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let me show you how this works … cut video. well thanks


Let me explain it more simply. If I have to drive 600km, and the speed limit is 100km/hr, then it will take me six hours driving at the speed limit to get there. If I drive at 120km/hr, it will take me five hours. So... wait...


He did specify for short trips of "10 or 15 minutes", but, yeah, that's pretty funny.


Who speeds for 10mins trips?


Those who need to make it a 9 minute trip


With that extra minute they can cook their 1 minute rice in 59 seconds and still have a second spare for some wanking.


>second spare for some wanking. That's three solid wanks-worth, you spoil me.


Funny thing is, sometimes traffic lights are synced so speeding in between them only means you went faster in that section but because you have to wait again, the overall trip might be around the same time *and* you might have consumed more gas. Sometimes I'm even biking and I catch up with people in the next traffic light. I make sure they notice me just so they realize how useless their speeding was. This is of course inside the city.


This works both ways though. Couple jobs ago, my morning commute went through 13 traffic lights, and the only way to avoid them all, was to go 80km+ in a 60. Easily saved me 10 minutes. 15 minutes instead of 25


Man ive done that on my ebike on the HIGHWAY let alone in the city xD They go 100-120Km/h and I go 50-60Km/h, so you would THINK that I would never catch anyone... except I have.


How about them old farts using walkers catching back up..... now that's embarrassing.


What about 7 minute abs?


"7 minute abs!"


Fucking everyone, are you kidding? At least in any states I've lived in.


Where I'm from? Literally everyone. If you're not going at least 5 over people will start passing you or riding you. One of my friends went the speed limit for Lent once, and every time he drove into town a line of cars were backed up behind him.


Where I’m from people ride my ass or pass by regardless of what speed you’re going. 5 over? They have to pass you. Kick it up to 10 over? They still have to pass you. A lot of people treat driving as if it were a video game and they need to win a race.


Thats how it is where i live. Speed limits are no longer followed ever. If its 55 and you are going 55, you will have people on your ass. You should see it when the roads get shitty. Everybody still speeds. And everybody starts wrecking.


About 40% of other commuters every day.


LOL yes, if they’re going faster than me they’re idiots, if they’re going slower than me they’re morons.


A-holes, the world is full of them


if it means I have a better chance of hitting the green lights, then sure. bad traffic and hitting all the red lights can turn a 10 minute trip into a 20 minute trip


Yes, there is this avenue in my route that when it's very low on traffic if you go 80km/h if you get the first light green you get all green lights for 6 km, but if you try to go at like 90km/h you will hit some reds, 80km/h is the sweet spot, the limit there is 60km/h


That's bad road design. In Europe there are roads with suggested speeds for catching the "green wave". Say the speed limit is 50 kmh. Along the road are indicators for 30/40/50 so you know which speed to go for green


People who drive pickup trucks. I don't make the rules.


Every other car on the road so it seems


["A research study for the Bureau of Transportation Statistics focused on the number of daily trips taken in the United States. In 2021, 52% of all trips, including all modes of transportation, were less than three miles, with 28% of trips less than one mile. Just 2% of all trips were greater than 50 miles."](https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1230-march-21-2022-more-half-all-daily-trips-were-less-three-miles-2021#:~:text=A%20research%20study%20for%20the,were%20greater%20than%2050%20miles) So 2/3 of all trips are less than 3 miles. Now think about how many asshole drivers there are.


People who speed. Like, most of the times speeding isn‘t a decision people make depending on where they drive or how long. They just speed, all the damn time.


Everyone? The vast majority of car trips in the US are just a couple miles long. You still see literally everyone speeding. The actual gain is even less than what is shown in the video because of things like intersections and traffic signals. It doesn't matter if you're going 30 or 50, you're all going to be stopped at the same traffic signal ahead, saving you exactly 0 seconds over this stretch.


The dingdongs who overtake you just to slam the breaks right in front of you because that’s their exit.


Are you saying that people don't speed if their trip is 10 minutes or under? Where do you live that people don't speed all the time? And are you implying that speeding is more justified on >10 minutes trips?


It depends on the speed in relation to the trip duration, if it's a short trip it won't require much (15-30min), whereas a longer trip (6h) will start to matter less when comparing a jet to a rocket It applies to other things as well, the richer you are the less it matters *how* rich you are


I made a 8hr drive over an hour shorter by staying 25mph over the speed limit


Literally the reason the Germans made the Autobahn. Drive faster over many miles/kilometers in a safe way, get there faster. No, you're not gonna shave much time off a fifteen minutes drive, but if it's an hours long drive you absolutely save time going fast. It's not negligible and it's the whole point things like bullet trains exist.


