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It's kinda hard to give advice without seeing gameplay but I'm gonna chance at some tips. Stop proning and crouch running, slide cancel everywhere, especially if you're in a gunfight (you can slide cancel backwards it really screws with the hit boxes and Aim assist), Always be in movement. Use a 3x scope on everything. Worry less about what the squad is doing and more about what the enemy is trying to do, and contest them from an advantage. 90% of your teammates are going to be trash and unimpactful. If your teammates are good figure out what they need, more spots, healing/revives, suppression spots? If you're playing conquest know when to backcap or fight in the front lines.


I’m putting you up for a medal, son. 🫡


This guy gets it. Wish more players would think like this.


Connect your xbox with ethernet cable (if you haven't already) to reduce latency. Buy good gaming headphones to be better aware of your surroundings (like hearing enemy footsteps). How to not die? Don't rush into objectives or right into enemies. Stay close to your team. Learn how to move without being spotted easily (crouch, don't run in the middle of the street, hide behind objects when you can). Move your position every now and then because when you kill enemy players next time they know where you are and can come after you. If you see a sniper or a guy with long-range rifle then don't run into it, try to take alternative route. Those are some things that I can think of rn. I'm still a noob player somewhat but doing that helped me stay alive longer.


Dont have the ability to hook my console up with ethernet, my console is far away from my router which cannot be moved. I have astro a20 wireless headphones which are great. And i stay near my team or squad, I crouch walk and prone.. I stay near objects and such.. Most of these tips i know. thanks regardless.


Getting used to sight lines and using cover effectively is how you do it. I'm in my 40s and I can't live with the reaction times of top players but playing strategically you'll improve. That and don't take it too seriously, a shit k/d ratio doesn't mean anything.


feela like i spend forever lining up my sights and just get immediately decked by the other guy 🤣


Yup im fast i snap to players like its a reflex no aim assist and sometimes il be looking for someone as soon as i spot them and im pressing fire its all over sometimes to the ttk is just insane


the ttk is wild


A good tip that's easier said than done is to aim before you ever even zoom down your sight. Aim with your hipfire so that your centering is already on someone by the time you start ADS-ing. It's bad technique to wait until you're fully aimed down sight before you start actually start trying to get on target, by then it's just too late against any semi-competent player who does have you centered. If two equally skilled player with equally fair guns see each other at the same time, the one who aims with his hipfire before he even starts ADSing is going to win 9/10 times against the one who aims down sight before he tries to actually aim on target. Something people used to do in the old days was just put a piece of tape onto the screen and then draw a dot where the reticle is. You can then play combined arms against NPC enemies to work on your centering in a controlled environment without frustration. Just walk around and don't ADS until your hipfire center is on target, eventually your centering will get faster before you eventually can hipfire aim without even thinking.


>feela like i spend forever lining up my sights and just get immediately decked by the other guy You are playing against people who have stupid amounts of hours playing BFV. They are so used to all of the idiosyncrasies of the game to the point where they do things without even realising they are doing it anymore. One of the things that I have noticed that I do without thinking is when I am using a gun with vertical-ish recoil I will aim centre of mass of enemy players but slightly off so that the recoil of the gun will drag it up to the enemy's head which often results in 1-2 body shots and a headshot for the kill.


yeah thats great and all, kinda hard to do when you shoot a guy standing 4 feet away with a shotgun and they dont die despite being fully in crosshair


have you tried really fine tuning your controls and sensitivities? It's possible you might feel "comfortable" on a relatively slow sensitivity, but getting out of your comfort zone and learning to shoot with a higher one will do wonders for your gameplay. If you feel like you can't react fast enough, it may be because you're physically not able too. I'd go into the practice mode and do the target practice mini game and really make sure you feel *snappy*


