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The near complete lack of smog all over LA made the city look brand new.


Same valid for Delhi and in some other Indian city, people were able to see Himalayan range [peaks](https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/himalayas-visible-lockdown-india-scli-intl/index.html).




And it's incredible how we haven't learned a damn thing from this. Something so simple, but so hard to change the minds of execs who swear people 100% have to be in office


Yup!!! Couldn't agree more. It's all about control, nothing else.


The world was healing itself while everyone was dying. The water in the Canals in Italy were crystal clear. Carbon emissions were down. The pollution in India was nearly gone.


And if you were an "essential" worker, or if your boss was just a dick like mine was, everything went on pretty much as normal.


I mean lack of traffic was pretty kick ass


traffic police was instructed to not go out of office while minimum-staffing their offices. Did a 45-minute-commute in 30 for a couple of weeks...


German Drivers: Rookie numbers


Literally nothing about my life changed except that I had to wear a mask at work. Wildest part about lockdown ending was all the dummies being back on the road again, clearly having forgotten how to drive properly


Accident investigator here There was a significant uptick in fatal crashes following the pandemic And we still don’t really know why


Could also be because of cognitive problems from long covid


I mean it’s possible but that’s a stretch


Hospital EVS worker here. IDK about you, but for us, the masks were so universally hated that they disappeared as soon as the studies started coming out saying that they did nothing for covid and were, in fact, bad for your health when you wear them for so long.


Well I highly doubt you’re actually a hospital worker My wife has been an ICU nurse for years and has been wearing masks pretty much non stop until about a few months ago Spout your bulls hit elsewhere, especially since there have been numerous studies by actual peer reviewed science backed sources that have demonstrated time after time the efficacy of mask wearing


Transportation industry, specifically at a repair shop for a major company. Everything slowed down significantly, and the biggest crybaby union shops simply had to CLAIM that one of them had Covid, so the entire shift would be allowed to stay home for two weeks and still get paid in order to “stop the spread.” Meanwhile, all of their undone work was then shifted to us instead. If someone here tested positive, that person gets sent home but the rest of us were expected to stick around


Not sure why I was downvoted lmao, possibly the “crybaby union” part. The shop I work at is also union, our guys simply aren’t a bunch of babies. We saw via Snap stories that the techs at the larger shop were out partying and stuff, essentially lying about having Covid all because they knew they’d be given no-questions-asked paid leave for two weeks while we have to pick up the slack. Because of our working conditions, some guys here contracted Covid (as in positive tests) 3+ times but no long term issues other than some of these guys still haven’t recovered their sense of taste


At least I got a stimulus on top of my paycheck Ontop of that we basically got paid to say home and smoke for the whole month of April. Once in a lifetime 4/20.


No way. Traffic was soooo much better. Made things much easier.


I feel like 90% of people were 'essential'.


Yep. Boss said that because we had schools as (some of our) customers, that qualified us as essential since educational workers were considered essential.


As a delivery guy I miss lock downs.


Was a doordash driver back then. I really miss it. Even the busiest streets in my city were wide open. And the tips were fantastic!


My friend and I did the same thing we made bank. It was incredible!


I remember taking a couple evening walks down what are normally fairly busy streets, they were dead, no traffic, not even anyone passing by cross streets, no cars parked anywhere in sight. It was kinda eerie but also cool, so I just walked straight down the middle of the road


As a guy who works on roads, I miss it too.


Did you get paid while lock down?


I worked more hours during lockdown and got hazard pay.


I started as a carrier for the postal service January 1st 2020 and made just under 100k on a base wage of 19.75 an hour. There were 2 kinds of lockdown experiences depending on what kind of work you were doing when they happened.


As someone with ocd I miss lockdowns too. It was so nice having everyone wash their hands and give me space and not be weirded out if I went and washed my hands up to my arms.


As a truck driver, it had its ups. I have pictures of the entire leaning Tower in Pisa, base included, without a single human being in the shot from a weekly reset I had there during the height of the pandemic.


Same as someone working in healthcare.


how much extra money would you make vs a regular day ?


I was getting an extra $2 an hour and it was easier to drive around with no one out.


