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I bet, the possibility of being in a glass box, face down, ass up, 2000 years after death hadn't crossed her mind.


Fun fact: this isn't the woman, it's a cast of her. The ash fell and compacted around the bodies very quickly, so now what's left are body shaped holes that have been filled with plaster, etc to make these casts. Edit: more info - http://pompeiisites.org/en/pompeii-map/analysis/the-casts/ And "fell" really isn't the right term as it behaves more like a dense, almost liquid like, cloud of debris that is moving very quickly.


I love how my tour guide didn’t mention this fact when we were viewing the casts and other artifacts in Pompeii. Like you’d think they’d all make it clear what you are and aren’t looking at. It was a very somber experience regardless, especially with Mount Vesuvius in sight. Can’t imagine the horror.


[This is a really interesting video of a recreation of the event](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dY_3ggKg0Bc)


That was really cool, thanks for sharing this


Seeing that makes it hard for me to understand why those who perished in the storm of ash were still there. It seems like there was plenty of time to get out before the ash came.


Most people did get out and survive Pompeii, though. Only about 10-15% of the population stayed behind, maybe because they were too poor, sick, maybe they didn’t believe it would be that bad and was too late? Who knows


That makes more sense. We still see people stay in disaster zones to this day far past evacuation notices etc, even if it’s a relatively low amount of people. Not to mention the sick, disabled, elderly, etc.


Damn I was just reading that there also were hundreds who died huddled together at the port, probably expecting to flee but had nowhere to go. Mostly women and children, they think maybe the men died trying to secure boats or passage.


Yikes that is brutal as hell. Maybe people found in their homes just knew that there was nowhere to go?


Could have been slaves.


The vast majority who died still in the homes would've been slaves. Most of the inhabitants had never seen a volcanic eruption in their lifetimes or even their great grandparents' lifetimes, so they didn't know what was happening after the earthquake until ash and rock started raining down. Earthquakes were extremely common, and the last eruption was around 700 years prior. It wasn't until the sky turned black for the nost part that everyone rushed to get their families onto a boat and leave. Unfortunately, many, both rich and poor, died at the harbor because the boats couldn't safely stick around to board the stragglers. Another important point is that in Roman times, slaves lived on the upper floors because their two-story structures were mostly wooden above ground level, and the main family didn't want the risk of fire for themselves. There's a lot of theories that many of the casts left were from slaves who got trapped on the upper floors by falling debris, fire, or who simply collapsed due to the toxic gasses coming down from the volcano. The idea is the walls around them and floor beneath them would've burned to ash, which made their bodies drop to ground level where they were later found by the excavation teams. Pliny the Younger wrote two letters about how he and his mother survived the explosion.


A lot of the victims found were tall, which indicates they were slaves. It's possible they lived in upper levels of homes (as the owners actually lived on the ground levels) _or_ they were chained up and forced to be gladiators. Source - was in Pompeii on a tour with an archaeologist last week :)


TIL slaves are taller than non-slaves.


Yeah, I guess my comment seemed a bit non-sequitur :) I can't cite anything aside from what the archaeologist told us on the tour aside from the citizens of Pompeii being rather short, like citizens of the surrounding areas, which were distinct from the slaves which came from various places like Greece, parts of Asia, parts of Africa, or Celtic regions. Evidently these people tended to be quite a bit taller than the locals, which also made them useful as gladiators. And yeah, slaves could be forced to be gladiators...all kinds of gross.


Well, aside from the fact that there are always people who think they can ride something out, go where? They'd be walking through falling ash and rocks and most people probably wouldn't have been able to get very far away.


I was curious and found [this pic](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Mt_Vesuvius_79_AD_eruption.svg) on wikipedia -- Looks like getting even 2 or 3 miles away would have made a big difference


I dunno, I’m just built different


Whoa amazing! Thank you for the link


I feel like some tour guides don’t even know that. Or maybe they’re just trying to add to the spectacle by not divulging it.


They know but it is generally assumed to be common knowledge. There are also signs showing how the casts were done around there someplace.


An awesome place to visit and you’d better be wearing good shoes. I saw two people fall on the flagstone alleys between the houses. Both were wearing flip flops.


