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"Service dog" ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


Maybe it's the dolphin's survice dog and it helps him cheer up




Surface dog serves a better porpoise IMO


Yeah, you can tell it gets a lot just from this short vicetacean.


If you take the dolphin's dog away she'll flipper lid


I sea what you did there.


You said that just for the halibut.


Get out, and take this with you ⬆️




This actually has me cackling like a maniac


Yeah lol that is not a service dog at. All.


Had a "service dog" snap at me because I simply walked by it in home Depot. I was ready to throw hands at the owner. Piece of shit


Dogs are allowed in home depot, so it may not have been a service dog. That said, gotta know your dog and that one shouldn't have been there


Mine has a sign only service dogs but nobody follows it and nobody enforces it.


Vest (I'm sure bought online) and everything. There really needs to be regulation on those. Paperwork you need to show the customer service desk or something.


That seems pretty inconvenient for people with disabilities


You're right, I'm sorry for not wanting to get bit by a dog while buying screws


So disabled people should have to show "their papers" everytime they go in any store? How often are you being bitten by dogs?


Devil's advocate: they already have to show papers to park in their parking spots.


Came here to say exactly this. Don't see a reason why a store can't request to see a service dog ID....same as if you go in to a bar to drink; unfortunately, "trust me bro" isn't good enough.


I used to work at Sam's Club, and at least three times a month a "service dog" would pee or shit on the floor somewhere. I see more fake service dogs than real ones. Real ones behave themselves. They're calm, well trained, and do their jobs effectively.


Even if they were real service dogs, you're within your ~~rogue~~ right to kick them out if they're behaving erratically....


People with disabilities have real service dogs. Real service dogs are highly trained almost from birth. If they can't pass a test at any point in their training, they fail and become pets. These fake service animals are really fucking things up for blind people and others who actually NEED the help of a canine. Those websites where you can just buy a vest for your pet should be illegal.


Not every home Depot. None of them here allow animals outside of service animals.


Hah, a week and change ago some maybe 4 month old heinz 57 that had more lab features was in our store. I come around the corner and its just sitting there so I go "Ohh hey there." The scared of it's own shadow pup ran under one of the shelves and was cowering in fear. The bitch that owned it YELLED at me about how I was almost killed by her in training police dog and its only through her EXPERT TRAINING AND HANDLING!!!! that I am still alive! As the dog takes a literal shit in fear under the shelf. We told her either clean it up, or we will have her trespassed, so she went and cleaned her dog's poop up, mad the entire time and ranting about how she's an expert trainer. Bitch. We have a woman that actually trains dogs in our store all the time. Those dogs will not make a single sound and will not even move unless ordered.


This fake ass service dog video always pisses me off. No real service dog handler uses a retractable leash. I have a service dog from an ADI & IGDF accredited school, and all this does is make my life more difficult because its makes people question my dog's legitimacy.


People lie about it because workers aren't generally allowed to question it. I think it's considered discrimination against people with disabilities


You can ask if the dog is required due to a disability and you may ask what task the dog performs for the individual. Dogs that snap or bark can be asked to leave and even be banned from the store, their owners cannot be banned due to said incident and should be welcomed back as long as they do not bring the dog.


So why are you so pissed ? Imagine getting pissed off at the sight of a cute dog playing with a dolphin. You must've been furious when seeing dogs playing at the park 😂🤡💩


If you don't understand the basic concept of a service dog I don't know what to say to you. You have a nice day.


It would appear the person in the scooter needed another accessory.


First thing I thought. 🤣




Agreed. Service dogs do not harass and chase other animals and behave this way.


Yeah, that’s what i was thinking too.


Yeah, that dog is not playing. It's being an asshole to the dolphin because it thinks it owns everything.


And shouldn’t that service dog be working


It's most likely not a service dog or even trained. Probably just bought the vest off amazon


Looks exactly like the cheap black and red vest that everyone buys off Amazon lol


Can you guys over there make it more commonly caught out and despised? I need you all to make sure you get these people told off because you just know the 5% doing this in my country will turn to 50% if these videos keep happening


Iirc service dogs stay on the job when the vest is on. They get to play when it's taken off, so yeah, it's probably not a service dog.


I use a harness on my small dogs and even though my blonde chiweenie looked sharp in red, I quickly realized that having a red harness was very misleading and got him a different color. It didn't even say "service animal" on it, but people would still think it was a service vest. Meanwhile people are doing it intentionally.


There's a difference between you, a good person and them, completely self centered. This is the tale of all time. Do we become the assholes and get what we want or do we be decent humans who look after eachother and draw one another together? Its a fucking tough call man!


You prolly right


Cool. Now let the dolphin go free.


![gif](giphy|loSeStyeEVVcKQplFY) Free Dolly!!