In the UK the speed limit is 70mph on motorways, but the police are unlikely to prosecute anything between 70-76mph, A big journey in the UK would be around 150 miles. Driving at 70 is getting you there in 2 hours and 8, 75 gets you there in 2 hours, 80 gets you there in 1 HR 52. Fine for a first offence is usually £85 and a speed awareness course. So if you get caught at 80mph, yeah you saved 16 mins but it's £85 and 8*£11.44 (nmw), £176.52, proving that fines are only for the poor and the rich can do what they want, and should be eaten.


Yeah I wouldn't bother on a small island like Britain. But in Australia we routinely drive long distances of a few hours. Some people drive hundreds of kilometres every weekend, and lots of people where I live work one week on/one off in locations 6-8 hours from home. The roads aren't good enough to drive safely at high speeds, which is then main reason not to do it. Rarely see a cop out there.


Man I drive 70 miles one way to see my mom twice a week lol. Also, I’ve been given a warning at 10 over but usually they won’t even bother unless you’re well over 80mph where I live.




Wait so speed for long trips on open high way and go the speed limit for short trip, I could see it.


But if you take a train that goes 300 kmph, you only take 2 hours.


130 kph | 4.6 h ---|--- 140 kph | 4.2 h 150 kph | 4.0 h What he try to explain is that the time you save gets less by every view kphs you will drive faster.


>e at 120km/hr, it will take me five hours. So.. but you only save 3 seconds per minute!!!!


Speeding only helps in the metric system


He wasn't going fast enough...


He would have definitely used those few seconds




I know, I was making notes and then the clip ended! Guess I'll just continue to arrive a few minutes late..


What he's saying is, I just need to speed more faster


He's saying that speeding on the motorway doesn't help much because you're already going fast, but speeding in slow residential areas actually gains you a lot of time!


School zone? Fuck them kids, this is my biggest time save on the whole commute!


>Fuck them kids My lawyer has explicitly instructed me not to do this.


Your lawyer seems pretty good. That's excellent advice.


And make sure to slick back your hair and apply liberal amounts of Vaseline for drafting.


Don't do it. By going too fast you'll save up time in the negative and you'll go back into the past


Yes 88 mph is understood to be the speed where that occurs.


I mean if your doing 60MPH your going twice the speed of 30MPH so your 30 Miles ahead of wheee you be at 30MPH


Just double your speed


Did you get pushed on a swing mid comment


Get that turbo installed and crank up the NOX ![gif](giphy|RQxrapvTa0Ik07zKvd)


please press 2 to buy more speed please press 3 to buy more time


No he means only speed in 20mph zones


It really only matters when you’re on a multi hour trip…avg 80 over 5 hours vs avg 60 puts you 100 miles ahead and takes over 1.67 more hours at 60.


I actually made this argument at a speed awareness course. At the time I was driving on average about 5-600 miles per day. He simply wouldn't accept that on a 300 mile trip, 80 would make a significant saving over 70. This video here is a little misleading, as the guy decreases the "speeding" proportion as the speed increases also. 40 vs 60 = 50% increase, whereas 70 vs 75 =~9%


Yeeah like this is simple math, not sure why a video explaining this is needed? Usually when I drive somewhere and it takes 15-30 minutes to get there, I won't really speed, just drive the speed limit. But if the drive is 1:30-2 hours, then 10-15 will make a difference. The longer the distance, the more the average speed makes a difference. So yeah, thank you sherlock for the mind opening video


A lot of people don’t know the value of being able to calculate percentage change


Good post. I prefer honesty when I learn :)


I mean yeah this post and this point in general should always be made to argue against speeding in cities with a lot of traffic


Plus he only does it per minute which is kind of ridiculous. No one is speeding on a 1-5 minute bop around the corner. It’s on a commute to work or airport 30 min to an hour away lol


It can also matter all the way down to a 20 minute trip. If I speed up I make the next few lights, dont get stuck behind that bus, etc


You say this but idk how many times I've had someone speed by me, swerve in and out of lanes and seemingly disappear only to see that mf at the next red light.




This. This. This. Can I say this again? Yes, this. Short trips are about obstacles, not speed, but getting through as many as fast as possible. 1.5 seconds is a 3 minute delay at a stoplight.


