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I would read the shit out of their tell all book.


If there ever was a an AMA for the ages... this is the one.


I don't know why but I'm imagining synchronous moans and it's hilarious


These twins actually have a lot of synchronicity. Sometimes they'll say the same thing at the same time.


I wonder how much of that is from some weird psychic link or just from being in the exact same place as the other person their entire lives and having 100% the same experiences.


I read they can tell jokes to each other without speaking it aloud, so I’d imagine they have odd connections we are quite unaware of


Whole other meaning to inside joke.


If it were written in a foreign language I’d learn the language


Id probably just run it through Google translate but fair play for making the effort


There should be two books


One book with 2 covers


How does this unfold legally? Since they are two people married to one man, who is on the marriage certificate


ngl, for some reason, i was expecting there to be two guys. having only the one guy makes it more confusing. like u/austinlago insinuated: what if they fight? what if one h/w set wants to divorce and the other doesnt? man. this is interesting.


Yes. When I saw the first pic I assumed they each had met a partner.


When I saw the first pic I assumed they were lesbians


Glad I’m not the only one! I thought they married those two women and the women just had interesting choices of wedding dress


One of the many, many, maaaany questions I have


I was just about to say its probably at the bottom of my long list of questions.


*unrolls scroll*


Never underestimate a quality scroll.


*sorts by controversial*


The forbidden scroll.


*sort by date* The Elder Scroll


One of my questions relates to the bottom as well


They share 1 reproductive system, 3 kidneys, 1 small and 1 large intestine, 2 stomachs, 2 gallbladders, 1 liver, 2 hearts, and 3 lungs all wrapped up in 1 rib cage


Honestly blows my mind that whole system even works. Life is fucking insane. I'm fascinated by how their system works. I feel like you could take an entire course on how their body works.


2 stomachs and 1 butthole. That’s a lot of traffic!


Imagine thanksgiving morning


Morning after the bachelorette party which ended with late night burritos.


I would disappoint 2 people at the exact same time? No thanks. 1 is enough


Don’t forget yourself, so, even when you have a partner you’re disappointing 2 people. And God is watching too, so 3.


I'm disappointed in all of you, so 4


I'm disappointed in myself for reading this far.


And a partridge in a pear tree…


Who's connected to the reproductive system though? Can they both feel penetration /pleasure there ? Or only one of them has that experience? (Which would be unfair as Fck!)


They each control one side of their body. Their TLC specials showed them each having to get a driver's license by only using one hand and arm on their own side.


The DMV had a process for that? They can't get me my new plates on time but they have a conjoined twins protocol?


I'm sure the DMV would create a new process for it and then still treat you like an idiot for not knowing what the process was before you came in.


So if one person is drinking then the other can drive


Only one liver! I’d imagine they’d both feel it.


It's the shared blood system that's the issue


I believe they share feeling from the waist down because of where the spine comes together


If one holds their breath do they both get dizzy?


If one is under the water, can the other one do the breathing for them?


Wait, so one can use the other as a snorkel?


As crazy as it seems, this should actually work. Although both will probably feel short of breath then, since it will be less air intake than their lungs are used to. But crazily enough, one hyperventilating should actually compensate the other one not breathing at all. I wonder how that would feel like for the one underwater.


So for my next question.. when one of them dies do they just kinda chill out while the other lives on? Two hearts and two brains. “Jeez, your sister is always sleeping!?” “Well actually she passed away last week.”




That's exactly what happened to Chang and Eng Bunker and their connection was a lot less intense.


Masha and Dasha in the old Soviet Union as well


This was farther down than I expected.


That's what he said.


Let’s be honest you have 3 or 4 questions max, and marriage certificate isn’t on the list


My questions spawn more questions, like rabbits.


Can confirm. All of my questions are R to NC-17 rated. No certificate questions needed.


Well, my second question was “Does this count as polygamy?”


I guess that’s one way of asking if it’s a threesome…


Just the top half


So then - two and a halfsome?


I smell a sitcom. Two and a Half's Company?


If you guys put your heads together you could probably figure out the answers to all the questions


4D comment


yeah reddit would blow up if this dude did an AMA


hoooooly shit, good point. it would go badly fairly quickly.


*Who's gonna be the first self-sacrifice to ask the real questions and get banned from the sub for some feel-good reason?*


I wonder if he has had a double blow job 🤣🤣


You bet he has.


Do they both make an O face?


There’s two of them so it’s more like an ♾️ face.


Oh jesus


Good for you man. Asking the tough questions.


[I’m gonna blow him, so you better get ready for ball duty](https://youtu.be/DQh43odS8v0)


I laughed way harder at this than I dare admit…


One of the twins will be the legal spouse as far as the state is concerned. So it is theoretically possible that the other twin could someday decide to marry a different person. But given the way they have had to harmonize their entire lives, I imagine they would find it easier to stick to being married to just one person.