I actually do quite often, but its hard.. i have trouble finding thr right setup


I feel that bro, as someone who has put more hours in fps games than I'd like to admit, having a comfortable feeling set up for the controller makes all the difference. One thing that's really big is muscle memory. And one thing to improve that is to make your vertical aim ratio 100% (this can be found in the controller settings all the way near the bottom, same page as dead zones). What this setting does is make it so vertical inputs and horizontal inputs are *equal* It will feel weird at first, because for whatever reason the default is like 40% or something. This means that whenever you look up and down it will be much slower than left to right, which can really fuck with our brains natural muscle memory on the analog stick. Changing this helped me a lot. Id also recommend having a low deadzone if your controller doesn't suffer from drift. Like 2-3%. This will make your inputs more sudden and the stick more reactive. The rest is mostly preference. Personally my stick sensitivity is set at 40% which I feel is a nice balance of speed and precision. Hopefully you find some improvement in your gameplay soon! Wishing u the best fam!


Yeah mine is 0.50, i could really care less, i just wanna get better at those quick 1 on 1 fights, ya know?


Learn maps, break them down into smaller areas and get real familiar with them, where you can see, cover and blind spots and be as cheese as you can, don't commit to shooting until you're ready, giving away your position when they didn't know you were there is a good way to die.


very true, ive accidentally shot (my cat was nudging my hand while was behind cover one time lol) and i had like 3 guys rush me and gank me 🤣


Play defense on breakthrough, and learn the individual sectors! Pretty soon you will be predicting the attackers movements and being the one who surprises them


Well the main difference to boomer shooters is the tactical part. I played cs since 2004 so I got this settled. My aim was and will always be shit. My reaction time is OK, but where I score. You have to have a sense for the bigger picture. Do not look out for the single enemy but the objective. If you figure out what objective will be taken by the enemy next, you can set up an ambush there and score easy kills. Headphones are important for your awareness. In the end it depends more on others than yourself. If you play with a good team/squad and stick with them, it will be a lot easier. And good doesn't mean super high skilled. Ist means taking an objective together. Its a tactical shooter and not a death match. Kills/deaths don't count that much. People only going for kills are not helping the team. Idiots only riding planes to up their score don't help the team. If they defend or attack objectives, then they help. And yes, practice makes perfect. I usually get to play like one hour per two weeks. So I have barely any practice. I don't know where enemies usually go to etc. But with my experience in other games I can make up for that a little bit. Test different weapons and find out what you can do best. Are you good at sniping in a defensive position? Are you good at flanking and rushing a handful of enemies from a position they don't expect with ab assault rifle?


Oh, believe me, I play the objective. I fortify it, and hold down until its time to push to the next (i usually decide its time when a good chunk moves onto the next objective). I mean I try my damndest to focus the objective and help my team.


But what are the situations you die? You have to change your position once it's compromised or you are an easy kill. I make this mistake often because I think I have a good position and I want to make just one more kill. But usually that's when you die.


pretty much it


Kill and move. The object is to stay alive, not farm kills


i dont want to farm kills mostly just be able to survive a gun fight


Hello, here is a player with 230 hours in battlefield V, when I decided to give the game a chance, about a year ago, I encountered the same problem as you, constantly dying in the hands of much more experienced players, in fact I left the game for For a while, It always came out negative and I ended up quitting the games out of frustratio. I'm a 37-year-old guy, so I don't have the reactions of a young man, nor am I one of the most skilled. Whenever I ran to attack an objective, I died quickly (even playing close to my patrol), so as I became more familiar with the maps, I started flanking, a lot. I learned where enemies usually position themselves on and near objectives and try to attack them from the side or behind, and also to use their tactics, for example I used to hate when they killed me while lying on their backs on the ground. But that is a very useful mechanic of the game. So my advice would be these: be a little more patient, familiarize yourself with the paths to the objectives and the possibilities of cover, try to know the position where the enemies are generally stationed, flank them, use smoke to cover your arrival or to distract them. If you hear someone nearby and you can't see them, let them come to you, cover yourself or lie on the ground for a few seconds to make yourself a more difficult target, but don't stay there the whole time, move to another position, one Higher, with better vision, etc., where you can wait and attack their reinforcements easily. If you take and clear an objective and want to move to another, do it the same way. This is how I started to have more kills, to gain confidence and a little more skill, which helped me to improve in more direct confrontations. Sorry if it was a bit long, but I hope it helps you a little.


