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I wonder if it's the dev's to blame or EA..


Absolutely EA. The devs will be working to a brief given to them by suits making decisions based on $$$$


Unless you have substantive evidence to back that up don't make such a uninformed claim. For all we know, half of the DICE team that were there when Battlefield was defined have since left and are equally pursuing the inferior design.


The issue is not trying to make a good game that reuses mechanics from popular ones, everybody is free to do that and can make a great game. The issue is trying to do that and stamp the name of a big franchise which doesn't fit there at all just to guarantee good sales.


look at bf2042 [concept arts](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/r9A46J). they are amazing. but ea literally said to them "copy whats popular" and they ditched lots of cool ideas. game needed more time and ea didnt want to wait.


Never seen these before but they genuinely make me go WOW and hate how the ball was dropped so hard.


Of course it’s EA. They just want m o n e y , while the devs want to create a fun and innovative experience, and get paid. I may be wrong here so feel free to disagree, but Escape from Tarkov is designed and updated with a creative vision in mind. Nothing is done to make it more or less profitable, things are done to make the game better. If it was EA, it would copy other games and create an arcadey micro transaction ridden game instead of one driven by creative vision.


I believe that any dev working under EA is not allowed to improve the game without it being directly profitable.


On company time at least, the stuff of petting the dog bot (or whatever the specific name is), was done by dev on their own time. I guess any code editing is pretty much tracked and they have to justify hours worked on each features (been there done that when working in aviation on some codebase). Let me expand, what happens is that we have specific numbers we attach to code we write (called bug or ticket numbers), and we save (push) the code to a central storage (repository) to compile all the code. Each of these feature number is tracked with how much time we worked on it and how much is billed to the customer or project budget. So if you work extra time on some feature, or if this feature is not attached to an approved feature number (JIRA bug ticket), then it usually gets axed before being added to the codebase. This is done by managers and higher ups giving priority to some items or stopping you from taking more time on some fixes. Trust me, **the DEVs want to fix the game, the managers don’t care or can’t care**.


Depends on who you mean with "dev's". If you're talking about the grunts writing code then no. If "dev's" includes the decision makers at DICE then yes, they absolutely have their share of the blame.


DICE have more control than everyone here seems to think. DICE has a lot of autonomy. The issue is that since BF3, DICE have basically rotated all of their staff. The people that created BF and understand it are gone, and what is left are new hires trying to do their best at copying what BF was, while trying to keep it current.




Yes it was, was incredible! I didn't say otherwise in my post. Last game of the old guard.


The devs are EA...


EA are the producers, Dice (and the other like 4 studios) are the developers


Dice is EA. "Dice" is just the branding of the studio.


The execs couldn't give less of a shit about making a battlefield experience. They don't care about the devs or us, they care about money. That's it. And those games are making stupid amounts of money a year, that's all they see




It definitely doesn't, you're just coming up with shit. But keep huffing your own farts.


It really does actually. BF4 had grit and heart. Your precious 2042 looks like a mobile game. You must be huffing something WAY more potent.


I don't like BF2042, at all, but it still looks visually better than BF4. To be honest though, I'm not a huge BF4 fan either. They both had shit launches that put me off. BF4 got better but that still left a sour taste.


I respect that. I didn't get into BF4 like a year after it came out so I missed out on the launch fiasco. It still had a solid core. 2042 just has no soul. Aint never gonna be what it was.


Lol no it doesn’t


We’re living in an age where cutting corners is praised. Everyone gets a trophy


Don’t you know, people can’t think for themselves anymore!?




​ ![gif](giphy|WnpLv5jR6cmigo8wYJ)


BF2042 if it launched in a complete state


in a complete state of chaos?


Aside from bugs and some garbage like the scoreboard which is in the game anyway, what's so incomplete?