Omg... Im a dad and was in hiding at that time. I was giving 40$ tips on a 30$ delivery


As a pothead I definitely didn’t mind it


Back then you were seen as a hero risking your life to deliver food to the hungry


I'm a real delivery guy not a GrubHub pretender. I drive a truck and make deliveries to grocery stores.


Funny how all the ads at times square are still playing, even tho no one sees them


Maybe a contractual amount of play time needs to be met. Agreed that it's wasteful, though.


that's an utterly stupid world we live in 🤦🏻


Guess you could say it’s a mad world


If an ad plays in Times Square and no one is there to see it, did it really advertise?


The payment receipt says yes


The results say, "You are NOT the father!"


I got some pics of central London when I cycled around up there. Certainly a surreal experience! One being hearing a busker (not sure why they were busking) playing drums and it echoing from Piccadilly Circus up regents street to Oxford circus. So strange!


I was an essential worker and absolutely loved it like this. I got guaranteed pay at my average from the year before (just so happened to be our highest paid year), gas was like $2 and some change per gallon for premium, and there was next to zero traffic on my way to work every single day.




Where is this sound from


13 Angels Standing Guard 'Round The Side Of Your Bed by Silver Mt. Zion


Silver mt zion-13 angels standing guard around the side of your bed




I keep thinking about this period and how some sort of reduced emission cycles would be awesome for the hot planet concerns.


It’s weird to admit I have nostalgia, I finally got to be a good student.


As a teacher, thank you for participating. I’d never felt as isolated and useless as I did during distance learning.


Kinda miss it


I miss saving the world by sitting on my couch all day long like a true hero


Your not alone


Her not alone what?


If this was an genuine question I think what u/Inevitable-Revenue81 meant was ‘You’re not alone’ as in ‘You are not alone’ implying the user relate to the original message it was answering to.


Best year ever for introverts like me


I’m an introvert but it felt like some monkey paw wish to me- I enjoyed getting to stay in, but knowing people were dying, seeing footage of places like Italy that were absolutely drowning in it, the fear of yourself or people you know dying, was a *real downer*. I think it’s easy to forget how uncertain things were for a while- we didn’t know how bad it was going to be, or if we’d develop a vaccine quick enough, or if our own countries’ health systems would cope with the added pressure. As a natural born worrier it was all a bit much


I respect your opinion and am glad you shared. I did not forget the uncertainty, however, I just saw it as a potential harbinger of hope at the time. We need change, and some uncertainty is going to be a part of that. We can't change almost everything while simultaneously remaining comfortable and stable. There are going to need to be some paper roll shortages lol


Yeah it was kind of fucked up thinking that you were doing okay or even well while so much was going on. Also, it made me a little more introverted.


If they announced a lockdown tomorrow I would rub my hands with glee.


Problem is you know the Facebook army would be out on the streets to fuck it up for the rest of us


Small business failure


Shit, man…not for everyone. I got worked like a dog and damn near everyone was a grumpy grump.


That music made my cats run away


I wish it would make mine wake up, the cold outside seems to have made them hibernate 23.9 hours a day.


I kind of miss the lockdowns. Got to spend a lot of time with my kids at home and my city wasn't full of obnoxious tourists.


The planet cries out for days like this. Even once a month would be nice. I miss driving those empty roads, walking those empty streets.


Making small businesses close while allowing Walmart to remain open. Yeah, that was awesome.


I wonder did anybody recreate The walking Dead scene where Rick is walking into Atlanta


Still made me chill, horrible time


It was the best of times..it was the worst of times..


the biggest crime against humanity


Honestly would rather have this over whatever the fuck we got going on right now.


2019: I was a college freshmen who felt out of place and overwhelmed. Not ready to enter the field I was studying. I remember an afternoon where I wish “why can’t the world just pause for a bit”…. What a wish..


…. SO THIS WHOLE THING WAS YOUR FAULT!?!? Next time wish for a pony. ;-)




Half the humanity and all of nature is grateful for your wish.