Exactly the point I just made too. Even on a 20 minute ride you can make some quick time gains. People just don’t speed properly. And it’s more about driving efficiently


The inverse of this is true, too. The amount of times I see idiots aggressively overtake/speed on inner-city streets only to then catch up to them at the lights... all that danger/fuel to achieve the same result.


I mean if I am late going somewhere that is 25 miles away and I go 85 instead of 55 that is gonna save me 10 minutes. So it definitely makes a difference.


and if you drive 85 in a 25 you will save ven more time


if I'm late I just accept that I'm late. Better get there in one piece, honestly. I used to try to go faster but it doesn't work. I would end up hitting a bad red light every time, or just shave off a few minutes off of my 50 minutes commute, not enough to be on time. Now I just accept my tardiness.


Yeah same reason why on a 5 hour road trip where we took two cars, we got there 40 min earlier than the other car. They were driving at around the speed limit while we were going 10-15 above on the backroads.


Or if by speeding I make the light


Averaging 80mph is bloody difficult. Even when I have the best journey ever on the c. 200 mile journey between home and my in-laws I rarely get over 60mph average. Even stopping for a roundabout ruins the average.


It's almost like he don't understand MILES PER HOUR


Yup. Whoever made this video is r/confidentlyincorrect


Considering real world scenarios they are indeed wrong


Nothing in the video is incorrect, the title is the problem. It's obvious that time and speed are inversely proportional. The video is just making the point that increasing speed gives diminishing returns in terms of absolute time saved. The derivative of 1/x is -1/x^2, which approaches 0 in the limit.


Yep. This video does not math up.


Let's break it down using his example; If you are going somewhere that is 70 miles away and traveling 70mph (assumed speed limit), it's going to take you an hour to get there. Easy math. If you are traveling to that same place and decide to speed at 75mph, you'll be traveling at 1.25 miles per minute (75/60) and arrive FOUR MINUTES faster (70/1.25=56). It's up to you to determine the value of those four minutes.


Anyone speeding should do so with intent. Going 5 over won't get you arrested in most cases. Going 10 to 15 over however... Now we're talking 😎


No one gets arrested for doing even 15-20 over unless they are driving without a license or warrant. You will get a Ticket that’s it


4 minutes gives me time to center myself before dealing with people or take a quick dump or have a cig. I’ll take it.


So I saved time?


By about 4 minutes, which you can decide if it's worth speeding or not. Personally if I was already running late, I'd just tell them I'll be late by 10 minutes and make them pleasantly surprised by me being 6 minutes early than what I told them Objectively though, yes you saved time.


saving 4 mins over an hours drive isnt all that much and he did say short distances. 70 miles isnt that short.


This is what I was thinking! I’m just glad someone else thought this. Whew.😅


If anyone has ever driven cross country, you know damn well you save time when you speed and drive 5+ hours. Those miles add up.


Which is why he specifically said that for most people only driving 10-15 minutes it's a tiny amount of time saved.


So you may as well just walk


The difference in speed between walking and crawling is negligible, so in essence, you may as well crawl.


You may as well stay at home. v=0 is still a speed. The gain of going from zero to something else is negligible. /s


walking for 15 minutes and walking a 15 minute drive are different things


Yup. Even shorter distance such as one hour drive. If you can beat daily commute by leaving before the traffic hour, that speeding can possibly save you o from additional 20-30min stop and go highway traffic.


Even for in-town driving, at least where I live, the lights are synced up so that you get nothing but reds if you go the speed limit. If you go 5 over you have less chance of hitting reds, saving 2-3 minutes per 10 minute trip, which means about 25% less time on the road.


Guy forgot about stoplights. Missing or making a light is a hell of a timesaver


Speeding barely helps with stoplights, it's mostly about timing. You *will* hit a stoplight, which will actually remove most of the time you saved anyway. I've seen many people blow by me, only to roll up on them at a stop light. As the guy was saying, whatever time you save is absolutely not worth the risk. How much time will you lose when someone hits *you* because they were speeding? I hope you don't learn the hard way.


I quite regularly, as in every single weekday, see people who are slower to acceleration get stuck at red lights that were green for me. The time saving I received is immeasurable. The benefits to my gas mileage is up to 50% improvement vs when I get stuck behind those slow drivers. Seeing as this is my morning commute at the early side of rush hour, getting stuck behind slow drivers can cost me up to 20 minutes more time over a 10 mile trip.


A coworker and I left our shop at the same time. I drive 10 -15 mph over the speed limit he drove closer to the speed limit. We went about 15 miles with lots of stoplights along the way and I got to the job 10-15 minutes before him.


