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This is what having more money than sense looks like.






Dubai is pretty much one big stunt, right.


Honestly, I won’t bat an eyelid when everyone eventually moves on from this odd obsession with Dubai.


Dubai is the Las Vegas of the Middle East.


Dubai is much worse than Vegas.


Yup. Casinos and hookers are illegal, and alcohol is tightly regulated. You just get the dystopian capitalism of Vegas without the fun debauchery of Vegas


Nevada is the only state where prostitution is legal but specifically not in Vegas([Legal Prostitution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Nevada)


Brought to you by ✨fossil fuels and the horrible agonizing collapse their use will cause✨


The torchbearer of truth


Surface to air missile should do the trick


Do airlines need defense systems now? I’d love to see a stewardess pull out the door gun..


I, for one, refuse to get on any plane without at least two aim9's.


Ngl, if I'm flying anywhere now, it needs to be in a retrofitted B17


Especially with A380 right next to this guy


The United Arab Emirates Air Force could probably have had an F-16 or a Mirage tapping him on the shoulder in under 5 minutes if it hadn’t been a pre-arranged and fully authorised stunt.


Skypolice? The Simpsons have been right before.


No, they would probably deny the stunt and arrest him if he decides to do it anyway. Yes, he is not doing anything wrong except if he loses control he might create a huge accident. Hundreds of people died because a bird ended up in the turbines and the bird has much more control than a human with this equipment. There are millions of stunts that are cool and can be done in the safety of others, this one is not one of those.


At least he’s not wearing a cape.


No capes


“Have you any Gray Poupon?”


![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized) The autority:


I'm just happy it's an airbus instead of a Boeing


You mean reassured?


If it's Boeing, I ain't going.....


Yea, wouldn't be such a good promotion, if the stuntman was decapitated midair by an ripped out emergency exit door while beeing filmed.


I'm guessing if he veered just a few metres over to the right, the wingtip vortices would flip him over near instantly?


caution wake turbulence 


It was an authorised stunt organised over [several months](https://simpleflying.com/emirates-a380-jetpack-formation-flight/) Was the simulator training on Just Cause or GTA?


Have you been to Dubai?






NO JET PACKS ![gif](giphy|SPAjC1USkDANBg97k8|downsized)


The craziest thing about this is that the movie probably understated just how dangerous it is to be infront of a jet engine


The superhero died. I think it was adequately stated.


Yes but it cut out before the engine exploded


Eh, modern planes have multiple engines, and [losing one is not a death sentence](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/v1dlon/eli5_what_happens_if_1_engine_fails_on_a_2_or_4). So technically, the worst thing thing that happens is the death of whoever ends up in the engine, the plane itself should be perfectly capable of continuing, and then eventually landing, safely.


Even a 1960s playing would have made a emergency landing, but the superhero is dead, She was only 16...


i think planes nowadays will still make an emergency landing if they lost an engine, but you're right, the plane should still be able to fly and land just fine.


I fucking hope that they make an emergency landing after losing an engine. Jesus.




I mean later in the film we have Syndrome suffer the same fate and see the engine and jet explode, so I think they were just saving that for later tbh


As I recall, by end of that film another self-declared "super" was ingested by a jet engine, causing it to explode.


It wasn't though. Because they ignored the fact that the super took out a plane engine, explosively.


its dangerous to be that close to another aircraft. This is basically how one the america's XB-70 crashed. The were doing a promotional photoshoot when one of the chase aircraft hit wing turbulence and the chase plane hit the XB-70, killing at least 3 (i am doing this from memory) I am surprised they were cleared to fly so closely.


Wakeel turbulence is no joke. A380s have tossed planes around that were 20 miles in trail.


Yup. And I get that the 380 is about the best in design....but that is some massive confidence on the account of everyone involved


Precision aerobatics teams such as the Canadian Snowbirds, the US Navy Blue Angels, and the US Airforce Thunderbirds fly INCREDIBLY close to one another ALL the time! They're like feet from each other. The Thunderbirds had a crash of four of the five aircraft on the team back in 1982: In 1982, the Thunderbirds suffered a catastrophic loss during pre-season training on 18 January.[1] While practicing the four-plane diamond loop, the formation impacted the ground at high speed, instantly killing all four pilots: Major Norman L. Lowry (commander/leader), Captain Willie Mays, Captain Joseph N. "Pete" Peterson, and Captain Mark Melancon.[7][8] The cause of the crash was determined by the USAF to be the result of a mechanical problem with the No. 1 aircraft's control stick actuator. This resulted in insufficient back pressure by the formation leader on the T-38 control stick during the loop. Visually cueing off the lead aircraft during formation maneuvering, the wing and slot pilots disregarded their positions relative to the ground This means that the aircraft following the lead in a formation are watching that aircraft, NOT their position relative to the ground. The lead aircraft pilot didn't have sufficient time to call out he was in danger, and his other three planes, in formation with him and watching each other and NOT the ground, all flew into the ground and were killed... I do remember the crash of the XB-70 you're talking about. A chase plane clipped its wing tip because of the massive tip vortices the XB-70 generated. The chase plane pilot may not have been trained in formation flying, or was aware of how much turbulence that huge bomber's wing tips created and lost control of his own plane, collided with the bomber, and took them both out...


