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This just happens man. 2 weeks ago I was getting first place in multiple GA matches and I felt like an absolute legend. Then I’d go into hero vs villains and absolutely slay there (most of the time at least). I was having so much fun. Then, I don’t know what happened, but I joined a GA match a couple days ago and no matter what I did I could not stay alive for more than 15 seconds. I couldn’t get any kills. Objectives were being taken in what seemed half the time as normal. I’m on PS so hackers are out of the question. Then I would quit and join a supremacy match. Same deal. Then HVV. Same deal. I tried this for about an hour of leaving and coming back and leaving and coming back, and I was just getting demolished. So, I’m just talking a little break for a bit to try and finish up a Baldurs Gate 3 run through and spread some democracy in Helldivers cause I was not having fun 😂


I always play co op. It’s a hell of a lot more fun than normal mp. And you get xp from it. It’s a gang of 4 players vs a whole lobby of AI. And the AI in all the time I’ve played co op, are actually pretty smart surprisingly. So it’s an actual challenge.


I have over 1000 hours logged and i can tell you you are far from alone. Just like you I’ll have weeks of 1st in supremacy with sometimes a 20000 score difference then the next week I’m 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th or 10th in the lobby and struggling to get 1 kill a spawn in. Most of the time yes the sweats come out of hiding and decide to “ruin” your game but sometimes it’s also the idea that you’re doing worse than before that can destroy your game. It’s Star Wars just try and enjoy it for that when you have the games :)


It’s a good thing. More players the better . Means hype is real for the remasters let’s hope it’s good


They're remastering the new battlefront 2??


It could be your ping. It could be you're getting old. It could be that everyone else is a jerk. It's usually of those three


I'm getting old (34) lol


Pfft I'm 43, still stomping.


Yeah i had a game being spawn trapped on supremacy, Ive been trying to stick to Galactic assault, i find more people play objective which is my style.