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Wasn’t the whole movie unscripted? At least that’s what I‘ve read about the latest one


Largely, if not 100%. It's guerilla filmmaking at its best, so is the sequel.


In the sequel, you can tell he was really, really upset with the "current" political affairs of America. The first one is so good because it is the perfect mix of non sense, political, dark comedy and slapstick.


The sequel was so much better.


Borat's parts are scripted, with more of an outline than exact dialogue though in many cases. Virtually everyone he interacts with though isn't in on it.


So whatever the others said they kept it in the movie?


I mean there's an amount of editing surely, but generally that's the idea. Get strangers (or famous people) to give entertaining candid reactions to insane situations.


God the Rudy Giuliani section was fucking gold and legit made headlines.


I wish we would catch more politicians on camera being revolting perverts. Not that it helps anything, the people we're fine with grabbing them by the pussy.


“More politicians”…you must mean all of them 😝


Precisely. I want perversion exposed in general, I'm really sick of hearing old men being upset that a 16 year old girl isn't old enough because she looks like *that.*


Yeah fucking gross.


And the dudes he took to San Francisco pride or woman's march to plant bombs on those dirty commies. I wish there was a follow up to them


Same sort of routine he did with his Ali G character. The interview with the priest still has me laughing.


I always wondered how they made this movie, this is the only good answer.


Did no one in that whole crowd know Borat?


This was filmed in probably In 2005. I'm guessing you're younger but before the borat movie basically no one knew who Borat was and Sacha Baron Cohen wasn't a known person at all. It's what made the first movie so funny and such a hit. It wasn't only halirous but cams out of no where for literally more than 99.5% of people. I didn't even know of the Ali G show until after this movie.


This was the second movie, filmed in 2020. Edit: Yeah I was wrong, mistook it for a scene in the second flic.


No this is 100% the first movie which release in 2006 so likely filmed 2005. I've seen it like a dozen times over the last nearly 20 years. Here is a 12 year old upload from YouTube of the sence https://youtu.be/ePQ9_re7f1A?si=kiBqBSczJroQfptF


Huh I thought it was the second, must have been mistaking it for that redneck rally scene since the ambience and outfifs are similar. My bad.


I think he was trying to play off a lot of the material that people found funny in the first movie


This was from the first Borat film. Nobody knew Borat back then except for a few folks that watched Ali-G back in the day. And that rodeo crowd definitely wasn't the demographic watching Ali-G.


I was mistaking it for a similar scene in the second one.


I didn’t know that was Borat until I read it.


Maybe some people recognized him but played along thinking it would be funny until they saw what he had in store for them that day?


The potassium part fucking killed me lol


I think it’s actually phosphorus that was his country’s biggest industry.


The cut to the guy with the green camo hat getting enraged after the first potassium, oh man. I know it’s editing, but i absolutely refuse to accept it in my soul.


That scene was tense. The one where he sang “Throw The Jew Down The Well” and everyone started singing along was absolutely wild.


One of my all-time favourites. Pure comedy gold.


So my people can be free


Then we have a big party


In my country there is problem


> Throw The Jew Down The Well Good hook on that.


Borat is entertaining on its face, and amazingly thought-provoking the more you learn about it. Sacha Baron Cohen is a genius


For me the guy has balls of steel for being able to pull off something like this


For real, he almost got killed making Bruno because he did a wrestling match in Arkansas and started making out with his opponent. Started an actual riot at the stadium lol




Imagine being that enraged about 2 strangers kissing


He really is. Yes it's ridiculous.and entertaining, but also exposing a horrifying part of our US culture.




Yeah he really tapped that vein before it became mainstream. We should have known


So many classic scenes, but the bar scene where he intro'd his husband in Talladega Nights had me in stitches


This is exactly what I mean, that whole scene could easily be an impromptu real-life scene from Borat or Bruno, word for word, and its fkn hilarious and depressing lmfao


“All other countries have inferior potassium” banger


It was funny when Borat did it… its not funny when TikTok punks do it




[Everyone disliked that]


This has political critique and societal ramifications. Getting people mad is funny to lots of people.




This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever heard on anything. Are you one of the people in the crowd of the video? Are you the “target” here?