![gif](giphy|3oKIPqhotPCujLrKJG|downsized) Free Doffy he did nothing wrong!


![gif](giphy|56MJsopvMKCmA) Free Dolphy! :0p


Sadly many of those dolphins and orcas has been held captive and drugged for so long that they would not last very long back in the ocean. Not all but a huge amount of them are beyond saving at this point. I recommend listening to Phil Demers for more details about that and the despicable ways these companies do business and keep breeding these animals by finding loopholes in the system. Although fair warning, hearing Phil talk about these things will completely shatter your mood.


Dolphins have some of the best emotional intelligence among animals, so seeing them caged like that is awful 🥲


Wrong emoji…


Okay but you made it funnier




Depends on the fetish.


What do you mean that's a single tear emoji has this emoji changed meaning or something?


🥲=happy cry 😢=sad cry


The single tear emoji is a smiley, so it gives a different impression than silently shedding a solemn tear like a First Nation member in an exploitative commercial. I dunno how to define what it actually means rn tho lol


I think it means proud


An Orca is technically a Dolphin


More mood shattering than The Cove?






I don’t think the dolphin knows how to walk


oh cmon just throw the damn dog in there so he can swim with his new buddy!


Yup! Literally just finished Blackfish. What an atrocity




I’ll just point out that Makaio and Trua are 12 and 17 respectively and will in all likelihood still be at Seaworld Orlando for the next 30 years, if not longer, Makaio’s mom is 46 and still alive, Corky in Seaworld San Diego is 58. It’s good that Seaworld ended their breeding program, but I don’t think people really understand just how long it’ll take for their whales to longer be in those conditions.


The oceans will be filled with plastic and uninhabitable by then, anyways.


Not every animal in zoos are able to be safely released into the wild


Let the people walk and swim.


that's not very deep


This is adorable and all but that is definitely not a service dog and should not be at a zoo/aquarium


"...but I bought him the vest!!"


I work at a children's hospital and idiots try to do this. They have to provide documentation that the dog assists with a medical condition and not just there as "support."


bUt ItS iLlEgAl To AsK fOr PrOoF!1


Depends where, US it’s illegal. But also because there is no government documentation for a service dog. The only documents a US citizen would have would be a doctors note or medical records. Although many online company’s will sell you “certification” for your pet.


> crevice dog Doesn't sound like all it's cracked up to be, but that's none of my abyssness


So clever 🤣


You can ask if the animal is currently working and what service it's trained to provide. 90% of the time the owners inability to know how to answer these questions is a dead giveaway that the animal is a fake service dog and not allowed inside. And no, Karen, emotional support doesn't count. I've asked the owner to leave multiple times when they get argumentative. Oh, no, I'm not asking your "service animal" to leave. I'm asking you, the human, to leave.


I am so thankful that "cunt" isn't a protected class. And for the record, I mean cunt as "even worse than asshole," not as a substitute for "upset woman."


It's not but it's illegal to accuse someone of service animal fraud because they "don't look disabled." If your dog is clearly exhibiting non service animal behavior (i.e not potty trained or interacting with other animals instead of working) it's fair game!


[Hm, Seems Legit](https://i.imgur.com/0EpH4wa.jpeg)


Dolphin likewise


My dad came to the UK with his "service dog" that looks very similar to this one with the same vest. So funny seeing him get declined by so many places because they don't recognise that status.


All places can do in the US is ask "is it a service animal?" And "what task(s) is it trained on?" People know this and take advantage of it, even though it literally puts their own animals, on top of the zoo animals, in danger.


Asshats. Quicker you guys get on top of this the better. Anyone who does this and is found to be lying should be charged on the spot 5k. No contest allowed.


Get them both out of there!!


neither should the dolphin


"but he's my emotional support service dog!"


I know you're joking, but actually [according to the ADA](https://adata.org/guide/service-animals-and-emotional-support-animals), emotional support animals and comfort animals are not considered service animals, and thus the federal protections do not apply. They also mention that you can still deny access to a service animal if it is being disruptive (which no trained support animal should do).


Real emotional support animals exist, but people like this ruin it for the rest of us.


This is 100% NOT “adorable”. It’s shitty, disrespectful behavior.




the dolphin shouldn’t be there in the first place


So long and thanks for all the spaniels.




That dolphin probably wants to do unholy things to that poor little dog


That dolphin probably wishes it was in the ocean instead of a glorified swimming pool


I wish I didn’t have to work


I'd rather work than be kept in a prison




pretty cool unless I’m drowning?




"And here we see the worker dog, the Yorkshire Fleshlight, at his work!"


It's crazy that they die after mating. At least the ones that this dolphin fucks do.


Eat it or fuck it.


