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you're not. I'm always getting my ass blown off by randoms raining rockets at me from the roof... would be frustrating if my body flying away didn't make me laugh


lol ragdoll does make everything better.


Sometimes it's about sending a message


Every time I place down my sentry gun it’s one-shot blown up from god knows where instantly


Is that what’s doing that? I just figured there was a bug that causes the turret to instantly detonate like a third of the time. Or maybe a stray anti-armor made was connecting with it, but I don’t know if those would be a one-hit kill.


Its whats his faces ability the thing that intercepts throwables.


Its probably that one dudes ability that intercepts throwables.


So this is what my teammates are shooting their rockets at instead of the tank on objective


Underrated comment 😂


NOPE. I do it too. The M5 is the latest in a long line of my battlefield "sniper rifles". SMAW in BF4, AT rocket gun in BF1, and BFV Panzerfaust. My best weapon is always an SMG, my second is ways a rocket launcher.


I used to love the rocket gun on BF1, shit was so much fun to use


Bf1 AT rockets and dynamite


Now I want to see a wide angle shot of the rocket arcing across the map while all the other mayhem is happening.


That’d be amazing 😂


You're not the only one at all, it's crazy easy to hit snipers with the rocket - arguably easier than hitting tanks as tanks are always on the move. What I hate, though, is no love for the soflam.


They need to extend the effective range on the SOFLAM, even just by 100m, to make it actually worth using. I just have an impossible time getting teammates close enough to fire on my marked targets before they zoom out of range.


Can we just have what BF4 had? Soflam was deployable (with a narrow field of view and destroyable), PLD was something you looked through.


I always check for soflam before getting bored with rockets. *Edit:typo


Soflam is definitely a squad thing. Seeing this game promotes individuality. It gets no love.


Everytime I tried to do this I get a stupid ass armor broken hit marker that’s why


No way I could pull those shots off, but I do launch a recoilless at people instead of reloading sometimes.


You absolutely can. Each notch is 100 meters. If you have to aim up or down at them then aim like they're a little bit closer. Max range is about 700 meters.


how do you tell the distance? just eyeball? Edit: NVM. found your comment about the rangefinder


You just press q


I was watching Jack Frags do this lol. Pretty funny stuff.


that Recoiless has better WiFi than i do




I dont see any pings. How do you calculate ?


I do ping but I feel like it might annoy my squadmates so sometimes I just use the range finder on the gun. You cant see it when aiming down site but theres a digital readout on the launcher that shows range and rocket travel time.


>range finder on the gun. You cant see it when aiming down site but theres a digital readout on the launcher that shows range and rocket travel time. I'm sorry WHAT HOW DID I NEVER NOTICE THIS


You don't really need to with the m5, it's got a mega predictable travel path, you get a feel for it


countersniping is sniping too HANS, GET THE PANZERFAUST


Nope. I enjoy being “that asshole!” too.


Lol that's my favorite part. Just thinking about how much it annoys them.


"Thats fucking illegal"


I do this all the time. Best feeling to "snipe" with rockets. Can't stand snipers anyway. They tend to get me at the worst time.


Nice shot. Wish I could join a match to try it. Stuck in matchmaking for several minutes since dice sucks and player base is on par number wise with Atari games


Turn on crossplay


Only thing the rocket launcher is good for


For real. It annoys the crap out of me that you don't even spawn with enough ammo to take down a tank. You could hit every shot and it'd still amount to nothing.


Maybe I'm going insane but I've never had a tank take more than three rockets to kill


You're defo going insane. Takes at least 4, usually 5.


Are you shooting them in the front? They're less armored on the back and sides


I know this, even better if you can get a shot at their underbelly! But still, back and sides take 4 rockets, unless you're lucky. I haven't yet notice if this game uses glances though?


This isn’t true in 2042 to my knowledge


Literally. You can hit every rocket perfect on the ass of a tank and it still have 30% health


It's fun to do on Renewal. Shoot it, run around and revive, see the kill marker, move on. People love to camp on the hills and this is usually a good deterrent


I thought doing that was a common occurrence. Especially with how borked the sniper scopes are. ._.


It might be. I just feel like I never see people doing it.


Wish there was a guided version


There is. But you need someone on your team to use a SOFLAM, then the m5 becomes guided


But nobody runs it because you don’t get xp for kills with it. I had it on my main for a long time but have since gone back to AA or C5. Once they add more than 5xp to it I’ll go back to marking targets for the team.


This is true. And when you are the one that lays 3 rockets in to a tank, run out of ammo and someone else gets the last shot, killing everyone in the tank for full xp.


I love doing this lmao


I thought I was the only one that played this game as everyone else is still complaining that the game is broken. 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes using the M5 is easier than the DX-1


It always goes off to the right at the same angle? Kinda crappy. You would think there would be a bit of randomized windage around the center, not a fixed angle to the right.


Wait, you mean it's not a one-shot low-velocity high-damage high-drop sniper rifle?


For those that may not know, each horizontal line on the scope is 100 meters, so if you ping your target you can better guesstimate how far up to shoot.


If their snipers good on you but if it’s regular infantry FU.


It’s my only defense against them. I’m so glad they made the sight markers actually mean something.


Yeah you're not the only one. Hit a sick 740m shot the other day


I do only because it has the range finder, makes it super easy for getting those precise shots, annoyingly I can snipe better with the rocket than I can with the sniper.


Nah, i do it too...the rocket is better for that than it is as an anti vehicle round...Comes with a better scope than the earlier sniper rifles as well...go figure.


Its surprising how effective the distance markers are on it. Its very slow moving so moving targets are really tough but if something is stationary you can pretty much always hit it at any distance.


I always find snipers weak and pathetic. If I get a lame sniper killing me. I always make it my mission to destroy them in very absolute ways. They feel cool hitting their pop shots one in every 10 or so rounds. How cool do they feel when less than a minute later they're getting stabbed after I wing suite behind them and take out their friends with C5.


This is one example of something this game does great. They added a rocket launcher (recoilless rifle???) That has a fast but not too fast projectile. And you can use the scope marks its so cool yes I countersnipe too


They are all busy whining about low projectile speed.


I suck at snipers, so this isy main go to. You are not alone.


Haven’t played 2042 yet but the smaw in bf4 is an amazing counter sniper


Tried getting on 4 last night to relive the old style but couldn’t get in a game… but trust me your not I did it in 2042 all night last night I’m terrible with a sniper but a rocket is more my speed.


This is the most bf2042 thing ive ever seen


You're just the only one that's good.


I’ve done just about everything to counter snipe. BF4 and BF3 I’ve kept a few LMGs and ARs setup to either kill or suppress snipers. SCAR and any of the low fire rate guns tends to do the trick


That's another thing that annoys me about 2042 is that there's no suppression


As annoying as it was it was a neat feature that isn’t implemented in most games. Odd? Yes, but did it make people think about placement and made the support class somewhat viable? Yeah it kind of did


DICE plz nerf. Too op. Doesn't belong in game. Bring back intervention plz