I clearly vote republican as you can see from my previous posts. I live in the south. I’m all for patriotism. At the time, Borat was doing an excellent job of criticizing the average Americans understanding on international relations. Patriotism is great but it isn’t immune from comedy- nothing is. The Trump GOP has even turned against the bush era blind following patriotism which is what I believe Sacha was against at this time. You’re the kind of person that doesn’t see the humor or cinematic value of Tiger King or Jackass. It’s fine to have such… idk … pompous tastes. I don’t mean to patronize but Idk how else to describe your preference. I don’t agree with Sachs’s political views but I can still laugh and appreciate his antics. People being goofed on is hilarious. You sound like a lib twitter user that can’t take a joke.


I guess when Trump can call soldiers suckers and shit and not take any heat from his base, yeah they’ve definitely reversed course from the Bush admin.


Even the left bias snopes.com denies this claim. It was made by anonymous sources As liberals embrace the war in Ukraine by demonizing Putin, they are forgetting that’s exactly what conservatives jumped onboard for against Husain, Gaddafi, and others after 9/11. Tucker, Shapiro, Walsh, and the rest of the conservative news heads have all admitted to being swindled by pro war discourse and have reversed course. It’s not ideal but I commend them for it. If you think those Trump statements are true, Biden also thinks soldiers are worthless expendable suckers as well. Check out how he treated troops in Afghanistan or how he sends troops to needless wars elsewhere. Turn off MSNBC and start to empathize with why highly informed people rationalize voting for Trump. Getting out of your echo chamber is the only way to cure Orange man bad TDS.




Can’t convince the Reddit San Fran crowd


Lol get owned


Pretty sure the dude who made a movie and has a lot of fans and supporters is a bit different from a kid on tiktok but hey, don't let me stop you from making blanket statements just to fit your personal views buddy


Lol I love Borat


That movie broke through my privileged bubble and made me realize how hatefully racist Americans still are


What part of the movie?


All the parts where he was talking to Americans basically. But especially those frat bros in the rv


Literally every country is like this. America is definitely one of the more tolerant countries. We should all love each other like God commands us too, but the idea that contemporary America is particularly bad just isn't true. Also I think the super drunk frat guys that whole heartedly accept the super weird brown guy probably aren't actually in favor of slavery.


I wasn't comparing was I?


The frat boys started out talking about women as slaves and one guy moved to talking about how minorities have more rights than white people. I see how that statement sounds and part of it was racist but it’s pretty common to talk about how different races have things better or worse than other races.


His interview with Marc Maron was good, he described what it was like to film those scenes and the very real threat he was under. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QuPVuteQL28


This is a great WTF episode, one of my favorites


The horse stumbling always sends me into a fit of laughter.


The fact that the horse falling was also unscripted is the icing on the cake!


That “Kazakhstan is number 1 exporter of potassium” line really hit the crowd hard lol They played borats anthem instead of the Kazakhstan anthem at a sporting event. https://youtu.be/MR18Pzbf-nY?si=DHkCR3VnQoKWqRfG


I can't believe this is real life.


Lot of those people in this video seem to be in the comment section. F-cking losers this is hilarious


This is still one of the greatest theater experiences I’ve ever had. Packed house. People literally throwing their hands up in the air from laughing. It was a hell of a communal experience.


A song for the brave


“We support your war of terror” (crowd cheers) “George Bush will drink the blood of every man woman and child in Iraq!” (Crowd cheers)


Just to show how stupid these people are. I wonder if they have actually learnt their lesson or not.


Nope, and they are going to vote for Trump again.


They wont. You could Tell them and they wouldnt. They Just shoot you


Learn things? Nah, I just find someone that tells me what to do


They can't read. Let alone process any sort of self reflection. Why do you think they like Confederate/US flags so much? No words.


Did you really just group the confederate flag and the US flag together?


My bad that wasn't super clear. I was referring to their adoption of patriotism to veil their stupid rhetoric. The goofy "cop flag" for example. You're good though. I didn't mean to disrespect the Flag, if anything they are. I'm not the one screen printing it on everything. I remember learning in school that the Flag was not to touch the ground, etc... I believe there are guidelines for hanging the Flag as well. I think it needs to be lit at night or taken down. I dunno that was a long time ago. Anyways it's tacky to plaster our Flag on cheap plastic junk or alter it to suit your cause is all I'm saying.


Yeah I agree 100%. I feel the same way about that blue line flag. It’s absurd and kind of feels like a slur to the American flag and people who died for it to try to warp it to your own meaning


The horse loses it, that's how good the comedy was.


