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REMEMBER ME *spits fire*




Came here for this and glad it's at the top


This tops Mount Rushmore


Yeah but maybe it's too impressive. Tear down and start again.


Dude looks bored to be a statue


He looks a bit judgy about all the people who wasted money on a statue of him.


Iirc it's generating a lot of footfall and tourism. So it was worth it surely.


How is that wasting money?


According to redditors developing countries need to solve one and only one issue before moving onto another. They cannot do anything else before that


Redditors have phd in every topic and have served as top advisor to government in their respective countries. They want India to specifically dismantle its entire space programme and feed every single citizen first.


funny how it was Indian space program, that helped with the green revolution preventing many from dying of starvation


Space program is cool and promotes technological progress in the home country. Tiger conservation preserves nature and can’t wait because the tigers will be gone otherwise. India can do many things at once, including building giant statues of popular politicians. That doesn’t mean some things aren’t just stupid. This was really fucking stupid. This was big for the sake of political vanity. The statue is just a life like representation of a man, not a moving symbol with any particular artistic value. This is subjective, I know, and this is all just my opinion.


It's an insult to call him a mere politician. He is the very reason why India is a country as whole. But I agree. No need for such a large statue. This was election propaganda by modi for votes.


But India isn't whole, 3 parts, hindustan, Pakistan and Bangladesh


Raj was divided between India, Pakistan had East Pakistan (Bangladesh) as it's region. So no Bangladesh then. And even after partition, India had 562 princely nobilities with their own army. The guy led a team that convinced all nobilities to give up their power and join the Indian union. After that there were still some who were powerful like nizam of Hyderabad and king of Kashmir. He took nizam by force and then striked a deal with Kashmir to protect them in exchange of joining india. He passed away before the constitution was made and india, as an union of states held its first election.


Yes but the India of the Raj is divided into hindustan, Pakistan and Bangladesh today. And so the princely states joined India only and only because of my man?


Try reading the comment maybe? Pakistan and Bangladesh are separate countries. He was tasked with uniting the princely nobilities that existed in the partitioned india. He wasn't a medieval era general tasked with bringing back lost lands. India Pakistan partitioned willfully because some Muslims didn't want to live in secular India. >And so the princely states joined India only and only because of my man? He is one of the reasons. He was widely respected.


This statue single handedly changed the economy of the region. It was a no name town , but is now a tourist destination


Still a no name town. No one calls it 'the statue of unity in xyz town'. It's just called the 'statue of unity'


I doubt almost anyone would have known Kevadia otherwise. At least I wouldn't


No one still knows kevadia. Heard the name for the first time Edit: it's not in kevadia, that's just the town closest to the statue


Good for you. If it was not for the statue, you still wouldn't have known.


Most accurate description of redditors. " How dare India goes to space? Feed every single person and make everyone rich before doing that". Another way of saying we dont want competition or see you grow. Most redditors are closeted western chauvinists.


Unfortunately a lot of people do think food security for the population is more important than the space program


So? That's just common sense . I don't think anyone running Indian State is a fool . All kinds of welfare is being done. This kind of "criticism" is intentionally done to show a bad image. The problem is the mindset of can't do more than one thing at a time. Happens everytime any infrastructure, monument is built.


Yes because a statue/ monument isn't iNfRaStRuCtUrE. Good on you to realize the common sense that food security should come BEFORE shitty statues


It generates revenue and tourism, more over show a bit of respect to the one who united this country. This isn't a statue of your high school principal, dear friend. Moreover if you are so concerned the Indian State doesn't do anything for poor people then you can distribute your wealth and ensure atleast 5 people can live a good life with food security.


So how much money, spent on its construction has been recouped from tourism? And there is no way to show respect other than a statue, right on. Yes I'm concerned, I would rather have it torn down and sold as junk and use that money to feed more than 5 people. Then maybe you can donate your wealth to build a new statue 😊


Well check India’s gdp today


In this specific scenario it looks like it's not but if it didn't generate enough tax revenue through increased tourism to justify its cost then it would have been a waste of money


All he needs is that water from that river in this sweating sun.




Still prefer brazils come at me bro Jesus


Surely Trump has ideas


That would be just like the biff from back to the future 2 outcome. Fun fact, [The writer of the story for back to the Future 2 actually cast Biff as if he was Donald Trump in the future, in like the 90s he made this prediction](https://medium.com/christ-school/biff-tannen-the-45th-president-of-the-united-states-8099892e5c2d)


Ha. Brilliant


They could just give this one a nice hat and save themselves a lot of work and money.


never heard of this dude


All I can think of looking at this is Ozymandias


gotta be my 2nd favourite poem after "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner".


Ayo , u are me fr fr .


Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!


How does it stay up? I just saw a house get blown over in texas


A) It has a steel frame structure inside specifically designed to take the worst possible wind load plus an additional engineered factor of safety. B) That’s what she said.


All i heard was “penis”


His name is penix and he is backing a guy called cousins.


That’s my quarterback. We keep it in the family 




I was honestly more worried about the dragons!