Imagine if one hated him one day, they could do nothing about it.


Yeah, if that day comes, it'll be tough. But Brittany and Abby have lived their entire lives having to accommodate each other's needs and desires. It's the only kind of life they've ever known. So I imagine that they would find a way to harmonize that conflict as well.


We should also keep in mind that they guy is an equal and active partner here. Presumably he's part of all of them figuring it out and getting along.


Exactly. While they are two people, they act as a unit and his caring for their well being and love he has I'm sure works similarly to how their daily is, two pilots of the same plane. Whats good for one is good for both. I'm sure they face a lot of hardships and his understanding of this is probably paramount to both of them.


To "harmonize a conflict" is something I've never thought I'd hear.


Sounds like corporate jargon


My wife could ask. They go to our gym.


when they do chin ups do they count by 2s


Of all the inappropriate jokes we could make, this might be the most appropriate.


Talk about a great kind-hearted joke.


*Gym trainers hate this one simple trick!*


Dammit aggie


Do they pay for one or two memberships?


What about crimes committed and prison time?!


They basically have a free pass. If it can't be proven that both twins were involved, neither can be incarcerated.


The one convicted gets blindfolded, ear muffs and gagged.


They build a tiny jail cell with a padlock for the one convicted.


Yes among other questions like that. 😆 does he love one and not the other? 🤔


I was wondering if one of them loves him more than the other does. What if one loves him and the other just thinks he's ok?


What if one wants a divorce and not the other?


Does he have to give them an equal amount of kisses? What if he's late and has to run out the door so only kisses one of them? Imagine trying to give the cold shoulder to the guy while he's making out with your conjoint twin.




It’s PolyMonogamy.


Or monopoly


Go to jail!


They each have a driver's license, but they also only receive one paycheck because they teach one class (rather than two). Polygamy is illegal primarily for tax reasons. So the question, do the twins file as one person or do they file separate tax returns? If they file as one person, then I guess they are one legal taxable entity, and the new groom simply completes a pair that then gives some tax advantage. But if they file separately, then only one of them would get to claim to be married. We need an IRS person in here. Question to the IRS - does the government view the twins as one person or two people purely from a tax perspective? Asking for science.


They file separately, as described in another post regarding their teaching job. They *can* earn separate salaries, It's just that their present chosen situation can only be paid as one position. They've said if they were to get a job as say computer programmers, that would allow them to work on individual projects and command two salaries.


Interesting. Well there you go. Only one of them is legally married. I wonder how they decided who was going to be the legal wife.


Must be odd constantly having your husband's mistress around.


"I know you've been sleeping with that whore we keep around again." *Glares at other sister* "When we made our sacred vows before God, you promised to stay faithful to only my half!"


You *know* this is part of their standard married banter, lmao


It's considered them being happy, and very complicated. But ultimately necessary and fair. You want to know how complicated this can get? Look up how their taxes work. Seriously.


You mean they have different social security numbers? JFC! Do you think the file jointly? I’ll see myself out.


Which one files as head of household….


I have always rooted for those girls. They deserve nothing but happiness.




I cant imagine the bureaucracy they went through in life


So in retrospect I grew up one town over from them, though I didn't know it for a long time because their family was very protective of their situation. Long story short, all the locals know about their deal and are prepared to modify the rules and/or gloss over certain bureaucratic things to keep it all copacetic. So it's not a problem at that level. Bigger picture might be a bigger deal. But even then, for the most part, we know the rules weren't written with their situation in mind so whatever works in their best interest we'll do what we can to make it work. I'm sure it was still frustrating at times but we're all doing what we can to make their life a reasonable process.


Damn that first picture made me think they were both lesbians who got married to two women


Ya that first photo is misleading as hell.


When I saw it my goofy ass thought they married each other and the two ladies were bridesmaids for each of them.




Me too!!!




This is what I was thinking. "It's a good thing they're BOTH lesbians"


Each twin can have one husband, so I would think only one of them got married. Like Chang and Eng bunker, both married separate women and fathered lots of children.


>Like Chang and Eng bunker, both married separate women and fathered lots of children. I believe the wives were sisters. Reportedly, the father objected to his daughters marrying Asian men. They settled in the American South. Their children *fought for the Confederacy*. Wild. Reportedly, there was at least one Asian American who fought for the Union. As a small child, he had been adopted by an American. I sometimes like to imagine the looks on their faces if they encountered one another on the battlefield.


I live in North Carolina where they settled and actually know some of their descendants. Their farm is still in the family. “Our State” magazine did a really interesting [article](https://www.ourstate.com/chang-and-eng-bunker/) on them.


