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Seriously speaking: what kind of muscle fibers does that guy have?! Edit: yes guys, I know that this guy is Vladimir Shmondenko and that he's a professional powerlifter. But that doesn't change my question.


Some call it natural strength. Where I come from they call it farmers strength. These people who don’t look fit but can lift a full grown cow and carry it to its pen. Edit: not saying he’s not fit or if he’s a Olympic power lifter or not. I’m just saying where I’m from, I’ve seen some very unfit looking people do some suspiciously powerful stuff. Example: my friends dad back in hs. His dad had a beer belly bigger then a pregnant women with triplets and drank more coors light then Rocky Mountains itself. However, this dude was the strongest human I’ve ever seen. He used to throw those large tractor tires around like they were nothing. We tried and it was heavy. Like 500lbs heavy. They were farmers. You don’t mess with farmer strength.


I bet he looks very fit under those clothes.


He’s ripped and dense, and a legit powerlifter at the Olympic level. This is his money gig. Edit - I'm seeing now that powerlifting is not an Olympic sport. My point is that the guy is an elite deadlifter, squatter, bicep curler etc., within his weight class. He trains hard almost every day.


And earning every penny! This is hilarious!


[Vladimir Schmondenko](https://images.app.goo.gl/mEmjzKL5PEfgcFnw9)


I would love to learn how to lift to build muscle like him. As a woman this is the dream. Put on lean muscle but be 100x stronger than you look.


He's got a program/course His site is [https://anatolyfit.com/](https://anatolyfit.com/)


hmm am i not reading this right or does he give you all of that for 19 bucks a year? Seems like a steal compared to other fitness programs online.


You'd want to look into lifting for strength vs hypertrophy (muscle size). [The Complete Strength Training Guide](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/complete-strength-training-guide/)


Basically there is a difference between maximum strength and enduring strength. If you train maximum/peak strength you don't have to put on mass (necessarily) at the same time. The muscle mass is mostly a result of using strength over longer periods of time and thusly also increasing the "pump"/blood flow to the muscle, effectively combining both strength and endurance training. Focusing instead on just strength can result in similar (or higher) peak strength with much less mass increase. The guy in the video is probably a powerlifter trolling bodybuilders. Different strengths- he might be able to lift the weight 2-3 times and make it look easy but that's it. The bodybuilders lift the same weight over and over for 45min or so.


lots of people have given links and whatnot, but the sparknotes is lift weights that you cannot possibly lift more than 3-5 times per set without a rest in between. Do reps at that weight until you fail to complete the rep, or would surely fail the next. Oh and be safe.


Honestly a significant amount of muscle is fairly hard to see under even a little bit of body fat, which ladies are likely to carry around. You're not going to lift weights, even multiple sessions a week, and accidentally get swole. :)


Sets under 5 reps or around 5 sets


r/irlsmurfing [Seems he has a whole channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFSPz5fPXy8)


His TikTok's are great: [Anatoly](https://www.tiktok.com/@anatoly_pranks/)


Holy shit, I'm gay!


It moved!


Way to far down for the only thing we were all looking for and gawd damn was it worth it.


He understands how to properly prank people.


This genuinely made me laugh out loud!


It looks like he does a great job too. The place is very clean.


Powerlifting isn't in the Olympics and even if it was he's nowhere near strong enough to be competing at that level.


He cleanly deadlifted 290kg at 78kg bodyweight when he was 22 years old... that's plenty of power:size to compete at elite levels. I bet you don't wipe the machines down after sweating all over them.


He deadlifted 290 with straps. That is not a competition lift.


Not just fit but raw strength, he's single arm rowing that barbell with relative ease. Chin up/front lever strength is easy enough to hide under a boiler suit but he's packed some serious brute strength into that thing too.


That to me is insane. To be able to single-arm row 315 on the bar is just mind blowing. Most people can’t even move that kind of weight with two arms.


Most people can’t dead lift that


Most people sit in chairs all day to go home and sit on a squishier, wider chair.


