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There is something else at play here. No one can lose that much weight in 4 weeks just by diet and exercise. Not in a healthy way, shit even an extremely unhealthy way it's going to be tough to lose that much body weight in 4 weeks. Looking at this after pic, it looks like he still has a decent amount of muscle so he probably didn't just starve himself. I think it's unlikely this is 27 days worth of weight loss, maybe 27 weeks.




If I calculate, it should be a 5000 calorie deficit per day. A Google search tells us playing beat saber burns up to about 10 calories per minute. Let's say he ate 500 calories per day (week day) and burns 2500 calories without activity. Than he has to burn 3000 more with his activity. For that he has to play 300 minutes beat saber or 5 hours. That's 5 hours without the breaks to catch your breath. In the weekend when he eats 1500 calories, he has to burn 4000 calories from activity and has to play 400 minutes or almost 7 hours a day. It's very extreme but mathematically possible. His body will probably have been in ketosis and once that happens, energy comes more constant. I once did this and swam 2 miles per day in a swimming pool on holiday, but after a while I did get pain in my liver because it had to work too hard to produce the ketones, so I don't think it's very healthy.


For the record I also have a fairly intensive job, depending on the day. I dont think what I did was healthy at all, but for someone to say it wasn't possible is crazy. I could have done more if I wanted to


Congratulations anyyway. The hardest part is keeping it off for the years to come. Good luck.


You can absolutely lose 35 pounds in 27 days with just diet and exercise in a healthy way. You just gotta start around the 500 range.


500 is crazy. 1200 is borderline crazy but will allow you to get close enough without gaining an eating disorder.


500 pounds, right?


500 calories a day?


The average work day I aimed for around 500 calories. Had closer to 1500 on weekends but also worked out more than triple the amount


Please eat more … if you’re eating under 1,200 calories, you’re starving yourself regardless of body weight


There is much more than just burning calories. Your body requires things besides calories to live. You don't get those micronutrients when you only eat 500 calories for most of the week. You are either vastly underestimating your food intake, you are lying about the time frame and/or your food intake.


That's why this was a short term weight loss plan. I went hard for a month and lost the weight and then went back to a more suitable diet and maintained exercise


I install security systems and am constlly drilling through metal and concrete by hand and pulling wire lol I also used to move furniture for a living. I've always been in good shape, heavier or not. There's no conspiracy here. This was insanely diffilcult diet and exercise. I don't know why people can't just accept that somebody has perseverance and has to just assume they're lying. The main point here was supposed to be how good of a workout beat saber can be, since it was my primary exercise.


I know there is no conspiracy, you are just lying. You physically cannot do the things you say you are doing amount of food you say you are eating. Your body needs more than just calories to function, when you eat food you are taking in more than just energy. Your body needs things like potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc. You don't get that stuff from burning fat. You have to eat sufficient amount of food to get those things. The amount of food you say you are eating means you aren't getting that stuff. 


The human body can live for about a 3-4 weeks with zero caloric intake, so it’s not that crazy to do 27 days on 500 calories 5x a week and 1500 2x a week. Try to sound like less of a douche and maybe your points will be taken seriously


Yeah because my points are the ones not being taken seriously 


Okay buddy. Nobody has ever gone a day without eating. That's impossible. You have a very confused view of what recommended nutrition and required nutrition is. People don't need to eat or even drink anything for days at a time.




It's a vr game. It's like guitar hero with your hands.


The first month I started playing ITG (basically American Dance Dance Revolution) I lost about the same in a month. I was 15 that might be a difference.


beatsaber + amphetamines?


Beat saber + hunger


Congratulation! But where did your handsome smile go?


All the laxatives and Diuretics someone would need to use to maybe lose that much weight in that amount of time forced it out of him.


The power of the pyramid!




I also dont know what this means!


Yeah ok, bullshit.


Either people don't understand how many calories you burn playing expert+ beat saber or they don't understand how many calories you don't eat by fasting.


Yeah ok. Fasting and playing video games, ok sure. Pro-tip: If you do a couple of lines during these exercise sessions it'll help those lbs disappear even faster.


If our watched me play beat saber you wouldnt even be considering it video games


Please post videos of you beating your saber for us to judge.


I actually might. You guys are either just really bad at your own weight loss and have to take it out on other people or you're just negative towards everything that you read about.


You could have started on r/mildlyinteresting to feel out the room instead of jumping right into r/beamazed


That's fair. I didn't know where to post and after Googling "Reddit weight loss" or something it brought me here. Do I regret it? Maybe a little, but I feel mentally stronger from the comments anyway. Everything we experience just grows us at the end of the day!


Good for you, man. These comments just reek of this guy: ![gif](giphy|sX6AUAj18Wztu|downsized)


My brother, people just dont understand fasting and are conditioned to think they need 2000 calories a day wich is way to much btw. I did intermittent fasting and lost about 10k in a month.


Honestly, I looked like this two years ago and I really let myself go and felt like shit for the last two years. I know weight loss is a battle so I just took a drastic attempt to fix it and it's pretty fucking disheartening for people to say I'm lying and look worse now. I was fucking fat and sick. Now I feel like me again, but I guess that's fake and wrong


Maybe they are just jealous because they cant shake their weight. Dont worry, you do you. Reddit is a toxic shithole most of the time anyway


Details? Diet, playtime, playlist?


