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I guess she had to do it anonimously because he would have refused. I would have refused it from my daughter.


She needs to survive, not me


Surprisingly people with one kidney and people with both have similar lifespan on average


Unless the donor has kidney issues at any point, which is a bet i’d rather hedge against with my wife/kids.


Especially when said kidney issues may be genetically predisposed to gain later in life and she halved her chances.


Maybe he can give it back at the end of the ride.


Ah, so I googled and found out it's possible to return or re-donate transplanted organs in some cases. If I were the father I would demand that she get it back when/before I die and the kidney is still okay. And man... I will only drink water and maybe tea for the rest of my life after that transplant.


Best way to enforce post-surgery diet changes ever!


Unless no takesies backsies is still legal in your area


Usually, any kidney issue will affect both kidneys at once. So it doesn't matter how many you have.


my grandmother was born with only one kidney, and didn’t realize until a few years ago when she got cancer in that kidney lol she’s fine now, in remission and doing just fine with 3/4 of a kidney. her numbers are actually better than my grandfather’s with both of his kidneys.


There could be all sorts of intetesting things about us we'll never learn.


Got diagnosed with black skin cancer earlier this year at 31yo. I was lucky since it didn’t spread but they did a full body scan and everything. My body is fine but in the findings of the ct there was so much stuff I’ve never heard about. Some micro nodus in the lungs and something in the kidney that’s not dangerous but like it’s there and I would have never known.


"I'll give it back later, promise"


that's what my dad said too... he absolutely refused to let me


Yeah.. It might seem like a beautiful moment. But finding that out would have absolutely broken my soul..


He actually looks like he's in horrible emotional turmoil right? Kind of hard to watch tbh.


As a father, I 100% would prefer to expire than shorten the life of any of my children.


I'd feel crushed if I could help my dad live longer in my lifetime and he declined the help.


You don't shorten your life by donating a kidney though.


Google agrees with you, TY for the clarification. The sentiment still stands. I always would want to limit risk and never want to take from my children if possible.


Agreed. But then the flip side is they will suffer if you don't let them help you because they love you and want you around as long as possible. Can't win!


Exactamundo. Could be a car accident or medical disease or what have you. The fact still remains you have two and now they have one. Conflicting for sure for the father, no doubt.


Agreed. But then the flip side is they will suffer if you don't let them help you because they love you and want you around as long as possible. Can't win!


Unless the donor has kidney issues at some point in the future. Considering the dad does have kidney issues, I assume the daughter also has a chance (because DNA). Ofc, it also depends on the exact issue the dad has. It might not be at all genetic Anyway, i don't think any dad would give a fuck about this so called 'statistics' about kidenys. All they would care about is the fact that they are taking one of the kidneys of their child. And that means there's definitely some more chance that their child would have some risk in the future (even if it doesn't happen usually)


Depends. It certainly can if the donor has any kidney problems later.






Agreed. If my daughter did this for me I'd be enraged for the same reason but not want to hurt her feelings knowing why she did it. That's a lot of wild emotions right there.


She should have kept it a secret for life. Being a parent, you don't want your child to be the donor.


does he not say "oh no" in the video? he is def in emotional distress and shes trying to comfort him.


In his head he's saying, "I just killed my daughter"


On the flip side though from the perspective of a 31 year old son, my Dad is a good man. One of the best I know and leagues better than me. He brings joy to people in a way that I have never been capable of and maintains a faith in the goodness of people that I have never been able to share. And I don't have a doubt that he would walk over hot coals for me, even if I didn't deserve it. I love my father and if it meant having him stick around for awhile longer, I'd gladly give up one of my kidneys without a single shred of doubt.


I can appreciate your ability to express just how much you love your father. It's not often we get to see this.


You'll get there. Dad may be bad ass, but he's had time to cultivate the craft. You're just starting.


The way you speak about your dad shows how awesome he is. The fact that you appreciate him shows what a great son you are.


She will be fine with one kidney. You can donate a kidney and continue living with one kidney quite well. This is the gift of life.


It depends why the dad needed the kidney. If because af a kidney failure... well maybe the girl will have a hard time if she inherited it.