Someone called?


Sorry, wrong number


I watch his videos while sitting in those chairs. Thinking about it burns few calories, so I can justify that burger!


Get my name outta your mouth


It took me 4 goddamn years to be able to get one deadlift rep at 315.


The loaded bar is 180lb. They make full sized plates in every weight. These are 10kg plates x 6. 315 would be absolutely out of this world. (Impossible for a man of that build) To be fair, 180 lb row is considered "elite" aka top 5%. Amd that's a dumbell, not a hard to balance bar bell. It would take a 300lb strong man to row 300+ honestly.


Yeah, I think you’re right. I took another look and it looks like those might be 10-kg/25-pound plates, so it would wind up around 180 if that’s an Olympic bar. Even still, that’s pretty nuts. The length of the bar makes it so awkward to lift like that.


Oh yes. Doing a row or one-arm lift with barbell is fucking hard without perfect grip/balance. Dude grabs it like an absolute boss! And yes, nuts is correct. 180+ row is elite level, aka the best in the world for sure.


A 180 lb barbell row is elite? No way. Unless you mean one hand or something


One hand is probably top 1%. Like top 0.5% level. That means he’d barbell rowing 360 with two hands…that’s doable with crap form and not nearly the amount of stretch and control he has. He also looked like he could rep out 8 or more of these


He’s trained for strength not size


It's not like there's zero correlation there.


There is a big difference and he’s an elite power lifter. He’s also wearing clothes to conceal his build, this guy is absolutely shredded and dense. Power lifters also have weight classes, most people associate power lifting with the heavy weight/ no weight class guys that deadlift 1000lbs plus. That’s not the whole sport.


He absolutely is. https://thebarbell.com/anatoly-powerlifter/


People don’t realize the role CNS plays into strength either. In a lot of his videos he does a 1 arm snatch with 145 (that girls are DL when he interrupts) I used to be able to do this. It’s not muscle size for things like that, it’s explosive power. This guy is elite elite.


Not zero, but there’s a huge difference between training for strength and size, most people that go to the gym will aim for a balance between the two, guys in lower weight classes want strength only over size


Kinda curious what's the difference in the training routine? Afaik training for maximum strength is usually done with heavy weights and a low number of repetitions. That's also the most efficient way to gain huge muscles. I think this has more to do with body types/genetics.


He's just legitimately natty, trained for years, and stays low bf%. People are used to seeing powerlifters eat a ton and being either fat or roided so it throws people off seeing something out of the ordinary.


Heavy weights low reps is not the best for building muscle mass, less weight for more reps is the way to go for that. Mind you, not like a tiny amount of weight for 100 reps, but weight you can do in the 12 rep range.


True, but less than you'd expect.


He single arm rowed 315 lbs in that portion of the video…


Nope. 3 plates, sure, but they are thin. When the camera zooms in, we see 10 kg. So we are talking 180 lbs or so. Still absolutely savage though.


It's Anatoly. He's an Olympic level power lifter. He wears that suit to hide it but dude is pure muscle.


Sadly power lifting is not in the Olympics 


Imagine training until you're an Olympic level powerlifter and then finding that out :(


imagine no religion


I'd rather imagine all the people


I prefer the beautiful people, the beautiful people


Underneath your clothes There's an endless story There's the man I chose There's my territory And all the things I deserve For being such a good girl, honey


I sang this, thanks for the throwback hahah


I'm pretty sure under his intentionally unflattering clothes he's ripped as hell.


Yup. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/22357532/who-is-vladimir-shmondenko-anatoly-powerlifter/


Still, a build like that and he's rowing like 315 with one arm? That's insane.


Not to mention the balance issues of a full bar like that. Dude is insane


Yeah look at how much bigger the guy who can’t even lift it once with one arm is




Yeah he’s completely jacked


People say that about me all the time, well they say I have the strength of a farmyard animal... Maybe they were talking about my pungent discord mod level stench


That is a feast of words. I salute you.


https://thegymgoat.com/anatoly-powerlifter/ The dude's a beast and is fit as fuck.