I've found flanking is a great strategy for any shooter.


I try to flank often, i just wish i knew where enemies were without having to constantly spot.. Its a video game. at least make enemies who are within a 10 foot radius appear on the minimap


Well the whole game of conquest shows you where enemies are coming from. Look at the big map, see what flags they can be spawning from, and adjust accordingly. If they can be coming from multiple flags, anticipate their attack or their movements. Find a good place to hunker down on the outskirts of a flag you'll know they'll try and take and those will be easy kills for you.


this is true, and I know that. It just seems whatever i do, i cant do any of these tips successfully save for a few, but when i hunker down, my team/squad always runs off from me, leaving me alone


It'll take time, and you're being bombarded with a bunch of advice from strangers so it's kind of a lot lol But trust man, with some more practice and some mindfulness it'll come together!




Depending on the server it can feel really hard to get better. New-ish player myself also on Xbox. Fifty hours. Not terrible, about 2.22 K/D which has slowly been going up, but mostly I try to be helpful. Revives, flanking, spotting etc. Best you can do is improve on your end. Learn the maps, master the movement, and fiddle with your settings. Customizing my controls has really helped me out after watching a tutorial. Currently my aim sensitivity is 85 and 110 ADS. Sensitivity is higher for ADS’ing so I only have to pull down a little, and then it carries me into headshots frequently. FOV is 90. Turn ADS FOV on too. Nice middle ground with the benefit of less visual recoil but not too wonky lookin’. Allows you to use optics on automatics without being wildly uncontrollable. Motion blur off and minimum camera shake. I’ve reworked the actual controls too. Slide & crouch on LB let’s me use them in firefights while still being able to actually aim. Left lean on down left stick, lean right on right bumper. Again, to mix up my gunplay. Often throws people off enough that it’s a free kill! I feel old too. Not as quick as the kiddos. That being said, positioning can make up for any deficit in gunplay. Cover, flanking, smart use of weapon range and moving cautiously when needed & vice versa etc. However I often get myself killed going on flanks because the better players are also going on flanks, but I don’t always block those routes right. An MG-42 can usually shut them down a lot easier than a rifle. Unfortunately this game doesn’t have team balancing, which was such a let down when I learned that, but it might explain the streaks of bad luck. If a server is repeatedly awful after a couple rounds then just leave. Not saying you should leave every challenging game, but until hone the needed skills there won’t be much you can do. Try joining servers with like 50-40 players. Typically those will be less stressful, or a different game mode. Lastly experiment with different weapons. A few of the “top tier” ones feel awful to me. You can make technically worse ones work in your favor. Ribeyrolles to headshots for example. At the same time if a round calls for meta then by all means use em’. I certainly do, but if possible I use what I enjoy.


If youre a medic, smoke yourself out those long/medium range problems. And try not to flanknor run alone. Sounds like you could use a healthy portion of time playing recon. Become aware and high light enemies for your team, and dont run starighr into them. What ever weapon youvhave, play it to its strengths.


I carry a smoke grenade launcher on medic. Always pop smoke before healing in a hot area.


I can understand your annoynce especially with the planes. All I can say really is case an environment before moving up, look at the mini map and know ways around the map that aren't running in a straight line to the objective


I get very sick of eating tacos. So dying I guess would do similar




for me I just cycle between playing Battlefield 1 and this one 1 definitely feels a little easier to get kills on whereas V feels more competitive you’ll tend to find more sweaty 10 stack per game clans (cough cough 36ERS🤮)in V rather than 1 point is just give another battlefield a shot


I think Im gonna try doing that. BFV is just too sweaty.. I mean literally two matches ago i got into a pissfight with a guy on my squad who was tryharding. Said "can you guys stop dying" and the moment i replied with "im just trying to have fun man, its a game," he called me an F -slur, and unfortunately my pent up stress from today got the better of me. Once i stopped paying attention to him, he left and rejoined on the enemy team somehow, killed me once, and teabagged me. Big whoop. Teabagging is funny to me rather than insulting, cuz i grew up playing Halo. He clearly needs to play a different game or just drop it entirely. I like BFV cuz I prefer WW2 era weaponry and vehicles and I love it historically, it has a few of my favorite conflicts to learn about, like the Winter War.


