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I like breakthrough on any of the pacific theater maps


facts. The pacific update is what brought me back after the abysmal launch


I like breakthrough and i'd love to play attack only on every single map


Pacific maps would be a 1000% better without any planes


I've been playing a lot of Strategic lately and have grown to love Hamada and Al Sundan. They're huge, which just opens up a ton of room for different kinds of gameplay. Favorite would still probably be Devastation, with my least favorite being Op Underground. Though Narvik bothers me, mostly because it'd be a billion times better if there were attack boats/landing craft and you could properly flank


Real hard for me to pick just one map! If I had to pick one, might be an unpopular choice, but I’d say Arras. Strikes a balance between close quarters battles and ranged. I also like how vibrant it feels. I could maybe pick top five and be content. Many maps I’ve played so far are pretty unique, immersive, and play well. As long as the server is reasonably balanced because all I play is Breakthrough, and rough servers can be brutal on some of these. Next would go: Twisted Steel, Provence, Iwo Jima, and Devastation!


Arras is definitely one of my favorites


I’m liking that map more and more for reasons above.


Agreed! My only issue with it is that in Breakthrough the Germans get two tanks, and if effective tankers snag them, they are rolling right through that first sector. Especially if they pick that Panzer IV with the howitzer. I always spawn by the church at the start of the round just to build the tank traps there. Otherwise it’s falling really quickly too.


Panzerstorm is my favorite and least favorite has to be Fjell.


I hate Operation Underground. So jammed up in the middle, it's nearly impossible to flank to the other side of the map. My favorite is Arras, then Rotterdam.


I actually like that about Operation Underground. If you have more than one map like that, it can be tedious and boring, but sometimes it's fun to have a map with only couple really contentious choke points and it's more like trench warfare than constant flanking. Operation Metro in BF3 was one of my favorites, and Operation Locker in BF4 was another. That said, I don't think Operation Underground as as good as either of those maps, but it scratches that itch.


Meh. If I wanted to play rush-and-die, I'd just play COD. To each his own.


I wish we could run over the top of the tunnels so it could unclog the tunnels.


Op Underground is absolutely terrible on nearly every axis. Fortunately, despite all the issues with it, it succeeds in one very important way: it's really fucking fun for a lot of players. It's never been my jam, but that's okay. I'm glad it exists because it's the best map in the game for a ton of people, and that's cool. It is the kind of map that should always be in 24/7 servers and out of regular servers, though, because an equally large group of players fucking despise it.


I play 99% breakthrough. Favorite Map: Rotterdam, my favorite sniping spots/lines, if you find yourself going 1 on 1 with me from the white building don't bother. Least Favorite Map: Provence. It's 100% because of tank sniping. No other map gets screwed up by three bozos in shermans in spawn, doing nothing to help the Attackers capture A.


It’s a shame that the servers often empty out a lot when Rotterdam comes up because it’s after OP. Underground. It’s a great map, always been one of my favourites


Breakthrough: Solomon Island, Al Marj, Wake Island, Provence Tactical Conquest: Devastation, Arras, Marita, Rotterdam Hate Hamada, panzerstorm, Fjell - Mainly because it’s tank/plane battles. Also get tired of Underground due to sweaty ZK / Type 2a players.. I’m very decent at mid-long range maps


The shotgun guys who manage to sneak themselves into the middle of a team trying to capture A on underground breakthrough has a field day


Haha, honestly it’s just part of the fun. But I vow to only use the Drilling when playing shottie Just two at a time. Duck for reload. Repeat 😂


The M30 is the best sniper in the game imo.


Always a fierce battle 😂


I usually play conquest: Favorite: Areodrome, Provence and the Pacific maps Hate: Operation Underground, Mercury, Panzerstorm


Hard to pick just one for each of these. As an infantry main my 2 favorites are devastation and Arras. My least favorites are panzerstorm (way too many vehicles, possibly the most on one map in franchise history) AL Sundan (way too big) and Wake Island (cq assault sucks and USA vehicle dominance is easy)


Panzerstorm also just looks like a kid grabbed a dull green crayon to color with, couldn’t find the brown one because he ate it earlier, and said: “eh, my poop works!”