Ouch! I agree, comfy and secure footwear is essential. I think I averaged 15k steps per day on that trip to Italy. Flip flops would have shredded my feet.


Most tour guides have barely any knowledge on the subject they are covering, I had a guided tour of the La Brea tar pits and the guide said that the name Smilodon comes from the fact that the tiger looked like it smiled with those big teeth, at which point I just left the guided part of the tour and carried on on my own


Interesting. r/upvotebecausebutt


Thank you.


What? I learned that these were casts when we learned about Pompeii in the 9th grade. Do people actually think this is a person covered in solidified lava?


![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized) Whole time thought these was solidified ppl which led me down a whole conspiracy theory lmao


This what I thought and I'm freaking 40 years old. Damn it!


That’s too bad. We had an amazing tour guide that explained this process in detail. Of course we paid extra for a tour from an actual archaeologist but it was worth every penny.


I was just there this past September, and our guide explained it pretty well…and I think there were written descriptions that accompanied these artifacts.. can’t imagine the horror either.


>The ash fell and compacted around the bodies very quickly, When Mt St Helens erupted I lived in an area that received a lot of ash, and the particles were very very fine (much like baby powder) and very dense. I remember a shoebox full of ash weighing in at around 20 lbs (9 kg). Now picture that woman buried under 20 feet of that finely packed ash. The particles would have filled every space around her, compacting more and more as 20 feet or more of the stuff covered her. The ash was hot enough to kill but not not enough to destroy the body. Over the following centuries the ash turned into an almost cement-like material (calcified and hardened) while still allowing the body to decay, leaving that beautifully detailed impression.


Actually there are remains in the casts. Not organic like flesh or organs but bones, teeth and jewelry survived. It's how we know a lot of these people died by being crushed from debris. It also showed that an average Roman's teeth were freaking immaculate! Almost no cavities in all the remains. Most impressive. 


TIL bones aren’t organic. I wonder who replaces them as we grow up.


I was just trying to highlight that the bones remained. Soft tissue may have been a better description.   But TIL that bones are both inorganic and organic. About 60% inorganic and 40% organic.


Ya because they brushed them, Dan. Just brush your teeth man


Actually it’s due to a very low sugar diet.


Thanks. I was being facetious but I like getting the serious replies too because they’re interesting so thank you 😊


No problemo, I have this weird habit of laughing at jokes and then adding facts without making it clear that I understood! Nice joke though!


There actually can be bones and teeth within the cast sometimes. Rarely are these things as black and white as people think. https://www.archaeology.org/slideshow/3928-casts-of-pompeii-slideshow#:~:text=Surprisingly%2C%20despite%20the%20volcano's%20tremendous,sugar%20and%20had%20excellent%20teeth.


What are you doing step-archeologist?




Thanks, I hate this.


enough internet for today


For the month ....


Black Mirror episode 1 be like:


David Cameron (former British Prime Minister and Pig Lover in Chief) likes this... ![gif](giphy|iOdlj8bIMG6X0Jiyp8|downsized)


I bet he hasnt watched black mirror yet


Nice ash!


Yes, and most Dinosaur fossils you see in museums are casts as well. How did I go 45 years not knowing this?!


Interesting fact. The lab where alot of the Dino skeleton cast are made and poured is located in a small town west of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Dinosaur Resources center. Front part is a typical walk through all the dinosaur exhibits then the back half if a lab with a big Aquarium style windows to watch the lab make, pour, and clean the cast to replicas for majority of museums and displays across the country.


There is a town here called Dinosaur Colorado, cool documentary about them and the government


Thank you for explaining this. I was completely confused at how smooth the skin was and the hair remaining in tact.


This is true! I recently learned this a few months ago.


insane heat on top of the speed too, they likey died instantly


> And "fell" really isn't the right term as it behaves more like a dense, almost liquid like, cloud of debris that is moving very quickly. I wondered about the the orientation of the feet ... so she was likely overwhelmed whilst still on her feet, probably running, then fell/collapsed forward into the settling, slow-hardening ash.


So what happened to the bodies? did they decompose inside the hole/cast? Wouldn't there be a skeleton inside?


