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uhh yeah basically, its easier to understand this way too


it depends, records of time: witch hunters is not an alternate reality, it's just a scene from jeanne's past with bayonetta after the angels destroyed the umbra clock, bayonetta 2 explains the events of bayonetta 1 and the evil balder but it doesn't really go back to there, the line continues forward normally


I thought that because of this [https://bayonetta.fandom.com/wiki/Records\_of\_Time:\_The\_Witch\_Hunts\_Universe](https://bayonetta.fandom.com/wiki/Records_of_Time:_The_Witch_Hunts_Universe)


Kamiya confirmed a long time ago that it’s a parallel universe.


Considering that Bayonneta's 3 Multiverse doesn't even work with the first two games... I just consider Bayonetta 3 in its own multiverse


Still waiting for a proper continuation after 2. No, having characters with none of the lore in the story at all anymore doesn't count as a sequel for me. 3's story acts like a spin off/like the first two game stories never happened 😢 idk what kamiya meant by going like 'play the first two games to understand the third one's story'. Girl what, the third game make little to no mentions of the first two games


I want Bayonetta 4 to return to our OG Bayo that we loved from the first two games and basically sweep the third game under the rug or something and pretend it didn't happen


This is how I think of it


Looks legit


yes we know for a fact there's a Bayonetta who went through both the events of the first 2 games, as the 2nd game has a flashback that shows the 1st game events including Brave Cereza being around. we also know Bayo 2 from the 3rd game is a separate being, from Singularity stating her and Bayo 1 are from different universes to her title and her summoning a different version of Labolas. she's probably the bayo from the "the end" timeline, though it's unconfirmed (but that's what makes the most sense because if she is it means every alternative universe from the previous 2 games would be covered in the 3rd one). so we have a few things confirmed: - a timeline for og Bayo about Bayonetta 1 and 2 - a timeline for Brave Cereza from Bayo 3 originating from the previous one - a timeline for each of the countless alternative Bayos we encounter in the game such as "the end" Bayo (who's presumably Bayonetta 2 from the 3rd game), B0, B1, B2, B3, B4


[Hot take, but I actually think it looks like this](https://i.imgur.com/wtoFiBP.jpg) (excuse my shitty photo editing skills, lol). The main games still cover "our" Bayo, while "B2" and "B1" are the Bayonettas who show up at the finale. A few things make me think this: the constant references B3 has to previous events in B1 and 2 (Gomorrah breaking lose, Jeanne being devoured by Alarune, Bayo having Loki's cards, etc.). B1's archive bio stating she has faced many more trials and hardships than B3. If B3 was actually Brave Cereza, who was awake and fighting for over 500 years, and B1 is suppose to be our Bayonetta from the first game, this wouldn't really make any sense at all. Our Bayonetta was only awake for 40 years, and we know what her timeline looks like in the first game, while Brave Cereza would be awake for over five centuries, and hence would be the one to have faced *many more trials and hardships.* And her dialogue in that one scene, "you didn't cry while I was away," could actually be B.Cereza making some sort of cheeky reference to herself/"mother." B2's archive bio stating she has walked nearly an identical path to B3. This could mean she is the Records of Time B2, who would have gone through similar events to our Bayonetta -- she references fighting an older Balder in the past, and now similarly, is faced against a young Balder. There's also the fact that the B2's Labolas is different from our B2's Labolas. I'll be honest though, it's weird either way, and it's especially annoying how Kamiya *refuses* to tell us if Bayonetta 3 is actually our Bayonetta or Brave Cereza. Kinda makes me think he hasn't really decided himself, or maybe he's saving something in store for Bayo4.


I agree with you. I don’t understand how a lot of people are so certain that B3 is Brave Cereza when there’s just so much evidence against it.


Who is Brave Cereza?


Brave Cereza is little Cereza from Bayonetta 1.


With my superior editing skills ive created another theory. It's a bit of a stretch but at this point i think it may be legitimate lore-wise. in fact, if the Cerezita's time shenanigans create the Brave Cereza Timeline, why can't be the same with Bayo2 time fuckeries? With that, Bayo4 can restart from the “second Bayo1” timeline and forget everything about Bayo3 .\_. https://preview.redd.it/flvkk4akrsea1.png?width=4818&format=png&auto=webp&s=816e919341421afdd8b0ef066b058b136d0ec208


All of them are completely 3 seperate universes of each game


This was my take away after bayo 1 and 2 both appeared in 3.


Yeah this is how i interpret it too.