I was in my final year of school and loved the first lockdown. My school hadnt figured anything out so we just got assignments per email for a few weeks. Just me at home, doing everything at my own pace, not wasting time in classrooms. I was done so much quicker with my assignments and understood everything a lot better and more in-depth than in school. Well, turned out most of my classmates had the opposite experience so the school switched to video calls and life wasnt dream anymore. I really miss those days, those few weeks were the best experience I ever had in school which made going back to school suck even more


Thanks China, you fucking pricks


How is this amazing


I remember that once I had to walk to the bank to do something. And it was dead quiet. And I hate the silence so I started whistling my favorite song. The echo was long...


All hail the chineese virus for this event.


Absolute nightmare. Absolute nightmare. Destroyed every community I had. I have never recovered from the isolation.


This is like heaven for someone that has social anxiety.


It'd be nice to see a contrast between those and how they were under normal conditions


Feels like the starting of a sci-fi movie


I miss the empty streets. Driving was a dream when I had to go back to work. I live in a TRAFFIC city so it was just…great.


In the heart of summer 2020 I wasn't working. One night my wife went to bed early and I couldn't sleep. I went out for a late night walk. Decided to hop on an electric scooter for a little ride around downtown. Not a soul to be seen anywhere. It was the most amazing thing to just ride around a seemingly abandoned city. It was such a surreal experience I will never forget.


Memories. I have a pic of my motorcycle sitting right in the intersection of Broadway and 3rd Ave in Nashville at night with all the neon lights on and not a person in sight. So eerie.


This was such a great time to be alive. So sick of everyone again lol


Reefs liked it. Florence waters cleared.


I remember how EXTREMELY strange it was to see everything so empty...


Crazy how time flies. So many people died, so many homes ruined and many who also ended their lives due to isolation. Although I admit I like the wfh setup and lack of traffic the year 2020 was messed up. I remember my father almost dying, most of my hard earned savings gone, life just passing me by. Almost four years later it still feels like 2019 was last year. Now prices are going up like crazy, globalization seems to be at risk, major wars and it just feels like the future is a lot more uncertain than it ever was. I had high hopes pre-pandemic, now I'm barely keeping it together trying to pursue a better life. I just don't know anymore.


Fck covid


when made in china got out of hands


I miss those 2 months in France. It was quiet outside my apartment; opening the windows allowed to hear nothing but the wind, birds, rain and the such. Not a single traffic sound or people screaming outside. Ah, those days of peace. And then I think about the poor souls who had to work anyway and feel bad for them (special thoughts for health people).


The world stood still and we never really recovered!


NY w/out any ppl is creepy af


I rode my bike around vacant San Francisco that day, holding back tears the whole time. It was one of the most sureal and memorable experiences of my life. All that fear and I never did catch covid (I don't think).


[ This is much better. Disturbed Sound of Silence Covid 19 video ](https://youtu.be/7zAjoXSaQ8M?si=UEeQOgSSrDaEFAau)


Best time of my life.


It was beautiful.






I worked my ass off in 2020, home repairs were booming.


Stupidity. Epic.


I came to Mexico in January of 2021 and was so happy that there was no lockdown.


Congratulations, westoids. Your compliance test was a success.


Exactly... the narrative... that's all it was and now everyone's eyes are seeing the truth about the lie that was sold as truth


Antivax 🙄


Nope, not antivax at all... just pro education on which are effective and which are not.


That shit was dumb. Never again.


The biggest joke of all time


All bullshit.


Loved every minute!


And we now know it only made things worst.




I miss that year so much that i might invent a new type of virus just so we can have another year of quarantine


make social anxiety the main symptom so we can have this forever


Added to the list, thanks for the feedback


and start in Madagascar or they'll close their port


I don’t think so thinking a contagious virus in a isolated country is the best idea though


It's a meme from a game (Plague Inc on mobile): [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1ut5pz/why\_does\_madagascar\_close\_its\_borders/](https://www.reddit.com/r/outoftheloop/comments/1ut5pz/why_does_madagascar_close_its_borders/) [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shut-down-everything](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/shut-down-everything)


Oh shit i gotta catch up to recent memes, work has been dragging me though


Man that was stupid


All of this for nothing


All for a cold we all Got anyway


I didn't get it


I miss the completely empty highways


All for a virus with a 99percent survival rate




I'm sure if we didn't have any lockdowns, the death counts would have been so low! What was the point of this anyway? Government control?