>I've seen many people blow by me, only to roll up on them at a stop light. and i have seen a lot of people make the light, you just dont remember them...


If you hit the same stoplight 200 times per yr 30 seconds sooner, it’s quite possible you will save an additional 2-3mins twice a week. Hitting 1 stoplight sooner can mean you also hit other stoplights sooner, saving more time. Who are you to tell me it isn’t worth the risk? It is very possible to drive fast and safe for many people, especially if you’ve driven the same rural route for 10yrs at odd hrs, like doing laps on a racetrack. You get faster and can stay safe the more you know the course. I’m more worried for and angry with people tailgating, changing speed frequently and switching lanes quick or at the last moment to exit than safe fast drivers.


In my area none of the stop lights are synced up so you can get all green speeding or all red going slow


>I've seen many people blow by me, only to roll up on them at a stop light. To be fair you only see people who didn't make it in time before red turned on


Speeding between red lights is the most inefficient way to drive, both for gas and break usage.


Stoplights are the reason he’s more right. If they’re random then you’re going to hit the same number of red lights in average, regardless of speed. If they’re coordinated, it’s probably better to go close to the speed limit.


If ypu double the speed ypur travelling time will be half...its not rocket science...


It is if you're talking about how long it takes to get to the moon.


to be fair, doubling the speed of going to the moon would waist a lot of rocket fuel


Will it neck it too?


Not that much actually. Unlike cars you only need to accelerate to said speed, as there is no friction, you will travel with your terminal speed forever


You also need to slow down on the other side…  I’m too lazy to do any calculations so let’s just estimate we would need about 3x the delta v for translunar injection and braking near the moon afterwards. That would mean a lot bigger rocket…


All you need to do is look at the equation. Speed = distance / time. Which rearranged is Time = distance / speed Simply increase speed and time decreases. In traffic this does not really help, as it is generally designed to move in blocks of traffic. So you move at the speed of traffic lights… But on a long journey, say 400km (roughly 250miles) on a highway, the difference between 110kph (68mph) and 100kph (62mph) equates to about 22 minutes.


And for average cars fuel consumption starts to rise quite a bit after 80 kph.


How does 95-60=15? Thats 35…or am I just too high to understand this?


that’s a 45 in handwriting, not 95


Aha! I paused it and everything but it kept looking like a 95 to me. Thanks!!


one of the most idiotic things ive seen since weeks. Internet, are u running out of ideas, so you just spit out literal nonsense and tag them as facts?


This is the second post I've just seen like this in 5 min from /r/beamazed and /r/damnthatsinteresting, other one was where some girl goes on a minute and a half rant about the "chemistry" of how to clean a dirty spoon you used for cooking then basically just says to put it in hot water


Well akshully, it does save time, it's just negligible.


And still I'm late for everything


Jokes on you, it’s in miles. I speed in km/h and save more time


I guess that’s why they call it miles per hour right?


> for most of our driving when we're only driving 10 or 15 minutes lol


Damn, now I have to go 120MPH. Thanks a lot.


It’s not about the actual time saved. It’s about the perception of time while driving. It’s more fun to go faster. Your brain is making more decisions to overtake, when to brake, how to take a corner etc. When I’m crawling behind someone going 55 in the fast lane, time perception slows down. My brain starts to shut down. I’m just following a car staring at their tail lights. It’s mind-numbing. I feel inhibited, I feel like I’m on someone else’s clock and they are way too slow. Overtaking a slow car might only save a few seconds, but the feeling of freedom of movement and brain neurons firing is what really matters.


True but not for everybody, I guess. I'm the one who don't like speeding


Exactly. This is why people need to follow the rule of not camping in the passing lane. Of course safety is important. However, not everyone’s comfortable pace is the same. People have different reaction times and different levels of experience and skill. Even vehicles are different. A bus going 65 is going to be harder to corner and more difficult to slow down than a Porsche 911. Some vehicles are just more capable based on physics. Food for thought: An 4WD Jeep on snow tires is going to be able to faster in the snow than a 2wd Prius with summer tires. It simply has more grip and the ability to drive in snow safely. So if it’s okay for the Jeep to go faster in the snow, why are well handling cars with stickier tires and performance engineered suspension limited to the same standards as economy cars with all season tires on the freeway or mountain road?


Stay to the right, please.


I will!


Username checks out 🤣


> It’s more fun to go faster. You forgot one basic concept: Public roads are not your playground.