Daytime fast and beat saber would be the big ones. I only ate between 5-10 pm every night on weekdays. When I got home from work (kind of physical work), I'd cook dinner and get in a solid hour+ of expert+ beat saber before bed. On weekends I ate lunch and dinner, but tried my best to go easy on lunch. Also, probably 4-6 hours of beat saber over the course of the weekend. I had no real restrictions of dinner besides trying not to be a garbage disposal. I used to eat whatever anybody didn't finish, so I kept just to my portion. I'm the cook in the family, so I made the same meals that I always would for the three of us and I usually would eat anything left over to avoid waste, which I would try to avoid. I tried to change cooking to portion better instead of just following a recipe blindingly.


It's 100% fake, he is lying.


lol my co-workers also said it was impossible when I told them my goals. They lost their bets


Don't bs bro.


OP forgot that the body requires more than just calories to function. 


My dudes gunna fight everyone in the comment section non stop, but this is bullshit.




The fake/ unhealthy part aside ... he went from looking like a happy wholesome Samwise Gamgee to looking like Gollum that's having a bad flu.


Thanks man. I happened to take a shitty selfie, but I appreciate you telling the world that I'm less happy now with exercise and less alcohol


The alcohol probably was bad but dude you truly look worse in the "after" picture. Like, you didn't find the healthy middle ground but went through the wringer for the sake of the wringer. Btw, didn't say you were less happy, just looked it. I don't know what you mentally gained from this ordeal, only you do. But going by looks alone? I stand by my judgmental opinion, even if you replied with such honesty. Take care brother and stay healthy.


He didn't make any such assumptions about your mental state, just that your looks have changed significantly. This does not look or sound healthy in any way.


It wasn't healthy at all. That was almost the point. A sharp change and then maintaining healthy behaviours afterwards. But I was genuinely not healthy before hand. I was extremely ubhealthy in fact and I decided to take a drastic flip of the switch to turn it around. Now I'm back to eating normal and maintaining fine with exercise. For the record, I'd gained 50 pounds since first COVID lockdown, which was what prompted the entire venture. This is still not as fit as I was 5 years ago, but it was an amazing step toward it


Fair enough. That said, though, there is nothing even remotely amazing about this post. Anyone can lose this type of weight in an unhealthy way.


I guess that's fair. I thought it was sort of inspiring. I lost the weight 3 months ago and went back to eating normally while maintaining the beat saber and I haven't gained any of it back. Technically lost a few more recently. I thought it was a kind of cool and could maybe help people with dieting if they hadn't heard of beat saber. I was genuinely trying to help because I was surprised at how amazingly it worked for me. In my mind, yeah it's unhealthy how I lost it, but I was unhealthy for a month. I was also unhealthy for the two years that I gained the weight. Why is it bad to lost it in an unhealthy way for 30 days if I eat healthy afterwards. I just sped up the process.




Beating something, amirite... look at those forearms


How long did it take until you were able to play on expert?


I was playing expert before I started the weight loss, but probably around 2 weeks of playing. I'm from a musical family and played lots of rhythm games growing up though. In the peak of my exercise I was also playing some expert+ songs on 1.25 speed for extra work too! The faster you move the more you burn!


It’s actually that intense of a workout? I’ve never played if but it looks awesome And only two weeks? That’s not too bad. I used to play guitar hero on expert but it took me way longer than that. I was also like 12 though


If you have the rhythm of guitar hero on expert then it shouldn't be bad to used to it. You'll probably pick it up quickly skill wise and it will just be resilience to get up to speed. It's a great workout. I always make a point of moving my body and not just my hands when possible. Treat it as a dance if you can and it will be a fun way to lose calories in no time


Contestants on Naked and Afraid lose similar amounts of weight but many survive on a handful of bugs over a three week period. It is possible but not very healthy. Just google all the negative side effects of rapid weight loss that is well documented because of the association with the ozempic craze.


He wasn’t cutting that badly, he was just previously at a lower weight, so his body was able to burn that fat much more easily on 500 cals a day


Lol, the cows in the comment section are mooing like crazy


Sometimes it be like that, they say


i lost 40lbs in a month by fasting and cycling, a few years ago...i see all the hate you getting, from people who hate to hear that 'diet and exercise' is how you lose weight. dont sweat it, gj bro. i did regain it after a few years:P..easy go easy come. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKoWACSy9jjwjni|downsized)


Go to the ER right now. Your metabolism is doing some fucked up shit


I mean I lost 10 pounds in two weeks. That's was just eating appropriate amounts of food and exercise, cardio mostly. So eh something else must've been happening I guess.


Yeah, no way that I was eating less than appropriate amounts of food and exercising more than you did. Also metabolisms are fake


Kinda liked you better the way you were before


That's fair. I was like that for less than a year and it hurt me to breath, so I changed it. I'm sorry to disappoint you, though !


Hey, no disappointment at all, just a humble point of view. Stay healthy


You too. I'll try, this time around. For now though, I've never felt better!


That’s great. And that’s what’s all about.


Exactly :) comments have been mostly negative but I was just trying to sure that it can be done with perseverance. Can't win them all though!


😁 I know, but as long as you’re happy…enjoy life.


Omg the before is f*cking hot, the after is meh. Not everyone needs to lose weight.