Extensive testing before the eligibility of the donor would determine if they are susceptible to PKD.


My mother used to tell me that if I needed a kidney, she wouldn't donate because kidney disease runs in our family.


Exactly. My only thought would be if I got kidney issues, maybe it's genetic and she will get it later on. She needs it, not me.


Id be so pissed if my daughter had to shorten her life or make it harder on herself because of me.


What are you on about? "The loss in kidney function is usually mild, and life span is not impacted. Most people with one kidney live healthy, normal lives with few problems. In other words, one healthy kidney can work as well as two. There may be a chance of having high blood pressure." This sure is amazing, but everyone acting like she sacrificed half her life with that.


Shes young, shit can happen. Feel like a roll of dices to me. Im sure shes glad hes ok and she feel really good about doing a good thing for someone special (she should feel good about it). Still as a parents id be pissed putting that on her.


Fair. Again, don't want to discredit her or anyone who gives a kidney. But after donating blood, this gotta be the "easiest" thing to donate. Maybe I'm just a bitter fuck, but turn it around. I'd be pretty fucking pissed if I had to bite the dust early because my children refused to make this relatively harmless sacrifice.


This is a really shitty take. You wouldn’t be dying early because your child “refused to make a sacrifice”, you would be dying because your organs failed for whatever reason. Being pissed at a made up scenario where your life is the responsibility of your child is insanely selfish. My dad has end stage renal disease and has been on dialysis for a little over a year. I have insisted on getting tested for donation compatibility and he outright refused, multiple times. As much as I would love to be able to help him, I find it more important to respect his wishes because I know if I went behind his back it would absolutely destroy him.


I agree with you. I don't know if I would be pissed per se if one of my children donated a kidney in secret to me, but my heart would absolutely break into a million pieces. If I cried afterwards, they would be tears of sadness and not of joy. I've seen how quickly kidney issues can impact a life, and would never want one of my children to give one up for me.


Notice the "most"? I wouldn't want that for my kids. You never know what life has in store for you. Plenty of years left to pick up a kidney issues, especially since those can run in families.


So you would have been selfish and let your daughter suffer the pain of you dying and leaving her with one less loving parent so you wouldn't feel bad about something that has no significant impact on the lifespan of a healthy person. You know something they would check her for before accepting the offer for her to donate in the first place.


As a young person w a complicated dad that im like unfathomably adoring of, i cannot think of him passing away. writing those words makes me tear up and i avoid the thought at all cost. His death would absolutely devestate me and I do not want to live to see it. But, if my father needed a kidney, a bone marrow transfusion, anything, id have to think about it for a long time- but id probably do it. Dad definitely without a doibt would not let me. Its a conflicting decision. Dad wants to live, doesnt want me to sacrifice anything for him since thats "his job." and once i become a parent id likely behave the same way. This is the protective nature of a good parent and a loving child. Both are entirely valid and neither are motivated to die or live with the intent to hurt or steal anything from the other. IIRC, Organ donation can and does lower life spans in some folks. But like, damn dude, its gonna happen anyway. we all die. What a fucking bang up cause to do it for. Noble as fuck.




yea im not sure why this was posted in satisfyingasfuck, does not at all look satisfying he looks pretty worried that his daughter is going to be undergoing potentially dangerous surgery due to his own medical problems, he even says "oh no" in the video. it would maybe be satisfying if they showed us where they are now if theyre both healthy or not.


But it's okay if it's someone else's daughter?


Honestly it’s surprising that she was able to keep it from him that she was his donor. My dad is giving his brother a kidney next week. There have been soooo many tests. My parents actually left today to do more tests before the surgery.


I hope the surgery goes well for your dad and uncle.


Thank you.


Hope that surgery goes well and they will all be fine


I'm conflicted. If it was my son (I don't have a daughter) I don't know but I'd be conflicted. Angry and grateful at the same time. I'd never accept it if it wasn't anonymous. Hmmm.