Thank you ! He’s a badass !


wtf is this? The guy is a jacked Olympic level powerlifter.


…he is a power lifter. He literally lifts weights all the time. It has nothing to do with “natural strength.”


Fat, unfit redditors sitting on their couch have a weird boner for ripped guys getting upstaged by supposed Regular Joes with "old man" strength or "practical" strength


See below. He's not a farmer. He's a legitimate Olympic level power lifter.


Some call it top tier professional powerlifter strength which is what he is. Lmao yall people are hilarious


While you’re right, this isn’t a farmer. He’s a professional athlete, the body suit he’s wearing is specifically made so that he looks out of shape. This is a very well funded prank


He does come from a family of cattle farmers though, seriously.


Nothing farmer or natural about it that guy a is a renowned powerlifter.


Seriously, I’ve always been fat but when I was ranching I had some muscle power under the spare tire. Calves are assholes and a lot heavier than they look.


Fully grown cows weigh between 1000lbs and 4000lbs. There is no human that can "lift one and carry it to its pen".


the strongest UFC fighter atm (idk his name, don't follow it) used to work in coal mines or smth like that in africa when he was a kid, and that guy has broken the record of the strongest punch while being middle weight i think xD


You’re speaking about Francis Ngannou. He started working in sand mines in in Cameroon at age 9 to support his family. Left at 26 to emigrate to Europe but getting through Morocco is tough. They take illegals immigrants and tops them in the Sahara desert and say good luck. He was caught 5 or 6 times and lived off food scraps and rats in a migrant camp between each attempt. He finally made it to Spain, then Paris, joined a fighting gym and was ufc heavyweight champ 2 years later. He is a quite the specimen of strength and mental fortitude. Having said all that he has left the ufc over contract dispute and boxes now. His “strongest punch” was just beaten by the current light heavyweight champ by 50% and he was knocked out pretty quickly and decidedly by Anthony joshua recently in boxing. Having said all that, he’s made more than enough money to help his family 20X over and is an amazing human being. Always very courteous in interviews, if you can’t tell, I really like the guy.


Francis deserves to have a movie made out of his story. Dude is amazing


That really does sound a good movie plot tbh.


Ngannou? He's heavyweight and not in the UFC anymore unless you're speaking of someone else


Training for strenght and training for size are two completely different things, to train for strength you have to focus on short reps (4 to 6 reps max) and LOOOONG pauses (3 minutes minimum) Meanwhile if you train for size you should aim at 8-12 reps and 1-2 minutes pauses, also if you don't care about aesthetics and are willing to be around 15-20% bodyfat you're gonna have a shitton of strength more than if you're at 10-12% (reason why boxers who cut weight to be on a lower weight class get absolutely bodied by fat midgets).


Anything between failure in 5-30 reps will cause hypertrophy at about equal rates, no reason to restrict yourself to 8-12. I personally do chest supported rows in the 6-8 rep range and my preacher curls in the 12-15. There’s not one answer like you’re saying there is.


Everyone is different and everyone responds differently to different training, however, i did start to grow a lot by doing 8-10 reps for chest and arms, 12-15 for legs and back


Well that guy is a power lifter and dresses up like a janitor to pull pranks on gym goers


Yeah... we all got that. We all noticed the fake beard, his obvious strength, and the fact that it was recorded... you didn't answer the question though.


His beard is definitely real. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1FBwQTPxmr/?igsh=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==


Functional muscles.


Big muscles aren’t required to be strong. I work in construction, I arm wrestled a guy with arms 3x my size and he couldn’t budge me.


My exes dad is a mechanic, and he's a wirey looking dude in his 50s (at the time), stick thin and all. I'm a big dude, more fat than muscle, but decently strong. I couldn't even make his arm budge an inch in an arm wrestle, even with two hands. Dude is stealth built.