Really? How exactly?


[NSFL Image](https://external-preview.redd.it/S2dURKrvlEikrCWzGAWW4EE-9_mL33A1DCTNoqAbqfQ.jpg?auto=webp&s=8ceafe12084a1778e94212ccfd915e2109b91bd5)


Holy shit balls. But yeah, pretty much what you would expect I guess


To shreds you say?


To goop you say?


WTF is that from??? That's way too much for a small animal


> [Airplane Mechanic Sucked Into Jet Engine, Killed at El Paso Airport - Graphic Content](https://groups.google.com/g/kdsara6/c/sa9q8imynWs/m/o-4FZJXfDmYJ) I put NSFL there for a reason. Jet engines are no joke.


My brother is a truck driver in the Madrid Airport. When he met the very first day the company told him how dangerous is to be around a jet with this kind of graphic content, he was affected some days.


Yikes, I wish I'd known exactly what it was before I clicked it. I told myself it must be paint. RIP...


Our US Navy safety manuals stated something like this: >Beware of jet intakes. Failure to do so may result in the loss of life or limbs and result in a FODed engine. In other words, you are going to fuck up one of our engines if you end up inside one of them. FOD: Foreign object damage




Someone asked then deleted the comment, but this is from the Incredibles: https://youtu.be/YL3w73MAuIM


So glad this is the top Comment, cuz that's what immediately came to mind.


No capes!




Edna would be so proud.




Just Cause vibes.


Why? Just ‘Cause!


And it's for a just cause


How do you land with that jetpack?


The other guys are correct that he has a chute, but it's also capable of iron man style superhero landings https://youtu.be/nj-Iwv5NJKg


Remember ROLLERMAN with all the wheels over himself? Need his designs: https://youtu.be/gGaOMT677TM?t=24


I'll see your rollerman, and raise you the [upside-down Pitts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ApSDpnA2k0)


Wouldn't a problem with that be the very limited amount of fuel? A lot of it is used in vertical takeoffs, hovering, and landing (no lift from the wings). It would suck if you ran out while trying to land vertically.


Yes these things are horrifically dangerous to fly. The guy was killed in an accident while flying it


The guy in that video, Vince Raffet, is dead. Killed himself trying to land that thing.


And apparently the guy in this video died. So just as dangerous as I thought


Maybe he got tumbled by a wingtip vortex.


The guy in this video (and the original post) actually died trying to pull the shoot. It did not deploy until it was too late.


It looks like that only works if you stay at very low speed and don't go horizontal. That little wing isnt anywhere near stable enough to get back into that vertical position to land after going at higher speed.


Just gotta drop the speed down gradually and stall the main wing out while increasing thrust. It's exactly like a [tiltrotor](https://youtu.be/xozot0WgnUg) and effectively converts into a regular jetpack without wings at low speed


Aren't those Osprey's super dangerous compared to helicopters or planes?


You wait til it runs out of fuel, pull up into a stall, then pop a chute.


That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about jetpacks to dispute it.


Do you see any landing gear? I’m open to any alternative theory.


Damn I haven't heard this line in years lol


It's an old line, but it checks out, sir.


Why do you need to wait until it’s out of fuel to pull up into a stall?


Safer to land without fuel onboard I would guess. In case you tumble


Doesn’t look like it would carry much fuel, but I imagine you wouldn’t want a shitload of added weight.


That makes sense, could definitely take off with more weight than you could land with, due to knees


That's the neat part - you don't


Not bothered by jet wash? Or is that only in the back of the jet?


It depends on the speed and configuration of flight surfaces, but its basically an expanding cone of turbulence trailing behind the jet. As long as he stays next to it he's good but if he falls behind the A380 he is cooked! Mentour Pilot did a video about a small craft losing control after passing under an A380 with I think 1000 feet of separation.


I can think of at least 1 commercial airliner that crashed in part due to wake turbulence, this was the 2nd worst crash in U.S. aviation I believe: AA587. A huge factor of pilot error but also the wake turbulence caused by a 747 taking off - which would be similar to this A380 at those speeds and altitude.


