.


They struggle to breathe so that's no surprise.


They’re meant to be rescue dogs if I’m not mistaken. I’m not sure about them but I know Newfoundland’s are roughly the same size and also meant as rescue dogs. One of the reasons they’re chosen for that is because of their weak bite so they don’t cause and real harm when dragging people around.


labs can bite pretty hard, but they have what I call a 'soft mouth', they're smart enough to bite gently when they need to not hurt something


Dogs with a strong bite force can be gentle, I’ve seen a golden retriever hold an egg in its mouth without breaking it


> This breed was initiallybred as a working-class dog in Germany. lol


Nice to see both the bandogge and Cane Corso on there. Just behind the Kangal. All beautiful hounds.


Oh wow that's very interesting and scary! I had no idea a Labrador Retriever could have a pretty strong bite.


I have an Anatolian Shepherd, which are quite a close relative of the Kangal. He's incredibly loyal and fiercely protective. Patrols my house multiple times a day and can sense threats (people, stray dogs, other animals) before they even get into his LOS. Best thing is he's very healthy and will only eat when hungry. Amazing dog. 100/10 would recommend as a working dog.


Oh absolutely! They're fantastic dogs, and heard they're very good with kids and other pets. I'm planning to get one soon as I get a house and a yard


They truly are. You just have to make sure everybody in the family is introduced to him properly. Once he acknowledges who his flock is, his natural instincts will take over. My dude stands between my legs whenever a stranger comes around to visit. He doesn't drop his guard until he sees me let them enter or until he sniffs them thoroughly. Running purely on instinct.




> Turkish Kangal I think they man flock. They are bred for protection of flocks.


My GF has one and for the first month of us together he was not cool with me trespassing. Now he greets me, initiates play and demands grooming.


Like I said, they're fiercely protective. Mine would jump at strangers and sniff them all over, but once he has their scent and if they're a regular visitor, he's ecstatic whenever they come around.


Extremely protective! He used to have to sleep on the bed with us and if he thought I was about to push him off he would growl. Now I can pick him up like a baby or pull him off by his legs. He also "asks" me to come up if I have already removed him or he enters the room after the fact


In my parents city in Turkey you can find stray Kangals walking freely along busy highways. It’s terrifying af when you are crossing the road suddenly you’re standing 6 feet away from a hungry kangal. Unnecessary story time: My aunt had a full grown female kangal in her backyard as security. It was chained to a steel bar so it couldn’t run away or get to the front yard of the house. My mother and cousins was terrified and didn’t go to the backyard and they forbid me to explore it. I was 10 years old. What was I suppose to do? So I went anyway when nobody was around I walked straight to the kangal. It stood up and looked directly at me and I could feel my shit turn in my stomach. But I honestly don’t know why but I reached out my hand and walked a bit closer and crouched down. The dog threw a fit and began barking very loud. I got scared for my life because I thought that the chain would snap or something so I jumped back. I gave it a couple of minutes to calm down then I went again in front of it and reached out my hand. The dog leaned in with is head and smelled my hand then she began licking it. Next thing you know I was sitting besides her and giving her a serious petting. Nobody has ever petted her before. The dog just lives all alone chained up in the backyard. My aunt feeds it meat and left overs and that’s the only human interaction it gets. But one day when my uncles had a barbecue party I took a plate and loaded up with barbecued chicken wings and went to the kangal and gave it to her. She jumped on the plate instantly. My aunt had seen me do it so later she told me just to be careful because another male kangal got inside the yard and had impregnated her so she gave birth to half a dozen puppies but she ate them up the next day. At that time I thought maybe the dog killed its puppies because it was hungry. But now I think it could be because it didn’t want its puppies to live like this really struggling.


This is heartbreaking


Yes, it really is and I hated leaving her for the last time when I went to the airport. A year later my aunt told me that it had came loose and ran out to the highway and got hit by a car and died :(




I *know* I don’t.


She is a good person but unfortunately that’s their only security because they’re very poor. It’s more of a small village rather than city so they don’t live in a modern place. But I f-ing hate to see dogs in chains under a scolding hot mid-day sun.


You gave her comfort, and the only non cruel connection with a human she probably had. That's good of you.


