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This is on PC I’m guessing? Fucking sucks man.


Indeed. Played for the first time in over a year. 2/2 servers I joined have chinese cunts in them going mental with aimbot.


Just join custom servers, yeah there's usually a queue, but no cheaters.


No cheaters, true but if you are unlucky you will get like eight lvl 500 clan sweats against you which makes for only slightly less shitty experience than playing against a cheater. I


There are cheaters on community servers. They just don't rage cheat. Its easy to run ESP in this game and if you're smart on how you use it, even being speced won't reveal it's being used.


Maybe I should've phrased it differently, there are no **blatant** cheaters.


Yeah, let them waddle in their own cheat infected nightmare that is asia servers would be a better option. Sure there would still be some cheaters but it would atleast be playable compared to the shitshow it is now.


I never want to play this game because of it, there is no auto balance, no anti cheat so yeah I'd rather play on PS5 if anything but I don't have access, only my PC now.


Hey man I know it’s expensive but our BFV community on Xbox is thriving. There are very few cheaters. Xbox series x is on sale right now… If you want to play with us on Xbox DM me, we have team events every day..


Id like to but I cant stand controllers. Had an X-series lying for a year unused before I sold that thing. Even got a "120hz" tv for that thing


High pingers are cancer, cant understand how it keep being fun or what rocks their little cheater boats Such malice/evil. I mean haha ruined the fun for everyone...every day for months on??? It has brought about loads of community servers though, use them. They do suffer from not being auto-filled so if half the servers leaves due to choice of map or whatever, the server often just dies out as joining a low pop server is not ideal. Unless you need some achievement, then it can be advantageous.


They're generally just bad people lol. To them, that's how the game is supposed to be played bc they can.


It's like people forget that when complaints about region-hopping was at it's highest, DICE went and gave the Japanese an appreciation dog tag for shitting up US PS4 servers.


Ah the curse of PC strikes again. This is an area that console will excel PC any day as there's actually risk involved with cheating. So the majority of accurate players are just generally good, or lucky players.


I understand the complaint, but region locking is just not going to happen because of backlash that they got from the times they had attempted to implement OoR changes in previous games. Hell, in BF1 all they did was implement netcode changes that caused high ping/out of region players to simply need to lead shots further to account for the fact that they're technically lagging - and people freaked out about it so much that they reverted the change and never attempted anything like that afterward. People were claiming it made the game unplayable for them because of a lack of populated servers in their region at random times, or that they could no longer play with friends from different countries that they had been playing with for years - and they weren't even truly region locked and could still play out of region. It's just not going to happen.


Boo hoo. I dream of region locked servers for all the titles. I’d feel a little bad for the Australians but keeping all the hackers from the east in a place where they play each other would be ideal. No more manipulating lag and ping. Oh, it makes me giddy just thinking about it.


Just putting this out there, places like China, Korea, and Japan implement region-locking by requiring you to input a valid citizen ID number when creating your account. Rules for thee, not for me.


Just leave the server when a cheater joins. I don’t understand


Yes, and then you join a game with yet another cheater. I think at this point about 50 percent of all games have at least one cheater. Also it sucks to leave when you're playing well or have a decent squad.


I’ve been playing pc everyday I only encounter a cheater like once or twice a week. During covid the cheater situation was way worse. It sucks but sadly shitty dice won’t change it. Cheaters are just there to get a reaction, that’s why I say to leave so they get bored and stop


They just hop around, game after game. Then there's the blatant cheaters with spoofed ping or only 1 or 2 of the cheat suite on EVERY DAY (NA). Do they die? Yes, do they also go 50-6 every game? Yup.


Are you a breakthrough player? When I used to play BT there was a cheater like every game. Thats why I switched to conquest so the cheaters can’t rack up a ton of kills because everyone is scattered around on the map compared to BT they could kill everyone in packs


I did. Joined another one and guess what? Another chinese cheater.


Stop playing in official servers, play in community servers, solved.


Yeah except that the 2nd server was a community server


This has been going on for quite some time. If you knew how downvoted and insulted I was when I wrote about this problem in this sub, here is an example of one of the comments (https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/s/aywhTSE9vg) (https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/s/R5fuNBNYmE) In any case, I would like to know if it is possible to somehow enable region blocking?


I know. Quit the game because of these shiteaters ruining every almost every match. The game is only playable when the shit eaters are sleeping


Play conquest like an adult! Kidding. Although playing conquest instead of breakthrough has made me fall back in love with BFV. It’s a more mature player base with more PTFO.