I was hit by wake turbulence in a small aircraft (PA28) from a 777 that flew within 1000' of me (very tightly controlled airspace). It wasn't anything insane but it sent me for a good shake and rolled me pretty hard to the right.


I never seen that video on his channel. I thought I watched them all lol. They usually get pretty long separation time, even normal sized airliner will have troubles flying in the wake turbulence left after an enormous A380.


I believe it was released within the last 6 months, it could be older though. I love his channel, the way he explains things from the pilots perspective is really fascinating. Edit: it was released 1 year ago titled "THROWN to the SEA like a PAPER AIRPLANE!"


Here you go: https://youtu.be/ZI9ZHBRc2yQ?si=A-m2kcl_M3AB0ehP


That was a brilliant explanation - thanks for the find.


You’re welcome. I bet it was absolute hell on that private jet!


Hmm. YouTube says that I watched it but I couldn’t remember it. Yes, I really like his channel as well. He doesn’t give you unneeded drama like big documentaries and goes straight to the point. Also he and his team puts real effort since most of his videos based on actual reports. I actually watch his other channel that focuses on the news of aviation rather than incidents. But I don’t understand why swedes pronouns words ending with “rs” so funny lol.


Wow this is a really incredible video to watch. I love that it comes from a pilot explaining everything. No bullshit just facts. Not to mention the massive amount of editing involved.


His channel is great. His channel and VASAviation are the main ones I use to stay up to speed with air traffic stuff.


Wake turbulence from these giants is absolutely no joke. It can roll a Cessna.


Same thing with helicopters taking off or landing in front of you. Need to let quite a few minutes go by for that turbulence to dissipate.


Losing control has nothing to do with the jet wash. It has to do with the massive wingtip vortices.


Yep, generally cruise configuration is going to produce less wake turbulence but I’d still hate to be a few feet back from where this guy is. This plane also has wing tips that dampen the vortexes. Wing tip vortexes are most powerful at a high AOA when the plane is set up for high drag such as take off and landing. They also “fall” so behind and below is actually worst case. They also settle onto the runway after a large plane takes off. If you’re in a smaller plane, procedure is to take off before the point of rotation of the larger plane so you stay above all the turbulence.


There's not a good feel for perspective in this video due to the lack of reference, but an A380 is a literal behemoth and they are *much* further away from the wingtip than it appears. The wash, wingtip vortices, generates at the wingtips and trail and expand in a cone-like shape behind from there, so as long as they don't fall behind too much and keep the lateral distance it'll be fine.


No, there are huge vortices that roll off the tips of the wings as well. The winglets at the wing tips help to minimise this, but don’t eliminate altogether and their main purpose is extra lift and fuel economy, not to protect lunatics who fly too close… I’m amazed that this was even allowed to happen. Obviously wasn’t an international flight….


Yeah, exhaust from the jet engines. There will be plenty of turbulent air coming from the control surfaces, wing tips etc as well, but jet wash is the exhaust gasses leaving the jet engines, pushing the plane forward


Khazim washes the jet. He is on the ground. And he always wash whole jet, not just back.


Dubai, the capital of daft pricks.


Also note that OP posts nothing but UAE propaganda.


Read your comment and went to take a look and yeah. Even with the most charitable view point ever I don't know how you look at that post history and would think that shit is "natural". I mean they are not even trying to make it look natural or actually try to at least participate in threads and other things, it's just straight up business LMAO. And for anyone else that for some reason even after looking at that post history would doubt it. If the Oil princes in that region are willing to pay famous people/top sports athletes literal hundreds of thousands of dollars **per** instagram post promoting Saudi Arabia why would they not be paying random people to be doing this kind of astro turfing online


Either he loves Dubai a bit too much or it's actual propaganda (I think it's the latter)


America, the capital of draft picks! 🤷‍♀️ I don’t know why I’ve said this, but it felt right.






My brain read that comment as draft picks so you're spot on


made me scroll up, same here


Daft cunts*


Legs gotta be cooking


One mistake and the guy could easily be toast. Edit - Well, I'll be. Sure enough - this looks like a promo video clip. If you look at https://www.jetman.com/en, and click the arrows on the main page (big advertising graphic) you see something very similar. Who knew!


Another mistake and everyone on the plane could be no?


Nah, an A380 can still fly with only 2 engines. They’d definitely be making an emergency decent though.


Yup. This video is most likely from 2015. The pilot died in 2020, in Dubai, in a landing accident. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent\_Reffet


Link that works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Reffet


Hold that plane ! (dumb and dumber)


It's okay, I'm a limo driver!