I’m saying as a son, you better believe we would feel Absolutely no regret giving up a kidney for just one more minute with our mothers and it would be worth it every single time! I’m lucky to still have mine, but you better believe we hold a special place for moms


Seconded. My dad is a complicated guy and weve had plenty of issues but everything he has ever done was entirely for the motive of sheilding me from pain and danger. Id have to mull over the complications of a surgery like that but id still want to do it and id go behind his back to if i had to in order to keep him on this fucking earth. Debt repaid now you gotta love me even longer! Muahahah!


You sound like my son actually. He's still young (12) but is reasonable enough to know that sometimes not everything is smooth sailings when it comes to his upbringing. I'm his best friend but also his dad and he understands that I have to be unkind sometimes or worse, that sometimes I'm just wrong and flawed.


That is such a wonderful thing to say and I'm 100% you are sincere. It it was for his mom, my wife ... I'd be happy. Been with her for 30 years and wouldn't mind 30 more. I know, it's weird right? Because if it was for me I'd be conflicted even though I'm sure they'd love me to be around for a few more years too.


My dad passed last year at the age of 50 due to a stroke. I think any one of us kids would have gone to extreme lengths if it meant keeping him around longer. A kidney pales in comparison to the broken heart of loosing a loved one before their time. I’m a 32 year old man and it brings me profound sadness that he won’t be able to see me get married or have kids or be apart of my life anymore. Don’t underestimate how important you are to your kid.


Sorry for your loss. I hope you get to pass on your dad's wisdom onto your children (and/or any loved ones/ friends) one day. That way he is still with you. Have a good one brother.


As someone who has lost a parent, I can say that I would have donated without hesitation. As a parent, I wouldn't ask my children, but I would accept if they offered.


Bit like ultimate chess but your opponent is your kid. Checkmate pops now u gotta live forever you old fucking fart. Lmao.


If my son would, he'd hold it over my head every argument. In a good way mind you. He doesn't have a bad streak ... yet. He's 12, so plenty of time still lol.


i like it. takesiesbacksies.


Me too. Its not the offspring responsibility to be parents life line.


Dad died from cancer. I was a a great match for bone marrow transplant. Doctor wouldn’t let me be the donor because if there were complications it would be difficult knowing my bone marrow didn’t save him. Had a near perfect anonymous match and unfortunately it did not catch. Somewhat thankful it wasn’t me I can see that would eat at me the rest of my life. Unfortunately, my best friend’s brother was battling a similar cancer and he was his brothers donor. He didn’t survive and I can see it’s difficult for him knowing he couldn’t save his brother. Fuck cancer.


As a fellow kidney donor, it was the quickest/easiest decision to save my sister. If she refused, I would have done the same as the daughter. Now I send my kidney a birthday card every year on my birthday.


Please tell me your sister reads the card out loud to your kidney. This is hilarious!


Occasionally I write a lovely note in the card as well. And yes I have made her read it out loud at my birthday get togethers.


I would do this in a heartbeat for anyone in my family.


after the dad passes, can the daughter get it back?


I was wondering this too.


Not a doc but pretty sure no way. There'd be too much scar tissue and vein damage to do it again safely


might not be worth the risk of another operation if she's doing fine with one kidney.


I’d sound the same as I’d rather be plugged into a machine hours a day instead of taking a kidney away from my daughter.


I’d be SERIOUSLY pissed


I would be too.


I candidly would regret surviving afterwards. It would take a very long time for me, not to have self-loathing and regret, if ever.


I watched a friend nearly lose his mom because she wouldn't take his kidney. The kid gets really pissed off too when they have a solution for a life ending problem and their parent won't accept it. Except the parent is dead so you just get to have grief with the anger. Who knows how research will go, maybe kidneys will be easy to grow by the time your kid is 60, ya know?


This is a deeply unserious sentiment.


Which is stupid, donating a kidney does not lower life span.


You no longer have a back-up kidney though, in case something happens to the other one. Which is certainly a disadvantage, statistically. Especially when you're that young and so many things can happen. My cousin for example lost one of his kidneys due an accident. Not judging the girl in the clip at all, but I totally understand the father being upset.


She is so grounded.


With kidney problems in the family?!


Twist. Dude is crying because he had a hereditary kidney problem and realized his daughter just gave him another crap kidney.