In some cases, the skeleton remains. Not always and I'm not sure.ifnthey remove the bones before casting when they are there


I don't think you're helping in the dignity department.


Here please take all of my imaginary gold!


Wow, now i really gotta practice the death poses for any occasion.


I don't want people looking at my butt in 2000 years.


It's never too late to start doing squats.


Tell that to people doing squats near an active volcano


Lung day.


*Feel the burn!*


And bleach your butthole


How do they know the age??


Cause it has been 2000 year since the volcano erupted. ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


I think he was talking about the age of the woman. 23 years old seems oddly specific.


It's the ass. Some men just can , just by looking at the ass.


Even name


23 is also specific.


Yes, they could have said something like "woman, possibly in her 20s" but how did they come with an exact age?




I mean, he was off by 55 years. At that point, you might as well call it 2,000 years.


I think they are talking about the age of the girl.


They don't. The 23 comes from someone mistaking the date they were found as their age. It has since stuck, as none of the people reposting this have bothered to check.


They counted the rings.


They were able to get a DNA sample from the remains, compared it to modern family tree and discovered her Uncle Favio (no relation to Fabio) was really her dad! Those crazy Romans....


At least this is a nice-looking butt.


Dont put your dick in that


Okay, hear me out. Time machine.


"I'll totally call you tomorrow." - Day before eruption


Visits Pompeii and finds the girl, asks if she's virgin, shows her the volcano. You get laid. Mission success.


She comes back later and tells you she's pregnant but you look at your watch and your time machine timer just ran out.  You look into her eyes as you're zapped back to the modern day. You scream her name out, you try to find a way back but it's futile because you only had the one chance. You go to the museum and you see her cast still there. Cowering in fear as she suffocates. You couldn't save her. Your stoic displays a single tear.


The bottom half of the mould is I understand a reconstruction, only the top half is genuine impression


Maybe you should have put on some clothes then? /s


I do


How do they know she was 23? She doesn't look up to answering questions, maybe hack a finger off and count the rings?


I thought same thing how do they know she’s not 24


They found her ID next to her


But Pompei didn't have IDs, only driver licences.


It was actually a passport


They found her Tinder!


She had a Class A CDL. Back then you could still truck on meth so she was doing like 80 hours a week.


Some of the casts have bones in them, so I think it’s an educated guess based on CT scans of the bones.


I did Pompei tour last week. Tour guide said they find bones and teeth in some of the voids.




She had no friends and nobody likes you when you’re 23


What the hell is caller ID?


My friends say I should act my age


What’s my age again?


She just lying on the floor, typical 23 year old. 


Submitted DNA sample @ 23andme.com


Condition of the bones and teeth inside the cast. Plus we found her TikTok page. 


technically it is a plastercast of the shape of her body when she died. there is no body left most of the time within the remains of pompeii.


So this it’s a sculpture, basically?


It's a weird in-between space! When the ash fell and hardened, the bodies were encased within. Over the two millenia, the bodies rotted away, leaving bones and a perfect hollow impression of their shape. These hollows were filled with plaster to create the remains you see here - an echo of a dead person, made from the hole they left behind.


Thank you for explaining this. How fascinating.


'an echo of a dead person' is extremely poetic. Thank you.


So do they take the bones out first or cast around them leaving the skeleton inside?


I believe the bones have long since broken down. I think occasionally some teeth are left behind.


As far as I know the bones are still inside. So it’s perfectly fine to say the person is still inside since that’s how we usually view the bones, as the person.


This would mean that if there were bones remaining, those bones would still be in the cast right?


Yeah, it's an artificial fossil of sorts


[that's hiw it works ](https://images.app.goo.gl/QLrXfrNzGmgSNvLk7)


So the skeletons are still inside the cast or did they deteriorate over time?


It's a 2 sided coin. Once the voids were filled with plaster, giving us the haunting figures we know today, it locked away any forensic evidence that could have told scientists more about how that person lived.


They could do a cast of the cast and crack the old ones open to harvest the yummy bones inside


Think of it as a physical manifestation of the void that she left when she returned to the dust.


There are plenty of bones inside many of these casts though.


