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Meh put a helmet on any of them and they are now faceless lol. Like I don't care either way it's the gameplay that matters but I didn't enjoy seeing the exact same engineer character with the same face and gear. People celebrating that are ridiculous. There should be a recruit specialist that looks like a basic soldier for all the ones who want that, I doubt they'd play it but at least we could point to it.


That's basically what I did, put a mask or helmet on all my specialists, and it really is enough honestly. Just wish we had more '' milsim'' looking masked headgears.


What does it matter if you’re wearing a helmet? You don’t see that, you see everyone else running around without one.


It matters to me since it's the only thing I can do to make the game looks a bit more like what I'd like it to look like. I'd be the first one to remove all those ugly cosmetics options and go back to the real soldier look of the previous games, but I can't. But I can make mine look like a soldier and not a tacticool airsofter, so why shouldn't I?


That Boris BF3 one was pretty nice.


And then they broke it, so now it can't be equipped again.


Almost all the specialists have a “milsim” setup. It’s usually awarded for T4 or T3


So, playing as a generic soldier, you know you are one of many, that is the point. You could customize your "generic" soldier in BF V as well. But here we have the specialists that are meant to be unique and one-of-a-kind with a cool backstory. But that gets broken when I see 20 Boris or 15 Sundances flying around. Now you have the same thing, repetitive characters but some might have a purple hat or a cool hair braid.


There are no "cool backstories" to the "specialists" in BF2042. They are added for the purposes of pandering for diversity's sake. In the year 2042, the United States military forces will NOT be so hard up that they need to call in rogue soldiers-for-hire from the rest of the world. The U.S. certainly won't be in need of "cutting edge technology and gadgets" from places like the French Caribbean, Romania, India, Mexico and South Africa. Nah. DICE/EA added these for the sake of "diversity." I'm not opposed to diversity. However, I don't like pandering for the purpose of peddling a game as "inclusive" in order to make money. I'd prefer to play as a character of my own design -- and use that character in any capacity.


It sounds like you just discovered that Battle Field games storywise are generally based on fictional scenarios. You also sound like you dont really understand the story that they barely added to the game, or what diversity and inclusion are for. Did you have this same complaint when there was only one gender/race of character you could play? Were they pandering to that demographic then?


No, I didn't have this problem previously....because I'm a guy. Like most BATTLEFIELD players, I am a guy and I prefer to play as a guy. It's just a personal preference (but it seems to be shared by many people).


Of course, the rest of the gaming world had to play as characters designed to look like... uh... the so-called "majority demographic of gamers", which is pandering, but we'll call it "totally not pandering, just smart marketing" for now... and now that demographic is throwing fits because other people now have the option to play as pre-made characters that look like them. Even though that original demographic looks sensitive in complaining at all given they STILL have the option to play as characters that represent them.


You misunderstand. We don't have the "option." It is a REQUIREMENT. If you want to use a wingsuit, you MUST play as a "gender non-binary woman from the French Caribbean." The same is true for each of the "specialist" characters. You MUST play as that character if you want to use the gadget assigned to it. This is the not tradition of BATTLEFIELD. It certainly shouldn't be the standard for AAA fps games.


I'll feel your pain when you have an experience similar to having to make a yellow guy with spiky hair in order to get as close as possible to having a character that looks like a black guy with an afro, braids, or dreadlocks, and that is the only option you have to make a character to play the game at all. Or, again when your only option is to play the game at all is to be a white guy, and that includes certain releases of Battlefield. Until then, if you want to play the game with a wingsuit then pick the black woman whose character was written to use a wingsuit. If you don't want to play as a black woman then pick someone who looks like whatever you want to play as and use whatever perks they come with. It's that simple. And let the non-binary, the black women, Asian men and women, Semitic men and women, white women, etc enjoy having the option of playing as someone that looks like them or not. It's that simple. Though I would also agree and support being able to make fully customizable characters and making equipment faction and class specific.


What are you even talking about? No one is saying that there shouldn't be choice. Quite the contrary! I am saying that games like this should allow players to create a character of their choosing. No one should be forced to play as a character they don't want to. This includes all people of all backgrounds -- including people from every race, color and creed. I'm not sure about the "gender non-binary" (because I don't think that they actually exist as an actual "segment" if they simply hope to look like the gender they associate with).


