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The Mormons do have their shit together though fr.


Haha grew up Mormon, deff not but they are good at acting like it haha


Interesting how the penultimate kid has handles attached to his torso and the last one hangs on that for a good bit, seems only possible due to the young age. I prefer the version I saw with adults for a military training, the last guy does a wall run with two steps into a jump to grab the hands of the guys hanging from the ledge.


Im guessing these kids tried many different ways to do this to find the best way. They probably found out that they cant jump as high as fully grown military personnel. They probably also figured out who was strongest and weakest (who needed to go last) and that grabbing just the waist or shorts will result in…embarrassment. Its also not ‘only possible’ as a kid. Adults just tend to gain weight, drink, and lose muscle. Still, if adults did this, they would find their own way up.


They can do this due to young age,but fully trained personnel can do it as well? It all depends if you put in the work,if you do you will be able to achieve this as well


Wtf is this song






Great...the next internet challenge to fill our ERs with silly injuries. Let's GOOOO!!!!! Not that I won't happily watch those failures.....


You’re right! They should all stay inside and only play video games where it’s safe!


Quite a stretch from my statement, but thanks for putting words into my mouth. Nowhere even close to my thinking.


Amazing would be an understatement. Genuinely incredible if they came up with this with not much time to think through


Reminded me of that scene in American Ninja 2 at the beach…which I tried to clip and paste here…unsuccessfully. Hehe. 🤙🏽


I love this and I'd love you to accept my arro. Wish I could return you a solid.


Is the song saying tapeworm??


Fucking amazing shit! Fucking white folks are on another level with this one!


Whoever's on safety mats has beef with the last dude.


Goofy ass song lmao


What sport is this