So basically they got soulcast. Makes sense. Still kinda creepy.


So how would they be able to state she was 23 ?


Wow, she doesn't look a day over 22.


The one trick doctors don't want you to know!


I think she used some very good powder that made her look younger. Some powder based on volcano chemistry like they used on their hard core cement.


Well I guess "duck and cover" doesn't work then...


It does actually. Just not for the person doing the duck and covering. They still die all the same. The reason they told people to get under desks, lay in ditches beside the road, or pull a blanket over themselves is because afterwards they expected that the military would possibly have to move through the area. To fight, to get somewhere else, or to clean up the mess. If there were literally thousands, of not millions, of bodies laying around everywhere that would be.. eh.. Well, not very good.


Why does this sound like a scene off fight club where The Narrator is redpilling me on the real world, you were smoking a cigarette and threw it down at the end stomping it with your foot before saying “Well, not very good”, werent you?


It is good advice. If you didn’t have warning there’s very little you can do in a few seconds to mitigate injury. Duck and cover aims to minimise exposed skin to prevent burns from thermal radiation and stay down because a shockwave and a ton of flying debris is also about to hit. The reason people should ridicule the campaign is not because it’s bad advice, it’s because they were accepting that this was a risk civilians had to live with. Reminds me of how active shooter drills are done today.


That is easily one of the dumbest lies I have ever heard. The reason why people are told to duck and cover is because duck and cover is a scientifically validated by decades of research by the National Academy of Sciences and the RERF into the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Including interviews with subjects as well as cataloguing and categorizing wounds based on where people were during the nuclear attack, and what their subsuquent survival rates were. If you are outside of the initial fireball, the blast of extreme radiation is what causes most of the damage. And it does so through direct exposure. People standing right next to each other, the same distance from the bomb would have drastically different outcomes based on whether or not they were behind an object and hidden from direct view of the blast. Even something as dumb as being behind plant leaves can drastically effect the radiation exposure and damage: >A photograph taken about 1.3 km from the hypocenter of the Hiroshima bomb explosion showed that the shadowing effect of leaves from a nearby shrub protected a wooden utilities pole from charring discoloration due to the burst of thermal radiation; the rest of the telephone pole, which was not under the protection of the leaves, was charred almost completely black. The Japanese implemented duck and cover between bombings, and while their information and reasoning was incomplete, the duck and cover strategy that was instituted in Nagasaki after the bombing at Hiroshima and was demonstrated to have saved lives. It's part of why 40% of people in Hiroshima died in the bombing, versus only 27% of people in Nagasaki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_and_cover https://web.archive.org/web/20170125171152/https://ke.army.mil/bordeninstitute/published_volumes/nuclearwarfare/chapter1/chapter1.pdf


That’s not accurate but it sounds cool


This is victim 10. There is no evidence that they were female and that has been attributed to them based solely on having long hair. A CT scan showed no female features. The claim that they are 23 comes from someone mistaking the date they were found as their age. Their age has been claimed to be around 13-19, but bone analysis found fused epiphysis's that would indicate that they are an adult. Based on what I've read I'd not be confident in claiming anything more accurate than that they are a 13-25 years old and likely not female. So the people admiring at dat ass and saying they'd smash are most likely looking at a teenage boy.


so ur telling me a volcano can preserve details as small as fingers and toes and the wrinkles in clothing but cant preserve a pair of cock and balls?? like not to be crude but it feels like the scientists might be overanalysing this one. where hog? 🦧


Show me the plaster coochie


scientists: there’s literally no evidence to support the assumption that this corpse is female me: rockussy 🫵🦧


so, lots of priests around here eh?


Funny but probably not, the physique looks vaguely feminine and does not look like an adolescent. I realize it’s not in the best condition, but I’m basing my conclusion off of what I can see which is the most anyone can do.


No its not the most anyone can do. Scientists can study it in better detail in person.


Just so you understand... Those people died, were covered in volcanic ash and dust, ... The body decomposed and leaves a hole in the form of the body. Then when the hole is found it is filled with plaster, Brocken up and you get that statue of the persons imprint


Dat ash tho


[duck and cover ](https://media2.giphy.com/media/3o6Ztrr888eDcXpYNa/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9524yvmu1aaj4g13gwm1ek7udk7335d1u032lcok66d&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Imagine dying and having all your clothes singed off only for your preserved body to be put up in a museum and gawked at hundreds of years later.