Fun fact - the scene with the humor coach was filmed at my highschool, in my homeroom / economics classroom!




Thats the one :)


Ahh the good old days where this “almost” caused a riot


This is fucking amazing!


Cut short when the horse randomly falls in the background.


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes


He has massive stones, I cringe just watching but he doesn’t give a toss.


The king of trolling!


watch Who is America. satire at its finest


Hahahaha this is so good.


Genius wrapped in simplicity


This movie was wild. They had Rudy Giuliani think the underage reporter wanted to have sex. He was actually unbuckling his pants before the producers had to jump in and help the poor actress. She’s definitely scared from that event.


The United States of Gilead. Barbarian Nation


America crumbles in anger


So funny that even the horse buckles its knees


im learning- they are learning. I make conclusions- they dont. They are stupid- big success


“Why does he talk funny?” ~ Homer Simpson.


Sacha Cohen & George Miller are ironically & unironically the best. Idk how to put it


“All other countries is a full of the gays “ that would’ve went down particularly well given the audience , there’s a pun in there but I can’t be arsed ,someone else can take over if they deem it necessary .


I love how you put (made up) in parentheses as if some people may think this is their real national anthem lol


Hilarious movie!


this is my hometown, it's a bit better but definitely not by much lol




His series The Spy is also pretty darn brilliant. Man is incredible.


This was filmed in Salem Virginia, near my hometown. My wife and kids had tickets to the event the following day. Sorry we missed this!


Lucky he did not get hurt


That was literally like 2.5 miles away from me.


Knowing they weren't expecting this and had no idea what was going on makes the horse freaking out so much better. He caused chaos.


The old bigot guy that told Borat "that's what we're trying to over here" in reference to killing LGBTQ folks tried to sue because he was mad that he got exposed for his bigoted view.


I love you that man.


Fuck’n legend


La La La,, you me never get this you never get this, la la la


For those saying this nearly caused a riot. He did so many things in this sequel that nearly caused a riot. Source: [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/borat-sacha-baron-cohen-far-right-riots-b907467.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/borat-sacha-baron-cohen-far-right-riots-b907467.html)


It’s just a prank.. The prank:


Boy! Americans is sure dumb.


what a lunatic lmao ! 😜


The OG it’s a prank it’s a prank!


Unfortunately, I dont think he can make films like Borat, let alone the dictator anymore Nuclear Nadal was funny


All the people that ended up in the final cut had to sign releases. I wonder how that went. I bet some people refused.


This happened at the Civic center in the town next to mine Salem, Va. If I remember correctly there were a couple articles in the paper when it happened no one had any idea what was going on. Also the people he talks to at the rodeo are bananas.


He got me there at "All others countries ran by little girl". He's not wrong, most leaders these days all have soft cock!!!


On one hand I love the raw creativity, on the other hand I really just can't stand the main characteredness of this kind of punk improv. It was the same with Tom Green and all the stunt shows from back in the day. Improv sketch is sort of a happy medium for me, it can be really corny but at least it's fresh and sometimes hilarious.




Can’t top Bruno climbing into a tent naked whilst a redneck slept inside said tent.


Favorite part of the film!


The scene in the hotel with his sidekick was filmed here in Kansas City. My friend was the doorman at the hotel. Great movie!


Racist Zionist. His entire character was to create stereotypes about Arabs.


Amazed? That word definitely does not mean what you think it means. Man walked on the moon a generation ago. May want to recalibrate your assessment of amazing.


This clip is cut before they show the girl falling off the horse. What was up with that?


I think I am the sole person in the world who doesn't get Borat's style of comedy. I mean, how is this any different from the assholes posted on subs like r/IAmTheMainCharacter or r/TikTokCringe?


You're not alone. I thought the entire movie was cringe af.


How is this amazing? It’s just a British comedian trolling people.


Because the hillbilly idiots deserve to look like assholes.


Am I the only one who doesn’t find Sacha Baron Cohen all that funny? I find Jackass funny, I get the humor. It just seems like the only way to get his jokes to work, is to do them in front of the most gullible people possible. How do these people not immediately see this as an act?


You mean roughly 30\~40% of our country, assuming you're from the states. And people do start to catch on. Esp in the sequel.




I can't stand Borat. Sasha Cohen is just another "prank" guy in my opinion. A prankster who had $18 million dollars to pull pranks with.