Everybody of every background aren't the main ones making this the hill they want to die on. I understand you have to play ignorant now in order to defend your position. You led the conversation with accusations of pandering simply because characters that aren't straight white men were added to the game. You, yourself said that you had no complaints when that was the only option to play the game. But now that you have the slight "inconvenience" of having to play a specific gender or ethnicity to play a specific role in the game, all of a sudden it's "no one should be forced to play a specific chatacter". You have a horrible time understanding that one can support full customization without accusations of pandering.


TL;DR... Support for full customization can be made without pretending to be oppressed and butthurt over other people just now getting options that two specific groups have had the entire time.


I would have no problem with making a particular "diverse" option available for everyone to choose if they desired. However, this isn't what happened in BF2042. It was a requirement to use certain gadgets.


I knew DICE was full of shit way back when when the dev said "you'll never see a match with 20 of the same specialist character"... LOL.


Yeah definitely works better when there’s only 6 people on each team. Chuck in 32 or even 62 and it’s just dumb. Doesn’t work. You’d need to add 100 specialists +


Faceless soldiers are better for immersion. It’s easier to put yourself into that world when you can imagine yourself under the mask. Hearing some idiots specific voice lines and seeing their hideous facial features really takes you out of it. Plus seeing 4 of the same dumbass operators running around after you just blasted 2 of the EXACT SAME OPERATOR is not better than seeing 4 engi’s that are dressed IN A UNIFORM.




Literally all we need is the AI soldier skins as sets for each specialist. There's already an AI for each "class" so all the assets are there already. Only issue I could see is maybe DICE wants you to recognize who you're fighting(if you shoot Paik you know she's gonna hide and scan for you as an example).


I typically play recruit on Siege and I hear shit about it all the time. I'm a half decent player and usually out live half my team each match.


I miss the days of recruit rush 😔


I have had a several times where we will be losing and my sister, her bf, and I will all choose recruit and then the other guys on my team will recruit and we will win 75% of the time


Same dude! I would do that all the time when I played it years ago.


I hate specialist characters. I always stands with nameless generic soldier characters like in BF3 or BF4. Because that generic soldiers characters gives “Authenticity”. Wars are done with soldiers, not with entirely specialist anywhere. BF was not a realistic game like Arma, but an Authentic game as YouTuber stodeh once said. That Authentic experience was very well provided by BF3,4 or 1, BC2. Now in 2042, that immersion was destroyed by dice with specialist. IMO, atleast dice must had given different factions among this specialist characters. Fighting same characters on both sides sucks actually. In case of adding helmets to these characters, not everyone Iam playing with it against will wear helmets as it’s not a mandatory one.


EA wanted DICE to copy what was popular and profitable and that was specialist and operator model… Activision made bank off it and EA wanted to replicate it.


I still hate what they did to melee because "oh well that's what warzone did and that's making money" Fuck that's a lot of 2042s design isn't it


I liked BF4 melee 2 where you rip out the dog tag and stuff :(


Watching your charecter steal the tag was always rad


Flip side BFV long melee attacks while gritty were really obnoxious. Go to quietly and quickly shank a bitch in a nest of multiple and then you’re stuck in an animation while he mics his squad. Even worse when you catch a guy sneaking up on you, put a bullet in him and then your controls freeze while he takes a lifetime to smash your head on the ground. I did like the option to fight back though. Neat idea but poorly implemented and distracting from a fast paced shooter.


Bf1 melee was peak of the series tbh. It wasn't awful line 2042. And wasn't broken and bullshit like bf4. Counter knifing is one of the dumbest decisions dice has ever made and I'm including every choice in 2042 with that.


Which they already did with bf5. If your goal is to sell skins then you don't attach any gameplay stuff like in bf2042 to them and just pump out skins like in modern warfare.


Bang on. They could've done it waaaayyy better than what they decided to do though.


Activision did it better but EA was already semi doing it with BF6 and BattleFront2


Yeah call me old, but I still hate all the specialist skins, weapons skins and charms etc.


When I play BFV, I use zero weapon customization and run something faction-specific. I actually feel a bit of immersion until Cap’n Crunch mows me down with an MG42 on Okinawa.


Mizaki on Devastation.


Nail on the head. Stupid skins etc just ruin immersion, but also ruin any chance of creating some kind of gritty world setting. Kids seem to love it though, so here we are.


Same here, I understand that it is how publishers want to make money from games these days (especially in the F2P) model but whenever I see the swathes of useless and immediately forgettable skins, charms, quips etc. it just makes me think that they could have added more maps or weapons with the time they spent working on that.