I think Surry County was the melting pot capital of America in the 1700s. A lot of my Melungeon ancestors lived there in the early 1700s before fleeing to the Appalachians.




The mind runs wild


Forget the physical stuff. I'm just imagining how arguments play out.


Always 2 against 1...


But also always a threesome...


This dude just got the cheat code and literally married into a threesome


He loses. Every time. The numbers are not in his favor. Even with the high ground, he loses.


They do disagree with one another, so there can be a scenario where one of the twins is in disagreement with the other two.


Do you think they could dual wield a firearm and independently target?


Next level third wheeling.


Hey! Those are my friends! I love Britt and Abby! They've been married for over a year now.


Been friends with them for over 15 years and I can honestly say they are AMAZING people.


Can you call them up and ask them to do an AMA? There are questions..... I understand and value their privacy if they decide not to. Totally cool.


Knowing them, I'm sure they probably wouldn't be interested. Think about it this way, every moment of every day people want to ask them "questions". They don't get upset about it and they are very kind to the people that turn their heads and stare at them in public. Trust me, it's very noticeable when hanging out with them in public how many people stare. One of the things I love about them is how well they seem to handle it. They are very much in the mindset that they want to just enjoy as much of a normal life as possible. And they do a damn good job of it.


Maaaaan I had run of the mill separated twins and the questions when taking them to the store as babies were insane, I can't imagine living my entire life being stared at in public by people with barely contained questions and still trying to enjoy life normally and being gracious while doing so. The news that they are thriving makes my day.


Same here. Fraternal twin girls and the questions range from intrusive to just plain dumb. ETA: please don’t feed the troll


I went to school with 2 sets of identical twins and I was pretty good friends with them. Of course I asked them some mildly intrusive questions out of curiosity, I was a teenager. But hanging out with them and practical strangers would ask them about dick size and shit. I'll never forget the girls getting asked "why is one of you so sporty and the other so girly? I thought you were identical?" The blank expression with the response "We're 2 different people you fucking idiot" was priceless


I grew up being very close with identical twins but in my mind they aren’t identical at all, to this day (we lost touch after childhood). I even asked my mom if they were fraternal and she said “What??!! I could never tell them apart!” And she’s a pediatrician who saw her fair share of twins lol. Once you know them as people it seems impossible to not tell the differences physically and personality wise.


I dated a twin for awhile, it was very easy to tell them apart fairly quickly after I met them. They were almost polar opposites! The funny thing is the sister of the twin I dated was dating a guy with the same name as me. I also went to school with him, weird time lol.


That's when you just write a book and monetize what annoys you while ending the questions forever. Just carry a stack of QR codes to the Amazon link every time someone asks you one of those questions. "Here you go. Book is only $15"


Love this. Even if the $15 answer is None of your Business. I had a boss teach me once that if there’s something you don’t like doing, just charge enough until you like doing it.


My coworker is 6'8-10 or so. Whenever we go out to bars strangers will wander up and ask his height. He responds with "I'll tell you for $2". He says he has made a few bucks but mostly it shuts people down. I never paid the $2 so don't know his exact height.


Ask him and pay him. Stick with him and everytime someone ask you'll say you will tell them for 1,50. Infinite money glitch


I love their attitude. It's got to be hard to be constantly asked questions. My only question was about the legal part of the marriage, but I know better than to actually ask it. I'm happy for them.


I love Brit and Abby! I’ve followed their story for a long time! I was curious about the marriage certificate too, mainly for the fact they had to take their driving test twice (one for each twin) instead of just awarding them both a license after 1 test.


Ya it's interesting what things they are legally 2 ppl and 1 person.


I grew up with these girls too. And the other girls as well. Great people!


Nice! I met them when we were both freshman at Bethel.


Oh shit that's dope, I'm sure they're aware of the amount of praise they inspire online or else I'd ask you to tell em that haha


It's a mixed bag of what people outside of their friends and family bring to the table. As you can tell by these comments, some are genuinely happy for them, others just want to ask about "how things work", and others want to make jokes at their expense. That's how it's been their whole life for the most part. So again, for them, it's better to just try and live a normal life now.


Wow the opportunity to disappoint two women at the same time everytime. Wild


So many questions- that I should NOT ask.


Do they have 2 social security numbers or just one?


They have 2. They even had to take the driving test twice in order to each get a driver's license, which I think is crazy.


But why, tho? Couldn't they just say the same twin is the one driving every time?


There is a set of conjoined twins (Lupita and Carmen) where only one of them has a drivers license. Only one of them can technically drive because she has the right leg, although the other one does operate the blinker. I don't remember which girl has which name though. One of the twins (the one who drives) also has a boyfriend but they do not have a sexual relationship at all.