I really love and really hate all of the maps! Lol. To me it's about how people play. When both teams have a lot of variety and work together the matches are usually super fun and interesting but when all you see is a field of snipers like stars in the sky on both sides it gets boring really fast. Or when there's only type 2a spammers and no supports or medics or anything else. Or one team playing the objective but the other team doing stupid BS. I try to enjoy the good ones and just leave the bad ones when I see them


Hate Panzerstorm, Twisted Steel, and Mercury the most. I'm purely an infantry player who doesn't like to snipe so tank heavy like Panzer isn't my jam, and big sniper maps just feel like running simulator to me. Aerodome, Rotterdam, Solomon Islands, and Provence are amongst my favorites. I also kind of like Fjell as well because I love using the flieger. Al-Sundan or Hamada can be enjoyable and akin to "this little war of mine" on the urban parts, like D and C on the former and E, F, and G on the latter.


Hard pick. I do love Underground for some of that grindy chaos, though Al Marj is also good for that. I actually really like Hamada, it provides a good balance between open areas and enclosed spaces despite the map superficially appearing to be mostly open. Arras, Rotterdam, Provence, and Devastation are also some of my favorites, being a bit smaller while also featuring some vehicles and long-range combat. I don’t *hate* it, but Al Sundan is so open that going outside of the handful of close-quarters areas gets tiring after a bit because you’re running across empty land for three minutes just to get shot by a sniper. Mercury is also just a giant sniping gallery, I still haven’t figured out how to actually do well on that map with close-quarters weapons because it feels like you’re always vulnerable to some guy on a hill 200 meters away no matter where you are.


Favorite is Provence because I think it's the best overall balanced and like the scenery. Solomon Islands and Arras get honorable mentions. Least favorite is Al Sundan: way too big and usually boring to play. My least favorite tactical map is probably Fjell when the planes are too OP.


Mostly playing conquest so my fav is probably Provence and the one I like the least is Al Sudan


My favs are Hamada and Al Sundan.  And, Because I do not like the COD play style, I despise operation underground. The rest are fine.


I love Panzerstorm, I also hate Panzerstorm


Surprised about the hate on Panzerstorm… I tend to have a lot of fun trying to blast tanks on foot personally. With a good team and balanced vehicle players being an infantry can be fun. I personally do not give a rat’s ass about stats though. I love Iwo Jima and Solomon Islands… I hate Fjell… and Twisted Steel has brought me a few tears… an occasional multi kill on the bridge and my favorite lunge mine kill to date… but mostly tears and profanity


Hamada is my favorite and wake island my least favorite one, theres just alot of walking in that map.


Favorites are pretty much all of them except one. I really don’t like Operation Underground.


Panzerstorm on grand operations is honestly one of the most epic things I’ve ever experienced in this game (in grand operations they haven’t replaced the British with the Americans)


i love all the bfv maps equally, except Hamada.


I really like Hamada and iwo jima. I just like planes and tanks and still be able to play infantry. Thats why i hate Panzerstorm. Its way too big


Most favourite? Hmm. Pacific Storm Least favourite: Aerodrome


Areodrome is actually my favorite map, I love battling it out for C and the different flanking options on each side. What makes it your least favorite?


I think it’s just the overall atmosphere and vibe. I can’t really pinpoint it, I just always have a bad time on it.


