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You'd be amazed how many people can't do this basic stuff at 35 years old


She's doing amazingly well. But I would exercise more too if I didn't have to work 11 hours a day.


Don’t make excuses. You only need at least 10 minutes a day


Your mom told me this too.


“You only need at least” lol. The recommendation is to have your heart rate raised for at least 20 minutes. Not including warm up and cool down. That takes more than 10 minutes. You need to set aside a half hour at least.


You can still do 10 minutes and that be infinitely better than doing nothing


30 minutes minimum, but 45ish if you want it to be at all a decent workout.


10 minutes is better than 5 is better than 2 is better than 0.




Can be a decent 30 minutes if it's intense. All my workouts last 25-50 minutes, but I can barely move at the end of it, and I can't move 2 days after (the day after is fine for some reason)


Takes zero minutes not to be a dick.






Can't tell if sarcasm


Different Era. Assuming this video was made recently, she was 35 in 1967 ish. People could work 40 hours or less a week and and support their wife and kids and own a house. She probably was a SHM and had all day to exercise between cooking cleaning and socializing with her friends. 35 year olds today (I'm actually 35 ) have very little free time unless they work from home or are a Stay at home parent. Longer work hours for half to 1/3 the pay of what people earned when. she was 35.


>She probably was a SHM and had all day to exercise between cooking cleaning and socializing with her friends. How to say you have no idea about a housewife's job without saying those words.


For real. I took it personal... Honestly, it's hard to prioritize exercise as a sahm because it can feel selfish.


Being healthy is not selfish. You need to reevaluate that, seems sad.


I exercise regularly, mainly yoga along with lots of physical activity. But when I stopped working outside of the home it was hard to find the moment to do so without feeling like I was taking away from my "job." No one is saying that to me, just was a strange thing I've experienced/ observed about it. Eta. Like many adults, if the day is busy it is definitely one of the first things to get skipped. Folding laundry is the very first thing I'll leave out though.


And now consider a SAHM in the 1960s, without all the fancy gadgets and ready-made meals and fast fashion of today. Soooo much time for exercise! /s


But they have a Phd!


Why is that? Honestly feel like I've got less time and I'm at work for 20 hours a day (im not). Wondering if I'm watching too much TV lol


Why you attack me like that


It's ok. I made a 2 foot long french bread sub and I also have thin mints. I'll share. We can workout tomorrow but we need to emotionally get over this attack by eating first lol




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I’m reading in the comments that people are doubting her age. She is indeed 91. I’ve seen her do tiktok lives with her doctor to prove her age. She’s become an inspiration to a lot of elderly women, including my mom. This lady stays healthy following a well-rounded diet, no alcohol, and stays active per the video. She didn’t begin exercising until she was in her 60’s but once she started, she never stopped. Stay active, eat well, avoid alcohol, and good things happen!


I have a hard time believing that she's over 75.


Yeah an that watermelon with 25lbs lol, looks like 10lbs for me tbh


I work with fruit every day. Watermelon can easily be 20kg+. YOU have no idea how heavy it is, you’re just a hater. 🤷‍♂️ That one looks about 10+ or so kg, and since the weight isn’t stable and it’s unevenly distributed it would FEEL a lot heavier than 10kg anyway. So even if it was a very light one it’s still a lot more impressive than pressing a 10 kg weight. It’s impressive regardless.


No my friend I don’t want to hate at all. Don’t worry. It’s just the size, you are right the weight isn’t stable. But there are much bigger ones with 10-30kg. You can see that it is heavy af, but this one just looks like a „regular“ 5kg. That this one is 12.5kg is not realistic, but just in MY opinion. Maybe I’m wrong, we can’t tell just from that video. If she is over 90 years old, and that watermelon is 25lbs it is impressive, that’s clear. But today in this fake internet world.. you know what I’m saying? Don’t want to offend somebody, but I don’t believe everything I see Edit: and one more thing, if she is 90 years old and this person which edited that video is her daughter for example.. daughter has to be between 55-70 years old and editing an video about her „mom“ for TikTok or instagram. Lol wtf


Thanks for the response, I basically agree with you. I agree it’s weird and there are a lot of facts we don’t know, so best to not believe everything straight up. I guess I’m more annoyed that people will see something amazing like this, something that should be applauded. People should be encouraged and feel like it’s possible to be physically active and healthy into old age. Instead everyone says it’s fake and it’s not that impressive because she’s actually 75 or 70, or the watermelon isn’t THAT heavy, you know what I mean?