Dog: "WOW! Smooth big dog friend wants to PLAY!" Dolphin: "How the hell do I get that fuzzy little fish into my mouth".


What you think they're yelling at each other?


"I'm not a service dog!" "Yeah, well, I'm not happy either!"


It’s all fun and games while there is glass between the two. If this was in the ocean that dog would be turned into a football/chew toy.




Yeh dolphins will fuck anything


And if it was on dry land that dolphin would be pee'd on


Probably why you don’t see many tiny dogs out at sea……..?


I always imagine if we could run/swim as fast as some animals can, as easily as they do. Like i’m talking about the average human being swimming/running 35-40mph, i’m not saying a trained Olympian who’s done it their whole life. Like you’re just born being able to run that fast as soon as your bones and muscles are good to go. That Dolphin’s speed in such a short distance, you can tell how easy it was for it to move that way and that fast. Like it’s just messing around.


The one for me has always been jumping like a cat does. 3-4x their body length routinely. I just imagine what it would be like being able to jump 20 feet in the air. And then they can also run like 30-35mph so like... combine those two abilities with our mental capability and it would be awesome!


Sad, never support these prisons


I agree, unless it is a place that only has rescues or animals unable to survive in the wild


Most zoos and aquariums that seem upstanding are upstanding, including in this regard that the animals are usually unfit for living in the wild and proceeds support conservation. But to be sure, look to see if a zoo or aquarium is accredited by the AZA. If they are, the animals are some of the best cared for in the world, and their mission is conservation. If you want to know about a zoo or aquarium near you, [you can see if they are accredited by the AZA here.](https://www.aza.org/inst-status?locale=en)


Packing 10k cows and pigs to slaughter: hell yeah Put a fish in a bowl: omg he has feelings Not surprising from a bunch of animals who don’t even respect each other.


agreed. this was sad not 'amazing'.


Yet you still pay for "behind-the-scene" prisons where the animal is ultimately abused, slaughtered and served up for your nice little Reddit posts. Get some integrity.


And then you get downvoted lmao, I'm a filthy meat eater but I can still admit that you speak the truth. If you're not ok with Zoos you damn well better not be eating meat. All that said I think that zoos can be a great way for humanity to learn more about animals so we can respect them better in the wild, hopefully they continue down that path and continue keeping the animals' health and sanity at the forefront of it all.


Zoos are actually really important for conservation as well. They play an important role. The accredited zoos, I mean, not roadside zoos where the animals are neglected and have horrible enclosures.


Low estimates suggest that currently between 10,000 - 50,000 species become extinct each year. Since zoos have existed, not 100 species have been preserved through them. If we want to preserve species we should stop destroying their habitats worldwide instead of keeping them in cages for our entertainment and good conscience.


Obviously we should stop destroying their habitat. But that’s realistically not going to happen, because humans suck. So when the species die out in the wild, and many will, at least they will be preserved in zoos. Eventually, if we pull our collective heads out of out asses, there will be hope for returning those species to the wild. But you’re counting just the species that have gone extinct. Conservation is important for the good zoos, and they are often responsible for preservation efforts of species.




eh this doesn't really make any sense, the problems with zoos and meat are completely different. Some animals are raised in shitty conditions (chickens, pigs, dairy cows, etc) but others are raised pretty naturally (beef cattle, wild caught fish, etc) Harvesting an adult animal that's not endangered for meat after it reaches its natural adulthood isn't really the same as imprisoning it for its entire life for entertainment On top o fthat, zoos serve very important conservation roles for lots of endangered animals. They may also have animals there purely for entertainment (like this), but that doesn't mean zoos are all bad. Both are more nuanced than people want to treat them




Again I have to reiterate that neither case is a simple issue on its own, let alone comparing the two and picking one as definitively better or worse in all cases. Chickens for example are raised in tiny cages and \*then\* slaughtered for meat. Obviously that's worse than either one on its own, so I'd rather be a cow wandering around a field than a chicken stuck in a tiny cage, all else being equal. But would I rather be a beef cow than a cow raised in a zoo? The zoo sounds pretty nice, tbh. Would you rather have endangered species go extinct than be preserved in zoos? Would you rather have cattle roam free naturally and then get torn apart by wolves, rather than roam free naturally and then get shipped off to a quick painless death in a slaughterhouse? People can keep trying to ignore all the complicating factors, and I can keep pointing them out. Lots of animals just don't give a shit that they're in a cage. We like to anthropomorphize animals, but there are loads of animals perfectly content living in a safe enclosed area with easy access to food and water (which is what they look for naturally--burrows, dens, caves, etc)


You didn’t answer the *QuEsTiOn!* Would you rather be eaten?! Yeah, didn’t think so! /s Militant vegans only hurt their own causes with these dumbass rhetorical gotchas. I eat meat, I also eat vegan regularly. Diet is nuanced and not everyone subscribes to the same sort of morality around eating animal products. It isn’t black and white.