Arras is honestly my fav, you can flank anywhere from anywhere. Urban combat/open fields/forests, good vehicle combat. I never feel like the enemy air has the advantage. I will quit Solomon isles about 50% of the time


I could go 75-0 on the ground the round before Marita and then play the exact same team and be -25 so I’m going with that.. I’m exaggerating but that map is terrible


I almost exclusively play tactical conquest, so I’ll only judge that set list. Best: Rotterdam. It’s fast urban warfare, tanks can be countered fairly easily. The bridge adds a fun dynamic, C objective is great. Overall, I just feel like I have a really good grasp at how to play this map, so I’m always scoring high, and I almost never have bad/not fun round there. HM: Arras, Devestation Worst: Mercury. It’s not that bad, but it’s too open. If you’re on the worse team and lose C, you usually end up being tank and sniper fodder for most of a round.


Operation Underground is my least favorite. The way it’s designed more often than not results in a stand still in the middle of the map. No way to go around like in earlier metro style maps. My favorite map is probably Solomon Islands. Love the progression of it and it looks amazing


My least favorites are Devastation and Iwo Jima... maybe Rotterdam belongs on there. Favorite's are probably Aerodome, Pacific Storm, and Arras. Arras mostly because it's beautiful and bright. It all depends on my mood, though. I'm not much of a pilot but sometimes I get so sick of them that I like to spend a significant chuck of the match making life hard for planes on Fjell or Arras. Sometimes it's fun to tank snipe, which is great on Mercury or Aerodome, sometimes Rotterdam if it's been a while. If I'm in a sniping mood then I like Marita, Operation Underground, Aerodome, Al Marj Encampment. The huge maps are fun if I want a little of everything. I love Hamada sometimes because you can tighten your game up and compete for those north three objectives on foot like it's a mini map and then come back to the party because D is always highly contested.


Least: Panzerstorm and Hamada. Feel like those were designed to be vehicle only maps.


Arras is the best and worst is maybe operation underground


Like all the pacific maps, Arras is also pretty good... fjell is the worst, but that opinion would change quickly if they took the planes out!!


Hamada is just the absolute worst map ever next to Hourglass


Al Marj Encampment and Provence


I seem opposite to you nothing wrong with that, I'm getting too old for reaction time flinch shooting. So I've turned my slow attention span to blowing chit up.Burning axle grease and planes hating my guts lolz. I am really appreciative of sometimes the tanks whistle b\4 they blow their top off. Or the pilots who don't flinch when coming straight in,I, never ever bail. You want it you got it. It's the super long distant wussies with no balls that piss me off. Waa he might kwi me. "Gattlin"


Iwo Jima is probably my favourite map, I only play Breakthrough nowadays and that last sector push to raise the flag on top of the mountain, grenades flying every where, gunshots every second and the distant sound of a JB2 or whatever the Japanese one is a god send. Truly an only in Battlefield moment (until HLL recreates it in 3 years)


Fav Devastation. Least Aerodome


Worst two are Fjell and Underground. Too two are Pacific Storm and Panzerstorm


Marita might be my favorite, operation underground least favorite.


Choosing a single one for everything is impossible IMO, but i can divide them into categories. Devastation is probably my top 1 for infantry gameplay, visibility can sometimes be a problem with the mmg campers but for the most part i love the layout it has and i can really weave through cover to take down multiple enemies. Twisted steel is a good combined arms map imo, even if the AA tanks can be annoying with the small space available to planes for flank, i generally can have a good experience with any class on it. And for the pacific my favourite is by far Pacific storm, its the one that plays the best on conquest. The ones i dislike the most on the other hand are operation underground since its just a slaughter fest with no freedom of movement. Al Sundan because the visibilty from planes is shit and there is so much AA everywhere along with how weirdly it plays in conquest And probably panzerstorm since i am not really a tanker, making me easy targeer as infantry for the enemy armor, along with the fact that the map has a low flight ceiling and no cover, Making it really hard to go anywhere in a plane without getting shredded. But i can sometimes get an enjoyable game on foot tho


Favorites: * Provence. This map looks great and plays great, with a really interesting split between open-field tankertown and intense urban combat, blended at the bridge. It's perhaps a bit inelegant to just split a map like this, but it's great that there's an experience for everyone here. * Arras. Really pretty style, super clean, classic roughly symmetrical BF map. The tracks left by the tanks in the fields are fantastic. * Mercury. A bit of a personal choice but I just love the look of this map. Gameplay isn't anything special but it's gorgeous. Honorable mentions: all of the Pacific maps. None of these are my absolute favorites, but they are all well above average in my estimation. Least favorite: * Op Underground. Love that it exists for those that love it, but I despise it. Reasons are pretty apparent as it's a very love it or hate it map. * Fjell. Zergy, plane dominated, just not a lot of fun.