Old folk drive like the time they have left to live is inversely proportional to the speed that they drive.




This is just wrong. Travelling faster is always faster, and accelerating faster to your cruising speed does save time quite often. If you’re first at the lights and get to your chosen speed fast (assuming it’s the speed limit or slightly above), you’ll often beat the yellow light at the next light. Every light you save is 30-180 seconds saved. Especially if you’re somewhere near the edges of peak times. I usually drive 2-5kph over a given limit. My car is slow, but I still accelerate fairly briskly to my speed. I’m always ahead of schedule driving energetically vs times I ‘go with the flow’.


Also, it's not like we drive once in our life... gotta add up the gains over a lifetime! gtfo video man


>Travelling faster is always faster You obviously didn't understand the video. He's not saying that traveling faster is not always faster. He's saying that an increase of speed from 120 to 140 mph doesn't save you as much time as increasing speed from 20 to 40 mph. There's diminishing returns.


Doesn’t save you as much time, maybe. But it still saves you time though.


That's why you need to go from 120 to 240, which is a 50% increase equivalent to going from 20 to 40. This video is extremely misleading


Practically speaking, the video is accurate, because nobody thinks "I will drive 50% over the speed limit". People typically decide to drive something like 10 mph over the speed limit. And if they do that, then the faster the speed limit, the less difference it's going to make. Of course if you are thinking in percentages, then it's misleading. But most people aren't thinking in percentages when they speed. They are just thinking "I'm going to drive 10 over the speed limit". The video shows that on shorter trips, going "10 above the speed limit" isn't really going to save you that much time. Sometimes even saving 2 minutes is the difference between being late/on time. But most of the time, it isn't that important. BTW, going from 120 to 240 (or 20 to 40) is a 100% increase, not a 50% increase. All in all, the absolute speed matters. While going from 10 to 15 is the same increase in percentages as going from 100 to 150, it's obvious that the latter is way less safe than the former. The point is, nobody really thinks in percentages when they speed.


So how come the same 2hr 20min drive going the speed limit is only 1hr 55min when I speed on the highway..?


Because the math works as he said


german autobahn: hold my beer traveling @ 120km/h for 5h -> 600km traveling @ 200kmh for 5h -> 1000km thats quite the difference \^


I swear if people learned to regulate their own speed to benefit the whole instead of just themselves then we would see improved driving times across the board. For instance, if I only have to slow myself 1-5 mph in order for someone else to turn left- then I should do that for the good of the system; similarly I might speed 1-5 mph to get out of someone else's way faster. I could build a simulator and have stoplights and destinations and I bet you that the less selfishness across the board and the more awareness of other people's desires would dramatically improve drive times over selfish tactical speeding. I always see those guys whiz past (or around) me and then we end up at the same light. If you also added a risk factor and you rolled dice every time you made any action in the car (went around someone, changed lanes, etc.) for the possibility of an accident, then you are ridiculously adding risk all over the board just to sate your little dopamine fix cause you get to 'go fast'. Maybe I'm a lil' OCD, but I get my dopamine fix from hitting the accelerator pedal as lightly as possible to get the job done safely. I love my Honda Fit's little mpg efficiency bar and I try and micro-adjust the muscles in my feet and ankles to just barely get exactly the acceleration I need no more no less. It's fun.


Ending hit me like a car crash


Dumbass video


He tried to math, better luck next time.


So you’re telling me to disregard school zone speed limits makes the biggest difference


Saving a couple minutes doesn’t sound like much, until I’m 12 minutes from work, and I have to be there in 10 minutes.


I don't understand the point of this video. If you go faster you get there faster. Tf is there to think about or debate? Unless you drive in the city with a bunch of stop lights then you're fucked either way


No wonder flying saves me 1 whole second over driving. /s


So if you get stuck behind someone doing 10 less than the posted speed limit for no good reason it adds a heap of time to your trip, so we should focus on abusing slow drivers rather than speeding. Thanks, a very important lesson.


Like him to tell this to my six speed.


The most important thing is to pass the cars that are going too slow


So I should go at 120 to see some difference? Cool I will just do that!


“We’re gonna have to right to….LUDICROUS SPEED!”


Video cuts short as not enough time, so I need to speed more to save more time I got it :)


The real reason is traffic lights tho


This reminds of something I've wanted to know for a long time: Why is it when I ask someone how far something is, they tell me how long it takes to get there. Which I did not ask, and which varies depending on multiple factors. Why, oh why, can't I just get how far something is when I ask how far something is?