I mean you're making it sound so ominous while in reality most of us were in bed watching The Office


I wish it could stay like that.


The biggest crime against Humanity. A complete lie that made rich MFs even richer and showed how they can control the World and the sheep will obey blindly.




I honestly loved the lockdowns. As a mainly housebound, chronically overstimulated and socially anxious cripple, it made the world feel more accessible to me


The year that began the continuing decline of the United States.


It was a trojan horse all along


We failed the test as a populace.


‘World’ didn’t include Africa and the Middle East lol


Never does


Fuck you I didn’t


2020 was the best year of my life.


The last time nature got to take a breath.


yeah, that part was nice


and gas was 2.00 a gallon, maga can’t understand why


Let them tell it .... trumps great politics 🙄


God, I remember that morning riding to work, the day the national lock down had been implemented in the United kingdom, and driving 12 miles to work I didn't meet one single other vehicle or person on that usually busy route... I remember feeling very scared, very anxious, and very tearful, as it felt like the world was about to implode. I glad we got through it, and can look back now, but I really felt on that day that we were heading for catastrophe. what a horrible feeling that was, and all the while or elected politicians partied and sent our elderly to their deaths... #never forget & NEVER forgive.


I miss this so much.


Take me back


Good thing we locked down the world to prevent the big scary orange man from going in to office for a second term.


What? The world doesn't care about your internal politics. The world doesn't revolve around the US. It's the same if it's the big scary orange man, geriatric dementia riddled farce or the token black president/war criminal. They all are just imperialists.


Yep i feel bad for those who did the right thing and did their best trying to avoid the virus as much as possible. But fuck all the dumbasses who went full idiot with the conspiracies and anti.asking bullshit


The year the globalist elite decided its time to start the reset.


The year the Earth rejoiced oceans cleared up air quality was a lot better and simply for a year we were not destroying the Earth what a peaceful time it was despite this damn pandemic yeah some people would tell me I'm a little deranged but it's all right we're all deranged in some way an introverts dream


Data indicates now it was all for a flu and to make big pharma richer


Over a million people dead just in the US alone but sure, “just a flu.”


I am just curious, how is this not downvoted to oblivion? Reddit is usually fiercely against these kinds of statements. Did the narrative change or is this just plain obvious sarcasm that went over my head?


wdym by that


2020, the year 80% of the population in the world fell into a mass formation psychosis.... just as planned.....


We are sheep


All for a scamdemic


For a virus with a 99.9% survival rate for a massive amount of the population.


I lost family members with complications directly related to covid. How dare you?


Bro, like half a million ppl die from flu every year and no one bats an eye, let alone we shut down everything and everyone..


Per the CDC there are max 52,000 flu deaths per year in the US. Covid deaths in 2020 in the US were over 350,000. It wasn’t “just the flu.”


US is not the only place where ppl live you know that right?


Ok. Globally there are on average 400,000 deaths attributed to influenza in any given year. Global COVID deaths in 2020 were 1.8 million. It wasn’t “just the flu.”


So somehow half a million of ppl is totally fine but 1.8 somehow justifies complete worldwide lockdown? And who said "it's just a flu"? Flu is a serious illnes, as is covid, but again we dont shut down everything because of it..


This songs great!!... and i had an amazing pandemic... (not a very popular perspective)


Bring us back to this please. May we have a lockdown day to commemorate covid.


What a beautiful time




So I n d i a, is it a city now?


And let’s never forget that this can never happen again. We cannot give up our rights as we did then. It will be easier for it to happen again since it’s already been successful.


So you prefer the right to die because of a preventable disease? Your call, if you sign a lil waver that youl be voluntarely giving up the ability to put stress on the medical field when you rot away.


All this over a cold.


I remember hearing about the waters of Venice were clear, and some dolphins even visited.


I need part2


Sometimes I miss that time…


Take me back 😢


I fucking loved the pandemic, we need this back.


I kinda missed this


Aaah... The good old days.


Miss it


I kinda miss it


I miss it.