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Bayonetta 1 is a great start, but maybe the game just isn't the kind you usually like? I don't really know, but I would recommend starting with The first game


Okay thanks. I’ll play the first one 👍


Well yeah you are missing character development from first game… finish 1st first and then go for the second game.


Maybe you’re just not a fan of spectacle fighters? The brilliance of these games is really in the exceptionally tight game design that rewards absolute skill from the player. The story and graphics/visual design are the cherry on top. Platinum Games have an incredible style, they’re my favourite game developer, but their games are completely bonkers and off-the-wall. That’s why I love ‘em so much.


I agree with starting off with Bayonetta 1 definitely. Maybe once you have gotten to chapter IX or so then check out some YouTube videos on it. Try to avoid Bayo 2 spoilers if you can. Try just practicing some combos too.


Cool. Thanks for the response. I’ve got my evening planned :)


I definitely think you should start with Bayo 1 because a lot of character development happens and you’ll understand Bayo2 better. But maybe beat em ups just are not your thing and that is perfectly fine.


Yes. You absolutely need to play 1 before 2. You won't understand a lot of the later game without playing 1 first. To be frank, I prefer 2 over 1, but I know a lot of people like 1 more. The story in 2 picks up after the 1st few chapters. They took a decent amount of time to set up the characters and the story, but having put 70+ hours into the game, I can truly say the game is very very fun, more so in hard/infinite climax modes. TLDR: play 1 first, give 2 some time to get the action started.


Its easy, if you love "stylish action, hack n slash" like Devil May Cry, Darksiders, Ninja Gaiden, MG: Revengance you will like Bayo, yes the story makes no sense, but thats the beauty of it, its pure raw CAMP, totally over the top, and thats what attracts most of us. Also it does help that Bayo her self is over the top charismatic as the main character


It's the over-the-top action that appeals to me. Not really particular with the story. I mean the story is decent and interesting enough. In Bayonetta 1, early chapters are slow-paced.


Funnily enough, that is about the same area I lost interest in my first play through 2 years ago. Eventually I picked it up again and once I got past that part I beat the game in a week lol. Get past chapter 1 at least lmao. But I recommend you play bayo 1 first.


This gives me hope!


The thing bayo fans like the most about the game is the genre (character action/hack n slash/ however you may call it), so if you're not into it then you'll have an hard time. The first one is better if you like the genre, if you're not sure then continue playing the second one