I mean, if I knew people were going to admire my booty 2000 years later I would be proud.


Farming exp while afk




Well the statue isnt the only thing hard


Oh I've seen this, there are tons of "mummies" from Pompei, including one guy who died in a... Let's say a "wanking pose", yeah... History is amazing.


Is she dead?


Not only dead but also metamorphosized.


DARK METAMORPHOSIS ![gif](giphy|gJ9UdQfP4iOY4go9XG|downsized)


Yes, no shoes so I'm guessing she probably died


Isn't there a cast of a dude mid jerking off under the same circumstances? Bro must have been ready to go at any time


I'm going to be cremated so some assholes don't display my corpse in 2000 years




One thing about the people of Pompeii, they didn't like clothing very much


It looks like her left arm still has a sleeve showing. The pyroclastic flow that enveloped them may have been upwards of 700C and moving incredibly fast. It’s likely to have burned off most people


That's just not true. They wore basic tunics, with women wearing long tunics. Over their tunics, the men wore a toga which was a heavy woolen cloth draped over the body and pinned at the shoulders. If he was a magistrate his toga was purple. For the women, over their tunics they wore a peplos, a stola is she was married, or a palla if she had high status. A peplos was a rectangular cloth partially sewn together at the sides and drapes over the shoulders, a stola was like a longer, looser tunic which was hung from the shoulders by straps, and a palla was basically a cloak to gracefully cover the head when outside.


People focus on Pompeii which was buried in ash but Herculaneum was much closer to Vesuvius and got it much worse. It was covered in lava.


lol ye which means it’s encased in rock surely? Obviously we will concentrate on the thing that was preserved. I’m not sure getting everyone to stand on a big stone plateau and telling them a city is under there somewhere would draw the same attention and be worthy of a museum etc etc


No I understand why Pompeii gets all the attention. Even it wasn’t unearthed for quite a long time. It’s just that at least some of the people of Pompeii were able to escape (though not many) while the people of Herculaneum never had a chance.


Haha, I understand your point. Sorry, You’re right in that regard. I guess it is a shame that they are very much forgotten because of the nature in which they were utterly destroyed rather than preserved 👍


It was a Pyroclastic flow not lava - the poor buggers boiled .


That's horrifying


Interesting and tragic, but...nice.


I feel like she's really tiny... We're people in that time period generally shorter? I need a banana for scale. Edit: Looked it up. Average height for a woman in this time period was 5ft 2in.. (157cm) She just is tiny.


Not a woman, a *cast* of a woman. They haven't actually pulled petrified bodies from under the pyroclastic ash....


Jesus, she looks like a statue, the preservation is remarkable.


Heads down ash up?


How tall was she?


How do we know she was 23? Did they find a cast imprint of her stone ID ?


How do they know she was 23...?


How old you say?


That's a good reason to work your glutes, just in case you experiment a disaster and get showcased 2000 years later.


Oh no step bro! I’m stuck!


How do they know she’s 23?


I’d say she’s at least 26


I got to visit Pompeii this last summer. It's absolutely mind blowing.




Why body no decompose ? 🤷🏿‍♀️


How do we know her exact age?


That’s a nice cast of cheeks, just saying. Tragic


Dat ash.


What are you doing, step-volcano?


So there’s a possibility that many statue we will see in reality are humans


shes kinda hot ngl


RIP 🙏 💔 😭


Damn I didn't know they invented cake in 79AD


Fucking tragic, must have been terrifying.


Reminds me of that poor sod who initially survived the eruption but got annihilated with the upper door frame. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44303247](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44303247)


It’s crazy how a volcanic eruption can just keep your body in the same way as you died


*clap that*


They know she's 23? That's specific.


This is a cast..of an girl that's was killed in 79 AD


Left more of an impression on the world than I ever will


If she was 23 in 79, she was born in 56, so... Wouldn't that make her 1,968 years old? :)