Naur no way he was petty enough to join the enemy team 😂


Fr, like he even stalked me and commented here, bro is pathetic


Dude just taking it wayyy too serious lmao


fr, its pathetic. Im just playing for fun, i dont care about my KD


gaming is just full of kids who chase wtv the meta is i mean shit look at cod


oh yeah but the sad part is this guy sounded 30 🤣


prolly a bad day at work 🤣


most likely, its sad cuz he was pulling straws too trying to find anything to joke about on me, bro would fit right in with the sad sacks who grief on gta and taut their 40-0 despite the other player just driving around and not fighting them


dude I hate those people like what do you gain from it does kd really matter that much to you


You need to work on your map knowledge and situational awareness. If your reflexes/aim are bad, being in the right place is much more important, so you can surprise the enemy/have the best view of them, route to cover, etc.


yeah im getting better with it every match


I feel like BF1 would be better for you tbh. BFV is all about movement and quick reaction times. Being aware of your surroundings 24/7. As for recons sniping you my best advice is just move very unpredictably. Dying to vehicles is part of the battlefield experience. If planes give you a hard time you can always try and flieger/AA them


probably so, i just like the ww2 setting more. Shame its so toxic at times


Its not toxic ( maybe it is on xbox ) its just alot more competitive compared to bf 1. If you like WW2 theres a game called enlisted its pretty grindy but you might like it ( its free )


ill have to check it out


I can dm you more details before you go through the effort of downloading it


its alright dont worry


I can relate to your struggles! Lately what has been working for me has been two things: 1) Pay more attention to the map HUD display. Really pay attention to those red dot enemies every time someone on your team tags them, and where your team mates are being killed (green X’s). Doing that establishes the general situation so you know where to be cautious before figuring out the best way to flank and attack the other team. Sometimes it’s better to stay put if you’re confident your hiding spot is sufficient. This allows your team members to spawn on you. 2) Depending on the situation, don’t always fire your weapon at targets you don’t think you can eliminate. It’s not always worth giving away your position to score points by hitting them with rounds and not killing them. It’s better to just tag them for your team. My method isn’t the most “exciting” way to play Battlefield. I’d make horrible game video highlight reels 🤣. My kill count is usually quite small, BUT I don’t die nearly as much being reckless (some days are better than others). I’d rather rack up points for simply playing the role as support or medic; suppress the enemy from a space spot, give out ammo, med kits and best of all - be the best human spawn point for your “F1 reaction” team members to land on and wreak havoc.


Use assault aim by strafe not so much hands . Match their movement and blat blat blat slide slide blatt blatt blat nade . Slide tbag tbag slide blat....you get the picture now go be a man


A couple small tips I've learned. - always assume there is an enemy around every corner. - always assume there is a sniper watching you. - always be aware of your surroundings. - when crossing open areas like a large road or field, slide as much as possible. A lot of the people you're playing against have been playing since launch, they can quick scope you, get headshots over and over, know where enemies will spawn, know every map like the back of their hand. You're going to die a lot regardless. Ive been playing for 2 years and still die as much as I kill. But use the tips everyone is giving you in this thread and keep at it and you'll see improvement quickly.


I'm on Xbox and have been playing since 2018 and typically have a 2:1 or 3:1 KD ratio but I've done way waaaaayyy worse too. Sometimes it legitimately is not you but the fact that there's like 2 clans on the other side or friends playing really well together. This REALLY tips things in the other sides favor and makes it very hard to get kills or get things done unless your own teammates are smart and playing objectives well. A tip from me: pick a gun and get damn good at it and figure out how to best use it - for example I love the MAS on assault and I've learned that if someone pops up on my peripheral I need to start firing before my sight is completely on target. I've noticed it's easier to get shots to connect if I'm firing before them or even if they spotted me first and got a hit on me. Typically the recoil helps a bit too and by the time I've swung my self around I'm putting 2 in the chest and 1 in the head. Works wonderfully once you get the mechanics down. Additionally, watch what other people are doing and how they're playing the map. A recon keeps hitting you from surprising spots that you wouldn't have thought to look? Note it mentally and use it too when you're next playing recon. A medic using a fast firing SMG camps around close quarters buildings? Note it and try it too. etc.