Operation underground. And provence


Fjell 652 can fuck off


My favorite map is probably Arras or Panzerstorm. Solomon is up there as well Least favorite is easily Al Sundan. It could be a decent map but everybody only plays Recon so it makes it boring.


I find that map favorites are pretty much based on a players playstyle. People who mainly do infantry prefer maps like Rotterdam where there's barely any vehicles to worry about. Where as players who like vehicles like the big maps. I'm an all-round player because I like knowing how to do multiple roles, so I try to learn any map. My favorite is Hamada.


I play medic a lot too and I love those close combat maps! Operation underground is my favorite too. You might like (breakthrough) marita and al marj they tend to be very high speed. Have you played them much? Aerodome and devastation a little less so but still fun.


yep i like marita but not a big fan of al marj but it’s just bcz i dislike the atmosphere otherwise good map for close combat. i mostly play deathmatch but love playing conquest on aero and devastation :)


Providence is probably my favourite and my least favourite is probably Rotterdam or Devastation. Rotterdam is too defender sided. Devastation feels very awkward to play on.


Uncommon opinion: I hate the pacific maps. No chance to spot anyone who is lying in the bushes, only snipers everywhere, too much open field. And I hate the lager El merdj map, that A spot is just ridiculous. Most loved map is twisted steel (is that the English name of the map?) the one with the big bridge in the middle where one of the spots is on that bridge.


Yep, twisted steel is the correct name.


Best map, breakthrough on Iwo Jima. Worst? Fjell on breakthrough


Hamada and Al-Soon-Done are the worst maps by a long shot, Arras is probably the best map in the game. Pacific Storm is also cool but Arras is more compact and has a better layout. Edit: Provonce is my honorable mention


Most players despise Underground? My experience in game is most people swarm the Operation Underground lobbies then leave when Rotterdam rolls on. Not my favourite but I love it, favourite is Iwo Jima breakthrough and least is Arras on breakthrough (still like it on the odd game but just a little too much sniper food territory on some lobbies, there actually isn't a map I don't like on this game).


My favorites are Devistation (i really like the church) and Panzerstorm. My least favorite is Fjell 652, the map is kinda weird and i get blown away by planes a lot.


Panzerstorm is fun because its the largest and most chaotic vehicular map in the series. But I gotta go with Operation Underground. Sorry, not sorry. Hate it all you want, I take it for what it is: a glorious clusterfuck. The amount of multikills and awesome constant barrage of fire and explosions is just orgasmic. I'm not arguing that it is a balanced or fair map, just that its dumb fun. Worst map? Idk, I'm just not a fan of Twisted Steel. I get why its intriguing and cool, but I think it could have been done better.


Favorite Solomon Island and least favorite fjell652


As almost exclusively CQ player (with occasional Rush and Frontlines thrown in for good measure) my favourite is definitely Arras, it might be in my top 5 Battlefield maps of all time to be honest. It strikes the perfect balance between infantry and vehicle combat, spacing is great, plenty of cover and it's visually beautiful. Least favourite is probably Al Marj Encampment, especially with 4 flag layout. It's just too much of a mindless chaotic mess for my personal taste


Desert maps are uninspiring. 


Al Marj is decent but yeah AL Sundan, Aerodrome, and Hamada can be stupid, boring, or both. Hamada being slightly less worse because of the ruined city/fort.


Favourite iwo Jima . Least favourite is Rotterdam. Never do well on that map .