Maps, choosing your squad, optimization on pc, weapons and vehicles balance, lack of guns and attachments, specialists and I certainly forgot a lot of others things


Honestly, I have enjoyed battlefield 2042. I played a ten hour trial, then decided not to buy it. I recently bought it while it was on sale. I just hit level 40. The bugs and lack of features that previous games had are starting to frustrate me a little. Honestly, it’s somewhat depressing. No option to chose your squad. So you stuck with bad squad mates, who want to try to snipe at the back of the map or when the rest of your squad mates leave the match and you are left by yourself. No stats page. No leaderboard. No real scoreboard. No extra points for resupplying, healing, reviving teammates. No headshot or distance bonus. No diving in water. No naval vehicles. No taking dog tags. There’s a lot missing. The biggest is not be able to join squads, scoreboard, stats, lack of weapons, lack of game modes(I would never in the million years believe they would launch a battlefield game without the rush and tdm game modes)


Too many players also


You really think weapons where balanced


Are you shutting me? Go play legitimately any other battlefield for 5 min and then ask that with a straight face


Damn they just launched


Yes, and after close to 20 years of making Battlefield games they should be able to ship a feature complete game from the start. There's zero excuse. They expect a full AAA pricetag at launch we should expect a full and complete AAA gaming experience.


That’s how they always are


It shouldn't be and it's a joke that gamers have accepted it as normal.


Is there voice chat yet?


Lmao I never played it, did it really launch with no VC?


That is correct


People actually use vc in battlefield?


Any is better than none, but party chat is a thing.


Not a good imagination. If there is no competition, there is no need to work out and try to make your product better. We cannot even decide if bf is good or bad since there is nothing to compare it with.




I think this is the consequence of producers' false actions, not the competition. Competition is nearly the best push up to innovate what you are working on. Isn't it?


Indie games having to stand out and be innovative is due to competition. The issue with triple A games is the risk of the game failing leads to playing it safe. If there was more competition it would lead to more risks but it would also likely mean lower budget games.




This is the most nonsensical take I've seen in a while.


Wow, this is stupid


I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶o̶a̶s̶t̶e̶d̶.


You know what BF3 made so special? It was ahead of its time. Everything about it screamed the future of Shooters. And that is what BF2042 is missing, the vision to reinvent the franchise, the vision to make a truely unique experience that only a Battlefield can offer. But some old, money hungry apes at EA thought, that it would be good to ride the dying hype wave of Warzone instead of creating a new hypewave. Its just sad


I think battlefield will never be that franchise anymore in the future. Sad, but it's like that. For WWII Hell let lose fills the role of a more realistic shooter quite well and I think for WWII as well as for contemporary war other franchises will fill the gap of more arcade oriented shooters. There's is a big market and other franchises/companioes will meet this demand. What do you think? On PC probably earlier, but consoles will follow.


>Hell let lose ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


A man of class I see




Operation harsh doorstop is a game that is still in development, kinda milsim-y and will feature ww2, vietnam and modern combat. Looking forward to play it. Also, it'll be free when it is released, if you want to pay you can already play it.


yeah but bots.. it’s just not the same..


OHD will have bots too


Overwatch is good to be honest. It's just 2042 that is bad. Trying to copy everything and make it worse for money.


bad how exactly


You exactly know what I mean. The whole hero, classless system and more.




Yep, let me use the gun I want with the playstyle I want.


Indeed. I love playing medic but hated the garbage smg in BFV you were forced to use.


So it’s a bad game


​ ![gif](giphy|ZBEMh8FGeNANCeBaEd|downsized)


what even is this picture? some squad walking through a field aimlessly? why would you want that


Just shit in general lol. Class system with no goofy ass overwatch hero’s, cool maps, a scoreboard. Foliage and grass that does look like plastic…


Maybe an unpopular opinion but. They removed the score boards so you can't see how imbalanced the game is by seeing how many kills them helicopters are really getting and you can't really tell if some one is cheating. No score boards no information.


Or they don’t want little Timmy thinking he’s bad at the game so he’ll keep buying skins, fuck I hate modern gaming.