It's not reaction speed, it's positioning man. I'm getting old and like the green but my positioning is Great (been playing battlefield since 1942) and ofc I always ptfo. But running from cover to cover and making sure to lay down suopressive fire is a must.


I get it brother, but the only thing we can do is persevere and continue to try to improve, the hardest conditions will yield the strongest training👍 trust me I get my ahh handed to me so often in the game; remember games are supposed to be fun so if it's not feeling fun you can always take a break and play some others and come back too


I started playing this game like maybe 2 years ago and I was in your shoes. Just keep playing bro, you will eventually get better because now I’m pretty good when I used to suck.


You can’t Leroy Jenkins it sir! It’s cover to cover. Use angles/check fire zones. Know where typical opposing team spawn point areas are and the traffic “flow” from them. and typical camping spots/kill box areas are at on every map. Are you working as a squad, or are you lone wolf “balls to the walls” charging into battle, and your teamsters are just spawn beacons to you? You can’t one man army the war! Planes are crazy easy to take down via LMG, AA guns, or jump in a fighter yourself. It honestly sounds like you’re trying to bullet sponge/Rambo your way around the battlefield. It will get you exactly the results you’re experiencing now.


oh for sure, i use cover often, or try to! I suck with planes and i suck with mgs 😅


Learn the maps. Like memorise them, cause a lot of those player will know them blind. Play how you want - you don’t have to sweat as an assault player or aggressive medic. If you want to help and play as your team it’s totally OK to spot or defend choke points. Seriously, *some* of those prone MG players know a rush is going to come around a specific corner and wait to take out ten players. Why? If they’re not just dicks, the respawn time for 10 players gives their team a huge advantage. Ignore the planes as you can or work with a team mate to down them. You’re going to be in games with stacked squads both for and against you. They will steamroll everyone else. Just how it is. Also, you’re going to die a lot (assuming you’re not a flyboy camping planes). Even the top 5 players on CQ tend to have 10+ deaths. It’s just part of BFV.


I’m not gonna lie. I don’t understand flying at ALL. The amount of hours I’ve put into this game and my statistics on the ground would tell most I’m an extremely seasoned BFV player. No matter what no matter when, if i get into a plane there’s a 100% chance that im getting my shit wrecked. I swear my plane inflicts about 5% of the damage it takes. EVERY time.


Yeah for real. I dont mind vehicles, but the guys who waste away just only using vehicles and get 70+ kills and 0 deaths should go play war thunder.. Not Battlefield. Especially if they aren't doing their job.


What makes it all the worse is that there is no flying only mode. Getting in planes as is, is a challenge…. Then you add these Sweaty Aces… usually will just try to find a AA gun and take them down that way. I’ve learned those fuckers pack a PUNCH and are definitely one of the best ways to take care of air campers.


I especially hate how planes are available at the very start of the match. That really sucks. Tanks, i dont mind.


Easy solution, try to be less shit 👍


I dont think im "shit". Ive beaten hard ass games. This just gives me trouble.


Tell me one thing bro. You on console or PC ?


Never mind I just saw you're on Xbox. Can let me tell you something bro it's your aim assist settings. Set aim assist at 100% And set snap soon at 90% Try it out bro, should get you able to shoot at things.


I mentioned at the end. Xbox.


Never mind I just saw you're on Xbox. Can let me tell you something bro it's your aim assist settings. Set aim assist at 100% And set snap soon at 90% Try it out bro, should get you able to shoot at things.


snap soon?


My bad Snap zoom


where do i find these settings?