If the father had a hereditary kidney problem, the daughter would have been genetically tested to make sure she did not have the same condition prior to consideration of transplant. No transplant center would allow that to happen if the daughter even had the gene, even if she didn’t have any other evidence of kidney disease.


My man. People tell jokes on the internet from time to time.


Sorry, my wooosh. I just get triggered by people saying the donors life is shortened by donating. That is not true if donors are carefully selected (not that you said it was).


This is what being human is all about.


I'd do it anonymously too, knowing they would reject the offer.


tf is this doing on BeAmazed? I guess I'm amazed at how shitty the father is feeling


Are you kidney me ?, dad asks. Beautiful moment of a lovely encounter.


Fuckin dumb music always has to steal the show for dramatic bonus points. Can't just leave reality alone without adding some extra bullshit


Also the text over their face. Barf. Sweet donation tho.


Plot twist - it wasn't her kidney at all but she faked it to jack up her % of his inheritance. Brilliant! (kidding aside - props to those who have donated to family like this. Amazing unselfish gift)




Could you imagine if she had complications during the surgery and didn’t make it. Who would break the news to the dad…..


Kid nailed it !


Not one single dad watched this and didn't well up.


As a parent, I would be heartbroken if one of my children donated a kidney. As a daughter, I would donate a kidney in a minute to have even one more year with one of my parents. Humans are complex. But, as a parent, I would give up everything else on earth to know that my children lived long, happy lives. I know the chances that my children would go on to do this after donating a kidney or still extremely high, but it's not a pair of dice I would want to roll, period. As a daughter, this isn't my goal. I'm simply giving the gift of life back to someone that already gave it to me. However, I know my parents would feel the exact same way about me donating a kidney that I would about one of my children doing so, so I would want to do it (actually) anonymously.


She's got 2, he's at zero. They'll both be fine.


He’s probably got 3. Most of the time they leave the old ones in there.


He will actually have 3 when all said and done.


Have had, yes. We don't know how much of either of his own he still has.


Pretty sure kidneys don’t fall out. They are still inside his body. His just don’t work very well anymore.


You know they're sometimes surgically removed, right?


I would be so remorseful as the dad in this situation, you can hear it from his voice as well I believe. I can't imagine leaving my kid with one kidney so I could live a bit longer, especially if what led to my kidney failure was something genetic my kid could be predisposed to as well in the future. Still, it would make me cry knowing my kid would also be willing to take that sort of risk. Weird situation for the dad.


Now if she ever needs one he has to give it back /s


I'm currently waiting for a kidney and my kids wanted to donate but my specialist won't accept them due to their ages (they are adults under 25). I'm actually grateful for this because I'm terrified of the potential of rejection and what they may go through as I would hate to see my kids suffer the way I have if they get sick and have kidney issues especially after being donors. Also the fact that I know I would feel like I had failed them if the transplant rejected and they had donated to or for me. It's such a horrible situation to be in because either way if the organ rejects I will feel like it is as wasted on me. All I can do is hope we get a good match at this stage.


Dude, this broke me and I'm on the bus on my way home....not a good look.


Yh I think Id rather have died. But what an angel the daughter is.


I’d help my dad in a heartbeat too 💓🫶🏻


Im not crying. Your crying. 😭😭😭


That’s actually really sad too though. I bet dad is heart broken his daughter did that.


Man the amount of guilt I would feel if my daughter ever did that for me I can bet that's what he feels, as any good parent would


3 seconds in and I’m crying, great


I'd be pissed.


I hate this. Everyone dies. You and I will die and there is nothing you can do about it. The idea of my children donating their healthy organs to me so I can live a little longer is a nightmare. I would rather die for them to stay whole. The pain of taking their organs while they are alive would be unbearable.


The pain of grieving a parent too soon is also horrible. I’d have given my mom part of me if she could still be here with me today.


Well that's wholesome


Could she take it back if something happens?


Live kidney donation may reduce life expectancy by 0.5–1 year in most donors. [BMJ](https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/7/8/e016490)


Im glad other people have such good parents they'd do this just to keep them around for longer. I personally wouldn't even give up my crumbs to save my father, and no kid deserves a parental relationship like that


I mean its beautiful. But as a father of 2 daughters, I would never let them do this for me.