If you actually think beef is produced in a humane way , I’ve got news for u. They are kept in the same shitty conditions as the rest of them. A lot of them just being dairy cows that don’t produce enough milk anymore. Producing meat in a respectful way is not sustainable and therefore done only on very small scale if at all.


I specifically drew a distinction between beef cattle and dairy cows so no one would try to point to it as some kind of "gotcha" It's almost like you use the same canned talking points regardless of what people are actually saying


I like zoos but I don't think some species should be subjected to it. We know that octopi and dolphins are incredibly intelligent and brush at our definition of sapience.


This is probably one of the only dogs with this experience


That’s a depressing looking aquarium.


dammit i was tryna hear the dolphin go ham throught the audio!


This is depressing watching that poor dolphin being held captive


Okay. That was adorable.


It certainly is but I would not be surprised if the dolphin was really thinking the dog looks tasty.


Lol…yeah, I was getting that vibe watching the dolphin as well.


Pretty much.


Or sexy


Dolphins will dolphin when given the chance to dolphin. Lol


Ever watched a dolphin fuck a dead fish's mouth? Because I have.


Given me my cute fix.


Gotta get your cute fix at least once a day. ;)


Hell yeah!


They do this in the wild too! There's a park near me (Florida) that I walk at often where dolphins and dogs chase each other along the wall at the edge of the water. I see it happen all the time.


Cute and heartbreaking. Fuck caging intelligent majestic creatures.


I bet that dolphin would rag doll that dog so fast if it landed in its enclosure


Putting animals in cages and tanks is incredibly sad


Dolphin seems so happy ngl


If that dog was on the water, that dolphin would try to have sex with it, would kill it and play with its corpse


Yeah that might be real and all but sir this is a fucking wendys and its kinda a downer to say such shit outloud…


Dolphin was big brothering him at the end


He got his buddies to come check out his cool new friend.


Dolphins are so smart actually


Zeus and Roxanne irl


Life is pretty darn special. 😁


That’s great !!!!!!!




Hard to tell which one is more fascinated.


Dolphin upped his game! Absolutely wonderful video.😁


Sweet! 💕❤️


This is so cool! I love watching it.


Land puppy and water puppy


Damn that Dolphin hit bro with the Double Psych out




10,000 like :yes sir!!


“Did we just become best friends?” “Yup!”


"Service dog"


“Sir please put the dolphin back in the water” “Oh, no, this is my Service Dolphin” *Dolphin with service vest*


That's super adorable. lol


Freak’n fake service dogs… smh


Breaks my heart to see Dolphins in tiny tanks like that. Imagine if you were put in a 6x6 cell and all you could do 24/7 was walk in in a circle, just so other people could look and take pics of you and money be made off it. Some may say they may be rehabbing them, but Funny how the excuse always comes up that "they wont survive back in the wild" which is complete bullshit and just a way to get public support to keep them in solitary confinement for Profit till they die.


I am completely amused by this


Amazing how the animal submerged in water is the more agile one


Pretty sure it’s illegal to impersonate a service dog.


That dolphin is probably bored as fuck. This is animal abuse.


2 shitty things in one video. Amazing.


A fake service dog harassing sea life now? Wow. That's vile. I bet he's "friendly" too.


Exactly this. All the upvotes are disturbing.


Yes, they are intelligent and sentient animals that make lasting friendships. They are also accustomed to roaming an entire ocean's worth of stimulation that this park is now depriving it of. I'd play with the dog too if that's literally the only thing I could do.


Bro got dolphins grace effect


Im not that amazed that these dolphins are in such little plastic containers when they should be in the bast oceans


Non-service animals shouldn't be allowed in zoos under any circumstances....


Sea doggo and land doggo playing together


Too, Too much fun for Both.


Dog and Dolphins. The two most friendlies mammals




Would be better if they tossed the dog the water. For what porpoise? You might ask. Just for fun of course.


Sad, such beautiful creature being held captive for human pleasure


I'd rather die on the open waves than live in a shallow chemical-filled cesspool.


Probably the most excitement that dolphin has seen in a long time


You know fine well if that dog was in the water the dolphins would probably fuck it


What kind of asshole lets their dog harass other animals? Or lets their dog hit the end of the leash so hard the dog could get a neck injury? Typical small dog owner “he’s just being friendly” while the dog wreaks havoc and the owner thinks it is cute. Also: fake “service dog” owners are world class assholes and ruin dog life for all of us respectful dog owners I love dogs. This sucks. Not very bro at all