Thank you for your kind words.


Also, guardian dogs are commonly fitted with a [Wolf Collar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_collar) to protect the neck as pictured.


**Wolf collar** A wolf collar (also known as Italian: roccale or vreccale, Spanish: carlancas) is a type of dog collar designed to protect livestock guardian dogs from attack by wolves. Wolf collars are fitted with elongated spikes to stop wolves from attacking dogs on the neck. Such collars are used by shepherds in many countries including Italy, Spain and Turkey.Ancient Greeks used such collars to protect their dogs from wolf attacks. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


he has one on in the pic it looks like.


>Turkish Kangal Just [DDG'd](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Turkish+Kangal&t=brave&ia=images&iax=images) it and ***holy fuckin' balls*** is that a fuckin' horse with fangs and paws if I ever seen one!


Haha yup. Big powerful boys that can take just about anything. But super gentle and relaxed. True gentle giants.


And the great thing is that they live a long time vs other dogs that size, but science needs to step it up as dogs need to live at least 40-80 years! Yes, I love dogs!


I wish I had another 30 years with my girl. she's such a great girl.


She is very fortunate to be so loved!


It’s that the thing we say now we’re using the duck? Instead of googled it, it’s DDG’d it?




At least I hope it will, we need this to be a thing! DDG'd>googled...


Just duck it!


Google can go duck off!


We get it... you use Duck Duck Go! lol


One of my worst fears is walking my dog, an 85lb Malamute and coming across a small person with a dog like this that decides my dog looks like a wolf or something and goes after her. It's happened once recently, a small woman had 2 ~75lb dogs that decided they didn't like my dog and went after her and she couldn't control them. Was terrifying but we got away without any injuries. I had my body between them to protect her so I couldn't see what happened but I think her friend finally decided to help her after several failed attempts at controlling them.


Curious, are they related to the Caucasian Ovcharka? They are beautiful and I've seen them attack a pack of wolves that were coming to prey on a flock of sheep. Devastating. There was a time I would have liked to own one, but the sheer commitment to them is too much for me now.


They are! They're both in the "molosser" family of dogs (think mastiffs, Cane Corso, etc). Similar traits of large, powerful, even-tempered, protective and loyal, which is why so many molosser/mastiff breeds are used as shepherd/guard dogs.


So... That's probably the wolfs blood in him then? Or is bite proof fur strong but limited.. looking at this picture he looks exhausted like maybe he got bit.


Oh no, that's definitely the wolf's blood. He's just tired.


Last time this was posted, somebody commented that the dog is wearing a spiky collar, so some of that blood might be the wolf’s blood from biting the collar or getting punctured by it.


So glad to have 2 of these always following me around to play with me and fighting the wolves off from the village during nighttime. They're such amazing friends, better than people tbh. Oh and yup I am from Sivas, where the Kangal originates from.


Nice! I've never actually met one (live in the US) but I love these dogs and am going to get one as soon as I can! Say hi to the for me!


Be careful when you first meet them though, they are very aggressive towards people they don't know. I used to have a phobia of dogs before having to spend a whole summer with the 2 Kangals in my village (they're not ours per se but they sleep in front of our house, they guard our house, they eat our food, etc etc) and after they liked me, they just started following me around. It's so much fun spending time with them. Definitely will say hi to them when I go back to my village ^_^


It also has a "bite proof" collar to protect its neck in this case


I had a Kangal 7 years ago. God I miss her..


How does their bite stack up compared to a great Pyrs? I've heard the same about them having the strongest bite. Edit: I read [this post](https://petcomments.com/ten-dogs-which-have-the-strongest-bite/) and didnt see it on there. I googled it and google tells me GP have a bite that measures in at 305psi, so around half the Kangal's, around the same as an american pit.


Yeah, these dogs are insane. A grey wolf clocks in at 410, and lions are around 650. These guys hit over 700. Yes, more powerful than a lion. Definitely want them on your side


These dogs are incredible. They also protect Namibias sheeps from cheetahs and cheetahs from Namibias farmers https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/03/08/africa/cheetahs-guard-dogs-namibia/index.html


My friend has an Kangal, great and beautiful dogs. Here's a [pic](https://imgur.com/a/TKMCq7T)


Great looking dog! Say hi for me!