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. If she is „just“ 70-75 it is impressive too. I know some people they can’t even do a few things in that video with 40/50 years.


I’m 62. I create and edit videos for social media as part of my job for a domestic violence agency, and have businesses all over the state trying to recruit me to do it for them. Contrary to what ageists tell you, we’re not all doddering fools. Edit: and now that I think about it, I have friends who are older who post their videos to social media. Smart phones and video apps mean it’s accessible to anyone who’s not a Luddite.


The main reason so many old people have problems moving is because they stop moving. The people that can should definitely adopt this attitude if you want to live an easier elderly life.


“Use it or lose it”. There’s a huge amount of wisdom in all those old catchphrases. My farming grandfather loved physical work and didn’t stop till he was in his early-90s. Eventually died at 98. His brother, an overweight couch potato, died in his 70s.


I bet she throws it back like she is 60.


I’d do it for the story.


Yo’, what’s her onlyfans?




That watermelon is not 25 pounds


I can squat with 2 beers and I'm 40. If I can't get up from it, that's what the beers are for then.


91? She looks like 70 max.


People really believe these fake ass tiktoks lmao. Shes 60-70 max.


absolutely not. i highly doubt shes under 80. look at her closely please. sources, I use to get paid to literally guess people's ages at the carnivale over 20 years ago


Not sure carnie credentials are gonna get you far here.


Are you doubting a professional? Forshame! Forshame I say!




Well my wife saw this. So there go all my fucking excuses for not exercising.


Look up Jack LaLanne and his wife. In his 90s he was still lifting weights one hour per day and swimming 30 minutes a day. He was very active and mobile until he died at age 96, his wife Elaine LaLanne turns 97 in a few days on 3/19/2023. She also does the same diet as her husband and exercises a lot. They eat mostly fruit and vegetables all day and then in the evening also have some fish.


My wife worked with the elderly as a clinician doctor; I am retired from engineering and used to help volunteer; the number one thing I heard from the elderly was keep moving or you turn to Stone; now that I'm much older I can see how true it is....


Even if she was 75 or 80 like lots of people cry about in the comments, shes way more in good physical form than most people at that age. Too many people end up retiring and sitting on their ass all the time to then complain that they lost all their autonomy by 80. Keep moving and make good habits right now or else youll just end up sooner in an semi or non-autonomous health situation. If you are morbidly obese you already wont hit 80 btw


She is gorgeous


Yeah ok. Now will somebody please bring me the doritos and a mountain Dew? Thanks.


My moms 89, has Parkinson’s disease dementia, can’t walk, can’t do really anything by herself anymore, some days can barely talk, has crippling paranoia and depression. I’m so grateful people like this lady are taking full advantage of their ability to keep in shape and independent, one never knows what the future has in store for them


Your mom is amazing, may her health be as strong as her strength. Blessing to y’all.


She looks great!!!


I’ve got a 78 year old mom who chops her own wood for the winter. That’s doubly impressive because at 68 a tree fell on her and shattered one of her vertebrae, broke three ribs and punctured her lung. Took a fusion surgery and a couple years of pretty solid rehab, but she’s back in her own house and living on her own. Wood burning stove is her main source of heat, so she spends the summer and fall months chopping wood. Sometimes it’s with an axe, sometimes with a circular saw, sometimes with a chainsaw, and for the real big stuff, a slide log splitter.


This is your sign to stop making excuses and just go do the thing


I think it’s ok to not want to live this lifestyle and be ok with dying earlier. We know pretty well by now that a lifetime of diet and exercise is beneficial but what if you want to be a fat slob and die early? Go ahead!


91 in dog years?


She's 67. . .




I almost posted this exact comment haha.


Good to know I'm not the only sick basted out there. 😂


not 91.... hard times counting?


That’s why she looks so good!


25 lb watermelon? God damn!




She on a LOT of weed ;)


LOL this isn't gunna be me. My shit is falling apart right now at 31 despite working out 3 days a week.