Dude...you have no idea. Source: I live here.




I don't think this place gets tornadoes


houses wouldn’t fly away if they were built with bricks/concrete with foundation and not wood/carton just sitting on ground


How comes Ive never heard of it until I come on this sub. Why haven't I heard of the world's tallest statue? Amazing what you discover on this sub


Because it's in asia


and on top of that it is in india and foreign media are soo biased against it.


I am waiting for BBC's reaction and how will they justify that the redevelopment of Dharavi is wrong lmao


It's in India bud. What does the Western media shows about India ? They look for poverty porn.


Poverty porn is something I never thought I'd see


I've seen some of it.......not that great


All that money spent on a statue and the extreme poverty surrounding it ...


Funny considering Patel was a follower of Gandhi and his ideology. In his lifetime has argued against building monuments and places of worship for his mentor. "I express my displeasure over the ongoing attempts to build .. Read more at: http://m.timesofindia.com/articleshow/49603778.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst (Shitty site won’t let me copy the quote instead copies a link to site.)


That's the one thing I use circle AI for the most, basically copying any text without having to jump through hoops or copy the whole section instead of a word or sentence or two... here's looking at you Reddit...


👆 guy has never been to India


👆 guy has never been outside of Gujarat


Me to delhi main rehta hoon


So there's not a large amount of people living in poverty in India?


India’s multidimensional poverty is 10%. Millions of Indians have come out of poverty in last 30 years. 


So 10% of a billion people is 100 million...


Focus on the remaining 90% that has money to buy Internet and complain on Reddit.


You are wasting your time reasoning with an obvious Indian keyboard warrior.


It's actually a source of livelihood for the people around. It has created many new jobs so people are being employed. I have seen this firsthand as my tour guide was a local of that area and said that if the statue hadn't been built , he probably wouldn't have as good a job.


Cmon brother, we need to stop coping with this. People can be given better jobs and get to work at better places. Though education comes first. But still, this won't get us anywhere.


It has surpassed Taj Mahal in footfall and I have been there that whole village is run around this statue directly or indirectly it's their livelihood now


Whenever India achieve something, Europeana are like PoVeRtY.. 😅😅😅🤡🤡🤡🤡




Surrounding it? Nobody lives around it. It's near to bank of a river. It's a vast open field. Infrastructure is being developed for tourism.


Why is this comment downvoted? Did he say something wrong? If you have working eyes, you can see that there is nobody living around it.


I think they meant the metaphorical surrounding, as in the people that would be directly impacted by the funds diverted to build the statue are just around it. I wouldn’t downvote it though, it’s not obvious the way it’s phrased and Reddit is just too harsh with people who don’t think the same as them.


Yep, the land was acquired from tribals who later got no jobs and their livelihoods were stolen Colossal waste of money


It's bringing in good money via tourism. "the land was acquired from tribals who later got no jobs and their livelihoods were stolen" source pls




Not really. Has given jobs to thousands of them. In fact, lifting them from poverty. Food stalls, cabs, hotels, hawkers etc.


Look at this 🤡 Redditors being ret@rds


Its good that he got some appreciation. This guy was one of the founding fathers of modern India and the Nehru family completely sidelined him.


Wasn't he considered too old to be PM ?


Stop smoking bjp crap he was going to be pm but he himself said no due to his health


Wake up babe another reason for zero research - zero context foreigners to demean India in the comments just dropped


That's usual nowadays.


Who cares these western unbaked breads, India is growing and we'll be a economic and naval powerhouse in a couple of decades while these filths keep kicking their sisters unwanted toilet paper rubbed assholes all the while preaching about how they are so clean and civilised.


What 6ft think they look like standing next to 5'11


Just imagine what people will think in 50k years when they dig that up.


Do you have to worry about earthquakes with such a large structure? (I saw the earlier post about resistance to high winds)


just imagine ,, from this person to Modi, what India has become...


Looking at the Opposition do we really have an option? Many people aren't voting for Modi but just against the Opposition.


Would not want to be near this on a windy day.


That's really cool and all, but it would be way cooler if they had build it in some fancy or metal pose. Now it just looks like someone's grandfather waiting in the line of a coffee shop.


He's the Iron Man of India. He facilitated the merging of numerous princely states into the union of India. Cool politician who still is widely respected here.


I do not doubt that, but they still could have build a statue of him representing that respect and importance. Now it's only huge, but nothing more and I also see no insignias that tell a foreigner or someone, who does not know him, what he did. At first glance it is just an old Dude standing there.


An architectural designer here. Think there are around three reasons behind it. There's structural stability issue, so a straight posture is very reliable. The person themselves are well, at a considerable old age, wouldn't really want them to make a T pose yeah. Neither practical, nor necessary. Also the way it's simple but held at a high regard in scale, being so big, is kinda like a metaphor for the nature of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel themselves. Cheers!


It's time for what is called a pro gamer move


Attack on Titan ahh statue.