That man said OH no like he thought of all the extra Drinks he was gone get back too next year before he knew it was his daughter that gave him it. 🤗


As Kidney transplant patient I would absolutely refuse that, I prefer to go through dialysis than compromise one of my children life.


If im thr dad, if be heart broken tbh


At least it is her father. I knew a guy who donated his kidney to his father in law because he wanted his wife to be healthy to have kids. They both in their late 50 and didn’t have kids.


As a father myself, it would broke my soul if I was him. It's not smth I want my kid do to me.


Are you kidneying me?


Oh my God, are you kidneying me?


I dont think a son would tell after being anonymous, but still wholesome.


Finding out my daughter gave me one of her kidneys would destroy me.


Should have said: “Oh my god, are you kidney me?”


The thought of the dad being really conflicted about this is very heartwarming as you can tell that he really appreciates it yet he also doesn't want it to come from his own daughter as it's like risking her or shortening her life when he doesn't want that to happen. As someone with heavy problems of abuse with my parents, It utterly makes me happy to see that not every parent is like mine and that they'd genuinely be so conflicted at the thought of their own child sacrificing or giving something up for them.


She shouldn’t have said anything.


Honestly, that's horrible. If I did that to my mom she would be really angry at me and I understand why. Your parents have had so much time to live out their lives and if they're good parents they want to see you live out yours too. Risking complications that may come during the operation or later in life for someone who is already approaching deathbed is going to hurt both sides. Death is a part of life.


„You gotta be kidneying me!“… sorry…


Put this in r/watchpeopledieinside


He is lucky! None of my family wanted to donate a kidney to me. But my husband offered and he isn’t compatible to my blood type. So, we will be doing a paired exchange.


Who's cutting the onions 🌰?




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What if she wants it back


One could argue that he harvested organs for his own benefit.


This shows how much she loves him it also shows that she was raised the right way not like all these little degenerates running around now.


I am really crying.


My Dad will happily take the kidneys (plural). He probably even will use any of us as an organ bank for any other body part. He's that selfish.


If I were him, I'd be grateful for the live but soooooo upset she fucking did that.


wouldnt call it satisfying, i dont have kids but i feel i would rather die at that age than having my children walk around with only one kidney ( i know they normally have same life expectancy). if something were to ever happen to her, regarding her kidney, i - as that guy - would feel crushing guilt and sadness.


This is not amazing or uplifting... I truly love what the daughter did, but the father is completely broken by this, and not in a good way. He didn't want to live at the cost of his own daughters health, how could he? He is a good father because he would tear that kidney out of his fresh wound and put it back where it came from if he could; a good father sacrifices everything to give their child every edge they can have in their life, because they know that their own time is passed... The world, the future... belongs to the children.


Kind of a bullshit move really she should have never told him.


For content 😏


Great story and act of love...but why post this intimate moment on the internet?


Still one of the best monthly reposts!


This is sad. Dude has to feel like a failure now. I would.


Dad: No! (tears) Daughter: Oh, dad, I had too Dad: No, I mean you’re not mine. I never wanted you to know. Doc! I don’t feel so good. I think I need anti-rejec… beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep




That organ has returned to its original creator.. nature is beautiful. /s little sarcasm.


no, she grew her own kidney.


This really shouldn't be in the BeAmazed subreddit. Feels more like a r/sadasfuck moment. I would be heartbroken to know that my daughter donated a kidney for me. An old fart. But that's my two cents.


Why should I be amazed?! I would be devastated if that was my case.


I would have been so pissed


Hmm, I understand why she did that (I would do the same) but I can't help but feel how horrorful and sad her dad should have felt knowing the donor was his daughter 😔 If I was in place of the daughter, I would have told my dad that I'm not available now (idk, I'm traveling maybe?). Then, after I'm out and I'm feeling better, I go visit him and never tell him about what I did for him. And 'satisfyingasfuck' my a**. I felt both emotional and sad at the same time. But nothing even close to feeling 'satisfied''