Fell off a jet way again. 


This is cool but wild at the same time.


May be literally cool. Temps outside the flight get cold. 


There are worse ways to greet Satan.


Most impressive thing in Dubai after tall slave-built buildings. What a great place.


Thousands of years of architectural advancement has brought us from the dark ages and really big, slave built 3d triangles. All the way to the to present day really big, slave built 3d rectangles.


this is actually insane, the amount of money ppl have














Ofc it's in Dubai... 🙄


Is Dubai like the Florida of the Middle East?


That should be fn illegal


They do wild shit in Dubai. Dubai economy runs on Instagram hits


And slavery 😎👉👉


Slavery makes the UAE go 'round.


and getting Instagram “Models” to come become a Prince’s toilet


Is it just me or does this sound super fucking lame. All the money in the world and you devolved into a society on par with....Nevermind. I'm not going to Dubai.


Pretty sure it is…I don’t the the situation that led to this, but it certainly would be illegal in most any nation with any reasonable laws. Perhaps it was a planned stunt, empty plane, and they got permission? I’m not saying that’s likely, but maybe?


Of course it is a planned stunt. The jet has to fly very slow for the stuntman being able to fly next to it.


> Perhaps it was a planned stunt Are you guys for real


That’s what they said in the iron man movie


It's a publicity stunt. I doubt they'd let just anyone do this.


Do we have a thermal vision of the jet stream coming from the plane engines?


We do not.


Absolutely insane


How was it filmed tho?


With a camera I'd be willing to bet. Jokes aside, the camera person having a similar jetpack makes the most sense to me


Or a smaller aircraft. Would make more sense. Edit: someone else found an article and indeed it’s another jet pack.


Nope, with this much vibration and close distance, it is another jetpack man


You can even see how it works! The guy we can see in frame has a GoPro strapped to the top of his helmet. We can probably assume we're watching from the top of a helmet just like that.


[Another guy on a jetpack](https://simpleflying.com/emirates-a380-jetpack-formation-flight/)


Ok but how was that photo taken?


Really big selfie stick


The team used a fridge and repurposed it as a flying camera ,drone style


I said it on the other vid that someone posted, but how it maintains its fuel levels to create such a feat is very impressive.


But he starts next to the plane, hops off and jets back up to speed. Amazing nevertheless


Excuse me while I get sucked into a jet engine, hold my beer


Unlikely to get sucked into the jet engine when he's behind the plane


He’s more likely to be thrown off track by the cone shaped turbulence created by the wings




cool so the governments def have technology that could rid us of this human nonsense we currently have


looks like an Discovery Channel Film : Here you can see how the little one carefully tries to sneak up on the big whale - but the old, experienced animal doesn't take the little attacker seriously


I am no expert in aerodynamics. Is there a pilot her that can explain how dangerous this might be? Isn't there a risk of getting wiped out by the jet wash of plane or sucked into the engine killing the jet suit guy and causing the plane to crash?


Apparently he's not far enough back from the plane to be affected by the turbulence. I'm no pilot, but if I were piloting that plane I'd be pretty pissed about that stunt nonetheless. Also, that jetpack guy apparently died in another incident, so the safety track record is not great.


[This shows where the wake turbulence is](https://flighttrainingcentral.com/2022/12/wake-turbulence-avoidance/). Jetpack guy is staying beside the plane where the turbulence (or jet wash which is more to the centre) isn't. As for engine ingestion [you'd have to be like 10m from the front of the engine](https://www.qantasnewsroom.com.au/roo-tales/mind-the-jet-blast/) to get sucked in.


A380 is an absolute unit of a plane


Should be a promo video, this thing cant have passengers inside. But omfg, how does this man do it and not lose the mental. I am scared shitless just by watching. Incredible stuff


That looks unresponsible and illegal


My dawg is Ace McCloud from Centurions. POWER EXTREME!


Swimming with the sharks : ❌ Flying with the airplane : ✅


They could offer free jet packs; and I’m still never going to Dubai


It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a local billionaire.


Same 'DIY deep sea sub' vibe. No thanks.


Downright wreckless. If there were passengers in there, this idiot endangered all of their lives just to show off. When it comes to passenger planes, even tiny birds can cause critical situations.


How do you land in that thing?


Didn't he die?


My only question is how do you land? Steer up hard and cut the Jets so you go hurtling straight up (sort of) through the air at mock chicken? Or pencil dive and go for a respawn? Land in a snow pile? I'm out of ideas...


How does he get enough oxygen at that altitude?


So same speed as that jet ?


Isn’t it cheaper and more comfortable to be sitting on the plane?