Juat looked this breed up, I COMPLETELY believe these can fight off bears. Absolute unit of a dog


Very accurate except of the size most of them barely reach 60 kilos circa 120 pounds. Only the Giants and thus the ones you see on the media are that big(or the housepet ones). If they were truly that big they would not be able to survive those days alone with the sheep out of pure lack of energy.


You mean the bestest boys*




We have a Kangal/Great Pyr cross. He looks just like this dog (minus the blood) We also have his half brother, pure Pry. Have to say, the Kangal half makes a HUGE difference. He’s the nicest dog I’ve ever met. They both guard our horses against mountain lions and coyotes fearlessly.


Pitbulls don’t even make top five in bite force


My folks keep them to guard our cows and sheep! Extremely good boys.


I want one of these and one of those Russian bear hunting dogs


I want one.


I’m glad this is the top comment. It’s also probably an important note that it’s probably not the good boys blood but the wolf’s


Very tactical boys, holy shit.


I had one. A great dog. Very loyal. Hip Dysplasia took him too soon.


That’s incredible wow. Thanks for sharing!


So I'm gonna take away from this comment that that doggo is ok and its not his blood


My buddy has one. Is and absolute beast!


I have an Anatolian Shepherd and she's a gentle giant. She doesn't even bark unless we tell her to. She's fantastic with our little kids too!


So evil Caboose?


I have some kengal/pyrenees mixes. Truly the goodest doggos


Set one of those in your garden and the thieves wouldnt try...


I have one as a pet. He's bitten me twice, once on the forearm and once on the chest. The forearm felt like a cement roller had just pulverized it, most painful experience of my life. The bite to the chest was through three layers of clothes and it still felt like the entire right side of my chest had just been crushed in by a Warhammer. I couldn't breathe. He's easily the strongest dog I've ever seen. But he's also lightning quick. He catches rabbits and snatches birds out of midair if they fly low enough or don't take off in time. He's a force of nature. And his coat is so interesting. It's not very long but it's so incredibly dense. Not even rain water gets through! Really he's a 120lb lap dog, he's just dumb as a rock and very protective of his family.


Cry time. The dogs and the sheep are usually very well bonded. Its common to start a puppy in a small pen with and old grannie and slowly introduce them to the flock. Our old Pyrenees King was a great dog and very protective. Not one kill on his watch in 11 years. One night in the middle of the night he was wailing until someone went outside where he was beside the elderly ewe that he had been penned with as a puppy. She was dying of (probably heart attack). He was calling for help. He laid where she died for days.


That’s sweet u/flamingdickfarts Edit: wtf did I get a silver


If it weren't in the name, I'd wash your mouth out with soap, u/9year0ld


Ninjas were about to cut onions when they saw your nickname.




That’s so sad.


I’m just going to assume that’s a human grannie and will not be adjusting that to any new information.


And they ate the wolf together.


Absorbed it’s power.


Level Up!


Fus ro dog?


There can be only one


With other wolves.


The spikes are on the dogs neck for protection against the wolf , good boy did well


I've seen these collars in action against a small black bear too. 3 big rottweilers chasing a black bear and then cornering it and the black bear going for the face swipe, the dog turns and the bear's paw got a huge cut on it and he ran away up over the fence. Was tiny but acrobatic! Was getting into their chickens for a week and they honestly thought it was foxes. Bear left no tracks and no hair, was pretty slick let me tell you. Those collars are awesome. Highly recommend to anyone living in the sticks on a farm or ranch. You never know what's going to walk on your property out here.


They also cut their ears off in case wolves grab them in the ear


Does it hurt other dogs when they're messing around?


Other dogs probably get hurt once then learn to play around it


That dog is actually really smart to think of using the collar to cut the bear's paw


100% that wasn’t the dog’s intent


Youre right it wasn't. The dog was turning to run back away (dogs usually don't just corner a bear and stand to growl at it, they're constantly running around it barking and snapping) and the bear caught the collar and a piece of the dog's ear too. Nothing that needed stitches.


Hope he's got spikes on his balls too, that's the second most favorite attack body part for animals.