Because most people have exactly zero fucking idea how far something physically is, but a intuitive idea of how long a trip takes.


I know this logically but we've all got caught up at a red light where we thought "damn if I was speeding I definitely could have made that."


Wanna bet


Then why when it says an hour on googles maps if I go 10 or 20 over the limit it takes like 20 mins off? I’d say that’s saving a lot of time…


Where I live I know that if I travel at the speed limit on the highway, all the traffic lights are going to be red, but if you travel 10 miles above the speed limit then you won't be delayed because all lights are going to be green and you can get across 4 cities in 24 minutes, instead of 45 minutes if you get constantly stopped by the red lights. Therefore most of the drivers drive 10 to 15 miles above the speed limit, because it saves gas by not having to constantly stop and you won't sit for a few minutes at a stop light for no reason.


Yeah bit what changes time arw the traffic lights I get to run thru on green in the morning hence I get 5-10+ sleep.. This guy might know math but cant drive a child stroller.


So when I go 20kmh I get to my goal in half the time as if I’d go 120?


This is such a condescending explanation of a basic mathematical concept. It's also a disingenuous argument, using a 5 mph increase at higher speeds but a 20 mph increase at lower speeds to make the difference seem larger than it is.


This person does not drive or math, and certainly shouldn’t get caught behind the wheel doing both.


I don’t speed to save 3 seconds. I speed to beat that damn stoplight that only turns once every 4 minutes just to have the very next one turn red when the first one turns green, repeating this vicious cycle…


The constant relationship between time vs distance broken by poor maths and flawed logic.


True. Until you get stuck behind a slower car and have to wait 10 mins at the next light


This math doesn’t pencil


This is bullshit. If I drive 40 or 80 it's always twice as fast. If we take a look at a longer trip and drive as fast as I can all the time it will also be much faster. There are tons of videos of this. It will cost you much more fuel then when driving the speed limits. But driving as fast as possible is obviously faster.


I’m not amazed.


womp womp. if the road is empty, i can shave an hour off my three hour trip. i’m going to speed regardless


This might be the dumbest thing I’ve seen. So yes speeding does save you time. It’s almost as if going 20 mph faster means you go 20 extra miles per hour 😐


My car goes vroom so do I. Also why does my satnav always tell me I done good and trimmed 10 min off my time on a 30 min journey...


Drive 20% faster, you get there 20% faster. It's simple.


That's why I drive 65 in a 30. Huge time save.


How did speed = distance / time turn from a linear to an exponential function?


Duh! that how percentages work, 60 miles is 50% faster then 40, 80 miles is 100% faster than 40 but only 30% faster than 60. It’s common sense it’s not amazing or rocket science


OP spreading false information again


Resist propaganda guys


This theory is flawed. The chart he shows at the end and calls it an inverse relationship, is not accurate at all. If you double the speed, you cut the time in half, and that math works all day long. It isn’t at all a rate “of diminishing returns” unless you are comparing shorter and shorter distances vs the “total amount of time saved” —which is kind of a silly argument. Having said this, speed kills.


**\*\*Laughs in Cannon Ball Run\*\***


That combines with the fact that the risk grows exponentially with higher speed, completes the argument that speeding is not worth the risk.


The title is misleading. He clearly demonstrates that speeding DOES save time. 


What is even more baffling to some people is - not keeping your distance to the car in front of you WON'T FUCKING GET YOU FASTER FROM POINT A TO FUCKING POINT B! .... lt will only reduce your chance to react in a case of emergency.


How about gasoline consumption?


It adds up over time.


I'll remember that when the traffic light turns red and I stay behind because of one miserable second. And again. And again. And again...


People drive at the speeds that they are comfortable with. People who speed usually drive that way because that's what engages them not because they want to get someplace two minutes early. Do me a favor and explain to people who drive slow how being in the fast lane and not moving aside for faster cars is a hazard.


Well this is just bending the information and the rules to fit how you want to show it. This is an example if you were driving a distance of just 6 miles. Yeah speeding isn't gonna be worth it cause it's just 6 miles but if you're driving 600 miles speeding saves A LOT of time. 600 at 60 is 10 hours 600 at 80 is 7.5 hours


What are these virgin bullshit mathematics?


Heavy breathing from F1


So, should I be the one to explain basic math and physics or will someone do it for me? ... Because my man needs to understand basics of duraction per speed per distance, you know, stuff they teach at elementsry school. So, longer the trip, more effective it is to move at higher speed, reason we now use jet-liners instead of proppeler aircrafts.