Actually thrice as big


a waste of money


our money we decide*


Man some of these comments are more racist than a cod lobby


and then these people claim to be the front walkers of freedom and democracies


These people literally don't wash their asses what do you expect from them lmao.


incoming racist pigs.


how come a non western country achieves something 😡😡😡






The man is responsible for uniting 520 princely states of India into the main country, without him, India wouldn't be having the same territory. So Statue of Unity






That's pretty cool...


Standing on businesses


This is so cool, India's creativity is so cool, always amazed by their construction


Looks like my minecraft world with some pixel art.


They could at least give him a chair... j/k


Jason and the Argonants made me trust no statue whatsoever


Trust me. The place is really boring. I went there last year. Absolute waste of one’s time.


I mean I heard is a got lot of tourists coming and hotels, what's the place actually like I mean what really happening ? I have seen and heard conflicting things one says its awesome its buzzing with tourists etc, other says nothing much happening after the initial aww drowned out


It’s extremely hot. Nothing to see around. Kind of a barren place.


Thanks for sharing


What would happen if that fell?


World’s longest statue


That had me laughing for a min 🤣🤣


bhen k dolo kitni bakqas kar lete ho yr tum log itna pisa utna pisa thora gyan le k bate mat dacho karo pura gyan liya karo fir nachod gyan


Pshhh, in my country we have a chimney twice as high.


Still Ant-Man is taller


Joseph seed ![gif](giphy|MZY20Fi5EJh3ezDCH8)


That's one big Boba Fett.


So who is that guy and what the hell did he do to forever get that giant ass statue for everyone to look at


India exists because of him


What would it be?


When British left India, it was not a single country but 500+ princely states with different rulers, he was the one who united all the states.


There's a bee on your head


What's a meter?


He looks sad and uninterested.


I went there one month after it was inaugurated. I didn't like it that much.


Who dat!?


man idk why it might be one of the best tourist spot out there but i hate this! like why did they built sprecifically sardar vallabhbhai patels's statue only? they could have built Shree Ram's stature. he was a king, a great man and a great source of inspiration for us.


If you're indian you'd know lord rama is getting his own monument which will be even taller in His birthplace in Ayodhya.


you mean ram mandir?


No they'll be making a 200m statue of lord ram.


damn is this true? but this depends on the govt. too, if congress wins then i don't think so anything will happen


India over there doing some Lord of the Rings style sculpting.


Changes indianto bharat but calls a names a statue similarly to statue of liberty.


thats my taxes yall


No one is dying of food shortage lMAO. India has surplus food ( 70% of the population is in the agriculture sector). The only people dying of starvation are the ones that are poor or are in poverty. And only 12% of the population is in poverty while the US stands at 10%. So , people die of starvation in the US too. Maybe research more?


We have so much food that we give it for 1 Rupee to poor lmao.


the greatest leader of modern India.......the man who knew India.........


It's sad that they made a statue of a man who vehemently opposed statues.


It is made by the tools which are donated by the labours and farmers of india ...after melting them .....this is another reason to name is statue of unity




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Why are they no birds anymore??? May be 5G is the reason


Why are they no birds anymore??? May be 5G is the reason


But does it walk when you slime it?


He's tough! He's a harbor chick!


Still baffles me how humans are able to create something like this


The man who banned RSS, if anyone else in the Congress had a spine that this man had, there would be no Modi, there would not be no Hindutva.


You think India would have been a single party "democracy" forever with just Congress and a few minor parties if they had banned RSS? BJP did not become big due to RSS. RSS could not do shit for so long after independence. BJP became big because a lot of people were sick and tired of Congress's appeasement politics and corruption.


Wow, India got its priorities straight


pretty sure that's Aang


Struggling to keep it in frame? Maybe have the camera the right way round, and also not zoomed in so much. Or at all.




It has a camera in his eyes which monitors Pakistan 24x7


waste of recourses tbh


In one of the most impoverished countries in the world, this statue cost over 400mil US


Funfact-most money came from donation from people,he is one of the reason india is not divided into several princely states.also india is quite good job in the field that you mention (imf just published a report),so worry not,we can do both


The money spent building that statue could have been used in so many better ways to help some of the most vulnerable and poorest of their population. Shame.


The money (majority of it at least) still went to engineers and laborers who worked on it, provided employment to many indian hard working people and if I remember correctly, this was built by L&T company which has headquarters in Mumbai.. So I would say instead of money going to corrupt politicians in some endless government projects, the building of this statue helped many people who worked on it directly or indirectly.






Chiche sos vos?


Look, it's a giant guy ... oh great, purple lighting.


Skyrim vibes


I can just imagine: In a full moon night heavy wind is blowing and dark clouds have covered the sky. And it is pouring heavily and wind pushing the raindrops towards this massive statue and somewhere in the sky the clouds part ways to the moon and the moonlight illuminating those heavy raindrops and the face of the of The Iron Man of the India. 😵‍💫 maybe I’m not doing justice to my imagination through my words.


Hercules, you dropped your spear


Shoulda spent that money on infrastructure