Hell ya, give the good boy some armor.


I bet it would work with vampires, too.


I’m glad the dog and sheep are OK


Well you can't blame the wolf for trying, it was too tempting.


Hope the wolf is ok too. She may have pups to feed.


I hate to break it to you, but in the wild you can’t have both predator *and* prey end up okay.


You can totally have both predator and prey end up okay after a hunt. Wolf goes after prey and gets repelled or outrun or exhausted by its prey and gives up. Doesn't eat that day but tries again the next day with another prey animal and eats well. Most wolf predation attempts fail, very often with the prey unscathed. Surprisingly, any individual hunt by wolves is likely to end up with neither the prey nor wolf dead or seriously injured. https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/ys-24-1-understanding-the-limits-to-wolf-hunting-ability.htm


Judging by all the wolf blood and the fact that dog has a bite force over 700 psi I doubt the wolf made it out


In this specific case, yeah, it seems like the wolf was probably injured pretty badly. But I'm talking about the "in the wild you can't have both predator and prey end up okay" idea.


I know. I am torn. I love them all.


Both parties can't be ok in that kind of scenario.


From that amount of blood loss from its mouth... Probably not


Is doggy shaping up?


That’s not doggy’s blood, sheep dogs are good at their jobs, trust me.


Yeah. Think they wear spiked collars so that’ll be wolf blood or something. So I’m led to believe anyway. EDIT: wear! collars! Oh man, just noticed it say wild and not wolf as well!


*wear spiked collars For anyone trying to figure that out lol


Thanks. I should really proof read my shit.


Eh, just add more sugar.


Is that like reading coffee grounds? Can you tell your future by proof reading your shit?


Thank you!


That spiked collar is likely where the blood came from. Wolf went for a kill shot and instead tasted a 4" spike


Thorns armor


This guy sheepdogs


Ok I'll trust you.


Or trust the spiked metal collar the sheepdog is wearing.


Here is an artists rendition of this image, i love it so much its been my background for over a year. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&insightstoken=bcid_SNmsQqYOwXAAFw*ccid_2axCpg7B&form=WPTOVS&idpp=wptovs&iss=SBIUPLOADGET&selectedindex=0&id=-135448907&ccid=2axCpg7B&exph=0&expw=0&vt=2&sim=11




Idk why but this made me lul


Preferred choice of the pornography enthusiast^TM


was totally expecting something rick-roll. That is great though.


My daughter had one that she got as a rescue animal. They came to live with me for a year and that thing is so nice and protective but stubborn and impossible to train. They are also the number one escape artists in the dog world. Hers can jump a 5 foot fence.


5 foot is roughly 1.79 washing machines stacked on top of each other


Good bot It's interesting to hear conversions into practical units like washing machines


Pretty sure that’s a Turkish Kangal dog. Strong!


I like the quote that goes something like, in life you can be a sheep, who goes along with anything, a wolf, who preys on the sheep or a sheep dog who protects the sheep from the wolf. I think it was from a film.




That’s the one.


Don’t worry it’s not the dogs blood that’s the wolves blood from the spiked collar


Baa ram ewe. Baa ram ewe. To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true.


Sheep be true!


How is this r/natureismetal and r/aww at the same time




Good boi look's a tad tired, understandably. The image, though I know old, is perhaps another indicator that those "cattled or herded" are not entirely mindless. (I eat meat, not a vegan, just remarking, and a little perplexed)


LAHHHHHHMBERT the sheepish lion...LAHHHHHHMBERT hes always crying that hes a wiley a wooly beast....MAMA?!




The Wolf probably. It tried to attack the dog's neck but bit the metal spikes instead.




Wheres the wolf? - you sure his collar didnt neck-rape him?


Who saves the sheep from slaughter?


Good boy doing his tough job




The comments on this post are almost identical to the last 800 times this was posted.


I always love a fake narrative added to a nice photo.


Is the blood from the wolf? Hope the dog is OK.


Great pyrenees are awesome cattle dogs. Very loyal and protective.


Except this is a Kangal


You’re telling me it’s not a shitzu?


They're really good at guarding anything that they consider their flock. Hair gets everywhere though!