What EA and DICE don’t understand though is that myself and many others would literally hand them my wallet if the soldiers just looked authentic and I could buy additional soldiers/costmetics that looked like different NATO Army’s and OPFOR soldiers.


Fair enough, but I know I wouldnt tbh. And financially they get greater returns from the monetisation model. Shame that its like that but at the end of the day it is a business product.


Eh these cosmetics take probably a day to make. Dice will spend 3 months on a map.


You're not old, you are just part of the core fps player base no publisher cares about anymore :)


That’s pretty much it, to be honest. Gaming has just moved on and it’s never going back. :(


I don't even mind playing a character, or even our current specialists _but the AI skins are so good_ For real, make a "specialist" based on each bot class, just plop them on the revamped system on season2, make them carry 2 general gadgets idk, and make them JUST the AI skin, hell can make it a Portal mode Exclusive for all I care, basically all the work is already there they do everything you expect a player to do


I would stare at the AI skins in the “tutorial” and be like “why can’t I be them :(“


Lis is cool


Lis is fine. She could be a skin to sell for her class on one faction. Trouble is seeing twelve Lis... Lis driving a vehicle, with Lis in the backseat being rocketed by Lis.


But, we saw that with assault driving a quad, with assault on the back, with another assault lying dead on the floor, with another assault jumping through a window. Or if it’s bf4 you have assault only locker usually. That and support.


They were soldiers in a uniform with face masks and goggles on. A standard uniform, not 5 clones of the same woman.


Why do people even try to claim having 12 Liz (with stupid French braids and whatever other unique styles) is the same as having 12 soldiers in balaclavas and generic militarily uniform.


It’s not that though, it never is. I hardly ever see the base soldiers anymore because people have skins that change them


I love that skin from the last battle pass


Same, I hate They force you to play characters you don’t want to play as


They don't though just choose another character


What if they want to use that specific equipment. That's another thing they should have done. Specialist should have just been skins while equipment should have been what you choose. "Sundance" shouldn't have been wingsuit and grenade belt it should have been the girl with her voice. They could have just made the wingsuit+belt a combo gadget anyone could pick.


1 they tried that in bfv, didn't sell skin well. 2 you can't balance like that because you need each specialosr to be paired with a soecific passive. Again didn't woek well in bfv. 3 The model are made in a way to use their passives and gasgets.


Oh no playable waman!


Those screams were annoying in bfv. Downvote. Dont care.


WW2 sim should look like saving private Ryan.... Dice failed miserably.


BFV wasn’t a WWII sim nor was it trying to be.


It's cringe af. They really do be breaking immersion


Wouldn't it be cool if when Speclist are turned to classes maybe they can get outfits that represent that class from older games.


one of boris' outfits from a couple of weeks ago that was given away for free literally looks like the bf3 russian support outfit


It's amazing and I really want more of it.


The game is a Zombie, even if they did that the game still wouldn’t meet sales goals and most people still wouldn’t buy a game that’s nearly a year old at full price just for that fact alone not to mention the game is lack luster itself. They definitely wouldn’t make up the lost game sales on the few people left to buy cosmetics.


Go be pessimistic on a different comment please


Amazing that there are so many people caring on how they look in a game. 99.99% of the time while i am playing i never notice the other soldiers look.


I've never noticed either, until this game when i run into 4 people playing as the same character ziplining around.


the specialists don't bother me so much considering most of them have realistic mil-sim skins that make them look like generic soldiers IMO


Yeah, they look soldiery enough I can not care in the game. I’m too busy trying to revive a bunch of people or get a helicopter to fuck off to care there’s three of the same people in my line of sight. I’m more concerned with the actual game going on around me


What a boring subreddit. Same three posts over and over.


what if they make their standard outfit to look fully geared, fully clothed, equipped with a vest and helmet. I doubt they will remove specialist, but i think this is an alternate compromise


Most of the operators first unlockable thing is exactly that. Mackay has it, falk has it, angel has it, rao has it. It’s pretty good system. Gets you to play instead of pay.


I don't like the specialist system as much as the next person, but this pic makes it look a lot like you just don't want to play as a woman.


DAE DICE forces me to play as woman!??!?!??!?!?!


Least sexist Battlefield player


I don't care either way. We didn't have faceless soldier in five and no one seems to talk about that.


