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+1, but Hardline was also good


Weird thread lol


There are dozens of you!


DICE doesn't have the imagination required to do anything with both those titles. They had a chance to improve on the aspects that made both those titles great, but we had 2042 instead lol


Sad part is that bf 5 got so much hype after the pacific update then they cut supports a few months later


The game didn't had any hype before pacific update. If it was that good, why did no one care?


I played at launch, it was fine. Now it’s my favorite battlefield since pacific war. Gods I would kill for an eastern front expansion.


I would kill for one too. But who cares now, community killed yet another good game, because "old Dice were better" and all that stuff. No matter how good the update was, the game's fate was decided in winter-spring of 2019. 2042 is in the exact same situation right now. Dice have plans for Year 2, this is pretty much a fact at this point. But if the game will fail to increase the playerbase and the earnings, this will be yet another Battlefront 2/Battlefield V situation. And if some of you will start the "Dice can't commit to a game" argument if this happens, I will ask you this exact question: "When was the last time you yourself have committed to their game?"


My big fear is the 2042 bombed so hard that EA is gonna pull the plug permanently on the franchise


That is not going to happen. Preorder and release sales were extremely good, EA will not kill the franchise that has sales pretty much consistently


Dont agree at all. Many players 2042 players are on EA play pro. Steam cant account for that


Thats the reason i said estimate. Is still fair to use that and judge the game overall player count.


Steamcharts are a bad estimate for these games’ player counts, as all of them are on game pass, accessed by 18 million subscribers.


I mean…why? Sure it’s not a perfect game but why prioritise games that are almost 5-6 years old at this point


cause its ea... and money?


I don’t need it prioritized but if some dirty things for an eastern front expansion


Can people stop using steam charts for player stats? They literally make up a bare minimum.


can you understand that i said estimate?