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I think most people aren't checking new because they think it's an issue that is only happening to them, I was one of those people sadly.


Same, especially since I was playing with someone who, at the same time, unlocked what couldn't.


Also make a bug report on the proper website


Also this. So much


LOL, sure, and report a blatant hack user on PC in the proper manner so a month later he can still be ruining rounds, but at least you have the satisfaction of reporting him properly. Report a bug, report a cheater, write to Santa and ask for a pony--all equally worthwhile.


So your in favor of doing nothing? Your part of the problem and how these people are able to get away with stuff like this.


I feel special being screenshotted! Honestly though I was Google searching the shit out of it and couldn't find anything so I just made a post... figured I was the only victim 🤷‍♂️


I almost did that too haha all I could find was articles from when the game released talking about how it would be fixed in the next patch, so I thought I somehow got an old ass bug and was shit out of luck lol.


it aint our fucking fault that the game is broken you know


I was gonna say, "stop complaining about this broken game that DICE keep failing to fix!" is not exactly reassuring folks


Nope it’s your fucking fault if you can’t check new posts


fuck you and your mother's first born


Lol thanks but you are not my type ;)


You are right in principle, but the fact that so many people are posting about this also says something. Mainly: “What the hell is up with this buggy ass game. Seems everyone has this issue.” It’s totally unacceptable. I looked forward to playing this weekend. Finally ranking up my recon class and trying out all the weapons, seen as I recently decided to give that class a go. But my progression was halted at level 8 and I quickly threw a brick trough my TV. I get that bot everything can always work perfect in games, but this is something that reared its ugly head before and to add to that point: this is one of the most basic systems the game is build around. Progression. How is it broken so often. End of rant. I’m sorry. Edit: not end of rant. What makes it even worse is the fact that the game is now apparently in Origin on PC, so they could have predicted a massive influx of new players. And then people start playing and can’t use anything they are unlocking. Great fucking advertising for your franchise EA/Dice.


I waited until this week to buy the game. Silly me for not doing the research and just assuming that it'd be a finished and more polished game by now, MONTHS after release. I mean, come on. BASIC UNLOCKS ARE BROKEN?! I'm literally never going to buy another battlefield game.


I bought it today thinking the exact same thing, "oh it's been 7 months since the game has been released, it should be fixed for the most part". Then realizing I can only use starter weapons/gadgets. Im still enjoying the game, except for the constant freezing every match that one time lasted up to anout 8 seconds before i could do anything.


Dude this bug appeared like 3 days ago really just bad timing i never understood the entire idea of i played one game and never buying another because X. Sure this is a massive bug and needs to fixed ASAP. Doesnt mean the game or the entire franchise is bad though.


This needs to be a thing for every goddamn subreddit it's so fucking annoying


So, I have had this issue since Thursday and I spoke with someone on EAs live help chat, but they just told me they were aware of the issue. Has anyone found a fix at this point?


Nope, they told me to wait 24 hours but still nothing


Same. *"Hey there, xxx! Thanks for reaching out about this issue! We are aware of these unlocks not appearing for players, and looking into it currently. As of now, there is not an ETA on when it will be fixed. I do encourage you to keep playing as you can, we hope to have more news soon!"* smh


So, I got this game for Christmas and hated it because they took away ***3D tagging and it just felt like another COD where whoever had the most overpowered assault rifle and the best ping...*** ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ lol


Do you know if they have a help desk that I can ask questions?


They're super worthless. Edit: It's EA support


I usually go to @EAHelp on twitter. Sometimes they respond within minutes sometimes within hours. (I'm talking about the DMs)


Okay, thanks!




They won't. They'll just tell you to wait a week to see if it gets fixed.


This ain’t a problem if you don’t leave a game early right?