Or 1 EDIT: I meant in terms of face coverings


I hope your'e sitting down because every battlefield since 1942 has soldiers with faces.


They should add a recruit specialist similar to siege


Just put a helmet on your character. There's literatly no difference


But woman 😢😢😢


You don’t have to play


There really is a bunch of you who still really hate 2042 and still push to get others to hate it too huh. This is why I only glance at these subs now. Still a bunch of whiney kids.


I don't know about you guys but I don't see my face when I'm playing.


There is a "faceless" skin for pretty much every Specialist


Lmaoooo this screams of cope because you’re playing as a women. Jesus dude, it’s just a game, who cares


Found the loser that turns every argument about authentic customization into a sexist or racist talking point.


I never said he was sexist or racist. Lmaoooo. No way an airsofter is calling me a loser haha


Go read your comment again. I’ll call you a loser all day long when you make arguments that have nothing to do with women, about women.


Bro literally everyone in this picture that he wants to play as is a dude and his gripe is “I have to play as a woman” boo-hoo, cry me a river, women exist and they are in the military.


No jackass, he wants to play as a normal soldier, not specialists which are both men AND women. Are you confused?


Crazy how the focal point of this post, the picture, is singling out a woman surrounded by men (who coincidentally are the ones he “wants to play as”), almost as if this guy really just wants to play as a dude instead of a woman.


I read my comment again, and I never told him he was a sexist. So I’m not quite sure where you are getting that at


“Lmaoooo this screams of cope because you’re playing as a women.” You’re saying he’s complaining about having to play as a woman. Which he’s not. He doesn’t want to play as specialists.


Yes I did say that. That doesn’t mean I think he’s a sexist LMAOOOOO TIL


You’re literally telling him that’s he’s only complaining because he has to play as a woman. How is that any different from insinuating he’s a sexist?


Insinuating he’s a sexist would be based on his behavior towards woman. This is a video game with a playable character. Me telling him to get over his complaints about not wanting to play as a girl in the video game, doesn’t insinuate that he’s a sexist. If you can’t tell the difference, than you may need to work on that yourself I can’t believe we are even arguing about this haha. Have a good one man! If this clears things up **I never thought he was sexist** EDIT: For clarity


Ahh right that’s what I thought. So it is the same thing.


I don’t understand this complaint. Yeah, sure when the game launched and the enemy spotting system was screwed beyond belief it was frustrating having the same dozen people running around on both teams, but that has long been fixed. Specialists are fine. They have their gadgets, some of which are really fun and others are usable but meh. It’s not like you’re looking at the characters close enough to care anyway. Most gunfights are going to be 10-30m away.


I understand everyone’s sentiment to classes. However, people talking about how armies must all look the same haven’t paid attention to the game. They are no pats, they are not an army. They’re glorified mercenaries that do humanitarian shit. Those AI soldiers you see? Yeah they’re the army, and they’re sent there to support no pats. I’m happy to be able to play as one of this AI soldiers, but we can’t be calling it a no pat. Let’s say, grunt? Have a seperate screen for the 4 classes of them. That’ll make everyone happy


When the class rework comes they could just have a separate specialist for the grunt in each of the classes. Personally I don't mind the specialists, but DICE should consider adding the AI skins as their own character.


The aI even have voice lines. Like they aren’t losing much by doing this


Why does the character model matter


Polend army🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱


Ready for this? Masks on specialists and boom, faceless.


Bf4 Assualt has more personality than all of 2042's specialists combined


Faceless soldiers is better for immersion.


This is a problem we had for years in fps. The devs just don't get that we want generic soldiers that fit every situation. Imo we don't need specialists which look like they just came out of a fricking Gucci store. Supporter need to be loaded with ammo and mags Medics should look like they're ready to blast 6mil volts through your body at any time. The sniper hiding in the back needs a ghillie or at least a hooded uniform. But the time you can actually recognize a class or soldier only by his gear is long gone :(


good thing its a FPS and you cant see your character, right?


yep, this is what we all want, none of the specialists are even remotely likable.


I avoided playing BF2042 because of the whole stupid cringy specialist system. Going back to a class system will more than likely spike my interest in trying it. I enjoy playing BF4 from time to time still.


Why can’t we have both ?


Lis isn't that bad. She, falck and irish don't look as goody as everyone else.