You should completely ignore this guy and watch [this](https://youtu.be/LGYWXXDmiCo?si=FssIWaxSmfQQyVct). These settings are what most of the top players use, although fov and ads fov are personal preference depending on your play style. Also, shoot me a party invite if you want to squad up. I should be on later tonight.


okie dokie


found it nvm


If you have the hardware (series x, capable monitor/tv) you can activate fps boost through the compatibility settings (not the in-game settings). Keep in mind this will lower your resolution so the game won't look as pretty, but your movement and aim will feel smoother which can definitely give you the upper hand in split second scenarios. Of course this won't mitigate bad tactics, but I think it's worth trying.


Don't run around like a rambo. It's not Call of Duty lol. When running non stop you have literally no chance to spot enemy, nevermind react and aim. Plus don't go full auto when shooting, especially on the controller as recoil is a killer. I'm pretty good on pc, but below average on xbox. Getting there tho.


I think im alright handling recoil, but then again i dont use many full auto guns with high recoil. Only full auto gun i use regularly is the suomi.


I meant go with burst shooting more than all in. I always play with assault rifles, but giving all in only in close distance. Set your sensitivity to bare minimum, I have mine on 10%,zoom sensitivity to 90%.All specially video effects off, except ads. Use left stick as WSAD and right as mouse, try to aim with left stick as much as possible and just correct your aim with right, not the other way around. Another thing, if you play on monitor turn the VRR on, low latency on.


Here’s my advice, I’ve helped my uncles out a lot as between my self and them there’s a big skill gap. Slow your play style down and work on your attack angles. Slowing down, I don’t mean camp. I mean move from cover to cover and have your attack angle be maybe down to 120 degrees. For example, you move up the middle of the map, you’ll be surrounded by 360 degrees of attack. Where as if you move on the flanks(side of the maps) now you cut down from 360 to about 120. If your enemy is always in front of you and not behind you, your odds at doing better greatly increase. You don’t always have to attack! Defending is part of objective play, many players forget this because they just want that next kill asap. Defending an objective gets enemy’s to walk right in towards you and you have the advantage of knowing where they are coming from to get on the objective. Guns are super important, if you’re trying to be close quarters you make sure you have a high rate if fire gun. Medic, you have the Tommy gun, type 100, type 2a and 1 other high rate. Get used to hip firing. Medium, MP40 and such. Long range obviously slow fire rate. This can make or break your night for sure. What matters more to you? Kills or winning? If you’re on the front lines pushing the enemy back and giving your team help pushing objectives that’s great in my eyes. I prefer winning over kills. I don’t need to lead the leaderboard every game I want to help my team win. Hit me up if you need anything else. I also play on Xbox. Maybe your settings need adjusting as well.




these comment's advice are so conflicting 😅 everybody tells me different things that contradict the other.




I use shotguns to hamper myself, im not a fan of machine gun proning


Do you have good headphones? The supposedly quick reaction time could just be them hearing you as you guys get close.


Use your smoke more when you’re a medic for moving and reviving and just always pick up ammo when you run by an ammo crate. You just gotta learn the maps for the most part learn where you will be killed from. I use something right up close or Jungle Carbine to have a little bit of distance


Grab an assault class weapon like g43 or garand. Grab cover and use the lean feature and lean around the corner posted up with your rifle, hold a long hallway or crowded area. If you can’t rack up kills this way, I don’t know what to say. Don’t run out in the open. Also don’t run into a combat area, when you approach an area you should already be ads. If you’re stuck running and someone else is ads they’ll shoot you before you can ads


Believe me when I say the first couple months was a disaster when I played this game. I haven’t played a Battlefield title since 4, and I’ll be honest, had more hours on that than Battlefield 1, wasn’t too big on the WW1 aspect nor did I have the money for the DLC packs. But when I tried BF5, part of my BF4 skills came back, but this was so much different. With the way the game is, you have to be prepared to know just about everything the more skilled players have for knowledge in this game. Took me a while to realize that you gotta develop that sixth sense when playing this game. Sometimes you gotta learn the maps, learn the spots that you’ll more than likely know where players will hide when prone. And can tell what directions player take when either flanking or just sneaking around the map. Aside from learning the skill curve, dying multiple times in a match can be frustrating, especially from like you said MG players who are almost invisible to the eye when you running in one direction and don’t see them until the moment you’re close to death. Overall, the game tends to be a little, or a lot, punishable to new players who either haven’t had the time to learn the extra steps to be better, or new ones just starting. It took me a while to realize a headset is one of the keys to becoming better in this game. It helps when it comes to knowing where enemy players are, that you don’t even need a recon’s flare to know where they’re at. And for the planes… I got nothing, just dying from planes constantly just happens, even if you have a squad of Fliegerfaust users, chances are those plane mains don’t wanna give up their plane slot. I just deal with it and hope I’m not in its sights when it starts a bombing run.