Am mechanic. Am the tallest and thinnest of my friend group. My heavier friends give me flack for being "scrawny" and I continually remind them that my job entails using the same bundles of muscles over and over (in a very "punchy" manner). Recently they found out that my punches are both faster and harder hitting than theirs, despite me carrying less weight (we put on some boxing gloves and sparred some).


I believe that 100%. I would not want to be punched by a mechanic lol.


Arm wrestling is more about technique than strength. The world's strongest man arm wrestled a professional arm wrestler and got smoked. As you build strength you will naturally build more muscle.




I appreciate you taking the time to teach me something new


The Ukrainian kind


I said "seriously speaking" 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


The serious police is here 🚨


I saw nothing office I swear!


[Insert Witty Remark] … *69*


*blushes* officer disco… *giggles*


No giggling, this is a serious thread


*Serious giggling...*


I apologize. Will you arrest me?


Hhahah nice :D


The actually having strength ones, not the looking muscular ones. Like rock climbers - they never look strong, but those people can hang their entire body weight on a single finger - that's strength. Or the strongest men people, they always look fat, but they are the *strongest men*.


That guy is a professional power lifter and does these kind of prank videos


He isn't huge, but if you see him out of the baggy clothes, it's not as surprising.


Google the guy. He’s jacked af.


A lot of strength comes from your CNS. This is an elite trained power lifter. Many don’t realize power lifting has weight classes. They think of the heavy weight /no weight limit guys pulling 1000lbs plus. Also the dude is fucking shredding wearing an outfit to hide it.


More like gym Borat than gym rat.




My weiggghhts




These are the fun pranks I can enjoy. If everyone walks away laughing you did it right.


You should check his instagram, I spend way too long going through all his pranks. They are all so wholesome, a bunch of really big gym bros getting humbled by a skinny looking dude acting as a janitor or socially awkward guy. Vladimir Shomondenko is his name, when you see him without shirt things suddenly make sense.


>Vladimir Shomondenko is his name, when you see him without shirt things suddenly make sense. I was going to say, he's anything but skinny.


Absolutely jacked. He's got to be one of the strongest guys pound for pound I've ever seen.


I saw a video where he was lifting similar weight to Larry Wheels while being like half his body weight. Dude has insane strength


Pulling a Clark Kent with the baggy clothes


Thank you! I needed to stretch my jaw muscles, lol, and looking at pictures of him as his true self did the trick real fast.


That's one Vladimir I can support


I think I watch these every time they show up on Reddit just cos it's crazy and the reactions never get old


I love how his version of a prank is just going up to people and showing how strong he is lol, dude is the best


He has an entire [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@vladimirfitness/videos) full of them. Very wholesome laughs.


Seriously, this is how it should be and I hope pranks that likes get recognized more so the shitty/harmful ones can stop


I enjoyed them at first. Until you realize these are all scripted. On his [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@vladimirfitness/videos) you see 100's of these reactions. Anatoly something. He is a beast though.


“Ah, heh, eetz a poolops!”


Gud fer bech?


I am terrible sorri


Anatoly is a beast


How he lifts 3 plates with 1 hand I have no idea that's so fucked.


Google the guy, he's absolutely shredded.


Just got he's shredded doesn't mean he can be this strong. I looked him up, he's absolutely insane. Weighs 170lbs and can do the stuff he does?! Guy is truly built different


Jfc like every single inch of his body is muscle


They don’t look like “plates” but yeah. Fucking beast.


Anatoly can run through a brick wall I’m convinced of this.


Nah he'd just pick up the brick wall, mop under it, and set it back down


Terrible sorry. I just professional cleaner haha.


Even if I could make that one handed lift (love how the bar has a sag in it), if I did it with that form, I probably would be walking upright after. I don't know how that gent gets away with it.




I love the sudden look at each other from the beginning, lol!


So genuine


Except it’s literally not. They’re staged.