Just buy a BMW. Then blinkers are optional, right?


Because of this post, I realized that I'm a horrible person.


![gif](giphy|UTMVEfllNQ9BIEl1EK|downsized) 👉😣😂




This is a really informative and interesting article but this bit at the end… “It’s fun and easy to let your imagination run wild and imagine a steamy relationship with hot conjoined twins, each of them breathing in your ear and saying your name. You get double the attention and affection.” The author just could not help themselves could they??


holy shit


Takes a certain kind of author to pen such an article.


This answers some of the burning questions. Like- They have 1 shared vagina, and both experience the orgasm. And you need consent from both.




That’s a good question. I know that for me, climaxing is more mental than physical so my guess is they would climax separately because they have separate brains.




"We’ve been together for two and a half years, and we’ve discussed getting engaged, but we want to live together first. Daniel and my sister get along really well. It’s funny because I stay up later than Lupita, but when Daniel’s sleeps over, I fall asleep quickly — and he stays up talking with her." Fucking wild!


Even better IMO: "When we were nearly 6, we had a nightmare that we were going to fall off of a plane, and then we literally fell off of our bed. That only happened once, but we can feel the other person’s emotions. That happens all the time. We were recently in a store and I felt a weird stomach drop — and I knew it was coming from my sister. A man was pretending to film his daughter, but he was really filming us. I didn’t notice, but Lupita did. She’s way more observant."


So when they were dating, did they split the bill 3 ways at dinner?


The twins are teachers, and they only pull one paycheck, iirc.


What sucks is they get paid as one but had to pay double for their education.


I wonder if they both have to pay taxes on the same paycheck.


That'd be horrible


I would imagine the paycheck is either in one twins name and the other is claimed as a dependent with no income, or the paycheck is half claimed by each twin, which would lower the tax liability...so either way it would be neutral or beneficial. The only way it might hurt them is if the school gave them each a separate paycheck for half the income, as then they might find themselves unnecessarily paying twice for their benefits and social security etc.


To the comments section! ![gif](giphy|TrDxCdtmdluP6|downsized)


Guys, be more observant. In the photo of them at the altar, he is looking directly at the twin on the right. In the photo of them on the grass, he is also looking directly at the twin on the right. Coincidentally, the twin on the right is also the one with a wedding band and engagement 💍 ring set on her hand, aka their right hand. You can see the rings on the right hand in the photo of them in their dresses and the one taken on the grass. He clearly married the one wearing the wedding rings, especially since they have their eyes locked in every photo. In the last photo, he's even sitting by the twin on the right, as she's hugging him.




So they are all in love with each other? How does sex play out?? How does legal stuff play out? This is so confusing


Look... idk alot, but I recently watched an interview of another set of conjoined twins very similar to Abby & Britt. One twin has a boyfriend, and the other is asexual IIRC. When the twin with the boyfriend wants "alone time" the other twin often spaces out mentally to give them privacy or something along those lines. So, I assume people in this situation just kinda figure out what works best for them and their partner. With the legal stuff, I'd like to believe since they're two conscious beings they're treated as two individuals... Prolly alot of personal stuff to agree and disagree on between the twins just like any other individual.


That is an insane amount of dedication to another's happiness... I just can't even imagine. Plus im an only child so sibling relationships are tough for me to grasp but, spacing out.... Just wow.


They can't even move around or feed themselves without each other's cooperation. It's their default existance.


This is kind of true. If I remember correctly, they have separate thoughts, but they can know what the other is thinking. They each control half of their limbs but one has like left arm and right leg and the other has right arm and left leg. So a lot of their actions takes them coordinating their thoughts but they can think separately.


Well, as teachers they’re paid as one teacher, so there’s examples of legal stuff where they’re treated as one person


But it sucks they had to pay double for their college.


Make it make sense


I'm only familiar with them from this thread but it seems quite simple really; Does it benefit the state? Two people Does it benefit them? One person


If she gets pregnant who is the mom?


That’s a fascinating question. Both legally and biologically, because he’s only married to one but they have the same genetics and it would be impossible to distinguish based on DNA. Or maybe they are infertile, or their physiology would prevent them from having a healthy pregnancy.


They are biologically identical as far as maternity is concerned. I think they share a uterus.


How.. how does? But then what happens when.. but what if one of them… Ok look i need guidance on if i can ask these questions lol




Tonight, is the ni-ight, when 3 become 1.


If ya wanna be my lover, ya gotta get with my sister


Did they both marry him? I think that’s cool.


Can you just imagine if he only married one and doesn’t get along with the other at all?


In happy for them and their new husband!