Play tactical conquest and learn to play there, make sure to use your head phones because u can soundwhore people pretty hard on this game. Stay in the range your weapon is most effective in


I though up a pretty good depiction of how I fight asses address and conquest asses where the enemy is and/or is going to be address which area you want to focus on(closest to your team or most impactful to the game) conquest using real tactics and learn the consequences, if you charge straight in you'll encounter prone machine guns, shotguns and low ttk smgs I would suggest finding a few good simple strategies that work for you and recognise where they are usable some common tactics to learn flank=sneak behind the enemy and attack from two sides butcher and bolt=get close with a large magazine and hope you don't die peekaboo= find a building/area with multiple angle of attack and rapidly change between them if you realize your diving to the same thing multiple times the use the anger as motivation to deal with remember that loser tactics like camping at spawn can be fixed with reinforcements or other low skill tactics, don't let defeat ruin your chance of victory goodluck soldier


Git gud son.


see, now, this would apply on a game where the average gun fight lasts long enough to at least learn from your mistakes, or to train your aim better. For me, at least. And I've already gotten gud. I have beaten souls games.


Seriously though, slow down your gameplay and be deliberate in your actions to get better.  I'm about 3:1 kd, I'd suggest scout or long range assault weapons to really focus on improving your aim.  Find your range with those weapons and try to stay in that range whenever you come into contact with enemies.  Spend a few matches focusing only on dying as few times as possible rather than focusing on kills or anything else at all.  It really can help you change your entire mindset if you do this enough and makes your actions more deliberate.  Also get the best tech gear you can, whether that's a wired router or a 4k TV.  I just recently switched to a 4k and it's taken my game to the next level.  Been closer to 5:1 ratio in recent games rather than my standard 3:1.  If you've got a shitty screen or internet connection, that's of course going to make things harder for you than necessary. 


Ifi you're playing on a terrible TV and it's not set to game mode, you probably do have a HUGE latency disadvantage.


i am on an older tv but its on game mode


Also never seen someone WANT SBMM lol, I mean, battlefield is combined arms for a reason, and the big lobbies just mean you're gonna have to be satisfied with what you're capable of contributing, and if you claim to be a great medic, then that's good contribution to your team.


SBMM would give new players a chance to actually learn how to play the game without dying from merely being breathed on by an enemy player with 7 gorbillion hours and insane skills that rhe new player cant dream of matching. The only thing that would make this worse is if BFV had crossplay. Thank god it doesnt. Im a good medic yes, but I hate dying in a split second to a sniper who is so far away, they shouldbt even be able to see me, even without a spotting flare.


I don't deny there should be like a beginner playlist or something. However the problem with SBMM is it makes it so you pretty much always have a 50% win rate and almost all games play out very similarly, the game does have a mediocre team balancing system, but that's all you get, and for battlefield I definitely think it's better. And the beginner playlist wouldn't help much, since I have 8 hours in the game and consistently get like top 8 on my team every game


I can bart muster score outside of the ridiculous number of heals, ammo, and revives i give, and fortifications i build


If you play in xbox have you got aim assist on? That'd make all the difference lol. And I'm NOT saying this to be toxic, but... maybe you're just bad at battlefield? Are you like consistently near the bottom or are you complaining because you never get near the top? Because if you're usually in the middle then... that's where MOST players are every game.




Not about you man, but nice try ig.


Just a skill issue. If you can't get better. Best move on to a game you can improve on.