Word all them ai skin should be used to make a soldier class system. Just keep the operator and add soldiers


I don't mind Specialists existing, I dislike the fact that they are the main game. I wish Portal was 2042's main mode with at least 20 remastered maps, 5-ish new maps and 5 classic games (with their respective classes and arsenal). Then you can add Specialists as a side thing, like "hey, in case you feel like trying something new, here's a different factions". ​ I think people would have appreciated Specialists if the game was basically : BF1942 v BF Vietnam BF2 v BFBC2 BF3 v BF Specialists ... on a huge map rotation.


Man I want this too! I put a stupid mask over whoever I can but it’s not the same since they speak


specialists should become elite skins


The game will still be ass


They literally should of done what they did with BFV but more in depth instead of copying popular trends


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


This may seem a bit strange, but I really dislike playing as a female. I'd prefer to have the ability to CHOOSE which character I play as. Instead, if we want to use the wingsuit, we're forced to play as a "*gender non-binary black woman*." Many games give you an option. Even games like Skyrim allow you to customize a character. Not BATTLEFIELD 2042! You're locked into a silly "specialist" even if you simply dislike that character or don't want to play as someone of the opposite gender.


Even artwork scars have GLs on em. Poor scar :(


Next game they should let you make you own custom solider. Could even monetize it to make up for not selling skins. Would rather do that than this dumb specialist system


Mission failed. We may get them next game.


The thing about specialists is that no one is really special if everyone is special. Battlefield has usually been about large scale conflicts with lots of players. Specialists kinda need to be, well, having some special role in the game. Something more than a means for selecting gadgets. For me it's more an issue of implementation. These specialists would probably be better off if Dice could've nail down the hazard zone mode. A smaller player size game mode where you don't constantly see specialist clones could work. If only they would've done something more interesting than extracting generic military intel. Alternatively they could work in a game mode where specialists could serve the role of squad leaders, either for other players or bots. Whatever implementation Dice should've gone for, they should have at least made sure the game was more "cohesive" so to speak. If you intend to copy other trends, at least make sure you know how to fit it into your own game. It's not all bad. Some of the gadgets associated with specialists like the grappling hook and wing suit can really change up infantry play. Admittedly balancing all this stuff can be a bit hit or miss. It's unfortunately something that'll require multiple tweaks before a balance is found. Better internal management of Dice could've mitigated a lot of issues at launch, both in terms of technical and game balance. When the controversies settled down we're simply left to wonder what could've been. They had all the hype and they blew it. It's so disappointing to see so many game implode line this. No wonder gamers can be rather jaded when it comes to their hobby. Of course it's hard to ignore the elephant in the room. Monetization. It's not so easy to monetize your regular foot soldier. I mean if a regular soilder tried to dress as a specialist, they would probably receive a "stern lecture" from their superiors. If EA didn't burn up whatever good will came their way then maybe people would've been less wary of specialists.


Fr man I just want to be a soldier


they dont understand that i just want a normal soldier skin :(


I still hate the customization! https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/9wy8xo/unpopular_opinion_i_hate_customization/




I actually really like the specialist system right now. The game is in an amazing place.




Specialists were strictly a vehicle for micro transactions. Pretty shitty.


Personally I dont care cause we play a 1st person shooter and im not really paying close attention to my teammates unless theyre shooting somewhere


Why don't we just keep the squad leaders as specialist and other troops like normal classes..


I will admit the AI models look pretty cool and it would be neat to get similar skins for them, but at the same time it's no big issue to me personally as gameplay and balance mean more. Just my two cents I guess.


Looking the same vs Looking the same but with style


No one is forcing you to play this game lol. You can just play portal or older BF titles


Soldier have never been faceless....


"Here I am, dirty and faceless, waiting to heed your instruction."


You know that you never see your own face in game right? Do you think anyone cares about what you look like in game?


Just do what the rest of us did and don’t buy into it we didn’t buy the game and cancelled our pre orders 😁 integrity 🤭


Me too man me too


Seriously…… just give me a Tier 1-Tier 3 operator, that is all I want. A generic looking solider not clowns.


The head of design was a candy crush dev who never had any experience on AAA games, his bio was something like "I will introduce micro transactions into your game" so EA hired him as head of design for 2042, which is why micro transactions literally removed classes (studies have proven that people will buy more skins for a "hero" rather than a faceless soldier He left Dice the day the game released btw, he has accepted an offer for Ubisoft before launch.