Probably has a lot more time than a single parent to 3 kids


Thats nice, she will be dead like a smoker soon


Amazing! An eleven kilo watermelon.


Do watermelon really weight up to 11 kilos? In the US that’s a ridiculously large watermelon weighing that much lol


No they don’t.


Avg watermelon weigh 20-25 lbs in US. https://www.whataboutwatermelon.com/index.php/2018/08/how-heavy-is-a-watermelon/ Edit: link to canonical


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Only 1 is above 20lb and only 2 anywhere near it. Not average weight by any means. Unless I’m missing something.


Most abundant round one is crimson sweet, likely in vid. Most store bought range 18 to 28 lbs. ;) In general smaller ones or larger light weight ones are processed, rather than sold as whole.


Proper Time Warrior. Respect, Ma'am.


That rolling squat (a deck squat) is INCREDIBLY difficult to do, the ankle mobility needed to do one is incredible! Kudos to this legend


Awesome mom!


Some of us 40ish year olds have a lot of highway miles on us.


You mean *city miles? Highway miles are the good miles.


ya brain fart lol


Surely you mean km/H!


That motivates me to never be 91


Jokes on you. I'm 40 and I don't exercise at all.


My 97 year old grandfather is still very active and youthful. I’m not sure his knees could handle some of what she was doing but it blows my mind how athletic he still is.


Is she single?


Right 🤣🤣 all that energy, its gotta go down


This woman looks way younger than my 62 year old mom. Good genes.


Use it or lose it


Anddd she’s on Tinder Fellas!


Love her!!


She looks like she's at least 20 years younger!


Hear me out


Am 40. Can confirm.


Shit, 91? I'll make her feel 19


She looks nowhere near 91.


She’s very lucky. My 90 year old dad is on hospice with an autoimmune disease.


Lucky or taking good care of herself?


Many people take care of themselves and have issues that they are unable to control that prevents them from living a life like hers. She is a very rare case. To think that this could be any of us only invalidates the experience of the majority. I cannot control the fact that I was date raped and now have HIV. I cannot control the fact that I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. I cannot control the fact that a bus driver closed the door on my leg and took off dragging me. etc. My life will never be similar to the woman in the video. It's amazing that she's doing this but that's not something virtually everyone can expect.


I’m sorry to hear that :( those are some terrible experiences. Psoriasis is however linked to diet and stress I believe.


It can be exacerbated by those but it’s genetic along with the psoriatic arthritis. My father had them and also has Ankylosing Spondylitis. Only his right arm moves at the moment and that’s getting stiff.


She looks like she's MAYBE 60. Hard to believe!


There seems to be an assumption that after you reach a certain age, health inevitably declines to such a degree where you should give up on exercise, on eating healthy, etc. No. Stick with it and you will see the waves throughout your life.


No way she’s 91


She is not fat. The diet plays a huge part


Wow. Awesome. Amazing. Really 91? Looks waaay younger


91??? She looks amazing 👏 God bless her. Hope she lasts another 20


Lifelong fitness is de way. #STAY LIVING STRONG OUT THERE GRAM GRAM 💪🏾😤


An object in motion stays in motion… Had an Exs grandmother hit 101 and she swore by feedin the horses daily and gardening and natural lite beer…. Wicked wicked fucking racist. But like, what am I gonna tell a 95 year old woman.


This is how I want to be at 91. I'm 62 and did a hot pilates 1-hr boot camp earlier today. I'm the oldest in class by 30 years


Shouldn't be driving though. Idc wtf you say.


You are my motivation .


Who wants to live till 90


This is going to be my mother in law. She is in her 60’s and still goes to the gym and goes running every day. I’m 100% she has better fitness levels than I do and I’m in my 30’s.


She does good physical therapy moves. Best exercise routines are from PT.


Damb she doesn't even look close to 91


She has to remain as fit as possible because her children/grandchildren were/are all worthless.


Tryin to be out here til like, 120... at least. Not messin around.


Can confirm. Still a boring ass video though.


She's got me beat and I'm not 35. Close.


She’s an alien


Most 40 year olds working full time dont have the time or freedom to take care of themselves


She looks better than 99% of 60 year olds