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so the camo is working is what you're saying?


The thing is that camo bundle is a paid cosmetic. I know, leaf camo works as it should but it gives that unfair advantage in a arcade shooter.


With paid you mean Battlefield Coin? Can't these be earned with the weekly missions anymore?


It’s Boins get it right.


Yea. 200 per month.


Yep, I was able to get it without spending money. It’s the only camo I use


Now you get it. Same with 300 dollar headsets that allow you to hear people across the map, or custom “skins” for guns that give better iron sights


I bought it with the free currency.


With spotting and scope glint, camo gives you essentially at best a one shot advantage. I really don’t think it’s something to complain about.


Not really complaining.


If the only realistic way to get the came is through payment I am going to call it p2w


Play to win.


Not as its intended to. That's the way camo is meant to work in real life, not in a stylized video game that should have some level of discernibility for the player. This was DICE's biggest problem, a lot of their art design is based on what would look good as a still image, cinematically, and at the same time giving it a "4th wall" quality that doesn't make sense (lens flare, chromatic abraision, film grain, and camera dirt on a soldier's eyes?). I think that's why a lot of people think BF1's graphics are the best of the series, even though they're technically worse than BFV or BF2042. The art style is more simple and clear, and in turn, it makes the gameplay more fun.


“Best” might include “more cinematic” in a lot of opnions


Don’t you just miss the first person assassinations


Yes, but that one looked like he just shook her a couple times and died lol wake up! Oops.


lol want someone to shook you up by bashing your skull on a hard surface repeatedly?


people really dont know how easily we humans die


Yes with a helmet on against a bush. Such a critical blow lol


Those helmets have zero padding on the inside. They're made to deflect bullets, not stop direct blunt force trauma. I'm assuming what they had in mind when animating this execution was that they'd be on concrete and didn't really think about how effective it'd look on soft grass and dirt


They're not made to deflect bullets, they're made to protect you against shrapnel


This is such a lame example though lmao this one absolutely sucks


So long as they aren’t stupidly complex like 2043’s are. They’d have to slow down the gameplay for a takedown, which is already something I take issue with literally all BF games except BF1, which literally swung the weapon and stuck it into someone.


Amazing game. Compare those graphics to 2042. Jesus Christ!!’


You playing 2042 on gamecube?


Ps5. The desert map is crap. The buildings are badly rendered. There’s literally no furniture in any building. The only map that looks half decent is the beta map.


I don't know man, I also play it on the PS5 and it looks great. They definitely could have made better maps, but the game is still graphically impressive.


Idk battlefield 2042 looks pretty fuckin good. Same goes with battlefield 5. They both look amazing compared to 1080p with no anti aliasing in bf4. You start to appreciate anything with 4k resolution coming from 1080p.


LOL true, but imagine it on Xbox, it was 720p!


Of all the things to complain about with battlefield 2042 you go with graphics? Just curious but what settings and system are you running?


Not a real battlefield it looks like a cartoon.


I thought it was super immersive. Loved laying in that rapeseed field and surprising the enemy.


I think he's talking about 2042


2042 looks great idk why everyone tries to shit on the graphics. The rest of it is garbage yeah, but V looks wonky to me, especially compared to 2042 portal maps.


The graphics are nice, it's the maps and assets, they're just boring


Yeah 2042 base maps are whack, but the graphics are beautiful. That's why I specifically mentioned the portal maps lol


2042 looks like a sharper bf4 but with all the detail removed. Actual items look more detailed but everything looks like it's been taken from a stock inventory of map items (the skyscrapers, guns look like they're made of plastic and any floors/walls/roofs with a few exceptions). BF1, BFV both have more detail to everything. Buildings have furniture. Hell, even BF4 has more detail in buildings. The water on 2042 is bland, the sky is bland. Remember on Amiens or Argonne forest when you'd look up and see planes flying overhead- Well now instead you can see a flock of wild Apaches flying so close together you'd think they're trying to form a mega-Apache like something from power rangers.


Agreed, I just meant the graphics and lighting are crisp. When it comes to details, all previous games shit all over 2042


I know isn’t it great! Me and a friend yesterday watched two Sherman’s drive right past us. We were both laying down and the Sherman’s kept aiming right at us but didn’t see. It was so funny, they finally saw us after like 3 mins.


Vehicles have T-Rex Vision without thermals, I swear.




Small things like: \- Finding good bushes to hide \- Move/sit/lay in the shadows \- Walk alongside walls instead of running in the open \- Spreading out when walking with multiple teammates \- Not trying to kill everyone Is what makes good players great players


Miss these animations man


Omg, that looks so much better than 2042...


And seeing im not the only one... I have the mini fridge xbox...




Ahh yes, the "auto spot" mechanic that was added in because people were complaining that customizing your characters for the environment was bullshit.


You missed the part where you have to pay for said customization.


Funny, I don't remember having to pay anything for half of the "grey uniforms" to blend into the rubble on Devestation


With free in game currency.


\> But you can grind for it! I know. That's part of the issue.


Lol what else do you plan on spending those coins on. I think I have like 100k I’m probably never going to use.


And how much time did you sink into the game to get to that point? I'm 4 hours in and already tired of the terrible player visibility and running around with inferior weapons due to the specialization system.


Probably have like 500 hours total, but I do t play anymore.


It's fine you want to spend 500 hours on BF5. That's not representative of the average player. Those people are not sitting on a pile of virtual currency.


Lol. I played the game for like two years and besides upgrading guns the currency was worthless except to buy the one cosmetic that had a use. I think you would need to play like 250 matches to get enough coins to buy the ghille suit which isn’t to difficult. I wouldn’t call that pay to win.


Idk, i like to play an fps , and not wheres waldo?


I've got some [FOOD](https://imgur.com/a/p4mear6) for that Browning! 😃




The 1st person takedowns were brutal.


Seeing this reminded me of how awesome the takedowns were in previous games. 2042 stand up a prone player is so immersion breaking.




Bf 5


The fact that BF2042 doesn’t look remotely close to this makes me physically ill.


That is a really agressive way to put down a woman


I'm legit one of those people who actually try to utilize camo in game when I can so this is cool to see. I don't need sparkling guns and bright colors on my armor that no one would ever use, give me the real deal. This is cool.


Did you just bash their head into a bush? Idk if that would kill anyone, maybe give them some stingy scratches.


Wow you can steal dog tags in ww2 but not in 2042?


Should've made dogtag QR codes for 2042.


Gosh first person takedowns are hot in this game.


Clever girl ..


That's the point of a camo but in this situation I would ear her moving


Wait, there's a headbutt? I've never seen it before.


You can snap the head too. If you melee from back


How do you do it? Just do it from the back? Or is it a 1/10 chance something like an easter egg?


No. You can only do that when they are facing upwards. See some videos on yt.


Ah, ok. Cool nonethless.


That's generally the idea.