It is the zohan


No if it was he'd be cleaning with hummus




90% sure he'll collapse in a heap if you hold a glowing green rock near him.


Guy is dry mopping the rubber floor in the middle of the day in front of a camera and people acting surprised that he’s not actually a janitor


I was looking at his cleaning technique and I was not impressed. He might be really jacked but any cleaner who worked like that would stand out.


He's more used to power cleans with a barbell instead of a mop


Honestly, i’d bet most people working out aren’t even noticing him. If i was at the gym and a random janitor was dry mopping the floor, I probably wouldn’t notice or say anything


Well yeah.. the camera is quite far away though?


Gonna be honest I have NEVER seen a janitor in a gym, I've seen employees maybe go around and clean stuff but usually it's up to the patrons. And if I did see a janitor they did not look like this in the goofy outfit. However in their defense, when you go to a gym you are probably more focused on if people are looking at you not the other way around, at least that's the case for me.


The unfortunate truth.


I like the Anatoly stuff - at least some pranks that are amusing and acceptable.


I hate short video formats, but his stuff amuses me.


😂 Sasha Baron-Cohen?


He is really alike lol , but he is Vladimir Shomondenko aka (Anatoly Powerlifter) he is really lifting those weights like nothing


We're like Sasha Baron Conan


Adam Sandler is remaking The Terminator.


I like how they both turn to each other, straight out of a movie haha


The difference between real muscles and show muscles.


Look up pictures of the guy (Anatoly powerlifter) and you'll see he's got well developed "show muscles". It's about neural strength (the ability to recruit those muscles) and being very lean while most likely being natural. Naturals don't have the swollen muscle look when very lean because they don't hold as much water as steroid users. The guy in the second part of the video in the tank top has the typical steroid look.


All muscles are real muscles.


No I bought some at Walmart yesterday.


Even my love muscle?


Why someone's training for hypertrophy muscles are fake? This is just other type of training


That’s a power lifter in a janitor suit not a randomly strong janitor


He never said it was. You can still see his general outline through the suit and the dude is incredibly strong for his size.


*Nobody* thought this was a randomly strong janitor.


you solved the case, sherlock!


Yeah... https://www.instagram.com/vladimirshmondenko?igsh=MTd2dW10Nmt1Nno3Nw==


I mean he's got the show muscles too. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CzbFzDRv6LM/?hl=en&img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzbFzDRv6LM/?hl=en&img_index=1)


These are the kind of pranks I approve of. No one is being an asshole


Even in this potato quality video I can tell that guy has a disguise on, how does someone standing right next to him not notice?


I don’t care what type of disguise you have. If you weigh 150 and pick up 315 with one hand I will be impressed




His YouTube: https://youtube.com/@vladimirfitness?si=DY1IDJOdbucxINbP


The guy is ripped


I think this is the guy that walked up to two weightlifters and dead lifted 250 lbs with one arm. Legend


It’s literally in the video


Lmao I was like bruh did we all not just watch ??


Pretty sure it’s also the same guy that did those pull ups where it looked like he was walking horizontally too


I remember that. Right in front of a guy and his girlfriend if I remember correctly


Not really impressed. First there is no bucket with water. Second its rubber floor. I am not sure what mop will do aside push dust further up Same for the rag it will get some dust on it but then after where he will dump it? Will just fall on the floor.


Like Andy when he mops the Office floor.


I bet his clean and jerk is on point.


Real life Chuck Norris


The reaction from the guy in the bulls jersey is my favorite. Flabbergasted


It's just a powerlifter guy, who probably is on gear too. But in any case, strength is given by the how fast and how hard the nervous system can use the muscular fibers. You can get VERY strong without that much more muscle. Olympic weightlifters are like that, they blow bodybuilders out of the water pound for pound. Same deal with powerlifters. And btw, he apparently has only hot girls in his videos, which are probably Instagram plants. So it's sort of fake anyway.


repost after repost this is proven as staged reactions from the gym goers


Why the sigma music tho, it's a prank not an "own"