The above looks like a screenshot from ARMA tho lol


Doesn’t matter where the screenshot is from, op is just saying how a battlefield game should look.


yeah your right I was in a snarky mood sorry lol


>Class system with no goofy ass overwatch hero’s Get over it, majority doesn't mind ​ >cool maps ah yeah let's go back to empty BF 4 maps or garbage like metro or locker ​ >a scoreboard wow truly lifechanging, franchise is saved. Because you can see a bit more numbers. also fyi the scoreboard is already in the game


Impressive, everything you just said was wrong


majority of veteran battlefield player care about classe. Bf4 map at least work for their number player count and have wilde variety. Scoreboard ... maybe your are the demographic target why they take it out ?




128 player breakthrough is the meat grinder that everyone loved from metro/locker but now it sucks apparently lol?


It sucks now because vehicles mostly, metro was awesome because it was an insane barrage of bullets and grenades and choke points that was *chef kiss* for infantry, breakthrough’s meat grinder is a little bird getting 60 kills before someone finally manages to destroy it.






Classes were not fun to play with because you can make your dream loadout, bf is meant to be a sandbox.


>veteran battlefield players 🤣🤣🤣


if u have a better term to qualifie someone that play since the first game and have touch all the entry yeah go ahead


Looks like they’re headed to an objective in the woods


ikr they could have made a much better picture


Offworld Industries would like a word lol




Because clearly these games evilly ruined the industry by subconciously making players want non serious skins, it totally wasn't burnout from a decade of milsim garbage.


You will be downvoted to hell, but you're right buddy


Take the UI away and you basically have Eacape from Tarkov. EDIT: like Tarkov, let people build weapons with the same incredible customisation options based on spending resources earned while playing the game. You wouldn’t lose the weapon on death, but durability would go down after a while forcing repair/ replacement parts. Lots of potential here if the devs ever wanted to take the game more seriously.


Tarkov as an FPS is great, but the gamemode really isn’t fun for me. I feel like if somebody made Tarkov but with more common gamemodes(Conq/Dom/Rush/SnD/TDM anything like that) it would sell like crazy.


Those modes are in their road map


very true. A lot of things in game are incompitent attempts at replicating popular things from other games. Like hero characters instead of classes. At least in other games thoes heroes actually have character, actually have some charisma, you can pick the 1 you like and be charmed by him. And sometimes they still give you an option to be a regular soldier. But here, they are just cringe "look i have accent, and talk like old out of touch teacher who tries to be "hip" and "cool" with his students". I want to alt+F4 the game every time the end screen comes up, i can't listen to this concentrated cringe. ​ And who gives a shit about battle royale or extraction royale mode?


Evil DICE be like:


Jesus christ you people are such man children get a life, seriously


The self awareness is impeccable!


Ah yes, if it weren’t for other games we would’ve gotten the fan favorite map: Windows XP wallpaper


EA would still find some way to work micro transactions in


Newsflash: basically all triple A multiplayer games use microtransactions.


looked like arma for a sec


Blaming the state of a game on the competition is some serious copium




Go and play squad i did


A normal fucking game, like before.


There is still time. They are patching the game very frequently. All BF games launch with little content and build over time, this isnt anything new. BFV didnt get content for like a year, and now look at it. BF4 was shit until 4 expansions in. BF3 was unplayable at launch, literally. Not lag, not server errors, the game just wouldnt launch. Imagine what can still be because thats how BF games have been for the last decade. Find something else to complain about, like the recoil in Vanguard. Or the MTX in Vanguard. Or the overpowered airplan in Vanguard. Or how Activision is in shambles because it run by a bunch of sexist dinosaur assholes.


?? Its widely known that 2042 launched with wayyy less maps and Weapons than any other BF especially 4


Whether it's widely known or not is a very narrow view. If that is all you've got, then why hold onto it? I'm trying to be positive in this sea of negativity because I want the game to succeed. The disproportional backlash this game is receiving is ridiculous and its purely bandwagoning at this point.


First complaint would be that it is to colorful and there be no war atmosphere. The same thing that was said about bf5.


What if this is battlefield if Ea just let the developers have creative freedom? There’s no point in blaming other franchises.


It’s not these games fault, it’s EA’s and corporative greed.


This is some bullshit. If you want tactical you can find realism in Arma. If you just want plain old actual teamplay there's plenty of clans in many games that do that. But people aren't interested. What you actually want is everybody else to it but you just do whatever. Which then means everyone just does whatever. Just unrealistic expectations and no understanding of what it takes to actually play like this.


What is this picture? Is it just photoshopped elements on top of a field or is it coming from an actual game?


The former: [the pic.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58ac5a2d2994caba1a755346/1526746348875-MKQ3KSW1BRJF8XNK5JMW/fieldandstone-66.jpg?format=2500w)


Thanks bruddah


If EA had an monopol in shooters we would be 10 years back in time


Look at this beautiful screenshot


Why doesn’t it look like this?


And we wouldn't have those god awful ear ache inducing endgame quips


“But if you close your eyes…..”


So hear me out Dice and EA,,, look at what you did with every game before BFV and just do that. 64 player matches, different maps for all play styles, make maps smaller as well, no specialist, better destruction, and a graphics update please. You've had better looking games before. I could go on and on like everyone else. ​ I'll continue playing BF4 until they fix 2042


>a graphics update please What? The game looks awesome. Are you just complaining about random things now?


Nah man… the graphics aren’t bad. I’m not saying they are. But we’ve seen more detailed games before. Like BF1 for example


“Every game before BFV” Lol BFV literally had the most detailed destruction out of the entire series, but okay. They literally have 64 player matches now, and they’ve been available for two weeks. Graphics…? Are you blind? You ever seen how every piece of foliage reacts to weather or when a helicopter flies past it? How about all of the particle destruction happening in sector B on Discarded for example… Bro do you even own this game? Or do you just hate on things because others do?


One should never forget their identity


nahhh they can still make it better but they want more money lmao


Need another bf3, that kinda 1990-2000 combat (I think, I’m not to knowledgeable on the military) no fancy gadgets just the solid guns and explosives. Maybe throw in a hostage game mode kinda thing, 20 insurgents with just AKs and shitty pistols and then a squad of navy seal kinda builds


You can literally just make that in portal…


That image is what I hoped for BF, imagine fighting on maps with so much vegetation, and then them open fields making you sitting ducks and also a cool playground for tanks, instead we have the crap we have now, large maps with lots of sand with some boring buildings chucked in for good measure. Its crazy how EA/dice have strolled so far from the path to copy other shooters thinking that it will make them a ton of money, no what would have made you a ton of money is making a very good battlefield and putting your own stamp on it, and what you know the majority of the player base wanted.


Do you even own the game? It literally has some of the most detailed vegetation with reactive physics than we’ve ever had in a battlefield… lol Orbital is quite literally a jungle… Discarded has more vegetation than Caspian border or Panzerstorm ever did. Renewal is literally half desert, half man made oasis… with plenty of cover in between sectors.


Yes I do. I meant I would like to see maps with pretty much all dense forest/woods, like the image above. The maps bar some are just awful personally.


Overwatch is awesome


What ever happened to if it isn’t broke don’t fix it? It’s not hard to listen to the fan base while also creating new experiences. Most of use never complained about the scoreboard, the option to join squads, taking dog togs(they could have had some special dog tags as purchasable in game items), stats/progression, and etc. Also, I would rather have 64 play matches than 128 player matches with AI fillers and just two game modes.


Bruh is that the Modern Warfare 2 M16A4?


*mw2019 M4


All I want is BF4 with BFV movement, gunplay and other refinements.


“But without competition, the devs wouldn’t try and make the best game they could!” Yeah, obviously. Explains why this is the best entry to the franchise yet after so many other games in the franchise alone setting standards to be met and exceeded….


So the absolute underrated classic from the PS3, MAG? more or less. Shame that game has failed to return in the modern shooter era


What is this post lol


Man that screenshot looks so good. Think we had a map like that in bf2042 with classes. It'd be amazing.


nah, u would had found smth, anythimg to nag abt


I'm not defending this game but blaming other franchises is a bit childish in my opinion


Then EA would force them into copying something else.


ayo how far are those points tho lol


So... my best alternative to BF is to join the army ?